/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include #include #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "config/aom_config.h" #include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h" #include "aom_ports/mem.h" #include "test/acm_random.h" #include "test/register_state_check.h" #include "test/util.h" #include "test/function_equivalence_test.h" using libaom_test::ACMRandom; using libaom_test::FunctionEquivalenceTest; using ::testing::Combine; using ::testing::Range; using ::testing::Values; using ::testing::ValuesIn; namespace { const int kNumIterations = 10000; typedef uint64_t (*SSI16Func)(const int16_t *src, int src_stride, int width, int height, int *sum); typedef libaom_test::FuncParam TestFuncs; class SumSSETest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { public: ~SumSSETest() override = default; void SetUp() override { params_ = this->GetParam(); rnd_.Reset(ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed()); src_ = reinterpret_cast(aom_memalign(16, 256 * 256 * 2)); ASSERT_NE(src_, nullptr); } void TearDown() override { aom_free(src_); } void RunTest(int isRandom); void RunSpeedTest(); void GenRandomData(int width, int height, int stride) { const int msb = 11; // Up to 12 bit input const int limit = 1 << (msb + 1); for (int ii = 0; ii < height; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < width; jj++) { src_[ii * stride + jj] = rnd_(2) ? rnd_(limit) : -rnd_(limit); } } } void GenExtremeData(int width, int height, int stride) { const int msb = 11; // Up to 12 bit input const int limit = 1 << (msb + 1); const int val = rnd_(2) ? limit - 1 : -(limit - 1); for (int ii = 0; ii < height; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < width; jj++) { src_[ii * stride + jj] = val; } } } protected: TestFuncs params_; int16_t *src_; ACMRandom rnd_; }; GTEST_ALLOW_UNINSTANTIATED_PARAMETERIZED_TEST(SumSSETest); void SumSSETest::RunTest(int isRandom) { for (int k = 0; k < kNumIterations; k++) { const int width = 4 * (rnd_(31) + 1); // Up to 128x128 const int height = 4 * (rnd_(31) + 1); // Up to 128x128 int stride = 4 << rnd_(7); // Up to 256 stride while (stride < width) { // Make sure it's valid stride = 4 << rnd_(7); } if (isRandom) { GenRandomData(width, height, stride); } else { GenExtremeData(width, height, stride); } int sum_ref = 0, sum_tst = 0; const uint64_t sse_ref = params_.ref_func(src_, stride, width, height, &sum_ref); const uint64_t sse_tst = params_.tst_func(src_, stride, width, height, &sum_tst); EXPECT_EQ(sse_ref, sse_tst) << "Error: SumSSETest [" << width << "x" << height << "] C SSE does not match optimized output."; EXPECT_EQ(sum_ref, sum_tst) << "Error: SumSSETest [" << width << "x" << height << "] C Sum does not match optimized output."; } } void SumSSETest::RunSpeedTest() { for (int block = BLOCK_4X4; block < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; block++) { const int width = block_size_wide[block]; // Up to 128x128 const int height = block_size_high[block]; // Up to 128x128 int stride = 4 << rnd_(7); // Up to 256 stride while (stride < width) { // Make sure it's valid stride = 4 << rnd_(7); } GenExtremeData(width, height, stride); const int num_loops = 1000000000 / (width + height); int sum_ref = 0, sum_tst = 0; aom_usec_timer timer; aom_usec_timer_start(&timer); for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i) params_.ref_func(src_, stride, width, height, &sum_ref); aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer); const int elapsed_time = static_cast(aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer)); printf("SumSquaresTest C %3dx%-3d: %7.2f ns\n", width, height, 1000.0 * elapsed_time / num_loops); aom_usec_timer timer1; aom_usec_timer_start(&timer1); for (int i = 0; i < num_loops; ++i) params_.tst_func(src_, stride, width, height, &sum_tst); aom_usec_timer_mark(&timer1); const int elapsed_time1 = static_cast(aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer1)); printf("SumSquaresTest Test %3dx%-3d: %7.2f ns\n", width, height, 1000.0 * elapsed_time1 / num_loops); } } TEST_P(SumSSETest, OperationCheck) { RunTest(1); // GenRandomData } TEST_P(SumSSETest, ExtremeValues) { RunTest(0); // GenExtremeData } TEST_P(SumSSETest, DISABLED_Speed) { RunSpeedTest(); } #if HAVE_SSE2 INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SSE2, SumSSETest, ::testing::Values(TestFuncs( &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_c, &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_sse2))); #endif // HAVE_SSE2 #if HAVE_NEON INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NEON, SumSSETest, ::testing::Values(TestFuncs( &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_c, &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_neon))); #endif // HAVE_NEON #if HAVE_AVX2 INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(AVX2, SumSSETest, ::testing::Values(TestFuncs( &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_c, &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_avx2))); #endif // HAVE_AVX2 #if HAVE_SVE INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SVE, SumSSETest, ::testing::Values(TestFuncs(&aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_c, &aom_sum_sse_2d_i16_sve))); #endif // HAVE_SVE } // namespace