/* * Copyright (c) 2021 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "net/dcsctp/tx/rr_send_queue.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/algorithm/container.h" #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "api/array_view.h" #include "net/dcsctp/common/internal_types.h" #include "net/dcsctp/packet/data.h" #include "net/dcsctp/public/dcsctp_message.h" #include "net/dcsctp/public/dcsctp_socket.h" #include "net/dcsctp/public/types.h" #include "net/dcsctp/tx/send_queue.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "rtc_base/strings/str_join.h" namespace dcsctp { using ::webrtc::TimeDelta; using ::webrtc::Timestamp; RRSendQueue::RRSendQueue(absl::string_view log_prefix, DcSctpSocketCallbacks* callbacks, size_t buffer_size, size_t mtu, StreamPriority default_priority, size_t total_buffered_amount_low_threshold) : log_prefix_(log_prefix), callbacks_(*callbacks), buffer_size_(buffer_size), default_priority_(default_priority), scheduler_(log_prefix_, mtu), total_buffered_amount_( [this]() { callbacks_.OnTotalBufferedAmountLow(); }) { total_buffered_amount_.SetLowThreshold(total_buffered_amount_low_threshold); } size_t RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::bytes_to_send_in_next_message() const { if (pause_state_ == PauseState::kPaused || pause_state_ == PauseState::kResetting) { // The stream has paused (and there is no partially sent message). return 0; } if (items_.empty()) { return 0; } return items_.front().remaining_size; } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::AddHandoverState( DcSctpSocketHandoverState::OutgoingStream& state) const { state.next_ssn = next_ssn_.value(); state.next_ordered_mid = next_ordered_mid_.value(); state.next_unordered_mid = next_unordered_mid_.value(); state.priority = *scheduler_stream_->priority(); } bool RRSendQueue::IsConsistent() const { std::set expected_active_streams; std::set actual_active_streams = scheduler_.ActiveStreamsForTesting(); size_t total_buffered_amount = 0; for (const auto& [stream_id, stream] : streams_) { total_buffered_amount += stream.buffered_amount().value(); if (stream.bytes_to_send_in_next_message() > 0) { expected_active_streams.emplace(stream_id); } } if (expected_active_streams != actual_active_streams) { auto fn = [&](rtc::StringBuilder& sb, const auto& p) { sb << *p; }; RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) << "Active streams mismatch, is=[" << StrJoin(actual_active_streams, ",", fn) << "], expected=[" << StrJoin(expected_active_streams, ",", fn) << "]"; return false; } return total_buffered_amount == total_buffered_amount_.value(); } bool RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::IsConsistent() const { size_t bytes = 0; for (const auto& item : items_) { bytes += item.remaining_size; } return bytes == buffered_amount_.value(); } void RRSendQueue::ThresholdWatcher::Decrease(size_t bytes) { RTC_DCHECK(bytes <= value_); size_t old_value = value_; value_ -= bytes; if (old_value > low_threshold_ && value_ <= low_threshold_) { on_threshold_reached_(); } } void RRSendQueue::ThresholdWatcher::SetLowThreshold(size_t low_threshold) { // Betting on https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/2654 being accepted. if (low_threshold_ < value_ && low_threshold >= value_) { on_threshold_reached_(); } low_threshold_ = low_threshold; } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Add(DcSctpMessage message, MessageAttributes attributes) { bool was_active = bytes_to_send_in_next_message() > 0; buffered_amount_.Increase(message.payload().size()); parent_.total_buffered_amount_.Increase(message.payload().size()); OutgoingMessageId message_id = parent_.current_message_id; parent_.current_message_id = OutgoingMessageId(*parent_.current_message_id + 1); items_.emplace_back(message_id, std::move(message), std::move(attributes)); if (!was_active) { scheduler_stream_->MaybeMakeActive(); } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } absl::optional RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Produce( Timestamp now, size_t max_size) { RTC_DCHECK(pause_state_ != PauseState::kPaused && pause_state_ != PauseState::kResetting); while (!items_.empty()) { Item& item = items_.front(); DcSctpMessage& message = item.message; // Allocate Message ID and SSN when the first fragment is sent. if (!item.mid.has_value()) { // Oops, this entire message has already expired. Try the next one. if (item.attributes.expires_at <= now) { HandleMessageExpired(item); items_.pop_front(); continue; } MID& mid = item.attributes.unordered ? next_unordered_mid_ : next_ordered_mid_; item.mid = mid; mid = MID(*mid + 1); } if (!item.attributes.unordered && !item.ssn.has_value()) { item.ssn = next_ssn_; next_ssn_ = SSN(*next_ssn_ + 1); } // Grab the next `max_size` fragment from this message and calculate flags. rtc::ArrayView chunk_payload = item.message.payload().subview(item.remaining_offset, max_size); rtc::ArrayView message_payload = message.payload(); Data::IsBeginning is_beginning(chunk_payload.data() == message_payload.data()); Data::IsEnd is_end((chunk_payload.data() + chunk_payload.size()) == (message_payload.data() + message_payload.size())); StreamID stream_id = message.stream_id(); PPID ppid = message.ppid(); // Zero-copy the payload if the message fits in a single chunk. std::vector payload = is_beginning && is_end ? std::move(message).ReleasePayload() : std::vector(chunk_payload.begin(), chunk_payload.end()); FSN fsn(item.current_fsn); item.current_fsn = FSN(*item.current_fsn + 1); buffered_amount_.Decrease(payload.size()); parent_.total_buffered_amount_.Decrease(payload.size()); SendQueue::DataToSend chunk( item.message_id, Data(stream_id, item.ssn.value_or(SSN(0)), *item.mid, fsn, ppid, std::move(payload), is_beginning, is_end, item.attributes.unordered)); chunk.max_retransmissions = item.attributes.max_retransmissions; chunk.expires_at = item.attributes.expires_at; chunk.lifecycle_id = is_end ? item.attributes.lifecycle_id : LifecycleId::NotSet(); if (is_end) { // The entire message has been sent, and its last data copied to `chunk`, // so it can safely be discarded. items_.pop_front(); if (pause_state_ == PauseState::kPending) { RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Pause state on " << *stream_id << " is moving from pending to paused"; pause_state_ = PauseState::kPaused; } } else { item.remaining_offset += chunk_payload.size(); item.remaining_size -= chunk_payload.size(); RTC_DCHECK(item.remaining_offset + item.remaining_size == item.message.payload().size()); RTC_DCHECK(item.remaining_size > 0); } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); return chunk; } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); return absl::nullopt; } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::HandleMessageExpired( OutgoingStream::Item& item) { buffered_amount_.Decrease(item.remaining_size); parent_.total_buffered_amount_.Decrease(item.remaining_size); if (item.attributes.lifecycle_id.IsSet()) { RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Triggering OnLifecycleMessageExpired(" << item.attributes.lifecycle_id.value() << ", false)"; parent_.callbacks_.OnLifecycleMessageExpired(item.attributes.lifecycle_id, /*maybe_delivered=*/false); parent_.callbacks_.OnLifecycleEnd(item.attributes.lifecycle_id); } } bool RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Discard(OutgoingMessageId message_id) { bool result = false; if (!items_.empty()) { Item& item = items_.front(); if (item.message_id == message_id) { HandleMessageExpired(item); items_.pop_front(); // Only partially sent messages are discarded, so if a message was // discarded, then it was the currently sent message. scheduler_stream_->ForceReschedule(); if (pause_state_ == PauseState::kPending) { pause_state_ = PauseState::kPaused; scheduler_stream_->MakeInactive(); } else if (bytes_to_send_in_next_message() == 0) { scheduler_stream_->MakeInactive(); } // As the item still existed, it had unsent data. result = true; } } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); return result; } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Pause() { if (pause_state_ != PauseState::kNotPaused) { // Already in progress. return; } bool had_pending_items = !items_.empty(); // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8831#section-6.7 // "Closing of a data channel MUST be signaled by resetting the corresponding // outgoing streams [RFC6525]. This means that if one side decides to close // the data channel, it resets the corresponding outgoing stream." // ... "[RFC6525] also guarantees that all the messages are delivered (or // abandoned) before the stream is reset." // A stream is paused when it's about to be reset. In this implementation, // it will throw away all non-partially send messages - they will be abandoned // as noted above. This is subject to change. It will however not discard any // partially sent messages - only whole messages. Partially delivered messages // (at the time of receiving a Stream Reset command) will always deliver all // the fragments before actually resetting the stream. for (auto it = items_.begin(); it != items_.end();) { if (it->remaining_offset == 0) { HandleMessageExpired(*it); it = items_.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } pause_state_ = (items_.empty() || items_.front().remaining_offset == 0) ? PauseState::kPaused : PauseState::kPending; if (had_pending_items && pause_state_ == PauseState::kPaused) { RTC_DLOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Stream " << *stream_id() << " was previously active, but is now paused."; scheduler_stream_->MakeInactive(); } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Resume() { RTC_DCHECK(pause_state_ == PauseState::kResetting); pause_state_ = PauseState::kNotPaused; scheduler_stream_->MaybeMakeActive(); RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } void RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::Reset() { // This can be called both when an outgoing stream reset has been responded // to, or when the entire SendQueue is reset due to detecting the peer having // restarted. The stream may be in any state at this time. PauseState old_pause_state = pause_state_; pause_state_ = PauseState::kNotPaused; next_ordered_mid_ = MID(0); next_unordered_mid_ = MID(0); next_ssn_ = SSN(0); if (!items_.empty()) { // If this message has been partially sent, reset it so that it will be // re-sent. auto& item = items_.front(); buffered_amount_.Increase(item.message.payload().size() - item.remaining_size); parent_.total_buffered_amount_.Increase(item.message.payload().size() - item.remaining_size); item.remaining_offset = 0; item.remaining_size = item.message.payload().size(); item.mid = absl::nullopt; item.ssn = absl::nullopt; item.current_fsn = FSN(0); if (old_pause_state == PauseState::kPaused || old_pause_state == PauseState::kResetting) { scheduler_stream_->MaybeMakeActive(); } } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } bool RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream::has_partially_sent_message() const { if (items_.empty()) { return false; } return items_.front().mid.has_value(); } void RRSendQueue::Add(Timestamp now, DcSctpMessage message, const SendOptions& send_options) { RTC_DCHECK(!message.payload().empty()); // Any limited lifetime should start counting from now - when the message // has been added to the queue. // `expires_at` is the time when it expires. Which is slightly larger than the // message's lifetime, as the message is alive during its entire lifetime // (which may be zero). MessageAttributes attributes = { .unordered = send_options.unordered, .max_retransmissions = send_options.max_retransmissions.has_value() ? MaxRetransmits(send_options.max_retransmissions.value()) : MaxRetransmits::NoLimit(), .expires_at = send_options.lifetime.has_value() ? now + send_options.lifetime->ToTimeDelta() + TimeDelta::Millis(1) : Timestamp::PlusInfinity(), .lifecycle_id = send_options.lifecycle_id, }; StreamID stream_id = message.stream_id(); GetOrCreateStreamInfo(stream_id).Add(std::move(message), std::move(attributes)); RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } bool RRSendQueue::IsFull() const { return total_buffered_amount() >= buffer_size_; } bool RRSendQueue::IsEmpty() const { return total_buffered_amount() == 0; } absl::optional RRSendQueue::Produce(Timestamp now, size_t max_size) { return scheduler_.Produce(now, max_size); } bool RRSendQueue::Discard(StreamID stream_id, OutgoingMessageId message_id) { bool has_discarded = GetOrCreateStreamInfo(stream_id).Discard(message_id); RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); return has_discarded; } void RRSendQueue::PrepareResetStream(StreamID stream_id) { GetOrCreateStreamInfo(stream_id).Pause(); RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } bool RRSendQueue::HasStreamsReadyToBeReset() const { for (auto& [unused, stream] : streams_) { if (stream.IsReadyToBeReset()) { return true; } } return false; } std::vector RRSendQueue::GetStreamsReadyToBeReset() { RTC_DCHECK(absl::c_count_if(streams_, [](const auto& p) { return p.second.IsResetting(); }) == 0); std::vector ready; for (auto& [stream_id, stream] : streams_) { if (stream.IsReadyToBeReset()) { stream.SetAsResetting(); ready.push_back(stream_id); } } return ready; } void RRSendQueue::CommitResetStreams() { RTC_DCHECK(absl::c_count_if(streams_, [](const auto& p) { return p.second.IsResetting(); }) > 0); for (auto& [unused, stream] : streams_) { if (stream.IsResetting()) { stream.Reset(); } } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } void RRSendQueue::RollbackResetStreams() { RTC_DCHECK(absl::c_count_if(streams_, [](const auto& p) { return p.second.IsResetting(); }) > 0); for (auto& [unused, stream] : streams_) { if (stream.IsResetting()) { stream.Resume(); } } RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } void RRSendQueue::Reset() { // Recalculate buffered amount, as partially sent messages may have been put // fully back in the queue. for (auto& [unused, stream] : streams_) { stream.Reset(); } scheduler_.ForceReschedule(); } size_t RRSendQueue::buffered_amount(StreamID stream_id) const { auto it = streams_.find(stream_id); if (it == streams_.end()) { return 0; } return it->second.buffered_amount().value(); } size_t RRSendQueue::buffered_amount_low_threshold(StreamID stream_id) const { auto it = streams_.find(stream_id); if (it == streams_.end()) { return 0; } return it->second.buffered_amount().low_threshold(); } void RRSendQueue::SetBufferedAmountLowThreshold(StreamID stream_id, size_t bytes) { GetOrCreateStreamInfo(stream_id).buffered_amount().SetLowThreshold(bytes); } RRSendQueue::OutgoingStream& RRSendQueue::GetOrCreateStreamInfo( StreamID stream_id) { auto it = streams_.find(stream_id); if (it != streams_.end()) { return it->second; } return streams_ .emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(stream_id), std::forward_as_tuple(this, &scheduler_, stream_id, default_priority_, [this, stream_id]() { callbacks_.OnBufferedAmountLow(stream_id); })) .first->second; } void RRSendQueue::SetStreamPriority(StreamID stream_id, StreamPriority priority) { OutgoingStream& stream = GetOrCreateStreamInfo(stream_id); stream.SetPriority(priority); RTC_DCHECK(IsConsistent()); } StreamPriority RRSendQueue::GetStreamPriority(StreamID stream_id) const { auto stream_it = streams_.find(stream_id); if (stream_it == streams_.end()) { return default_priority_; } return stream_it->second.priority(); } HandoverReadinessStatus RRSendQueue::GetHandoverReadiness() const { HandoverReadinessStatus status; if (!IsEmpty()) { status.Add(HandoverUnreadinessReason::kSendQueueNotEmpty); } return status; } void RRSendQueue::AddHandoverState(DcSctpSocketHandoverState& state) { for (const auto& [stream_id, stream] : streams_) { DcSctpSocketHandoverState::OutgoingStream state_stream; state_stream.id = stream_id.value(); stream.AddHandoverState(state_stream); state.tx.streams.push_back(std::move(state_stream)); } } void RRSendQueue::RestoreFromState(const DcSctpSocketHandoverState& state) { for (const DcSctpSocketHandoverState::OutgoingStream& state_stream : state.tx.streams) { StreamID stream_id(state_stream.id); streams_.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(stream_id), std::forward_as_tuple( this, &scheduler_, stream_id, StreamPriority(state_stream.priority), [this, stream_id]() { callbacks_.OnBufferedAmountLow(stream_id); }, &state_stream)); } } } // namespace dcsctp