REM Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be REM found in the LICENSE file. @echo off setlocal REM This script is meant to be run once to setup the example demo agent. REM Run it with one command line argument: the path to a directory where the REM demo agent will be built. This should be a directory outside the SDK REM directory tree. By default, if no directory is supplied, a directory REM named `build` in the project root will be used. REM REM Once the build is prepared, the demo binary is built using the command REM `cmake --build `, where is the same argument given REM to this script. set ROOT_DIR=%~dp0 call :ABSPATH "%ROOT_DIR%\demo" DEMO_DIR call :ABSPATH "%ROOT_DIR%\proto" PROTO_DIR REM BUILD_DIR defaults to $ROOT_DIR/build if no argument is provided. IF "%1" == "" ( call :ABSPATH "%ROOT_DIR%\build" BUILD_DIR ) ELSE ( set BUILD_DIR=%~f1 ) echo . echo Root dir: %ROOT_DIR% echo Build dir: %BUILD_DIR% echo Demo dir: %DEMO_DIR% echo Proto dir: %PROTO_DIR% echo . REM Prepare build directory mkdir "%BUILD_DIR%" REM Prepare protobuf out directory mkdir "%BUILD_DIR%\gen" REM Enter build directory cd /d "%BUILD_DIR%" REM Install vcpkg and use it to install Google Protocol Buffers. IF NOT exist .\vcpkg\ ( cmd/c git clone cmd/c .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics ) ELSE ( echo vcpkg is already installed. ) REM Install any packages we want from vcpkg. cmd/c .\vcpkg\vcpkg install protobuf:x64-windows cmd/c .\vcpkg\vcpkg install gtest:x64-windows REM Generate the build files. set CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake cmake %ROOT_DIR% echo. echo. echo To build, type: cmake --build "%BUILD_DIR%" echo. exit /b REM Resolve relative path in %1 and set it into variable %2. :ABSPATH set %2=%~f1 exit /b