/* * Copyright (c) 2011 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ /****************************************************************** iLBC Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code WebRtcIlbcfix_HpOutput.c ******************************************************************/ #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/hp_output.h" #include "modules/audio_coding/codecs/ilbc/defines.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------* * high-pass filter of output and *2 with saturation *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ void WebRtcIlbcfix_HpOutput( int16_t *signal, /* (i/o) signal vector */ int16_t *ba, /* (i) B- and A-coefficients (2:nd order) {b[0] b[1] b[2] -a[1] -a[2]} a[0] is assumed to be 1.0 */ int16_t *y, /* (i/o) Filter state yhi[n-1] ylow[n-1] yhi[n-2] ylow[n-2] */ int16_t *x, /* (i/o) Filter state x[n-1] x[n-2] */ size_t len) /* (i) Number of samples to filter */ { size_t i; int32_t tmpW32; int32_t tmpW32b; for (i=0; i>15); tmpW32 += y[0] * ba[3]; /* (-a[1])*y[i-1] (high part) */ tmpW32 += y[2] * ba[4]; /* (-a[2])*y[i-2] (high part) */ tmpW32 *= 2; tmpW32 += signal[i] * ba[0]; /* b[0]*x[0] */ tmpW32 += x[0] * ba[1]; /* b[1]*x[i-1] */ tmpW32 += x[1] * ba[2]; /* b[2]*x[i-2] */ /* Update state (input part) */ x[1] = x[0]; x[0] = signal[i]; /* Rounding in Q(12-1), i.e. add 2^10 */ tmpW32b = tmpW32 + 1024; /* Saturate (to 2^26) so that the HP filtered signal does not overflow */ tmpW32b = WEBRTC_SPL_SAT((int32_t)67108863, tmpW32b, (int32_t)-67108864); /* Convert back to Q0 and multiply with 2 */ signal[i] = (int16_t)(tmpW32b >> 11); /* Update state (filtered part) */ y[2] = y[0]; y[3] = y[1]; /* upshift tmpW32 by 3 with saturation */ if (tmpW32>268435455) { tmpW32 = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD32_MAX; } else if (tmpW32<-268435456) { tmpW32 = WEBRTC_SPL_WORD32_MIN; } else { tmpW32 *= 8; } y[0] = (int16_t)(tmpW32 >> 16); y[1] = (int16_t)((tmpW32 & 0xffff) >> 1); } return; }