# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from contextlib import contextmanager from pip._vendor.six import add_metaclass @add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class BaseRepository(object): def clear_caches(self): """Should clear any caches used by the implementation.""" @abstractmethod @contextmanager def freshen_build_caches(self): """Should start with fresh build/source caches.""" @abstractmethod def find_best_match(self, ireq): """ Return a Version object that indicates the best match for the given InstallRequirement according to the repository. """ @abstractmethod def get_dependencies(self, ireq): """ Given a pinned, URL, or editable InstallRequirement, returns a set of dependencies (also InstallRequirements, but not necessarily pinned). They indicate the secondary dependencies for the given requirement. """ @abstractmethod def get_hashes(self, ireq): """ Given a pinned InstallRequire, returns a set of hashes that represent all of the files for a given requirement. It is not acceptable for an editable or unpinned requirement to be passed to this function. """ @abstractmethod @contextmanager def allow_all_wheels(self): """ Monkey patches pip.Wheel to allow wheels from all platforms and Python versions. """ @abstractmethod def copy_ireq_dependencies(self, source, dest): """ Notifies the repository that `dest` is a copy of `source`, and so it has the same dependencies. Otherwise, once we prepare an ireq to assign it its name, we would lose track of those dependencies on combining that ireq with others. """