# Version of this schema schema: 1 bugzilla: # Bugzilla product and component for this directory and subdirectories product: "Core" component: "WebRTC" # The source in this directory was copied from upstream by running the # update.py script from third_party/libdrm. Any changes made relative to # upstream should be reflected in that script, e.g. by applying patch files # after the copy step. origin: name: "libdrm" description: "Userspace interface to controlling GPUs on linux" url: "https://cgit.freedesktop.org/drm/libdrm/" license: MIT release: 4de32c86096c09b0ad8aa18d6fd4536159d2c0cd (2023-07-26T08:26:05.000+00:00). revision: 4de32c86096c09b0ad8aa18d6fd4536159d2c0cd # The codebase does not provide a LICENSE file! # https://docs.mesa3d.org/license.html#license-copyright-information # license-file: LICENSE updatebot: maintainer-phab: ng maintainer-bz: na-g@nostrum.com tasks: - type: vendoring enabled: true frequency: release vendoring: url: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm source-hosting: gitlab vendor-directory: third_party/drm/drm skip-vendoring-steps: ['update-moz-build'] exclude: - '**' include: - include/drm/drm.h - include/drm/drm_fourcc.h - include/drm/drm_mode.h - xf86drm.h keep: - LICENSE update-actions: - action: move-dir from: '{vendor_dir}/include/drm' to: '{vendor_dir}/include/libdrm'