#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Verifies that embedding UAC information into the manifest works. """ import TestGyp import sys from xml.dom.minidom import parseString if sys.platform == 'win32': import pywintypes import win32api import winerror RT_MANIFEST = 24 class LoadLibrary(object): """Context manager for loading and releasing binaries in Windows. Yields the handle of the binary loaded.""" def __init__(self, path): self._path = path self._handle = None def __enter__(self): self._handle = win32api.LoadLibrary(self._path) return self._handle def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): win32api.FreeLibrary(self._handle) def extract_manifest(path, resource_name): """Reads manifest from |path| and returns it as a string. Returns None is there is no such manifest.""" with LoadLibrary(path) as handle: try: return win32api.LoadResource(handle, RT_MANIFEST, resource_name) except pywintypes.error as error: if error.args[0] == winerror.ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND: return None else: raise test = TestGyp.TestGyp(formats=['msvs', 'ninja']) CHDIR = 'linker-flags' test.run_gyp('enable-uac.gyp', chdir=CHDIR) test.build('enable-uac.gyp', test.ALL, chdir=CHDIR) # The following binaries must contain a manifest embedded. test.fail_test(not extract_manifest(test.built_file_path( 'enable_uac.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) test.fail_test(not extract_manifest(test.built_file_path( 'enable_uac_no.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) test.fail_test(not extract_manifest(test.built_file_path( 'enable_uac_admin.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) # Verify that # is present. manifest = parseString(extract_manifest( test.built_file_path('enable_uac.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) execution_level = manifest.getElementsByTagName('requestedExecutionLevel') test.fail_test(len(execution_level) != 1) execution_level = execution_level[0].attributes def _has_key(node, key): # 'in' doesn't work with the NamedNodeMap interface in Python2, # but 'has_key' was removed from it in Python3, so we need to # shim things :(. if hasattr(node, 'has_key'): return node.has_key(key) return key in node test.fail_test(not ( _has_key(execution_level, 'level') and _has_key(execution_level, 'uiAccess') and execution_level['level'].nodeValue == 'asInvoker' and execution_level['uiAccess'].nodeValue == 'false')) # Verify that is not in the menifest. manifest = parseString(extract_manifest( test.built_file_path('enable_uac_no.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) execution_level = manifest.getElementsByTagName('requestedExecutionLevel') test.fail_test(len(execution_level) != 0) # Verify that is present. manifest = parseString(extract_manifest( test.built_file_path('enable_uac_admin.exe', chdir=CHDIR), 1)) execution_level = manifest.getElementsByTagName('requestedExecutionLevel') test.fail_test(len(execution_level) != 1) execution_level = execution_level[0].attributes test.fail_test(not ( _has_key(execution_level, 'level') and _has_key(execution_level, 'uiAccess') and execution_level['level'].nodeValue == 'requireAdministrator' and execution_level['uiAccess'].nodeValue == 'true')) test.pass_test()