/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include "av1/common/common.h" #include "av1/encoder/firstpass.h" #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { TEST(FirstpassTest, FirstpassInfoInitWithExtBuf) { FIRSTPASS_INFO firstpass_info; FIRSTPASS_STATS ext_stats_buf[10]; const int ref_stats_size = 10; for (int i = 0; i < ref_stats_size; ++i) { av1_zero(ext_stats_buf[i]); ext_stats_buf[i].frame = i; } aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_init(&firstpass_info, ext_stats_buf, 10); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, ref_stats_size); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.future_stats_count + firstpass_info.past_stats_count, firstpass_info.stats_count); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.cur_index, 0); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } TEST(FirstpassTest, FirstpassInfoInitWithStaticBuf) { FIRSTPASS_INFO firstpass_info; aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_init(&firstpass_info, nullptr, 0); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, 0); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.cur_index, 0); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } TEST(FirstpassTest, FirstpassInfoPushPop) { FIRSTPASS_INFO firstpass_info; av1_firstpass_info_init(&firstpass_info, nullptr, 0); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_buf_size, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE; ++i) { FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); stats.frame = i; aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE); const int pop_count = FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE / 2; for (int i = 0; i < pop_count; ++i) { const FIRSTPASS_STATS *stats = av1_firstpass_info_peek(&firstpass_info, 0); aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_move_cur_index_and_pop(&firstpass_info); EXPECT_NE(stats, nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(stats->frame, i); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE - pop_count); const int push_count = FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE / 2; for (int i = 0; i < push_count; ++i) { FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, firstpass_info.stats_buf_size); { // Push the stats when the queue is full. FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_ERROR); } } TEST(FirstpassTest, FirstpassInfoTotalStats) { FIRSTPASS_INFO firstpass_info; av1_firstpass_info_init(&firstpass_info, nullptr, 0); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.total_stats.frame, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); stats.count = 1; av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.total_stats.count, 10); } TEST(FirstpassTest, FirstpassInfoMoveCurr) { FIRSTPASS_INFO firstpass_info; av1_firstpass_info_init(&firstpass_info, nullptr, 0); int frame_cnt = 0; EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_buf_size, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE; ++i) { FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); stats.frame = frame_cnt; ++frame_cnt; aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.cur_index, firstpass_info.start_index); { aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_pop(&firstpass_info); // We cannot pop when cur_index == start_index EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_ERROR); } int ref_frame_cnt = 0; const int move_count = FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE * 2 / 3; for (int i = 0; i < move_count; ++i) { const FIRSTPASS_STATS *this_stats = av1_firstpass_info_peek(&firstpass_info, 0); EXPECT_EQ(this_stats->frame, ref_frame_cnt); ++ref_frame_cnt; av1_firstpass_info_move_cur_index(&firstpass_info); } EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.future_stats_count, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE - move_count); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.past_stats_count, move_count); EXPECT_EQ(firstpass_info.stats_count, FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE); const int test_count = FIRSTPASS_INFO_STATIC_BUF_SIZE / 2; for (int i = 0; i < test_count; ++i) { aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_pop(&firstpass_info); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } // Pop #test_count stats for (int i = 0; i < test_count; ++i) { FIRSTPASS_STATS stats; av1_zero(stats); stats.frame = frame_cnt; ++frame_cnt; aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_push(&firstpass_info, &stats); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } // peek and move #test_count stats for (int i = 0; i < test_count; ++i) { const FIRSTPASS_STATS *this_stats = av1_firstpass_info_peek(&firstpass_info, 0); EXPECT_EQ(this_stats->frame, ref_frame_cnt); ++ref_frame_cnt; av1_firstpass_info_move_cur_index(&firstpass_info); } // pop #test_count stats for (int i = 0; i < test_count; ++i) { aom_codec_err_t ret = av1_firstpass_info_pop(&firstpass_info); EXPECT_EQ(ret, AOM_CODEC_OK); } } } // namespace