/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include "av1/common/timing.h" /* Tables for AV1 max bitrates for different levels of main and high tier. * The tables are in Kbps instead of Mbps in the specification. * Note that depending on the profile, a multiplier is needed. */ #define UNDEFINED_RATE \ (1 << 21) // Placeholder rate for levels with undefined rate #define INVALID_RATE \ (0) // For invalid profile-level configuration, set rate to 0 /* Max Bitrates for levels of Main Tier in kbps. Bitrate in main_kbps [31] */ /* is a dummy value. The decoder model is not applicable for level 31. */ static int32_t main_kbps[1 << LEVEL_BITS] = { 1500, 3000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, 6000, 10000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, 12000, 20000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, 30000, 40000, 60000, 60000, 60000, 100000, 160000, 160000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE }; /* Max Bitrates for levels of High Tier in kbps. Bitrate in high_kbps [31] */ /* is a dummy value. The decoder model is not applicable for level 31. */ static int32_t high_kbps[1 << LEVEL_BITS] = { INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, INVALID_RATE, 30000, 50000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, 100000, 160000, 240000, 240000, 240000, 480000, 800000, 800000, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE, UNDEFINED_RATE }; /* BitrateProfileFactor */ static int bitrate_profile_factor[1 << PROFILE_BITS] = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int64_t av1_max_level_bitrate(BITSTREAM_PROFILE seq_profile, int seq_level_idx, int seq_tier) { int64_t bitrate; if (seq_tier) { bitrate = high_kbps[seq_level_idx] * bitrate_profile_factor[seq_profile]; } else { bitrate = main_kbps[seq_level_idx] * bitrate_profile_factor[seq_profile]; } return bitrate * 1000; } void av1_set_aom_dec_model_info(aom_dec_model_info_t *decoder_model) { decoder_model->encoder_decoder_buffer_delay_length = 16; decoder_model->buffer_removal_time_length = 10; decoder_model->frame_presentation_time_length = 10; } void av1_set_dec_model_op_parameters(aom_dec_model_op_parameters_t *op_params) { op_params->decoder_model_param_present_flag = 1; op_params->decoder_buffer_delay = 90000 >> 1; // 0.5 s op_params->encoder_buffer_delay = 90000 >> 1; // 0.5 s op_params->low_delay_mode_flag = 0; op_params->display_model_param_present_flag = 1; op_params->initial_display_delay = 8; // 8 frames delay } void av1_set_resource_availability_parameters( aom_dec_model_op_parameters_t *op_params) { op_params->decoder_model_param_present_flag = 0; op_params->decoder_buffer_delay = 70000; // Resource availability mode default op_params->encoder_buffer_delay = 20000; // Resource availability mode default op_params->low_delay_mode_flag = 0; // Resource availability mode default op_params->display_model_param_present_flag = 1; op_params->initial_display_delay = 8; // 8 frames delay }