/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "config/aom_config.h" #include "av1/common/av1_common_int.h" #include "av1/common/blockd.h" #include "av1/common/enums.h" #include "av1/common/mv.h" #include "av1/common/mvref_common.h" #include "av1/common/tile_common.h" namespace { TEST(IntrabcTest, DvValidation) { struct DvTestCase { MV dv; int mi_row_offset; int mi_col_offset; BLOCK_SIZE bsize; bool valid; }; const int kSubPelScale = 8; const int kTileMaxMibWidth = 8; const DvTestCase kDvCases[] = { { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_128X128, false }, { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_64X64, false }, { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_32X32, false }, { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_16X16, false }, { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_8X8, false }, { { 0, 0 }, 0, 0, BLOCK_4X4, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_16X16, true }, { { 0, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_16X16, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, 0 }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_16X16, true }, { { MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, 0 }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_16X16, false }, { { 0, MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_16X16, false }, { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, true }, { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale }, 32 / MI_SIZE, 32 / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, false }, { { -32 * kSubPelScale - kSubPelScale / 2, -32 * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, false }, { { -33 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, true }, { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -32 * kSubPelScale - kSubPelScale / 2 }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, false }, { { -32 * kSubPelScale, -33 * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_32X32, true }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, true }, { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale, -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, true }, { { -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale, -(MAX_SB_SIZE - 1) * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, (kTileMaxMibWidth - 2) * MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, { { -MAX_SB_SIZE * kSubPelScale, ((kTileMaxMibWidth - 2) * MAX_SB_SIZE + 1) * kSubPelScale }, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, MAX_SB_SIZE / MI_SIZE, BLOCK_LARGEST, false }, }; MACROBLOCKD xd; memset(&xd, 0, sizeof(xd)); xd.tile.mi_row_start = 8 * MAX_MIB_SIZE; xd.tile.mi_row_end = 16 * MAX_MIB_SIZE; xd.tile.mi_col_start = 24 * MAX_MIB_SIZE; xd.tile.mi_col_end = xd.tile.mi_col_start + kTileMaxMibWidth * MAX_MIB_SIZE; xd.plane[1].subsampling_x = 1; xd.plane[1].subsampling_y = 1; xd.plane[2].subsampling_x = 1; xd.plane[2].subsampling_y = 1; SequenceHeader seq_params = {}; AV1_COMMON cm; memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm)); cm.seq_params = &seq_params; for (const DvTestCase &dv_case : kDvCases) { const int mi_row = xd.tile.mi_row_start + dv_case.mi_row_offset; const int mi_col = xd.tile.mi_col_start + dv_case.mi_col_offset; xd.is_chroma_ref = is_chroma_reference(mi_row, mi_col, dv_case.bsize, xd.plane[1].subsampling_x, xd.plane[1].subsampling_y); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(dv_case.valid), av1_is_dv_valid(dv_case.dv, &cm, &xd, mi_row, mi_col, dv_case.bsize, MAX_MIB_SIZE_LOG2)); } } } // namespace