// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef LIB_JXL_FRAME_HEADER_H_ #define LIB_JXL_FRAME_HEADER_H_ // Frame header with backward and forward-compatible extension capability and // compressed integer fields. #include #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/override.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/status.h" #include "lib/jxl/coeff_order_fwd.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" // kMaxNumPasses #include "lib/jxl/dec_bit_reader.h" #include "lib/jxl/fields.h" #include "lib/jxl/frame_dimensions.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_metadata.h" #include "lib/jxl/loop_filter.h" namespace jxl { // TODO(eustas): move to proper place? // Also used by extra channel names. static inline Status VisitNameString(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor, std::string* name) { uint32_t name_length = static_cast(name->length()); // Allows layer name lengths up to 1071 bytes JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->U32(Val(0), Bits(4), BitsOffset(5, 16), BitsOffset(10, 48), 0, &name_length)); if (visitor->IsReading()) { name->resize(name_length); } for (size_t i = 0; i < name_length; i++) { uint32_t c = static_cast((*name)[i]); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(8, 0, &c)); (*name)[i] = static_cast(c); } return true; } enum class FrameEncoding : uint32_t { kVarDCT, kModular, }; enum class ColorTransform : uint32_t { kXYB, // Values are encoded with XYB. May only be used if // ImageBundle::xyb_encoded. kNone, // Values are encoded according to the attached color profile. May // only be used if !ImageBundle::xyb_encoded. kYCbCr, // Values are encoded according to the attached color profile, but // transformed to YCbCr. May only be used if // !ImageBundle::xyb_encoded. }; inline std::array JpegOrder(ColorTransform ct, bool is_gray) { if (is_gray) { return {{0, 0, 0}}; } JXL_ASSERT(ct != ColorTransform::kXYB); if (ct == ColorTransform::kYCbCr) { return {{1, 0, 2}}; } else { return {{0, 1, 2}}; } } struct YCbCrChromaSubsampling : public Fields { YCbCrChromaSubsampling(); JXL_FIELDS_NAME(YCbCrChromaSubsampling) size_t HShift(size_t c) const { return maxhs_ - kHShift[channel_mode_[c]]; } size_t VShift(size_t c) const { return maxvs_ - kVShift[channel_mode_[c]]; } Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override { // TODO(veluca): consider allowing 4x downsamples for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(2, 0, &channel_mode_[i])); } Recompute(); return true; } uint8_t MaxHShift() const { return maxhs_; } uint8_t MaxVShift() const { return maxvs_; } uint8_t RawHShift(size_t c) const { return kHShift[channel_mode_[c]]; } uint8_t RawVShift(size_t c) const { return kVShift[channel_mode_[c]]; } // Uses JPEG channel order (Y, Cb, Cr). Status Set(const uint8_t* hsample, const uint8_t* vsample) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { size_t cjpeg = c < 2 ? c ^ 1 : c; size_t i = 0; for (; i < 4; i++) { if (1 << kHShift[i] == hsample[cjpeg] && 1 << kVShift[i] == vsample[cjpeg]) { channel_mode_[c] = i; break; } } if (i == 4) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid subsample mode"); } } Recompute(); return true; } bool Is444() const { return HShift(0) == 0 && VShift(0) == 0 && // Cb HShift(2) == 0 && VShift(2) == 0 && // Cr HShift(1) == 0 && VShift(1) == 0; // Y } bool Is420() const { return HShift(0) == 1 && VShift(0) == 1 && // Cb HShift(2) == 1 && VShift(2) == 1 && // Cr HShift(1) == 0 && VShift(1) == 0; // Y } bool Is422() const { return HShift(0) == 1 && VShift(0) == 0 && // Cb HShift(2) == 1 && VShift(2) == 0 && // Cr HShift(1) == 0 && VShift(1) == 0; // Y } bool Is440() const { return HShift(0) == 0 && VShift(0) == 1 && // Cb HShift(2) == 0 && VShift(2) == 1 && // Cr HShift(1) == 0 && VShift(1) == 0; // Y } std::string DebugString() const { if (Is444()) return "444"; if (Is420()) return "420"; if (Is422()) return "422"; if (Is440()) return "440"; return "cs" + std::to_string(channel_mode_[0]) + std::to_string(channel_mode_[1]) + std::to_string(channel_mode_[2]); } private: void Recompute() { maxhs_ = 0; maxvs_ = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { maxhs_ = std::max(maxhs_, kHShift[channel_mode_[i]]); maxvs_ = std::max(maxvs_, kVShift[channel_mode_[i]]); } } static const uint8_t kHShift[4]; static const uint8_t kVShift[4]; uint32_t channel_mode_[3]; uint8_t maxhs_; uint8_t maxvs_; }; // Indicates how to combine the current frame with a previously-saved one. Can // be independently controlled for color and extra channels. Formulas are // indicative and treat alpha as if it is in range 0.0-1.0. In descriptions // below, alpha channel is the extra channel of type alpha used for blending // according to the blend_channel, or fully opaque if there is no alpha channel. // The blending specified here is used for performing blending *after* color // transforms - in linear sRGB if blending a XYB-encoded frame on another // XYB-encoded frame, in sRGB if blending a frame with kColorSpace == kSRGB, or // in the original colorspace otherwise. Blending in XYB or YCbCr is done by // using patches. enum class BlendMode { // The new values (in the crop) replace the old ones: sample = new kReplace = 0, // The new values (in the crop) get added to the old ones: sample = old + new kAdd = 1, // The new values (in the crop) replace the old ones if alpha>0: // For the alpha channel that is used as source: // alpha = old + new * (1 - old) // For other channels if !alpha_associated: // sample = ((1 - new_alpha) * old * old_alpha + new_alpha * new) / alpha // For other channels if alpha_associated: // sample = (1 - new_alpha) * old + new // The alpha formula applies to the alpha used for the division in the other // channels formula, and applies to the alpha channel itself if its // blend_channel value matches itself. kBlend = 2, // The new values (in the crop) are added to the old ones if alpha>0: // For the alpha channel that is used as source: // sample = sample = old + new * (1 - old) // For other channels: sample = old + alpha * new kAlphaWeightedAdd = 3, // The new values (in the crop) get multiplied by the old ones: // sample = old * new // The range of the new value matters for multiplication purposes, and its // nominal range of 0..1 is computed the same way as this is done for the // alpha values in kBlend and kAlphaWeightedAdd. // If using kMul as a blend mode for color channels, no color transform is // performed on the current frame. kMul = 4, }; struct BlendingInfo : public Fields { BlendingInfo(); JXL_FIELDS_NAME(BlendingInfo) Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override; BlendMode mode; // Which extra channel to use as alpha channel for blending, only encoded // for blend modes that involve alpha and if there are more than 1 extra // channels. uint32_t alpha_channel; // Clamp alpha or channel values to 0-1 range. bool clamp; // Frame ID to copy from (0-3). Only encoded if blend_mode is not kReplace. uint32_t source; std::string DebugString() const; size_t nonserialized_num_extra_channels = 0; bool nonserialized_is_partial_frame = false; }; // Origin of the current frame. Not present for frames of type // kOnlyPatches. struct FrameOrigin { int32_t x0, y0; // can be negative. }; // Size of the current frame. struct FrameSize { uint32_t xsize, ysize; }; // AnimationFrame defines duration of animation frames. struct AnimationFrame : public Fields { explicit AnimationFrame(const CodecMetadata* metadata); JXL_FIELDS_NAME(AnimationFrame) Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override; // How long to wait [in ticks, see Animation{}] after rendering. // May be 0 if the current frame serves as a foundation for another frame. uint32_t duration; uint32_t timecode; // 0xHHMMSSFF // Must be set to the one ImageMetadata acting as the full codestream header, // with correct xyb_encoded, list of extra channels, etc... const CodecMetadata* nonserialized_metadata = nullptr; }; // For decoding to lower resolutions. Only used for kRegular frames. struct Passes : public Fields { Passes(); JXL_FIELDS_NAME(Passes) Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override; void GetDownsamplingBracket(size_t pass, int& minShift, int& maxShift) const { maxShift = 2; minShift = 3; for (size_t i = 0;; i++) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_downsample; ++j) { if (i == last_pass[j]) { if (downsample[j] == 8) minShift = 3; if (downsample[j] == 4) minShift = 2; if (downsample[j] == 2) minShift = 1; if (downsample[j] == 1) minShift = 0; } } if (i == num_passes - 1) minShift = 0; if (i == pass) return; maxShift = minShift - 1; } } uint32_t GetDownsamplingTargetForCompletedPasses(uint32_t num_p) const { if (num_p >= num_passes) return 1; uint32_t retval = 8; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_downsample; ++i) { if (num_p > last_pass[i]) { retval = std::min(retval, downsample[i]); } } return retval; } std::string DebugString() const; uint32_t num_passes; // <= kMaxNumPasses uint32_t num_downsample; // <= num_passes // Array of num_downsample pairs. downsample=1/last_pass=num_passes-1 and // downsample=8/last_pass=0 need not be specified; they are implicit. uint32_t downsample[kMaxNumPasses]; uint32_t last_pass[kMaxNumPasses]; // Array of shift values for each pass. It is implicitly assumed to be 0 for // the last pass. uint32_t shift[kMaxNumPasses]; }; enum FrameType { // A "regular" frame: might be a crop, and will be blended on a previous // frame, if any, and displayed or blended in future frames. kRegularFrame = 0, // A DC frame: this frame is downsampled and will be *only* used as the DC of // a future frame and, possibly, for previews. Cannot be cropped, blended, or // referenced by patches or blending modes. Frames that *use* a DC frame // cannot have non-default sizes either. kDCFrame = 1, // A PatchesSource frame: this frame will be only used as a source frame for // taking patches. Can be cropped, but cannot have non-(0, 0) x0 and y0. kReferenceOnly = 2, // Same as kRegularFrame, but not used for progressive rendering. This also // implies no early display of DC. kSkipProgressive = 3, }; // Image/frame := one of more of these, where the last has is_last = true. // Starts at a byte-aligned address "a"; the next pass starts at "a + size". struct FrameHeader : public Fields { // Optional postprocessing steps. These flags are the source of truth; // Override must set/clear them rather than change their meaning. Values // chosen such that typical flags == 0 (encoded in only two bits). enum Flags { // Often but not always off => low bit value: // Inject noise into decoded output. kNoise = 1, // Overlay patches. kPatches = 2, // 4, 8 = reserved for future sometimes-off // Overlay splines. kSplines = 16, kUseDcFrame = 32, // Implies kSkipAdaptiveDCSmoothing. // 64 = reserved for future often-off // Almost always on => negated: kSkipAdaptiveDCSmoothing = 128, }; explicit FrameHeader(const CodecMetadata* metadata); JXL_FIELDS_NAME(FrameHeader) Status VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) override; // Sets/clears `flag` based upon `condition`. void UpdateFlag(const bool condition, const uint64_t flag) { if (condition) { flags |= flag; } else { flags &= ~flag; } } // Returns true if this frame is supposed to be saved for future usage by // other frames. bool CanBeReferenced() const { // DC frames cannot be referenced. The last frame cannot be referenced. A // duration 0 frame makes little sense if it is not referenced. A // non-duration 0 frame may or may not be referenced. return !is_last && frame_type != FrameType::kDCFrame && (animation_frame.duration == 0 || save_as_reference != 0); } mutable bool all_default; // Always present FrameEncoding encoding; // Some versions of UBSAN complain in VisitFrameType if not initialized. FrameType frame_type = FrameType::kRegularFrame; uint64_t flags; ColorTransform color_transform; YCbCrChromaSubsampling chroma_subsampling; uint32_t group_size_shift; // only if encoding == kModular; uint32_t x_qm_scale; // only if VarDCT and color_transform == kXYB uint32_t b_qm_scale; // only if VarDCT and color_transform == kXYB std::string name; // Skipped for kReferenceOnly. Passes passes; // Skipped for kDCFrame bool custom_size_or_origin; FrameSize frame_size; // upsampling factors for color and extra channels. // Upsampling is always performed before applying any inverse color transform. // Skipped (1) if kUseDCFrame uint32_t upsampling; std::vector extra_channel_upsampling; // Only for kRegular frames. FrameOrigin frame_origin; BlendingInfo blending_info; std::vector extra_channel_blending_info; // Animation info for this frame. AnimationFrame animation_frame; // This is the last frame. bool is_last; // ID to refer to this frame with. 0-3, not present if kDCFrame. // 0 has a special meaning for kRegular frames of nonzero duration: it defines // a frame that will not be referenced in the future. uint32_t save_as_reference; // Whether to save this frame before or after the color transform. A frame // that is saved before the color tansform can only be used for blending // through patches. On the contrary, a frame that is saved after the color // transform can only be used for blending through blending modes. // Irrelevant for extra channel blending. Can only be true if // blending_info.mode == kReplace and this is not a partial kRegularFrame; if // this is a DC frame, it is always true. bool save_before_color_transform; uint32_t dc_level; // 1-4 if kDCFrame (0 otherwise). // Must be set to the one ImageMetadata acting as the full codestream header, // with correct xyb_encoded, list of extra channels, etc... const CodecMetadata* nonserialized_metadata = nullptr; // NOTE: This is ignored by AllDefault. LoopFilter loop_filter; bool nonserialized_is_preview = false; size_t default_xsize() const { if (!nonserialized_metadata) return 0; if (nonserialized_is_preview) { return nonserialized_metadata->m.preview_size.xsize(); } return nonserialized_metadata->xsize(); } size_t default_ysize() const { if (!nonserialized_metadata) return 0; if (nonserialized_is_preview) { return nonserialized_metadata->m.preview_size.ysize(); } return nonserialized_metadata->ysize(); } FrameDimensions ToFrameDimensions() const { size_t xsize = default_xsize(); size_t ysize = default_ysize(); xsize = frame_size.xsize ? frame_size.xsize : xsize; ysize = frame_size.ysize ? frame_size.ysize : ysize; if (dc_level != 0) { xsize = DivCeil(xsize, 1 << (3 * dc_level)); ysize = DivCeil(ysize, 1 << (3 * dc_level)); } FrameDimensions frame_dim; frame_dim.Set(xsize, ysize, group_size_shift, chroma_subsampling.MaxHShift(), chroma_subsampling.MaxVShift(), encoding == FrameEncoding::kModular, upsampling); return frame_dim; } // True if a color transform should be applied to this frame. bool needs_color_transform() const { return !save_before_color_transform || frame_type == FrameType::kRegularFrame || frame_type == FrameType::kSkipProgressive; } std::string DebugString() const; uint64_t extensions; }; Status ReadFrameHeader(BitReader* JXL_RESTRICT reader, FrameHeader* JXL_RESTRICT frame); // Shared by enc/dec. 5F and 13 are by far the most common for d1/2/4/8, 0 // ensures low overhead for small images. static constexpr U32Enc kOrderEnc = U32Enc(Val(0x5F), Val(0x13), Val(0), Bits(kNumOrders)); } // namespace jxl #endif // LIB_JXL_FRAME_HEADER_H_