/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include "av1/common/quant_common.h" #include "av1/encoder/rd.h" #include "aom/aom_codec.h" #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { TEST(RdTest, GetDeltaqOffsetValueTest1) { aom_bit_depth_t bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8; double beta = 4; int q_index = 29; int dc_q_step = av1_dc_quant_QTX(q_index, 0, static_cast(bit_depth)); EXPECT_EQ(dc_q_step, 32); int ref_new_dc_q_step = static_cast(round(dc_q_step / sqrt(beta))); EXPECT_EQ(ref_new_dc_q_step, 16); int delta_q = av1_get_deltaq_offset(bit_depth, q_index, beta); int new_dc_q_step = av1_dc_quant_QTX(q_index, delta_q, static_cast(bit_depth)); EXPECT_EQ(new_dc_q_step, ref_new_dc_q_step); } TEST(RdTest, GetDeltaqOffsetValueTest2) { aom_bit_depth_t bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8; double beta = 1.0 / 4.0; int q_index = 29; int dc_q_step = av1_dc_quant_QTX(q_index, 0, static_cast(bit_depth)); EXPECT_EQ(dc_q_step, 32); int ref_new_dc_q_step = static_cast(round(dc_q_step / sqrt(beta))); EXPECT_EQ(ref_new_dc_q_step, 64); int delta_q = av1_get_deltaq_offset(bit_depth, q_index, beta); int new_dc_q_step = av1_dc_quant_QTX(q_index, delta_q, static_cast(bit_depth)); EXPECT_EQ(new_dc_q_step, ref_new_dc_q_step); } TEST(RdTest, GetDeltaqOffsetBoundaryTest1) { aom_bit_depth_t bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8; double beta = 0.000000001; std::vector q_index_ls = { 254, 255 }; for (auto q_index : q_index_ls) { int delta_q = av1_get_deltaq_offset(bit_depth, q_index, beta); EXPECT_EQ(q_index + delta_q, 255); } } TEST(RdTest, GetDeltaqOffsetBoundaryTest2) { aom_bit_depth_t bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8; double beta = 100; std::vector q_index_ls = { 1, 0 }; for (auto q_index : q_index_ls) { int delta_q = av1_get_deltaq_offset(bit_depth, q_index, beta); EXPECT_EQ(q_index + delta_q, 0); } } TEST(RdTest, GetDeltaqOffsetUnitaryTest1) { aom_bit_depth_t bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8; double beta = 1; for (int q_index = 0; q_index < 255; ++q_index) { int delta_q = av1_get_deltaq_offset(bit_depth, q_index, beta); EXPECT_EQ(delta_q, 0); } } } // namespace