#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # Tests implemented in bash. These typically will run checks about the source # code rather than the compiled one. MYDIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0")) set -u test_includes() { local ret=0 local f for f in $(git ls-files | grep -E '(\.cc|\.cpp|\.h)$'); do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then continue fi # Check that the full paths to the public headers are not used, since users # of the library will include the library as: #include "jxl/foobar.h". if grep -i -H -n -E '#include\s*[<"]lib/include/jxl' "$f" >&2; then echo "Don't add \"include/\" to the include path of public headers." >&2 ret=1 fi if [[ "${f#third_party/}" == "$f" ]]; then # $f is not in third_party/ # Check that local files don't use the full path to third_party/ # directory since the installed versions will not have that path. # Add an exception for third_party/dirent.h. if grep -v -F 'third_party/dirent.h' "$f" | \ grep -i -H -n -E '#include\s*[<"]third_party/' >&2 && [[ $ret -eq 0 ]]; then cat >&2 <&2 ret=1 fi done return ${ret} } test_copyright() { local ret=0 local f for f in $( git ls-files | grep -E \ '(Dockerfile.*|\.c|\.cc|\.cpp|\.gni|\.h|\.java|\.sh|\.m|\.py|\.ui|\.yml)$'); do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then continue fi if [[ "${f#third_party/}" == "$f" ]]; then # $f is not in third_party/ if ! head -n 10 "$f" | grep -F 'Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors.' >/dev/null ; then echo "$f: Missing Copyright blob near the top of the file." >&2 ret=1 fi if ! head -n 10 "$f" | grep -F 'Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style' \ >/dev/null ; then echo "$f: Missing License blob near the top of the file." >&2 ret=1 fi fi done return ${ret} } # Check that we don't use "%zu" or "%zd" in format string for size_t. test_printf_size_t() { local ret=0 if grep -n -E '%[0-9]*z[udx]' \ $(git ls-files | grep -E '(\.c|\.cc|\.cpp|\.h)$'); then echo "Don't use '%zu' or '%zd' in a format string, instead use " \ "'%\" PRIuS \"' or '%\" PRIdS \"'." >&2 ret=1 fi if grep -n -E '[^_]gtest\.h' \ $(git ls-files | grep -E '(\.c|\.cc|\.cpp|\.h)$' | grep -v -F /testing.h); then echo "Don't include gtest directly, instead include 'testing.h'. " >&2 ret=1 fi local f for f in $(git ls-files | grep -E "\.cc$" | xargs grep 'PRI[udx]S' | cut -f 1 -d : | uniq); do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then continue fi if ! grep -F printf_macros.h "$f" >/dev/null; then echo "$f: Add lib/jxl/base/printf_macros.h for PRI.S, or use other " \ "types for code outside lib/jxl library." >&2 ret=1 fi done for f in $(git ls-files | grep -E "\.h$" | grep -v -E '(printf_macros\.h|testing\.h)' | xargs grep -n 'PRI[udx]S'); do # Having PRIuS / PRIdS in a header file means that printf_macros.h may # be included before a system header, in particular before gtest headers. # those may re-define PRIuS unconditionally causing a compile error. echo "$f: Don't use PRI.S in header files. Sorry." ret=1 done return ${ret} } # Check that "dec_" code doesn't depend on "enc_" headers. test_dec_enc_deps() { local ret=0 local f for f in $(git ls-files | grep -E '/dec_'); do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then continue fi if [[ "${f#third_party/}" == "$f" ]]; then # $f is not in third_party/ if grep -n -H -E "#include.*/enc_" "$f" >&2; then echo "$f: Don't include \"enc_*\" files from \"dec_*\" files." >&2 ret=1 fi fi done return ${ret} } # Check for git merge conflict markers. test_merge_conflict() { local ret=0 TEXT_FILES='(\.cc|\.cpp|\.h|\.sh|\.m|\.py|\.md|\.txt|\.cmake)$' for f in $(git ls-files | grep -E "${TEXT_FILES}"); do if [ ! -e "$f" ]; then continue fi if grep -E '^<<<<<<< ' "$f"; then echo "$f: Found git merge conflict marker. Please resolve." >&2 ret=1 fi done return ${ret} } # Check that the library and the package have the same version. This prevents # accidentally having them out of sync. get_version() { local varname=$1 local line=$(grep -F "set(${varname} " lib/CMakeLists.txt | head -n 1) [[ -n "${line}" ]] line="${line#set(${varname} }" line="${line%)}" echo "${line}" } test_version() { local major=$(get_version JPEGXL_MAJOR_VERSION) local minor=$(get_version JPEGXL_MINOR_VERSION) local patch=$(get_version JPEGXL_PATCH_VERSION) # Check that the version is not empty if [[ -z "${major}${minor}${patch}" ]]; then echo "Couldn't parse version from CMakeLists.txt" >&2 return 1 fi local pkg_version=$(head -n 1 debian/changelog) # Get only the part between the first "jpeg-xl (" and the following ")". pkg_version="${pkg_version#jpeg-xl (}" pkg_version="${pkg_version%%)*}" if [[ -z "${pkg_version}" ]]; then echo "Couldn't parse version from debian package" >&2 return 1 fi local lib_version="${major}.${minor}.${patch}" lib_version="${lib_version%.0}" if [[ "${pkg_version}" != "${lib_version}"* ]]; then echo "Debian package version (${pkg_version}) doesn't match library" \ "version (${lib_version})." >&2 return 1 fi return 0 } # Check that the SHA versions in deps.sh matches the git submodules. test_deps_version() { while IFS= read -r line; do if [[ "${line:0:10}" != "[submodule" ]]; then continue fi line="${line#[submodule \"}" line="${line%\"]}" local varname=$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${line}") varname="${varname/\//_}" if ! grep -F "${varname}=" deps.sh >/dev/null; then # Ignoring submodule not in deps.sh continue fi local deps_sha=$(grep -F "${varname}=" deps.sh | cut -f 2 -d '"') [[ -n "${deps_sha}" ]] local git_sha=$(git ls-tree -r HEAD "${line}" | cut -f 1 | cut -f 3 -d ' ') if [[ "${deps_sha}" != "${git_sha}" ]]; then cat >&2 </dev/null; then cat >&2 <&2; then echo "Don't use \"%n\"." >&2 ret=1 fi done return ${ret} } main() { local ret=0 cd "${MYDIR}" if ! git rev-parse >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "Not a git checkout, skipping bash_test" return 0 fi IFS=$'\n' for f in $(declare -F); do local test_name=$(echo "$f" | cut -f 3 -d ' ') # Runs all the local bash functions that start with "test_". if [[ "${test_name}" == test_* ]]; then echo "Test ${test_name}: Start" if ${test_name}; then echo "Test ${test_name}: PASS" else echo "Test ${test_name}: FAIL" ret=1 fi fi done return ${ret} } main "$@"