#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. # This file downloads the dependencies needed to build JPEG XL into third_party. # These dependencies are normally pulled by git. set -eu MYDIR=$(dirname $(realpath "$0")) # Git revisions we use for the given submodules. Update these whenever you # update a git submodule. TESTDATA="873045a9c42ed60721756e26e2a6b32e17415205" THIRD_PARTY_BROTLI="36533a866ed1ca4b75cf049f4521e4ec5fe24727" THIRD_PARTY_HIGHWAY="ba0900a4957b929390ab73827235557959234fea" THIRD_PARTY_SKCMS="42030a771244ba67f86b1c1c76a6493f873c5f91" THIRD_PARTY_SJPEG="e5ab13008bb214deb66d5f3e17ca2f8dbff150bf" THIRD_PARTY_ZLIB="51b7f2abdade71cd9bb0e7a373ef2610ec6f9daf" # v1.3.1 THIRD_PARTY_LIBPNG="f135775ad4e5d4408d2e12ffcc71bb36e6b48551" # v1.6.40 THIRD_PARTY_LIBJPEG_TURBO="8ecba3647edb6dd940463fedf38ca33a8e2a73d1" # # Download the target revision from GitHub. download_github() { local path="$1" local project="$2" local varname=`echo "$path" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'` varname="${varname//[\/-]/_}" local sha eval "sha=\${${varname}}" local down_dir="${MYDIR}/downloads" local local_fn="${down_dir}/${sha}.tar.gz" if [[ -e "${local_fn}" && -d "${MYDIR}/${path}" ]]; then echo "${path} already up to date." >&2 return 0 fi local url local strip_components=0 if [[ "${project:0:4}" == "http" ]]; then # "project" is a googlesource.com base url. url="${project}${sha}.tar.gz" else # GitHub files have a top-level directory strip_components=1 url="https://github.com/${project}/tarball/${sha}" fi echo "Downloading ${path} version ${sha}..." >&2 mkdir -p "${down_dir}" curl -L --show-error -o "${local_fn}.tmp" "${url}" mkdir -p "${MYDIR}/${path}" tar -zxf "${local_fn}.tmp" -C "${MYDIR}/${path}" \ --strip-components="${strip_components}" mv "${local_fn}.tmp" "${local_fn}" } is_git_repository() { local dir="$1" local toplevel=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) [[ "${dir}" == "${toplevel}" ]] } main() { if is_git_repository "${MYDIR}"; then cat >&2 <