.. You should *NOT* be adding new change log entries to this file, this file is managed by towncrier. You *may* edit previous change logs to fix problems like typo corrections or such. To add a new change log entry, please see https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/#adding-a-news-entry we named the news folder "changes". WARNING: Don't drop the next directive! .. towncrier release notes start 3.8.5 (2023-07-19) ================== Security bugfixes ----------------- - Upgraded the vendored copy of llhttp_ to v8.1.1 -- by :user:`webknjaz` and :user:`Dreamsorcerer`. Thanks to :user:`sethmlarson` for reporting this and providing us with comprehensive reproducer, workarounds and fixing details! For more information, see https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/security/advisories/GHSA-45c4-8wx5-qw6w. .. _llhttp: https://llhttp.org `#7346 `_ Features -------- - Added information to C parser exceptions to show which character caused the error. -- by :user:`Dreamsorcerer` `#7366 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Fixed a transport is :data:`None` error -- by :user:`Dreamsorcerer`. `#3355 `_ ---- 3.8.4 (2023-02-12) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fixed incorrectly overwriting cookies with the same name and domain, but different path. `#6638 `_ - Fixed ``ConnectionResetError`` not being raised after client disconnection in SSL environments. `#7180 `_ ---- 3.8.3 (2022-09-21) ================== .. attention:: This is the last :doc:`aiohttp ` release tested under Python 3.6. The 3.9 stream is dropping it from the CI and the distribution package metadata. Bugfixes -------- - Increased the upper boundary of the :doc:`multidict:index` dependency to allow for the version 6 -- by :user:`hugovk`. It used to be limited below version 7 in :doc:`aiohttp ` v3.8.1 but was lowered in v3.8.2 via :pr:`6550` and never brought back, causing problems with dependency pins when upgrading. :doc:`aiohttp ` v3.8.3 fixes that by recovering the original boundary of ``< 7``. `#6950 `_ ---- 3.8.2 (2022-09-20, subsequently yanked on 2022-09-21) ===================================================== .. note:: This release has some compatibility fixes for Python 3.11 but it may still have some quirks. Some tests are still flaky in the CI. .. caution:: This release has been yanked from PyPI. Modern pip will not pick it up automatically. The reason is that is has ``multidict < 6`` set in the distribution package metadata (see :pr:`6950`). Please, use ``aiohttp ~= 3.8.3, != 3.8.1`` instead, if you can. Bugfixes -------- - Added support for registering :rfc:`OPTIONS <9110#OPTIONS>` HTTP method handlers via :py:class:`~aiohttp.web.RouteTableDef`. `#4663 `_ - Started supporting :rfc:`authority-form <9112#authority-form>` and :rfc:`absolute-form <9112#absolute-form>` URLs on the server-side. `#6227 `_ - Fixed Python 3.11 incompatibilities by using Cython 0.29.25. `#6396 `_ - Extended the ``sock`` argument typing declaration of the :py:func:`~aiohttp.web.run_app` function as optionally accepting iterables. `#6401 `_ - Fixed a regression where :py:exc:`~asyncio.CancelledError` occurs on client disconnection. `#6719 `_ - Started exporting :py:class:`~aiohttp.web.PrefixedSubAppResource` under :py:mod:`aiohttp.web` -- by :user:`Dreamsorcerer`. This fixes a regression introduced by :pr:`3469`. `#6889 `_ - Dropped the :class:`object` type possibility from the :py:attr:`aiohttp.ClientSession.timeout` property return type declaration. `#6917 `_, `#6923 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Added clarification on configuring the app object with settings such as a database connection. `#4137 `_ - Extended the ``sock`` argument typing declaration of the :py:func:`~aiohttp.web.run_app` function as optionally accepting iterables. `#6401 `_ - Dropped the :class:`object` type possibility from the :py:attr:`aiohttp.ClientSession.timeout` property return type declaration. `#6917 `_, `#6923 `_ Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Dropped Python 3.5 support, :doc:`aiohttp ` only works under Python 3.6 and higher from now on. `#4046 `_ Misc ---- - Removed a deprecated usage of :py:func:`pytest.warns(None) ` in tests. `#6663 `_ - `#6369 `_, `#6399 `_, `#6550 `_, `#6708 `_, `#6757 `_, `#6857 `_, `#6872 `_. ---- 3.8.1 (2021-11-14) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fix the error in handling the return value of `getaddrinfo`. `getaddrinfo` will return an `(int, bytes)` tuple, if CPython could not handle the address family. It will cause a index out of range error in aiohttp. For example, if user compile CPython with `--disable-ipv6` option but his system enable the ipv6. `#5901 `_ - Do not install "examples" as a top-level package. `#6189 `_ - Restored ability to connect IPv6-only host. `#6195 `_ - Remove ``Signal`` from ``__all__``, replace ``aiohttp.Signal`` with ``aiosignal.Signal`` in docs `#6201 `_ - Made chunked encoding HTTP header check stricter. `#6305 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - update quick starter demo codes. `#6240 `_ - Added an explanation of how tiny timeouts affect performance to the client reference document. `#6274 `_ - Add flake8-docstrings to flake8 configuration, enable subset of checks. `#6276 `_ - Added information on running complex applications with additional tasks/processes -- :user:`Dreamsorcerer`. `#6278 `_ Misc ---- - `#6205 `_ ---- 3.8.0 (2021-10-31) ================== Features -------- - Added a ``GunicornWebWorker`` feature for extending the aiohttp server configuration by allowing the 'wsgi' coroutine to return ``web.AppRunner`` object. `#2988 `_ - Switch from ``http-parser`` to ``llhttp`` `#3561 `_ - Use Brotli instead of brotlipy `#3803 `_ - Disable implicit switch-back to pure python mode. The build fails loudly if aiohttp cannot be compiled with C Accelerators. Use AIOHTTP_NO_EXTENSIONS=1 to explicitly disable C Extensions complication and switch to Pure-Python mode. Note that Pure-Python mode is significantly slower than compiled one. `#3828 `_ - Make access log use local time with timezone `#3853 `_ - Implemented ``readuntil`` in ``StreamResponse`` `#4054 `_ - FileResponse now supports ETag. `#4594 `_ - Add a request handler type alias ``aiohttp.typedefs.Handler``. `#4686 `_ - ``AioHTTPTestCase`` is more async friendly now. For people who use unittest and are used to use :py:exc:`~unittest.TestCase` it will be easier to write new test cases like the sync version of the :py:exc:`~unittest.TestCase` class, without using the decorator `@unittest_run_loop`, just `async def test_*`. The only difference is that for the people using python3.7 and below a new dependency is needed, it is ``asynctestcase``. `#4700 `_ - Add validation of HTTP header keys and values to prevent header injection. `#4818 `_ - Add predicate to ``AbstractCookieJar.clear``. Add ``AbstractCookieJar.clear_domain`` to clean all domain and subdomains cookies only. `#4942 `_ - Add keepalive_timeout parameter to web.run_app. `#5094 `_ - Tracing for client sent headers `#5105 `_ - Make type hints for http parser stricter `#5267 `_ - Add final declarations for constants. `#5275 `_ - Switch to external frozenlist and aiosignal libraries. `#5293 `_ - Don't send secure cookies by insecure transports. By default, the transport is secure if https or wss scheme is used. Use `CookieJar(treat_as_secure_origin="")` to override the default security checker. `#5571 `_ - Always create a new event loop in ``aiohttp.web.run_app()``. This adds better compatibility with ``asyncio.run()`` or if trying to run multiple apps in sequence. `#5572 `_ - Add ``aiohttp.pytest_plugin.AiohttpClient`` for static typing of pytest plugin. `#5585 `_ - Added a ``socket_factory`` argument to ``BaseTestServer``. `#5844 `_ - Add compression strategy parameter to enable_compression method. `#5909 `_ - Added support for Python 3.10 to Github Actions CI/CD workflows and fix the related deprecation warnings -- :user:`Hanaasagi`. `#5927 `_ - Switched ``chardet`` to ``charset-normalizer`` for guessing the HTTP payload body encoding -- :user:`Ousret`. `#5930 `_ - Added optional auto_decompress argument for HttpRequestParser `#5957 `_ - Added support for HTTPS proxies to the extent CPython's :py:mod:`asyncio` supports it -- by :user:`bmbouter`, :user:`jborean93` and :user:`webknjaz`. `#5992 `_ - Added ``base_url`` parameter to the initializer of :class:`~aiohttp.ClientSession`. `#6013 `_ - Add Trove classifier and create binary wheels for 3.10. -- :user:`hugovk`. `#6079 `_ - Started shipping platform-specific wheels with the ``musl`` tag targeting typical Alpine Linux runtimes — :user:`asvetlov`. `#6139 `_ - Started shipping platform-specific arm64 wheels for Apple Silicon — :user:`asvetlov`. `#6139 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Modify _drain_helper() to handle concurrent `await resp.write(...)` or `ws.send_json(...)` calls without race-condition. `#2934 `_ - Started using `MultiLoopChildWatcher` when it's available under POSIX while setting up the test I/O loop. `#3450 `_ - Only encode content-disposition filename parameter using percent-encoding. Other parameters are encoded to quoted-string or RFC2231 extended parameter value. `#4012 `_ - Fixed HTTP client requests to honor ``no_proxy`` environment variables. `#4431 `_ - Fix supporting WebSockets proxies configured via environment variables. `#4648 `_ - Change return type on URLDispatcher to UrlMappingMatchInfo to improve type annotations. `#4748 `_ - Ensure a cleanup context is cleaned up even when an exception occurs during startup. `#4799 `_ - Added a new exception type for Unix socket client errors which provides a more useful error message. `#4984 `_ - Remove Transfer-Encoding and Content-Type headers for 204 in StreamResponse `#5106 `_ - Only depend on typing_extensions for Python <3.8 `#5107 `_ - Add ABNORMAL_CLOSURE and BAD_GATEWAY to WSCloseCode `#5192 `_ - Fix cookies disappearing from HTTPExceptions. `#5233 `_ - StaticResource prefixes no longer match URLs with a non-folder prefix. For example ``routes.static('/foo', '/foo')`` no longer matches the URL ``/foobar``. Previously, this would attempt to load the file ``/foo/ar``. `#5250 `_ - Acquire the connection before running traces to prevent race condition. `#5259 `_ - Add missing slots to ```_RequestContextManager`` and ``_WSRequestContextManager`` `#5329 `_ - Ensure sending a zero byte file does not throw an exception (round 2) `#5380 `_ - Set "text/plain" when data is an empty string in client requests. `#5392 `_ - Stop automatically releasing the ``ClientResponse`` object on calls to the ``ok`` property for the failed requests. `#5403 `_ - Include query parameters from `params` keyword argument in tracing `URL`. `#5432 `_ - Fix annotations `#5466 `_ - Fixed the multipart POST requests processing to always release file descriptors for the ``tempfile.Temporaryfile``-created ``_io.BufferedRandom`` instances of files sent within multipart request bodies via HTTP POST requests -- by :user:`webknjaz`. `#5494 `_ - Fix 0 being incorrectly treated as an immediate timeout. `#5527 `_ - Fixes failing tests when an environment variable _proxy is set. `#5554 `_ - Replace deprecated app handler design in ``tests/autobahn/server.py`` with call to ``web.run_app``; replace deprecated ``aiohttp.ws_connect`` calls in ``tests/autobahn/client.py`` with ``aiohttp.ClienSession.ws_connect``. `#5606 `_ - Fixed test for ``HTTPUnauthorized`` that access the ``text`` argument. This is not used in any part of the code, so it's removed now. `#5657 `_ - Remove incorrect default from docs `#5727 `_ - Remove external test dependency to http://httpbin.org `#5840 `_ - Don't cancel current task when entering a cancelled timer. `#5853 `_ - Added ``params`` keyword argument to ``ClientSession.ws_connect``. -- :user:`hoh`. `#5868 `_ - Uses :py:class:`~asyncio.ThreadedChildWatcher` under POSIX to allow setting up test loop in non-main thread. `#5877 `_ - Fix the error in handling the return value of `getaddrinfo`. `getaddrinfo` will return an `(int, bytes)` tuple, if CPython could not handle the address family. It will cause a index out of range error in aiohttp. For example, if user compile CPython with `--disable-ipv6` option but his system enable the ipv6. `#5901 `_ - Removed the deprecated ``loop`` argument from the ``asyncio.sleep``/``gather`` calls `#5905 `_ - Return ``None`` from ``request.if_modified_since``, ``request.if_unmodified_since``, ``request.if_range`` and ``response.last_modified`` when corresponding http date headers are invalid. `#5925 `_ - Fix resetting `SIGCHLD` signals in Gunicorn aiohttp Worker to fix `subprocesses` that capture output having an incorrect `returncode`. `#6130 `_ - Raise ``400: Content-Length can't be present with Transfer-Encoding`` if both ``Content-Length`` and ``Transfer-Encoding`` are sent by peer by both C and Python implementations `#6182 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Refactored OpenAPI/Swagger aiohttp addons, added ``aio-openapi`` `#5326 `_ - Fixed docs on request cookies type, so it matches what is actually used in the code (a read-only dictionary-like object). `#5725 `_ - Documented that the HTTP client ``Authorization`` header is removed on redirects to a different host or protocol. `#5850 `_ Misc ---- - `#3927 `_, `#4247 `_, `#4247 `_, `#5389 `_, `#5457 `_, `#5486 `_, `#5494 `_, `#5515 `_, `#5625 `_, `#5635 `_, `#5648 `_, `#5657 `_, `#5890 `_, `#5914 `_, `#5932 `_, `#6002 `_, `#6045 `_, `#6131 `_, `#6156 `_, `#6165 `_, `#6166 `_ ---- 3.7.4.post0 (2021-03-06) ======================== Misc ---- - Bumped upper bound of the ``chardet`` runtime dependency to allow their v4.0 version stream. `#5366 `_ ---- 3.7.4 (2021-02-25) ================== Bugfixes -------- - **(SECURITY BUG)** Started preventing open redirects in the ``aiohttp.web.normalize_path_middleware`` middleware. For more details, see https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/security/advisories/GHSA-v6wp-4m6f-gcjg. Thanks to `Beast Glatisant `__ for finding the first instance of this issue and `Jelmer Vernooij `__ for reporting and tracking it down in aiohttp. `#5497 `_ - Fix interpretation difference of the pure-Python and the Cython-based HTTP parsers construct a ``yarl.URL`` object for HTTP request-target. Before this fix, the Python parser would turn the URI's absolute-path for ``//some-path`` into ``/`` while the Cython code preserved it as ``//some-path``. Now, both do the latter. `#5498 `_ ---- 3.7.3 (2020-11-18) ================== Features -------- - Use Brotli instead of brotlipy `#3803 `_ - Made exceptions pickleable. Also changed the repr of some exceptions. `#4077 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Raise a ClientResponseError instead of an AssertionError for a blank HTTP Reason Phrase. `#3532 `_ - Fix ``web_middlewares.normalize_path_middleware`` behavior for patch without slash. `#3669 `_ - Fix overshadowing of overlapped sub-applications prefixes. `#3701 `_ - Make `BaseConnector.close()` a coroutine and wait until the client closes all connections. Drop deprecated "with Connector():" syntax. `#3736 `_ - Reset the ``sock_read`` timeout each time data is received for a ``aiohttp.client`` response. `#3808 `_ - Fixed type annotation for add_view method of UrlDispatcher to accept any subclass of View `#3880 `_ - Fixed querying the address families from DNS that the current host supports. `#5156 `_ - Change return type of MultipartReader.__aiter__() and BodyPartReader.__aiter__() to AsyncIterator. `#5163 `_ - Provide x86 Windows wheels. `#5230 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Add documentation for ``aiohttp.web.FileResponse``. `#3958 `_ - Removed deprecation warning in tracing example docs `#3964 `_ - Fixed wrong "Usage" docstring of ``aiohttp.client.request``. `#4603 `_ - Add aiohttp-pydantic to third party libraries `#5228 `_ Misc ---- - `#4102 `_ ---- 3.7.2 (2020-10-27) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fixed static files handling for loops without ``.sendfile()`` support `#5149 `_ ---- 3.7.1 (2020-10-25) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fixed a type error caused by the conditional import of `Protocol`. `#5111 `_ - Server doesn't send Content-Length for 1xx or 204 `#4901 `_ - Fix run_app typing `#4957 `_ - Always require ``typing_extensions`` library. `#5107 `_ - Fix a variable-shadowing bug causing `ThreadedResolver.resolve` to return the resolved IP as the ``hostname`` in each record, which prevented validation of HTTPS connections. `#5110 `_ - Added annotations to all public attributes. `#5115 `_ - Fix flaky test_when_timeout_smaller_second `#5116 `_ - Ensure sending a zero byte file does not throw an exception `#5124 `_ - Fix a bug in ``web.run_app()`` about Python version checking on Windows `#5127 `_ ---- 3.7.0 (2020-10-24) ================== Features -------- - Response headers are now prepared prior to running ``on_response_prepare`` hooks, directly before headers are sent to the client. `#1958 `_ - Add a ``quote_cookie`` option to ``CookieJar``, a way to skip quotation wrapping of cookies containing special characters. `#2571 `_ - Call ``AccessLogger.log`` with the current exception available from ``sys.exc_info()``. `#3557 `_ - `web.UrlDispatcher.add_routes` and `web.Application.add_routes` return a list of registered `AbstractRoute` instances. `AbstractRouteDef.register` (and all subclasses) return a list of registered resources registered resource. `#3866 `_ - Added properties of default ClientSession params to ClientSession class so it is available for introspection `#3882 `_ - Don't cancel web handler on peer disconnection, raise `OSError` on reading/writing instead. `#4080 `_ - Implement BaseRequest.get_extra_info() to access a protocol transports' extra info. `#4189 `_ - Added `ClientSession.timeout` property. `#4191 `_ - allow use of SameSite in cookies. `#4224 `_ - Use ``loop.sendfile()`` instead of custom implementation if available. `#4269 `_ - Apply SO_REUSEADDR to test server's socket. `#4393 `_ - Use .raw_host instead of slower .host in client API `#4402 `_ - Allow configuring the buffer size of input stream by passing ``read_bufsize`` argument. `#4453 `_ - Pass tests on Python 3.8 for Windows. `#4513 `_ - Add `method` and `url` attributes to `TraceRequestChunkSentParams` and `TraceResponseChunkReceivedParams`. `#4674 `_ - Add ClientResponse.ok property for checking status code under 400. `#4711 `_ - Don't ceil timeouts that are smaller than 5 seconds. `#4850 `_ - TCPSite now listens by default on all interfaces instead of just IPv4 when `None` is passed in as the host. `#4894 `_ - Bump ``http_parser`` to 2.9.4 `#5070 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Fix keepalive connections not being closed in time `#3296 `_ - Fix failed websocket handshake leaving connection hanging. `#3380 `_ - Fix tasks cancellation order on exit. The run_app task needs to be cancelled first for cleanup hooks to run with all tasks intact. `#3805 `_ - Don't start heartbeat until _writer is set `#4062 `_ - Fix handling of multipart file uploads without a content type. `#4089 `_ - Preserve view handler function attributes across middlewares `#4174 `_ - Fix the string representation of ``ServerDisconnectedError``. `#4175 `_ - Raising RuntimeError when trying to get encoding from not read body `#4214 `_ - Remove warning messages from noop. `#4282 `_ - Raise ClientPayloadError if FormData re-processed. `#4345 `_ - Fix a warning about unfinished task in ``web_protocol.py`` `#4408 `_ - Fixed 'deflate' compression. According to RFC 2616 now. `#4506 `_ - Fixed OverflowError on platforms with 32-bit time_t `#4515 `_ - Fixed request.body_exists returns wrong value for methods without body. `#4528 `_ - Fix connecting to link-local IPv6 addresses. `#4554 `_ - Fix a problem with connection waiters that are never awaited. `#4562 `_ - Always make sure transport is not closing before reuse a connection. Reuse a protocol based on keepalive in headers is unreliable. For example, uWSGI will not support keepalive even it serves a HTTP 1.1 request, except explicitly configure uWSGI with a ``--http-keepalive`` option. Servers designed like uWSGI could cause aiohttp intermittently raise a ConnectionResetException when the protocol poll runs out and some protocol is reused. `#4587 `_ - Handle the last CRLF correctly even if it is received via separate TCP segment. `#4630 `_ - Fix the register_resource function to validate route name before splitting it so that route name can include python keywords. `#4691 `_ - Improve typing annotations for ``web.Request``, ``aiohttp.ClientResponse`` and ``multipart`` module. `#4736 `_ - Fix resolver task is not awaited when connector is cancelled `#4795 `_ - Fix a bug "Aiohttp doesn't return any error on invalid request methods" `#4798 `_ - Fix HEAD requests for static content. `#4809 `_ - Fix incorrect size calculation for memoryview `#4890 `_ - Add HTTPMove to _all__. `#4897 `_ - Fixed the type annotations in the ``tracing`` module. `#4912 `_ - Fix typing for multipart ``__aiter__``. `#4931 `_ - Fix for race condition on connections in BaseConnector that leads to exceeding the connection limit. `#4936 `_ - Add forced UTF-8 encoding for ``application/rdap+json`` responses. `#4938 `_ - Fix inconsistency between Python and C http request parsers in parsing pct-encoded URL. `#4972 `_ - Fix connection closing issue in HEAD request. `#5012 `_ - Fix type hint on BaseRunner.addresses (from ``List[str]`` to ``List[Any]``) `#5086 `_ - Make `web.run_app()` more responsive to Ctrl+C on Windows for Python < 3.8. It slightly increases CPU load as a side effect. `#5098 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Fix example code in client quick-start `#3376 `_ - Updated the docs so there is no contradiction in ``ttl_dns_cache`` default value `#3512 `_ - Add 'Deploy with SSL' to docs. `#4201 `_ - Change typing of the secure argument on StreamResponse.set_cookie from ``Optional[str]`` to ``Optional[bool]`` `#4204 `_ - Changes ``ttl_dns_cache`` type from int to Optional[int]. `#4270 `_ - Simplify README hello word example and add a documentation page for people coming from requests. `#4272 `_ - Improve some code examples in the documentation involving websockets and starting a simple HTTP site with an AppRunner. `#4285 `_ - Fix typo in code example in Multipart docs `#4312 `_ - Fix code example in Multipart section. `#4314 `_ - Update contributing guide so new contributors read the most recent version of that guide. Update command used to create test coverage reporting. `#4810 `_ - Spelling: Change "canonize" to "canonicalize". `#4986 `_ - Add ``aiohttp-sse-client`` library to third party usage list. `#5084 `_ Misc ---- - `#2856 `_, `#4218 `_, `#4250 `_ ---- 3.6.3 (2020-10-12) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Pin yarl to ``<1.6.0`` to avoid buggy behavior that will be fixed by the next aiohttp release. 3.6.2 (2019-10-09) ================== Features -------- - Made exceptions pickleable. Also changed the repr of some exceptions. `#4077 `_ - Use ``Iterable`` type hint instead of ``Sequence`` for ``Application`` *middleware* parameter. `#4125 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Reset the ``sock_read`` timeout each time data is received for a ``aiohttp.ClientResponse``. `#3808 `_ - Fix handling of expired cookies so they are not stored in CookieJar. `#4063 `_ - Fix misleading message in the string representation of ``ClientConnectorError``; ``self.ssl == None`` means default SSL context, not SSL disabled `#4097 `_ - Don't clobber HTTP status when using FileResponse. `#4106 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Added minimal required logging configuration to logging documentation. `#2469 `_ - Update docs to reflect proxy support. `#4100 `_ - Fix typo in code example in testing docs. `#4108 `_ Misc ---- - `#4102 `_ ---- 3.6.1 (2019-09-19) ================== Features -------- - Compatibility with Python 3.8. `#4056 `_ Bugfixes -------- - correct some exception string format `#4068 `_ - Emit a warning when ``ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION`` is unavailable because the runtime is built against an outdated OpenSSL. `#4052 `_ - Update multidict requirement to >= 4.5 `#4057 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Provide pytest-aiohttp namespace for pytest fixtures in docs. `#3723 `_ ---- 3.6.0 (2019-09-06) ================== Features -------- - Add support for Named Pipes (Site and Connector) under Windows. This feature requires Proactor event loop to work. `#3629 `_ - Removed ``Transfer-Encoding: chunked`` header from websocket responses to be compatible with more http proxy servers. `#3798 `_ - Accept non-GET request for starting websocket handshake on server side. `#3980 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Raise a ClientResponseError instead of an AssertionError for a blank HTTP Reason Phrase. `#3532 `_ - Fix an issue where cookies would sometimes not be set during a redirect. `#3576 `_ - Change normalize_path_middleware to use 308 redirect instead of 301. This behavior should prevent clients from being unable to use PUT/POST methods on endpoints that are redirected because of a trailing slash. `#3579 `_ - Drop the processed task from ``all_tasks()`` list early. It prevents logging about a task with unhandled exception when the server is used in conjunction with ``asyncio.run()``. `#3587 `_ - ``Signal`` type annotation changed from ``Signal[Callable[['TraceConfig'], Awaitable[None]]]`` to ``Signal[Callable[ClientSession, SimpleNamespace, ...]``. `#3595 `_ - Use sanitized URL as Location header in redirects `#3614 `_ - Improve typing annotations for multipart.py along with changes required by mypy in files that references multipart.py. `#3621 `_ - Close session created inside ``aiohttp.request`` when unhandled exception occurs `#3628 `_ - Cleanup per-chunk data in generic data read. Memory leak fixed. `#3631 `_ - Use correct type for add_view and family `#3633 `_ - Fix _keepalive field in __slots__ of ``RequestHandler``. `#3644 `_ - Properly handle ConnectionResetError, to silence the "Cannot write to closing transport" exception when clients disconnect uncleanly. `#3648 `_ - Suppress pytest warnings due to ``test_utils`` classes `#3660 `_ - Fix overshadowing of overlapped sub-application prefixes. `#3701 `_ - Fixed return type annotation for WSMessage.json() `#3720 `_ - Properly expose TooManyRedirects publicly as documented. `#3818 `_ - Fix missing brackets for IPv6 in proxy CONNECT request `#3841 `_ - Make the signature of ``aiohttp.test_utils.TestClient.request`` match ``asyncio.ClientSession.request`` according to the docs `#3852 `_ - Use correct style for re-exported imports, makes mypy ``--strict`` mode happy. `#3868 `_ - Fixed type annotation for add_view method of UrlDispatcher to accept any subclass of View `#3880 `_ - Made cython HTTP parser set Reason-Phrase of the response to an empty string if it is missing. `#3906 `_ - Add URL to the string representation of ClientResponseError. `#3959 `_ - Accept ``istr`` keys in ``LooseHeaders`` type hints. `#3976 `_ - Fixed race conditions in _resolve_host caching and throttling when tracing is enabled. `#4013 `_ - For URLs like "unix://localhost/..." set Host HTTP header to "localhost" instead of "localhost:None". `#4039 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Modify documentation for Background Tasks to remove deprecated usage of event loop. `#3526 `_ - use ``if __name__ == '__main__':`` in server examples. `#3775 `_ - Update documentation reference to the default access logger. `#3783 `_ - Improve documentation for ``web.BaseRequest.path`` and ``web.BaseRequest.raw_path``. `#3791 `_ - Removed deprecation warning in tracing example docs `#3964 `_ ---- 3.5.4 (2019-01-12) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fix stream ``.read()`` / ``.readany()`` / ``.iter_any()`` which used to return a partial content only in case of compressed content `#3525 `_ 3.5.3 (2019-01-10) ================== Bugfixes -------- - Fix type stubs for ``aiohttp.web.run_app(access_log=True)`` and fix edge case of ``access_log=True`` and the event loop being in debug mode. `#3504 `_ - Fix ``aiohttp.ClientTimeout`` type annotations to accept ``None`` for fields `#3511 `_ - Send custom per-request cookies even if session jar is empty `#3515 `_ - Restore Linux binary wheels publishing on PyPI ---- 3.5.2 (2019-01-08) ================== Features -------- - ``FileResponse`` from ``web_fileresponse.py`` uses a ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` to work with files asynchronously. I/O based payloads from ``payload.py`` uses a ``ThreadPoolExecutor`` to work with I/O objects asynchronously. `#3313 `_ - Internal Server Errors in plain text if the browser does not support HTML. `#3483 `_ Bugfixes -------- - Preserve MultipartWriter parts headers on write. Refactor the way how ``Payload.headers`` are handled. Payload instances now always have headers and Content-Type defined. Fix Payload Content-Disposition header reset after initial creation. `#3035 `_ - Log suppressed exceptions in ``GunicornWebWorker``. `#3464 `_ - Remove wildcard imports. `#3468 `_ - Use the same task for app initialization and web server handling in gunicorn workers. It allows to use Python3.7 context vars smoothly. `#3471 `_ - Fix handling of chunked+gzipped response when first chunk does not give uncompressed data `#3477 `_ - Replace ``collections.MutableMapping`` with ``collections.abc.MutableMapping`` to avoid a deprecation warning. `#3480 `_ - ``Payload.size`` type annotation changed from ``Optional[float]`` to ``Optional[int]``. `#3484 `_ - Ignore done tasks when cancels pending activities on ``web.run_app`` finalization. `#3497 `_ Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Add documentation for ``aiohttp.web.HTTPException``. `#3490 `_ Misc ---- - `#3487 `_ ---- 3.5.1 (2018-12-24) ==================== - Fix a regression about ``ClientSession._requote_redirect_url`` modification in debug mode. 3.5.0 (2018-12-22) ==================== Features -------- - The library type annotations are checked in strict mode now. - Add support for setting cookies for individual request (`#2387 `_) - Application.add_domain implementation (`#2809 `_) - The default ``app`` in the request returned by ``test_utils.make_mocked_request`` can now have objects assigned to it and retrieved using the ``[]`` operator. (`#3174 `_) - Make ``request.url`` accessible when transport is closed. (`#3177 `_) - Add ``zlib_executor_size`` argument to ``Response`` constructor to allow compression to run in a background executor to avoid blocking the main thread and potentially triggering health check failures. (`#3205 `_) - Enable users to set ``ClientTimeout`` in ``aiohttp.request`` (`#3213 `_) - Don't raise a warning if ``NETRC`` environment variable is not set and ``~/.netrc`` file doesn't exist. (`#3267 `_) - Add default logging handler to web.run_app If the ``Application.debug``` flag is set and the default logger ``aiohttp.access`` is used, access logs will now be output using a *stderr* ``StreamHandler`` if no handlers are attached. Furthermore, if the default logger has no log level set, the log level will be set to ``DEBUG``. (`#3324 `_) - Add method argument to ``session.ws_connect()``. Sometimes server API requires a different HTTP method for WebSocket connection establishment. For example, ``Docker exec`` needs POST. (`#3378 `_) - Create a task per request handling. (`#3406 `_) Bugfixes -------- - Enable passing ``access_log_class`` via ``handler_args`` (`#3158 `_) - Return empty bytes with end-of-chunk marker in empty stream reader. (`#3186 `_) - Accept ``CIMultiDictProxy`` instances for ``headers`` argument in ``web.Response`` constructor. (`#3207 `_) - Don't uppercase HTTP method in parser (`#3233 `_) - Make method match regexp RFC-7230 compliant (`#3235 `_) - Add ``app.pre_frozen`` state to properly handle startup signals in sub-applications. (`#3237 `_) - Enhanced parsing and validation of helpers.BasicAuth.decode. (`#3239 `_) - Change imports from collections module in preparation for 3.8. (`#3258 `_) - Ensure Host header is added first to ClientRequest to better replicate browser (`#3265 `_) - Fix forward compatibility with Python 3.8: importing ABCs directly from the collections module will not be supported anymore. (`#3273 `_) - Keep the query string by ``normalize_path_middleware``. (`#3278 `_) - Fix missing parameter ``raise_for_status`` for aiohttp.request() (`#3290 `_) - Bracket IPv6 addresses in the HOST header (`#3304 `_) - Fix default message for server ping and pong frames. (`#3308 `_) - Fix tests/test_connector.py typo and tests/autobahn/server.py duplicate loop def. (`#3337 `_) - Fix false-negative indicator end_of_HTTP_chunk in StreamReader.readchunk function (`#3361 `_) - Release HTTP response before raising status exception (`#3364 `_) - Fix task cancellation when ``sendfile()`` syscall is used by static file handling. (`#3383 `_) - Fix stack trace for ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` which was not logged, when it is caught in the handler. (`#3414 `_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Improve documentation of ``Application.make_handler`` parameters. (`#3152 `_) - Fix BaseRequest.raw_headers doc. (`#3215 `_) - Fix typo in TypeError exception reason in ``web.Application._handle`` (`#3229 `_) - Make server access log format placeholder %b documentation reflect behavior and docstring. (`#3307 `_) Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Deprecate modification of ``session.requote_redirect_url`` (`#2278 `_) - Deprecate ``stream.unread_data()`` (`#3260 `_) - Deprecated use of boolean in ``resp.enable_compression()`` (`#3318 `_) - Encourage creation of aiohttp public objects inside a coroutine (`#3331 `_) - Drop dead ``Connection.detach()`` and ``Connection.writer``. Both methods were broken for more than 2 years. (`#3358 `_) - Deprecate ``app.loop``, ``request.loop``, ``client.loop`` and ``connector.loop`` properties. (`#3374 `_) - Deprecate explicit debug argument. Use asyncio debug mode instead. (`#3381 `_) - Deprecate body parameter in HTTPException (and derived classes) constructor. (`#3385 `_) - Deprecate bare connector close, use ``async with connector:`` and ``await connector.close()`` instead. (`#3417 `_) - Deprecate obsolete ``read_timeout`` and ``conn_timeout`` in ``ClientSession`` constructor. (`#3438 `_) Misc ---- - #3341, #3351