syntax = "proto2"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package webrtc.rtclog; enum MediaType { ANY = 0; AUDIO = 1; VIDEO = 2; DATA = 3; } // This is the main message to dump to a file, it can contain multiple event // messages, but it is possible to append multiple EventStreams (each with a // single event) to a file. // This has the benefit that there's no need to keep all data in memory. message EventStream { repeated Event stream = 1; } message Event { // required - Elapsed wallclock time in us since the start of the log. optional int64 timestamp_us = 1; // The different types of events that can occur, the UNKNOWN_EVENT entry // is added in case future EventTypes are added, in that case old code will // receive the new events as UNKNOWN_EVENT. enum EventType { UNKNOWN_EVENT = 0; LOG_START = 1; LOG_END = 2; RTP_EVENT = 3; RTCP_EVENT = 4; AUDIO_PLAYOUT_EVENT = 5; LOSS_BASED_BWE_UPDATE = 6; DELAY_BASED_BWE_UPDATE = 7; VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT = 8; VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT = 9; AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT = 10; AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT = 11; AUDIO_NETWORK_ADAPTATION_EVENT = 16; BWE_PROBE_CLUSTER_CREATED_EVENT = 17; BWE_PROBE_RESULT_EVENT = 18; ALR_STATE_EVENT = 19; ICE_CANDIDATE_PAIR_CONFIG = 20; ICE_CANDIDATE_PAIR_EVENT = 21; REMOTE_ESTIMATE = 22; } // required - Indicates the type of this event optional EventType type = 2; oneof subtype { // required if type == RTP_EVENT RtpPacket rtp_packet = 3; // required if type == RTCP_EVENT RtcpPacket rtcp_packet = 4; // required if type == AUDIO_PLAYOUT_EVENT AudioPlayoutEvent audio_playout_event = 5; // required if type == LOSS_BASED_BWE_UPDATE LossBasedBweUpdate loss_based_bwe_update = 6; // required if type == DELAY_BASED_BWE_UPDATE DelayBasedBweUpdate delay_based_bwe_update = 7; // required if type == VIDEO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT VideoReceiveConfig video_receiver_config = 8; // required if type == VIDEO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT VideoSendConfig video_sender_config = 9; // required if type == AUDIO_RECEIVER_CONFIG_EVENT AudioReceiveConfig audio_receiver_config = 10; // required if type == AUDIO_SENDER_CONFIG_EVENT AudioSendConfig audio_sender_config = 11; // required if type == AUDIO_NETWORK_ADAPTATION_EVENT AudioNetworkAdaptation audio_network_adaptation = 16; // required if type == BWE_PROBE_CLUSTER_CREATED_EVENT BweProbeCluster probe_cluster = 17; // required if type == BWE_PROBE_RESULT_EVENT BweProbeResult probe_result = 18; // required if type == ALR_STATE_EVENT AlrState alr_state = 19; // required if type == ICE_CANDIDATE_PAIR_CONFIG IceCandidatePairConfig ice_candidate_pair_config = 20; // required if type == ICE_CANDIDATE_PAIR_EVENT IceCandidatePairEvent ice_candidate_pair_event = 21; // required if type == REMOTE_ESTIMATE RemoteEstimate remote_estimate = 22; } } message RtpPacket { // required - True if the packet is incoming w.r.t. the user logging the data optional bool incoming = 1; optional MediaType type = 2 [deprecated = true]; // required - The size of the packet including both payload and header. optional uint32 packet_length = 3; // required - The RTP header only. optional bytes header = 4; // optional - The probe cluster id. optional int32 probe_cluster_id = 5; // Do not add code to log user payload data without a privacy review! } message RtcpPacket { // required - True if the packet is incoming w.r.t. the user logging the data optional bool incoming = 1; optional MediaType type = 2 [deprecated = true]; // required - The whole packet including both payload and header. optional bytes packet_data = 3; } message AudioPlayoutEvent { // TODO(ivoc): Rename, we currently use the "remote" ssrc, i.e. identifying // the receive stream, while local_ssrc identifies the send stream, if any. // required - The SSRC of the audio stream associated with the playout event. optional uint32 local_ssrc = 2; } message LossBasedBweUpdate { // required - Bandwidth estimate (in bps) after the update. optional int32 bitrate_bps = 1; // required - Fraction of lost packets since last receiver report // computed as floor( 256 * (#lost_packets / #total_packets) ). // The possible values range from 0 to 255. optional uint32 fraction_loss = 2; // TODO(terelius): Is this really needed? Remove or make optional? // required - Total number of packets that the BWE update is based on. optional int32 total_packets = 3; } message DelayBasedBweUpdate { enum DetectorState { BWE_NORMAL = 0; BWE_UNDERUSING = 1; BWE_OVERUSING = 2; } // required - Bandwidth estimate (in bps) after the update. optional int32 bitrate_bps = 1; // required - The state of the overuse detector. optional DetectorState detector_state = 2; } // TODO(terelius): Video and audio streams could in principle share SSRC, // so identifying a stream based only on SSRC might not work. // It might be better to use a combination of SSRC and media type // or SSRC and port number, but for now we will rely on SSRC only. message VideoReceiveConfig { // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) to be received. optional uint32 remote_ssrc = 1; // required - Sender SSRC used for sending RTCP (such as receiver reports). optional uint32 local_ssrc = 2; // Compound mode is described by RFC 4585 and reduced-size // RTCP mode is described by RFC 5506. enum RtcpMode { RTCP_COMPOUND = 1; RTCP_REDUCEDSIZE = 2; } // required - RTCP mode to use. optional RtcpMode rtcp_mode = 3; // required - Receiver estimated maximum bandwidth. optional bool remb = 4; // Map from video RTP payload type -> RTX config. repeated RtxMap rtx_map = 5; // RTP header extensions used for the received stream. repeated RtpHeaderExtension header_extensions = 6; // List of decoders associated with the stream. repeated DecoderConfig decoders = 7; } // Maps decoder names to payload types. message DecoderConfig { // required optional string name = 1; // required optional int32 payload_type = 2; } // Maps RTP header extension names to numerical IDs. message RtpHeaderExtension { // required optional string name = 1; // required optional int32 id = 2; } // RTX settings for incoming video payloads that may be received. // RTX is disabled if there's no config present. message RtxConfig { // required - SSRC to use for the RTX stream. optional uint32 rtx_ssrc = 1; // required - Payload type to use for the RTX stream. optional int32 rtx_payload_type = 2; } message RtxMap { // required optional int32 payload_type = 1; // required optional RtxConfig config = 2; } message VideoSendConfig { // Synchronization source (stream identifier) for outgoing stream. // One stream can have several ssrcs for e.g. simulcast. // At least one ssrc is required. repeated uint32 ssrcs = 1; // RTP header extensions used for the outgoing stream. repeated RtpHeaderExtension header_extensions = 2; // List of SSRCs for retransmitted packets. repeated uint32 rtx_ssrcs = 3; // required if rtx_ssrcs is used - Payload type for retransmitted packets. optional int32 rtx_payload_type = 4; // required - Encoder associated with the stream. optional EncoderConfig encoder = 5; } // Maps encoder names to payload types. message EncoderConfig { // required optional string name = 1; // required optional int32 payload_type = 2; } message AudioReceiveConfig { // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) to be received. optional uint32 remote_ssrc = 1; // required - Sender SSRC used for sending RTCP (such as receiver reports). optional uint32 local_ssrc = 2; // RTP header extensions used for the received audio stream. repeated RtpHeaderExtension header_extensions = 3; } message AudioSendConfig { // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) for outgoing stream. optional uint32 ssrc = 1; // RTP header extensions used for the outgoing audio stream. repeated RtpHeaderExtension header_extensions = 2; } message AudioNetworkAdaptation { // Bit rate that the audio encoder is operating at. optional int32 bitrate_bps = 1; // Frame length that each encoded audio packet consists of. optional int32 frame_length_ms = 2; // Packet loss fraction that the encoder's forward error correction (FEC) is // optimized for. optional float uplink_packet_loss_fraction = 3; // Whether forward error correction (FEC) is turned on or off. optional bool enable_fec = 4; // Whether discontinuous transmission (DTX) is turned on or off. optional bool enable_dtx = 5; // Number of audio channels that each encoded packet consists of. optional uint32 num_channels = 6; } message BweProbeCluster { // required - The id of this probe cluster. optional int32 id = 1; // required - The bitrate in bps that this probe cluster is meant to probe. optional int32 bitrate_bps = 2; // required - The minimum number of packets used to probe the given bitrate. optional uint32 min_packets = 3; // required - The minimum number of bytes used to probe the given bitrate. optional uint32 min_bytes = 4; } message BweProbeResult { // required - The id of this probe cluster. optional int32 id = 1; enum ResultType { SUCCESS = 0; INVALID_SEND_RECEIVE_INTERVAL = 1; INVALID_SEND_RECEIVE_RATIO = 2; TIMEOUT = 3; } // required - The result of this probing attempt. optional ResultType result = 2; // optional - but required if result == SUCCESS. The resulting bitrate in bps. optional int32 bitrate_bps = 3; } message RemoteEstimate { // optional - Lower estimate of link capacity. optional uint32 link_capacity_lower_kbps = 1; // optional - Upper estimate of link capacity. optional uint32 link_capacity_upper_kbps = 2; } message AlrState { // required - If we are in ALR or not. optional bool in_alr = 1; } message IceCandidatePairConfig { enum IceCandidatePairConfigType { ADDED = 0; UPDATED = 1; DESTROYED = 2; SELECTED = 3; } enum IceCandidateType { LOCAL = 0; STUN = 1; PRFLX = 2; RELAY = 3; UNKNOWN_CANDIDATE_TYPE = 4; } enum Protocol { UDP = 0; TCP = 1; SSLTCP = 2; TLS = 3; UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 4; } enum AddressFamily { IPV4 = 0; IPV6 = 1; UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_FAMILY = 2; } enum NetworkType { ETHERNET = 0; LOOPBACK = 1; WIFI = 2; VPN = 3; CELLULAR = 4; UNKNOWN_NETWORK_TYPE = 5; } // required optional IceCandidatePairConfigType config_type = 1; // required optional uint32 candidate_pair_id = 2; // required optional IceCandidateType local_candidate_type = 3; // required optional Protocol local_relay_protocol = 4; // required optional NetworkType local_network_type = 5; // required optional AddressFamily local_address_family = 6; // required optional IceCandidateType remote_candidate_type = 7; // required optional AddressFamily remote_address_family = 8; // required optional Protocol candidate_pair_protocol = 9; } message IceCandidatePairEvent { enum IceCandidatePairEventType { CHECK_SENT = 0; CHECK_RECEIVED = 1; CHECK_RESPONSE_SENT = 2; CHECK_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 3; } // required optional IceCandidatePairEventType event_type = 1; // required optional uint32 candidate_pair_id = 2; }