# # Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved # # This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and the # Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License was # not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can obtain it # at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open Media Patent # License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the PATENTS file, you # can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. include("${AOM_ROOT}/build/cmake/util.cmake") # This file sets default values for libaom configuration variables. All libaom # config variables are added to the CMake variable cache via the macros provided # in util.cmake. # # The variables in this section of the file are detected at configuration time, # but can be overridden via the use of CONFIG_* and ENABLE_* values also defined # in this file. # set_aom_detect_var(INLINE "" "Sets INLINE value for current target.") # CPUs. set_aom_detect_var(AOM_ARCH_AARCH64 0 "Enables AArch64 architecture.") set_aom_detect_var(AOM_ARCH_ARM 0 "Enables ARM architecture.") set_aom_detect_var(AOM_ARCH_PPC 0 "Enables PPC architecture.") set_aom_detect_var(AOM_ARCH_X86 0 "Enables X86 architecture.") set_aom_detect_var(AOM_ARCH_X86_64 0 "Enables X86_64 architecture.") # Arm/AArch64 feature flags. set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_NEON 0 "Enables Neon intrinsics optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_ARM_CRC32 0 "Enables Arm CRC32 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_NEON_DOTPROD 0 "Enables Armv8.2-A Neon dotprod intrinsics optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_NEON_I8MM 0 "Enables Armv8.2-A Neon i8mm intrinsics optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SVE 0 "Enables Armv8.2-A SVE intrinsics optimizations.") # PPC feature flags. set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_VSX 0 "Enables VSX optimizations.") # x86/x86_64 feature flags. set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_MMX 0 "Enables MMX optimizations. ") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSE 0 "Enables SSE optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSE2 0 "Enables SSE2 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSE3 0 "Enables SSE3 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSSE3 0 "Enables SSSE3 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSE4_1 0 "Enables SSE 4.1 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_SSE4_2 0 "Enables SSE 4.2 optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_AVX 0 "Enables AVX optimizations.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_AVX2 0 "Enables AVX2 optimizations.") # Flags describing the build environment. set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_FEXCEPT 0 "Internal flag, GNU fenv.h present for target.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_PTHREAD_H 0 "Internal flag, target pthread support.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_UNISTD_H 0 "Internal flag, unistd.h present for target.") set_aom_detect_var(HAVE_WXWIDGETS 0 "WxWidgets present.") # # Variables in this section can be set from the CMake command line or from # within the CMake GUI. The variables control libaom features. # # Build configuration flags. set_aom_config_var(AOM_RTCD_FLAGS "" "Arguments to pass to rtcd.pl. Separate with ';'") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_AV1_DECODER 1 "Enable AV1 decoder.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_AV1_ENCODER 1 "Enable AV1 encoder.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN 0 "Internal flag.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_FPMT_TEST 0 "Enable FPMT testing.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_GCC 0 "Building with GCC (detect).") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_GCOV 0 "Enable gcov support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_GPROF 0 "Enable gprof support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_LIBYUV 1 "Enables libyuv scaling/conversion support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_AV1_HIGHBITDEPTH 1 "Build with high bitdepth support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_AV1_TEMPORAL_DENOISING 0 "Build with temporal denoising support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_MULTITHREAD 1 "Multithread support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_OS_SUPPORT 0 "Internal flag.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_PIC 0 "Build with PIC enabled.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY 0 "Build for RTC-only. See aomcx.h for all disabled features.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_RUNTIME_CPU_DETECT 1 "Runtime CPU detection support.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_SHARED 0 "Build shared libs.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_WEBM_IO 1 "Enables WebM support.") # Debugging flags. set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_DEBUG 0 "Enable debug-only code.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_EXCLUDE_SIMD_MISMATCH 0 "Exclude mismatch in SIMD functions for testing/debugging.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_MISMATCH_DEBUG 0 "Mismatch debugging flag.") # AV1 feature flags. set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_ACCOUNTING 0 "Enables bit accounting.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_ANALYZER 0 "Enables bit stream analyzer.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_COEFFICIENT_RANGE_CHECKING 0 "Coefficient range check.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_DENOISE 1 "Denoise/noise modeling support in encoder.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_INSPECTION 0 "Enables bitstream inspection.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS 0 "Enables internal encoder stats.") set_aom_config_var(FORCE_HIGHBITDEPTH_DECODING 0 "Force high bitdepth decoding pipeline on 8-bit input.") mark_as_advanced(FORCE_HIGHBITDEPTH_DECODING) set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_MAX_DECODE_PROFILE 2 "Max profile to support decoding.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_NORMAL_TILE_MODE 0 "Only enables general decoding (disables large scale tile decoding).") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_SIZE_LIMIT 0 "Limit max decode width/height.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_SPATIAL_RESAMPLING 1 "Spatial resampling.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI 0 "Enable encoding tuning for Butteraugli.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_TUNE_VMAF 0 "Enable encoding tuning for VMAF.") set_aom_config_var(DECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT 0 "Set limit for decode height.") set_aom_config_var(DECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT 0 "Set limit for decode width.") set_aom_config_var(STATIC_LINK_JXL 0 "Statically link the JPEG-XL library.") # AV1 experiment flags. set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_BITRATE_ACCURACY 0 "AV1 experiment: Improve bitrate accuracy.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_BITRATE_ACCURACY_BL 0 "AV1 experiment: Baseline of improve bitrate accuracy experiment.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_BITSTREAM_DEBUG 0 "AV1 experiment: Bitstream debugging.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_COLLECT_COMPONENT_TIMING 0 "AV1 experiment: Collect encoding component timing information.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_COLLECT_PARTITION_STATS 0 "AV1 experiment: Collect partition timing stats. Can be 1 or 2.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_COLLECT_RD_STATS 0 "AV1 experiment.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_DISABLE_FULL_PIXEL_SPLIT_8X8 1 "AV1 experiment: Disable full_pixel_motion_search_based_split on BLOCK_8X8.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_ENTROPY_STATS 0 "AV1 experiment.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_INTER_STATS_ONLY 0 "AV1 experiment.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_NN_V2 0 "AV1 experiment: Fully-connected neural nets ver.2.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_OPTICAL_FLOW_API 0 "AV1 experiment: for optical flow API.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_PARTITION_SEARCH_ORDER 0 "AV1 experiment: Use alternative partition search order.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_RATECTRL_LOG 0 "AV1 experiment: Log rate control decision.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_RD_COMMAND 0 "AV1 experiment: Use external rdmult and q_index.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_RD_DEBUG 0 "AV1 experiment.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_RT_ML_PARTITIONING 0 "AV1 experiment: Build with ML-based partitioning for Real Time.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_SPEED_STATS 0 "AV1 experiment.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_TFLITE 0 "AV1 experiment: Enable tensorflow lite library.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_THREE_PASS 0 "AV1 experiment: Enable three-pass encoding.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_OUTPUT_FRAME_SIZE 0 "AV1 experiment: Output frame size information.") set_aom_config_var( CONFIG_SALIENCY_MAP 0 "AV1 experiment: Enable saliency map based encoding tuning for VMAF.") set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_CWG_C013 0 "AV1 experiment: Support for 7.x and 8.x levels.") # Add this change to make aomenc reported PSNR consistent with libvmaf result. set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_LIBVMAF_PSNR_PEAK 1 "Use libvmaf PSNR peak for 10- and 12-bit") # # Variables in this section control optional features of the build system. # set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_CCACHE "Enable ccache support." OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_DECODE_PERF_TESTS "Enables decoder performance tests" OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_DISTCC "Enable distcc support." OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_DOCS "Enable documentation generation (doxygen required)." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_ENCODE_PERF_TESTS "Enables encoder performance tests" OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_EXAMPLES "Enables build of example code." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_GOMA "Enable goma support." OFF) set_aom_option_var( ENABLE_IDE_TEST_HOSTING "Enables running tests within IDEs like Visual Studio and Xcode." OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_NASM "Use nasm instead of yasm for x86 assembly." OFF) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_TESTDATA "Enables unit test data download targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_TESTS "Enables unit tests." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_TOOLS "Enable applications in tools sub directory." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_WERROR "Converts warnings to errors at compile time." OFF) # Arm/AArch64 assembly/intrinsics flags. set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_NEON "Enables Neon optimizations on Arm/AArch64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_ARM_CRC32 "Enables Arm CRC32 optimizations." ON) set_aom_option_var( ENABLE_NEON_DOTPROD "Enables Armv8.2-A Neon dotprod optimizations on AArch64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var( ENABLE_NEON_I8MM "Enables Armv8.2-A Neon i8mm optimizations on AArch64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SVE "Enables Armv8.2-A SVE optimizations on AArch64 targets." ON) # VSX intrinsics flags. set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_VSX "Enables VSX optimizations on PowerPC targets." ON) # x86/x86_64 assembly/intrinsics flags. set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_MMX "Enables MMX optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSE "Enables SSE optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSE2 "Enables SSE2 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSE3 "Enables SSE3 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSSE3 "Enables SSSE3 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSE4_1 "Enables SSE4_1 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_SSE4_2 "Enables SSE4_2 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_AVX "Enables AVX optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON) set_aom_option_var(ENABLE_AVX2 "Enables AVX2 optimizations on x86/x86_64 targets." ON)