/* * Copyright 2022 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #import #import #import "RTCMacros.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN typedef OSStatus (^RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceGetPlayoutDataBlock))( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *_Nonnull actionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *_Nonnull timestamp, NSInteger inputBusNumber, UInt32 frameCount, AudioBufferList *_Nonnull outputData); typedef OSStatus (^RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceRenderRecordedDataBlock))( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *_Nonnull actionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *_Nonnull timestamp, NSInteger inputBusNumber, UInt32 frameCount, AudioBufferList *_Nonnull inputData, void *_Nullable renderContext); typedef OSStatus (^RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceDeliverRecordedDataBlock))( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *_Nonnull actionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *_Nonnull timestamp, NSInteger inputBusNumber, UInt32 frameCount, const AudioBufferList *_Nullable inputData, void *_Nullable renderContext, NS_NOESCAPE RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceRenderRecordedDataBlock) _Nullable renderBlock); /** * Delegate object provided by native ADM during RTCAudioDevice initialization. * Provides blocks to poll playback audio samples from native ADM and to feed * recorded audio samples into native ADM. */ RTC_OBJC_EXPORT @protocol RTC_OBJC_TYPE (RTCAudioDeviceDelegate) /** * Implementation of RTCAudioSource should call this block to feed recorded PCM (16-bit integer) * into native ADM. Stereo data is expected to be interleaved starting with the left channel. * Either `inputData` with pre-filled audio data must be provided during block * call or `renderBlock` must be provided which must fill provided audio buffer with recorded * samples. * * NOTE: Implementation of RTCAudioDevice is expected to call the block on the same thread until * `notifyAudioInterrupted` is called. When `notifyAudioInterrupted` is called implementation * can call the block on a different thread. */ @property(readonly, nonnull) RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceDeliverRecordedDataBlock) deliverRecordedData; /** * Provides input sample rate preference as it preferred by native ADM. */ @property(readonly) double preferredInputSampleRate; /** * Provides input IO buffer duration preference as it preferred by native ADM. */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval preferredInputIOBufferDuration; /** * Provides output sample rate preference as it preferred by native ADM. */ @property(readonly) double preferredOutputSampleRate; /** * Provides output IO buffer duration preference as it preferred by native ADM. */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval preferredOutputIOBufferDuration; /** * Implementation of RTCAudioDevice should call this block to request PCM (16-bit integer) * from native ADM to play. Stereo data is interleaved starting with the left channel. * * NOTE: Implementation of RTCAudioDevice is expected to invoke of this block on the * same thread until `notifyAudioInterrupted` is called. When `notifyAudioInterrupted` is called * implementation can call the block from a different thread. */ @property(readonly, nonnull) RTC_OBJC_TYPE(RTCAudioDeviceGetPlayoutDataBlock) getPlayoutData; /** * Notifies native ADM that some of the audio input parameters of RTCAudioDevice like * samle rate and/or IO buffer duration and/or IO latency had possibly changed. * Native ADM will adjust its audio input buffer to match current parameters of audio device. * * NOTE: Must be called within block executed via `dispatchAsync` or `dispatchSync`. */ - (void)notifyAudioInputParametersChange; /** * Notifies native ADM that some of the audio output parameters of RTCAudioDevice like * samle rate and/or IO buffer duration and/or IO latency had possibly changed. * Native ADM will adjust its audio output buffer to match current parameters of audio device. * * NOTE: Must be called within block executed via `dispatchAsync` or `dispatchSync`. */ - (void)notifyAudioOutputParametersChange; /** * Notifies native ADM that audio input is interrupted and further audio playout * and recording might happen on a different thread. * * NOTE: Must be called within block executed via `dispatchAsync` or `dispatchSync`. */ - (void)notifyAudioInputInterrupted; /** * Notifies native ADM that audio output is interrupted and further audio playout * and recording might happen on a different thread. * * NOTE: Must be called within block executed via `dispatchAsync` or `dispatchSync`. */ - (void)notifyAudioOutputInterrupted; /** * Asynchronously execute block of code within the context of * thread which owns native ADM. * * NOTE: Intended to be used to invoke `notifyAudioInputParametersChange`, * `notifyAudioOutputParametersChange`, `notifyAudioInputInterrupted`, * `notifyAudioOutputInterrupted` on native ADM thread. * Also could be used by `RTCAudioDevice` implementation to tie * mutations of underlying audio objects (AVAudioEngine, AudioUnit, etc) * to the native ADM thread. Could be useful to handle events like audio route change, which * could lead to audio parameters change. */ - (void)dispatchAsync:(dispatch_block_t)block; /** * Synchronously execute block of code within the context of * thread which owns native ADM. Allows reentrancy. * * NOTE: Intended to be used to invoke `notifyAudioInputParametersChange`, * `notifyAudioOutputParametersChange`, `notifyAudioInputInterrupted`, * `notifyAudioOutputInterrupted` on native ADM thread and make sure * aforementioned is completed before `dispatchSync` returns. Could be useful * when implementation of `RTCAudioDevice` tie mutation to underlying audio objects (AVAudioEngine, * AudioUnit, etc) to own thread to satisfy requirement that native ADM audio parameters * must be kept in sync with current audio parameters before audio is actually played or recorded. */ - (void)dispatchSync:(dispatch_block_t)block; @end /** * Protocol to abstract platform specific ways to implement playback and recording. * * NOTE: All the members of protocol are called by native ADM from the same thread * between calls to `initializeWithDelegate` and `terminate`. * NOTE: Implementation is fully responsible for configuring application's AVAudioSession. * An example implementation of RTCAudioDevice: https://github.com/mstyura/RTCAudioDevice * TODO(yura.yaroshevich): Implement custom RTCAudioDevice for AppRTCMobile demo app. */ RTC_OBJC_EXPORT @protocol RTC_OBJC_TYPE (RTCAudioDevice) /** * Indicates current sample rate of audio recording. Changes to this property * must be notified back to native ADM via `-[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate * notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) double deviceInputSampleRate; /** * Indicates current size of record buffer. Changes to this property * must be notified back to native ADM via `-[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval inputIOBufferDuration; /** * Indicates current number of recorded audio channels. Changes to this property * must be notified back to native ADM via `-[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) NSInteger inputNumberOfChannels; /** * Indicates current input latency */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval inputLatency; /** * Indicates current sample rate of audio playback. Changes to this property * must be notified back to native ADM via `-[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) double deviceOutputSampleRate; /** * Indicates current size of playback buffer. Changes to this property * must be notified back to native ADM via `-[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval outputIOBufferDuration; /** * Indicates current number of playback audio channels. Changes to this property * must be notified back to WebRTC via `[RTCAudioDeviceDelegate notifyAudioParametersChange]`. */ @property(readonly) NSInteger outputNumberOfChannels; /** * Indicates current output latency */ @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval outputLatency; /** * Indicates if invocation of `initializeWithDelegate` required before usage of RTCAudioDevice. * YES indicates that `initializeWithDelegate` was called earlier without subsequent call to * `terminate`. NO indicates that either `initializeWithDelegate` not called or `terminate` called. */ @property(readonly) BOOL isInitialized; /** * Initializes RTCAudioDevice with RTCAudioDeviceDelegate. * Implementation must return YES if RTCAudioDevice initialized successfully and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)initializeWithDelegate:(id)delegate; /** * De-initializes RTCAudioDevice. Implementation should forget about `delegate` provided in * `initializeWithDelegate`. */ - (BOOL)terminateDevice; /** * Property to indicate if `initializePlayout` call required before invocation of `startPlayout`. * YES indicates that `initializePlayout` was successfully invoked earlier or not necessary, * NO indicates that `initializePlayout` invocation required. */ @property(readonly) BOOL isPlayoutInitialized; /** * Prepares RTCAudioDevice to play audio. * Called by native ADM before invocation of `startPlayout`. * Implementation is expected to return YES in case of successful playout initialization and NO * otherwise. */ - (BOOL)initializePlayout; /** * Property to indicate if RTCAudioDevice should be playing according to * earlier calls of `startPlayout` and `stopPlayout`. */ @property(readonly) BOOL isPlaying; /** * Method is called when native ADM wants to play audio. * Implementation is expected to return YES if playback start request * successfully handled and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)startPlayout; /** * Method is called when native ADM no longer needs to play audio. * Implementation is expected to return YES if playback stop request * successfully handled and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)stopPlayout; /** * Property to indicate if `initializeRecording` call required before usage of `startRecording`. * YES indicates that `initializeRecording` was successfully invoked earlier or not necessary, * NO indicates that `initializeRecording` invocation required. */ @property(readonly) BOOL isRecordingInitialized; /** * Prepares RTCAudioDevice to record audio. * Called by native ADM before invocation of `startRecording`. * Implementation may use this method to prepare resources required to record audio. * Implementation is expected to return YES in case of successful record initialization and NO * otherwise. */ - (BOOL)initializeRecording; /** * Property to indicate if RTCAudioDevice should record audio according to * earlier calls to `startRecording` and `stopRecording`. */ @property(readonly) BOOL isRecording; /** * Method is called when native ADM wants to record audio. * Implementation is expected to return YES if recording start request * successfully handled and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)startRecording; /** * Method is called when native ADM no longer needs to record audio. * Implementation is expected to return YES if recording stop request * successfully handled and NO otherwise. */ - (BOOL)stopRecording; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END