#!/usr/bin/env vpython # Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Wraps an executable and any provided arguments into an executable script.""" import argparse import os import sys import textwrap # The bash template passes the python script into vpython via stdin. # The interpreter doesn't know about the script, so we have bash # inject the script location. BASH_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent("""\ #!/usr/bin/env {vpython} _SCRIPT_LOCATION = __file__ {script} """) # The batch template reruns the batch script with vpython, with the -x # flag instructing the interpreter to ignore the first line. The interpreter # knows about the (batch) script in this case, so it can get the file location # directly. BATCH_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent("""\ @SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION \ & {vpython}.bat -x "%~f0" %* \ & EXIT /B !ERRORLEVEL! _SCRIPT_LOCATION = __file__ {script} """) SCRIPT_TEMPLATES = { 'bash': BASH_TEMPLATE, 'batch': BATCH_TEMPLATE, } PY_TEMPLATE = textwrap.dedent("""\ import os import re import subprocess import sys _WRAPPED_PATH_RE = re.compile(r'@WrappedPath\(([^)]+)\)') _PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR = '{path_to_output_dir}' _SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(_SCRIPT_LOCATION)) def ExpandWrappedPath(arg): m = _WRAPPED_PATH_RE.match(arg) if m: relpath = os.path.join( os.path.relpath(_SCRIPT_DIR), _PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR, m.group(1)) npath = os.path.normpath(relpath) if os.path.sep not in npath: # If the original path points to something in the current directory, # returning the normalized version of it can be a problem. # normpath() strips off the './' part of the path # ('./foo' becomes 'foo'), which can be a problem if the result # is passed to something like os.execvp(); in that case # osexecvp() will search $PATH for the executable, rather than # just execing the arg directly, and if '.' isn't in $PATH, this # results in an error. # # So, we need to explicitly return './foo' (or '.\\foo' on windows) # instead of 'foo'. # # Hopefully there are no cases where this causes a problem; if # there are, we will either need to change the interface to # WrappedPath() somehow to distinguish between the two, or # somehow ensure that the wrapped executable doesn't hit cases # like this. return '.' + os.path.sep + npath return npath return arg def ExpandWrappedPaths(args): for i, arg in enumerate(args): args[i] = ExpandWrappedPath(arg) return args def FindIsolatedOutdir(raw_args): outdir = None i = 0 remaining_args = [] while i < len(raw_args): if raw_args[i] == '--isolated-outdir' and i < len(raw_args)-1: outdir = raw_args[i+1] i += 2 elif raw_args[i].startswith('--isolated-outdir='): outdir = raw_args[i][len('--isolated-outdir='):] i += 1 else: remaining_args.append(raw_args[i]) i += 1 if not outdir and 'ISOLATED_OUTDIR' in os.environ: outdir = os.environ['ISOLATED_OUTDIR'] return outdir, remaining_args def FilterIsolatedOutdirBasedArgs(outdir, args): rargs = [] i = 0 while i < len(args): if 'ISOLATED_OUTDIR' in args[i]: if outdir: # Rewrite the arg. rargs.append(args[i].replace('${{ISOLATED_OUTDIR}}', outdir).replace( '$ISOLATED_OUTDIR', outdir)) i += 1 else: # Simply drop the arg. i += 1 elif (not outdir and args[i].startswith('-') and '=' not in args[i] and i < len(args) - 1 and 'ISOLATED_OUTDIR' in args[i+1]): # Parsing this case is ambiguous; if we're given # `--foo $ISOLATED_OUTDIR` we can't tell if $ISOLATED_OUTDIR # is meant to be the value of foo, or if foo takes no argument # and $ISOLATED_OUTDIR is the first positional arg. # # We assume the former will be much more common, and so we # need to drop --foo and $ISOLATED_OUTDIR. i += 2 else: rargs.append(args[i]) i += 1 return rargs def main(raw_args): executable_path = ExpandWrappedPath('{executable_path}') outdir, remaining_args = FindIsolatedOutdir(raw_args) args = {executable_args} args = FilterIsolatedOutdirBasedArgs(outdir, args) executable_args = ExpandWrappedPaths(args) cmd = [executable_path] + args + remaining_args if executable_path.endswith('.py'): cmd = [sys.executable] + cmd return subprocess.call(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:])) """) def Wrap(args): """Writes a wrapped script according to the provided arguments. Arguments: args: an argparse.Namespace object containing command-line arguments as parsed by a parser returned by CreateArgumentParser. """ path_to_output_dir = os.path.relpath( args.output_directory, os.path.dirname(args.wrapper_script)) with open(args.wrapper_script, 'w') as wrapper_script: py_contents = PY_TEMPLATE.format( path_to_output_dir=path_to_output_dir, executable_path=str(args.executable), executable_args=str(args.executable_args)) template = SCRIPT_TEMPLATES[args.script_language] wrapper_script.write( template.format(script=py_contents, vpython=args.vpython)) os.chmod(args.wrapper_script, 0o750) return 0 def CreateArgumentParser(): """Creates an argparse.ArgumentParser instance.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--executable', help='Executable to wrap.') parser.add_argument( '--wrapper-script', help='Path to which the wrapper script will be written.') parser.add_argument( '--output-directory', help='Path to the output directory.') parser.add_argument( '--script-language', choices=SCRIPT_TEMPLATES.keys(), help='Language in which the wrapper script will be written.') parser.add_argument('--use-vpython3', dest='vpython', action='store_const', const='vpython3', default='vpython', help='Use vpython3 instead of vpython') parser.add_argument( 'executable_args', nargs='*', help='Arguments to wrap into the executable.') return parser def main(raw_args): parser = CreateArgumentParser() args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) return Wrap(args) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))