/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "system_wrappers/include/ntp_time.h" #include #include "system_wrappers/include/clock.h" #include "test/gtest.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { constexpr uint32_t kNtpSec = 0x12345678; constexpr uint32_t kNtpFrac = 0x23456789; constexpr int64_t kOneSecQ32x32 = uint64_t{1} << 32; constexpr int64_t kOneMsQ32x32 = 4294967; TEST(NtpTimeTest, NoValueMeansInvalid) { NtpTime ntp; EXPECT_FALSE(ntp.Valid()); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, CanResetValue) { NtpTime ntp(kNtpSec, kNtpFrac); EXPECT_TRUE(ntp.Valid()); ntp.Reset(); EXPECT_FALSE(ntp.Valid()); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, CanGetWhatIsSet) { NtpTime ntp; ntp.Set(kNtpSec, kNtpFrac); EXPECT_EQ(kNtpSec, ntp.seconds()); EXPECT_EQ(kNtpFrac, ntp.fractions()); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, SetIsSameAs2ParameterConstructor) { NtpTime ntp1(kNtpSec, kNtpFrac); NtpTime ntp2; EXPECT_NE(ntp1, ntp2); ntp2.Set(kNtpSec, kNtpFrac); EXPECT_EQ(ntp1, ntp2); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, ToMsMeansToNtpMilliseconds) { SimulatedClock clock(0x123456789abc); NtpTime ntp = clock.CurrentNtpTime(); EXPECT_EQ(ntp.ToMs(), clock.CurrentNtpInMilliseconds()); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, CanExplicitlyConvertToAndFromUint64) { uint64_t untyped_time = 0x123456789; NtpTime time(untyped_time); EXPECT_EQ(untyped_time, static_cast(time)); EXPECT_EQ(NtpTime(0x12345678, 0x90abcdef), NtpTime(0x1234567890abcdef)); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToQ32x32NearZero) { // Zero EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(0), 0); // Zero + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(1), kOneMsQ32x32); // Zero - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(-1), -kOneMsQ32x32); // Zero + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(1000), kOneSecQ32x32); // Zero - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(-1000), -kOneSecQ32x32); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToUQ32x32NearZero) { // Zero EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(0), uint64_t{0}); // Zero + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(1), uint64_t{kOneMsQ32x32}); // Zero - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(-1), uint64_t{0}); // Clamped // Zero + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(1000), uint64_t{kOneSecQ32x32}); // Zero - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(-1000), uint64_t{0}); // Clamped } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyQ32x32ToInt64MsNearZero) { // Zero EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(0), 0); // Zero + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kOneMsQ32x32), 1); // Zero - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(-kOneMsQ32x32), -1); // Zero + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kOneSecQ32x32), 1000); // Zero - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(-kOneSecQ32x32), -1000); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyUQ32x32ToInt64MsNearZero) { // Zero EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(0), 0); // Zero + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(kOneMsQ32x32), 1); // Zero + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(kOneSecQ32x32), 1000); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToQ32x32NearMax) { constexpr int64_t kMaxQ32x32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = (kMaxQ32x32 >> 32) * 1000 + 999; // Max const int64_t boundary_q32x32 = Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs); EXPECT_LE(boundary_q32x32, kMaxQ32x32); EXPECT_GT(boundary_q32x32, kMaxQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32); // Max + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1), kMaxQ32x32); // Clamped // Max - 1 millisecond EXPECT_LE(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1), kMaxQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32); // Max + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1000), kMaxQ32x32); // Clamped // Max - 1 second EXPECT_LE(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1000), kMaxQ32x32 - kOneSecQ32x32); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToUQ32x32NearMax) { constexpr uint64_t kMaxUQ32x32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = (kMaxUQ32x32 >> 32) * 1000 + 999; // Max const uint64_t boundary_uq32x32 = Int64MsToUQ32x32(kBoundaryMs); EXPECT_LE(boundary_uq32x32, kMaxUQ32x32); EXPECT_GT(boundary_uq32x32, kMaxUQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32); // Max + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1), kMaxUQ32x32); // Clamped // Max - 1 millisecond EXPECT_LE(Int64MsToUQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1), kMaxUQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32); // Max + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToUQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1000), kMaxUQ32x32); // Clamped // Max - 1 second EXPECT_LE(Int64MsToUQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1000), kMaxUQ32x32 - kOneSecQ32x32); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyQ32x32ToInt64MsNearMax) { constexpr int64_t kMaxQ32x32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = (kMaxQ32x32 >> 32) * 1000 + 1000; // Max EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxQ32x32), kBoundaryMs); // Max - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32), kBoundaryMs - 1); // Max - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxQ32x32 - kOneSecQ32x32), kBoundaryMs - 1000); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyUQ32x32ToInt64MsNearMax) { constexpr uint64_t kMaxUQ32x32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = (kMaxUQ32x32 >> 32) * 1000 + 1000; // Max EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxUQ32x32), kBoundaryMs); // Max - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxUQ32x32 - kOneMsQ32x32), kBoundaryMs - 1); // Max - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(kMaxUQ32x32 - kOneSecQ32x32), kBoundaryMs - 1000); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToQ32x32NearMin) { constexpr int64_t kBoundaryQ32x32 = 0x8000000000000000; constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = -int64_t{0x80000000} * 1000; // Min EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs), kBoundaryQ32x32); // Min + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1)), kBoundaryMs + 1); // Min - 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1), kBoundaryQ32x32); // Clamped // Min + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs + 1000), kBoundaryQ32x32 + kOneSecQ32x32); // Min - 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Int64MsToQ32x32(kBoundaryMs - 1000), kBoundaryQ32x32); // Clamped } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyQ32x32ToInt64MsNearMin) { constexpr int64_t kBoundaryQ32x32 = 0x8000000000000000; constexpr int64_t kBoundaryMs = -int64_t{0x80000000} * 1000; // Min EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kBoundaryQ32x32), kBoundaryMs); // Min + 1 millisecond EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kBoundaryQ32x32 + kOneMsQ32x32), kBoundaryMs + 1); // Min + 1 second EXPECT_EQ(Q32x32ToInt64Ms(kBoundaryQ32x32 + kOneSecQ32x32), kBoundaryMs + 1000); } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToQ32x32RoundTrip) { constexpr int kIterations = 50000; std::mt19937 generator(123456789); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution( Q32x32ToInt64Ms(std::numeric_limits::min()), Q32x32ToInt64Ms(std::numeric_limits::max())); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < kIterations; ++iteration) { int64_t input_ms = distribution(generator); int64_t transit_q32x32 = Int64MsToQ32x32(input_ms); int64_t output_ms = Q32x32ToInt64Ms(transit_q32x32); ASSERT_EQ(input_ms, output_ms) << "iteration = " << iteration << ", input_ms = " << input_ms << ", transit_q32x32 = " << transit_q32x32 << ", output_ms = " << output_ms; } } TEST(NtpTimeTest, VerifyInt64MsToUQ32x32RoundTrip) { constexpr int kIterations = 50000; std::mt19937 generator(123456789); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution( UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(std::numeric_limits::min()), UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(std::numeric_limits::max())); for (int iteration = 0; iteration < kIterations; ++iteration) { uint64_t input_ms = distribution(generator); uint64_t transit_uq32x32 = Int64MsToUQ32x32(input_ms); uint64_t output_ms = UQ32x32ToInt64Ms(transit_uq32x32); ASSERT_EQ(input_ms, output_ms) << "iteration = " << iteration << ", input_ms = " << input_ms << ", transit_uq32x32 = " << transit_uq32x32 << ", output_ms = " << output_ms; } } } // namespace } // namespace webrtc