# Fuzzing in WebRTC ## Intro WebRTC currently uses libfuzzer for fuzz testing however FuzzTest is a new approach which we have not yet looked into but we will in the future. Before continuing, read the [libfuzzer][libfuzzer-getting-started] and [FuzzTest][fuzztest-getting-started] getting started docs to get familar. ## Compiling locally To build the fuzzers residing in the [test/fuzzers][fuzzers] directory, use ``` $ gn gen out/fuzzers --args='use_libfuzzer=true optimize_for_fuzzing=true' ``` Depending on the fuzzer additional arguments like `is_asan`, `is_msan` or `is_ubsan_security` might be required. See the [GN][gn-doc] documentation for all available options. There are also more platform specific tips on the [Android][webrtc-android-development] and [iOS][webrtc-ios-development] instructions. ## Add new fuzzers Create a new `.cc` file in the [test/fuzzers][fuzzers] directory, use existing files as a guide. Add a new `webrtc_fuzzers_test` build rule in the [test/fuzzers/BUILD.gn][BUILD.gn], use existing rules as a guide. Ensure it compiles and executes locally then add it to a gerrit CL and upload it for review, e.g. ``` $ autoninja -C out/fuzzers test/fuzzers:h264_depacketizer_fuzzer ``` It can then be executed like so: ``` $ out/fuzzers/bin/run_h264_depacketizer_fuzzer ``` ## Running fuzzers automatically All fuzzer tests in the [test/fuzzers/BUILD.gn][BUILD.gn] file are compiled per CL on the [libfuzzer bot][libfuzzer-bot]. This is only to verify that it compiles, this bot does not do any fuzz testing. When WebRTC is [rolled][webrtc-autoroller] into to Chromium, the libfuzz bots in the [chromium.fuzz][chromium-fuzz] will compile it, zip it and then upload to https://clusterfuzz.com for execution. You can verify that the fuzz test is being executed by: - Navigate to a bot in the [chromium.fuzz][chromium-fuzz] libfuzzer waterfall, e.g. [ Libfuzzer Upload Linux ASan bot/linux bot][linux-bot]. - Click on the latest `build#` link. - Search for `//third_party/webrtc/test/fuzzers` in the `raw_io.output_text_refs_` file in the `calculate_all_fuzzers` step. - Verify that the new fuzzer (as it's named in the `webrtc_fuzzers_test` build rule) is present. - Also verify that it's _NOT_ in the `no_clusterfuzz` file in the `calculate_no_clusterfuzz` step. If it is, file a bug at https://bugs.webrtc.org. Bugs are filed automatically in https://crbug.com in the blink > WebRTC component and assigned based on [test/fuzzers/OWNERS][OWNERS] file or the commit history. If you are a non-googler, you can only view data from https://clusterfuzz.com if your account is CC'ed on the reported bug. ## Additional reading [Libfuzzer in Chromium][libfuzzer-chromium] [libfuzzer-chromium]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/testing/libfuzzer/README.md [libfuzzer-bot]: https://ci.chromium.org/ui/p/webrtc/builders/luci.webrtc.ci/Linux64%20Release%20%28Libfuzzer%29 [fuzzers]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/main/test/fuzzers/ [OWNERS]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/main/test/fuzzers/OWNERS [BUILD.gn]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/main/test/fuzzers/BUILD.gn [gn]: https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/+/main/README.md [gn-doc]: https://gn.googlesource.com/gn/+/main/docs/reference.md#IDE-options [webrtc-android-development]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/main/docs/native-code/android/ [webrtc-ios-development]: https://webrtc.googlesource.com/src/+/main/docs/native-code/ios/ [chromium-fuzz]: https://ci.chromium.org/p/chromium/g/chromium.fuzz/console [linux-bot]: https://ci.chromium.org/ui/p/chromium/builders/ci/Libfuzzer%20Upload%20Linux%20ASan/ [libfuzzer-getting-started]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/testing/libfuzzer/getting_started_with_libfuzzer.md [fuzztest-getting-started]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/testing/libfuzzer/getting_started.md [webrtc-autoroller]: https://autoroll.skia.org/r/webrtc-chromium-autoroll