# Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license # that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source # tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found # in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may # be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. """Plots statistics from WebRTC integration test logs. Usage: $ python plot_webrtc_test_logs.py filename.txt """ import numpy import sys import re import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Log events. EVENT_START = 'RUN ] CodecSettings/VideoCodecTestParameterized.' EVENT_END = 'OK ] CodecSettings/VideoCodecTestParameterized.' # Metrics to plot, tuple: (name to parse in file, label to use when plotting). WIDTH = ('width', 'width') HEIGHT = ('height', 'height') FILENAME = ('filename', 'clip') CODEC_TYPE = ('codec_type', 'Codec') ENCODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME = ('enc_impl_name', 'enc name') DECODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME = ('dec_impl_name', 'dec name') CODEC_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME = ('codec_impl_name', 'codec name') CORES = ('num_cores', 'CPU cores used') DENOISING = ('denoising', 'denoising') RESILIENCE = ('resilience', 'resilience') ERROR_CONCEALMENT = ('error_concealment', 'error concealment') CPU_USAGE = ('cpu_usage_percent', 'CPU usage (%)') BITRATE = ('target_bitrate_kbps', 'target bitrate (kbps)') FRAMERATE = ('input_framerate_fps', 'fps') QP = ('avg_qp', 'QP avg') PSNR = ('avg_psnr', 'PSNR (dB)') SSIM = ('avg_ssim', 'SSIM') ENC_BITRATE = ('bitrate_kbps', 'encoded bitrate (kbps)') NUM_FRAMES = ('num_input_frames', 'num frames') NUM_DROPPED_FRAMES = ('num_dropped_frames', 'num dropped frames') TIME_TO_TARGET = ('time_to_reach_target_bitrate_sec', 'time to reach target rate (sec)') ENCODE_SPEED_FPS = ('enc_speed_fps', 'encode speed (fps)') DECODE_SPEED_FPS = ('dec_speed_fps', 'decode speed (fps)') AVG_KEY_FRAME_SIZE = ('avg_key_frame_size_bytes', 'avg key frame size (bytes)') AVG_DELTA_FRAME_SIZE = ('avg_delta_frame_size_bytes', 'avg delta frame size (bytes)') # Settings. SETTINGS = [ WIDTH, HEIGHT, FILENAME, NUM_FRAMES, ] # Settings, options for x-axis. X_SETTINGS = [ CORES, FRAMERATE, DENOISING, RESILIENCE, ERROR_CONCEALMENT, BITRATE, # TODO(asapersson): Needs to be last. ] # Settings, options for subplots. SUBPLOT_SETTINGS = [ CODEC_TYPE, ENCODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, DECODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, CODEC_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME, ] + X_SETTINGS # Results. RESULTS = [ PSNR, SSIM, ENC_BITRATE, NUM_DROPPED_FRAMES, TIME_TO_TARGET, ENCODE_SPEED_FPS, DECODE_SPEED_FPS, QP, CPU_USAGE, AVG_KEY_FRAME_SIZE, AVG_DELTA_FRAME_SIZE, ] METRICS_TO_PARSE = SETTINGS + SUBPLOT_SETTINGS + RESULTS Y_METRICS = [res[1] for res in RESULTS] # Parameters for plotting. FIG_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR_X = 1.6 FIG_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR_Y = 1.8 GRID_COLOR = [0.45, 0.45, 0.45] def ParseSetting(filename, setting): """Parses setting from file. Args: filename: The name of the file. setting: Name of setting to parse (e.g. width). Returns: A list holding parsed settings, e.g. ['width: 128.0', 'width: 160.0'] """ settings = [] settings_file = open(filename) while True: line = settings_file.readline() if not line: break if re.search(r'%s' % EVENT_START, line): # Parse event. parsed = {} while True: line = settings_file.readline() if not line: break if re.search(r'%s' % EVENT_END, line): # Add parsed setting to list. if setting in parsed: s = setting + ': ' + str(parsed[setting]) if s not in settings: settings.append(s) break TryFindMetric(parsed, line) settings_file.close() return settings def ParseMetrics(filename, setting1, setting2): """Parses metrics from file. Args: filename: The name of the file. setting1: First setting for sorting metrics (e.g. width). setting2: Second setting for sorting metrics (e.g. CPU cores used). Returns: A dictionary holding parsed metrics. For example: metrics[key1][key2][measurement] metrics = { "width: 352": { "CPU cores used: 1.0": { "encode time (us)": [0.718005, 0.806925, 0.909726, 0.931835, 0.953642], "PSNR (dB)": [25.546029, 29.465518, 34.723535, 36.428493, 38.686551], "bitrate (kbps)": [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] }, "CPU cores used: 2.0": { "encode time (us)": [0.718005, 0.806925, 0.909726, 0.931835, 0.953642], "PSNR (dB)": [25.546029, 29.465518, 34.723535, 36.428493, 38.686551], "bitrate (kbps)": [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] }, }, "width: 176": { "CPU cores used: 1.0": { "encode time (us)": [0.857897, 0.91608, 0.959173, 0.971116, 0.980961], "PSNR (dB)": [30.243646, 33.375592, 37.574387, 39.42184, 41.437897], "bitrate (kbps)": [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] }, } } """ metrics = {} # Parse events. settings_file = open(filename) while True: line = settings_file.readline() if not line: break if re.search(r'%s' % EVENT_START, line): # Parse event. parsed = {} while True: line = settings_file.readline() if not line: break if re.search(r'%s' % EVENT_END, line): # Add parsed values to metrics. key1 = setting1 + ': ' + str(parsed[setting1]) key2 = setting2 + ': ' + str(parsed[setting2]) if key1 not in metrics: metrics[key1] = {} if key2 not in metrics[key1]: metrics[key1][key2] = {} for label in parsed: if label not in metrics[key1][key2]: metrics[key1][key2][label] = [] metrics[key1][key2][label].append(parsed[label]) break TryFindMetric(parsed, line) settings_file.close() return metrics def TryFindMetric(parsed, line): for metric in METRICS_TO_PARSE: name = metric[0] label = metric[1] if re.search(r'%s' % name, line): found, value = GetMetric(name, line) if found: parsed[label] = value return def GetMetric(name, string): # Float (e.g. bitrate = 98.8253). pattern = r'%s\s*[:=]\s*([+-]?\d+\.*\d*)' % name m = re.search(r'%s' % pattern, string) if m is not None: return StringToFloat(m.group(1)) # Alphanumeric characters (e.g. codec type : VP8). pattern = r'%s\s*[:=]\s*(\w+)' % name m = re.search(r'%s' % pattern, string) if m is not None: return True, m.group(1) return False, -1 def StringToFloat(value): try: value = float(value) except ValueError: print "Not a float, skipped %s" % value return False, -1 return True, value def Plot(y_metric, x_metric, metrics): """Plots y_metric vs x_metric per key in metrics. For example: y_metric = 'PSNR (dB)' x_metric = 'bitrate (kbps)' metrics = { "CPU cores used: 1.0": { "PSNR (dB)": [25.546029, 29.465518, 34.723535, 36.428493, 38.686551], "bitrate (kbps)": [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] }, "CPU cores used: 2.0": { "PSNR (dB)": [25.546029, 29.465518, 34.723535, 36.428493, 38.686551], "bitrate (kbps)": [50, 100, 300, 500, 1000] }, } """ for key in sorted(metrics): data = metrics[key] if y_metric not in data: print "Failed to find metric: %s" % y_metric continue y = numpy.array(data[y_metric]) x = numpy.array(data[x_metric]) if len(y) != len(x): print "Length mismatch for %s, %s" % (y, x) continue label = y_metric + ' - ' + str(key) plt.plot(x, y, label=label, linewidth=1.5, marker='o', markersize=5, markeredgewidth=0.0) def PlotFigure(settings, y_metrics, x_metric, metrics, title): """Plots metrics in y_metrics list. One figure is plotted and each entry in the list is plotted in a subplot (and sorted per settings). For example: settings = ['width: 128.0', 'width: 160.0']. Sort subplot per setting. y_metrics = ['PSNR (dB)', 'PSNR (dB)']. Metric to plot per subplot. x_metric = 'bitrate (kbps)' """ plt.figure() plt.suptitle(title, fontsize='large', fontweight='bold') settings.sort() rows = len(settings) cols = 1 pos = 1 while pos <= rows: plt.rc('grid', color=GRID_COLOR) ax = plt.subplot(rows, cols, pos) plt.grid() plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), visible=(pos == rows), fontsize='large') plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontsize='large') setting = settings[pos - 1] Plot(y_metrics[pos - 1], x_metric, metrics[setting]) if setting.startswith(WIDTH[1]): plt.title(setting, fontsize='medium') plt.legend(fontsize='large', loc='best') pos += 1 plt.xlabel(x_metric, fontsize='large') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.98, bottom=0.05, top=0.94, hspace=0.08) def GetTitle(filename, setting): title = '' if setting != CODEC_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1] and setting != CODEC_TYPE[1]: codec_types = ParseSetting(filename, CODEC_TYPE[1]) for i in range(0, len(codec_types)): title += codec_types[i] + ', ' if setting != CORES[1]: cores = ParseSetting(filename, CORES[1]) for i in range(0, len(cores)): title += cores[i].split('.')[0] + ', ' if setting != FRAMERATE[1]: framerate = ParseSetting(filename, FRAMERATE[1]) for i in range(0, len(framerate)): title += framerate[i].split('.')[0] + ', ' if (setting != CODEC_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1] and setting != ENCODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1]): enc_names = ParseSetting(filename, ENCODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1]) for i in range(0, len(enc_names)): title += enc_names[i] + ', ' if (setting != CODEC_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1] and setting != DECODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1]): dec_names = ParseSetting(filename, DECODER_IMPLEMENTATION_NAME[1]) for i in range(0, len(dec_names)): title += dec_names[i] + ', ' filenames = ParseSetting(filename, FILENAME[1]) title += filenames[0].split('_')[0] num_frames = ParseSetting(filename, NUM_FRAMES[1]) for i in range(0, len(num_frames)): title += ' (' + num_frames[i].split('.')[0] + ')' return title def ToString(input_list): return ToStringWithoutMetric(input_list, ('', '')) def ToStringWithoutMetric(input_list, metric): i = 1 output_str = "" for m in input_list: if m != metric: output_str = output_str + ("%s. %s\n" % (i, m[1])) i += 1 return output_str def GetIdx(text_list): return int(raw_input(text_list)) - 1 def main(): filename = sys.argv[1] # Setup. idx_metric = GetIdx("Choose metric:\n0. All\n%s" % ToString(RESULTS)) if idx_metric == -1: # Plot all metrics. One subplot for each metric. # Per subplot: metric vs bitrate (per resolution). cores = ParseSetting(filename, CORES[1]) setting1 = CORES[1] setting2 = WIDTH[1] sub_keys = [cores[0]] * len(Y_METRICS) y_metrics = Y_METRICS x_metric = BITRATE[1] else: resolutions = ParseSetting(filename, WIDTH[1]) idx = GetIdx("Select metric for x-axis:\n%s" % ToString(X_SETTINGS)) if X_SETTINGS[idx] == BITRATE: idx = GetIdx("Plot per:\n%s" % ToStringWithoutMetric(SUBPLOT_SETTINGS, BITRATE)) idx_setting = METRICS_TO_PARSE.index(SUBPLOT_SETTINGS[idx]) # Plot one metric. One subplot for each resolution. # Per subplot: metric vs bitrate (per setting). setting1 = WIDTH[1] setting2 = METRICS_TO_PARSE[idx_setting][1] sub_keys = resolutions y_metrics = [RESULTS[idx_metric][1]] * len(sub_keys) x_metric = BITRATE[1] else: # Plot one metric. One subplot for each resolution. # Per subplot: metric vs setting (per bitrate). setting1 = WIDTH[1] setting2 = BITRATE[1] sub_keys = resolutions y_metrics = [RESULTS[idx_metric][1]] * len(sub_keys) x_metric = X_SETTINGS[idx][1] metrics = ParseMetrics(filename, setting1, setting2) # Stretch fig size. figsize = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] figsize[0] *= FIG_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR_X figsize[1] *= FIG_SIZE_SCALE_FACTOR_Y plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = figsize PlotFigure(sub_keys, y_metrics, x_metric, metrics, GetTitle(filename, setting2)) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main()