# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Transforms used to create tasks based on the kind dependencies, filtering on common attributes like the ``build-type``. These transforms are useful when follow-up tasks are needed for some indeterminate subset of existing tasks. For example, running a signing task after each build task, whatever builds may exist. """ from copy import deepcopy from textwrap import dedent from voluptuous import Any, Extra, Optional, Required from taskgraph.transforms.base import TransformSequence from taskgraph.transforms.run import fetches_schema from taskgraph.util.attributes import attrmatch from taskgraph.util.dependencies import GROUP_BY_MAP, get_dependencies from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema, validate_schema from taskgraph.util.set_name import SET_NAME_MAP FROM_DEPS_SCHEMA = Schema( { Required("from-deps"): { Optional( "kinds", description=dedent( """ Limit dependencies to specified kinds (defaults to all kinds in `kind-dependencies`). The first kind in the list is the "primary" kind. The dependency of this kind will be used to derive the label and copy attributes (if `copy-attributes` is True). """.lstrip() ), ): list, Optional( "set-name", description=dedent( """ UPDATE ME AND DOCS """.lstrip() ), ): Any( None, *SET_NAME_MAP, {Any(*SET_NAME_MAP): object}, ), Optional( "with-attributes", description=dedent( """ Limit dependencies to tasks whose attributes match using :func:`~taskgraph.util.attributes.attrmatch`. """.lstrip() ), ): {str: Any(list, str)}, Optional( "group-by", description=dedent( """ Group cross-kind dependencies using the given group-by function. One task will be created for each group. If not specified, the 'single' function will be used which creates a new task for each individual dependency. """.lstrip() ), ): Any( None, *GROUP_BY_MAP, {Any(*GROUP_BY_MAP): object}, ), Optional( "copy-attributes", description=dedent( """ If True, copy attributes from the dependency matching the first kind in the `kinds` list (whether specified explicitly or taken from `kind-dependencies`). """.lstrip() ), ): bool, Optional( "unique-kinds", description=dedent( """ If true (the default), there must be only a single unique task for each kind in a dependency group. Setting this to false disables that requirement. """.lstrip() ), ): bool, Optional( "fetches", description=dedent( """ If present, a `fetches` entry will be added for each task dependency. Attributes of the upstream task may be used as substitution values in the `artifact` or `dest` values of the `fetches` entry. """.lstrip() ), ): {str: [fetches_schema]}, }, Extra: object, }, ) """Schema for from_deps transforms.""" transforms = TransformSequence() transforms.add_validate(FROM_DEPS_SCHEMA) @transforms.add def from_deps(config, tasks): for task in tasks: # Setup and error handling. from_deps = task.pop("from-deps") kind_deps = config.config.get("kind-dependencies", []) kinds = from_deps.get("kinds", kind_deps) invalid = set(kinds) - set(kind_deps) if invalid: invalid = "\n".join(sorted(invalid)) raise Exception( dedent( f""" The `from-deps.kinds` key contains the following kinds that are not defined in `kind-dependencies`: {invalid} """.lstrip() ) ) if not kinds: raise Exception( dedent( """ The `from_deps` transforms require at least one kind defined in `kind-dependencies`! """.lstrip() ) ) # Resolve desired dependencies. with_attributes = from_deps.get("with-attributes") deps = [ task for task in config.kind_dependencies_tasks.values() if task.kind in kinds if not with_attributes or attrmatch(task.attributes, **with_attributes) ] # Resolve groups. group_by = from_deps.get("group-by", "single") groups = set() if isinstance(group_by, dict): assert len(group_by) == 1 group_by, arg = group_by.popitem() func = GROUP_BY_MAP[group_by] if func.schema: validate_schema( func.schema, arg, f"Invalid group-by {group_by} argument" ) groups = func(config, deps, arg) else: func = GROUP_BY_MAP[group_by] groups = func(config, deps) # Split the task, one per group. set_name = from_deps.get("set-name", "strip-kind") copy_attributes = from_deps.get("copy-attributes", False) unique_kinds = from_deps.get("unique-kinds", True) fetches = from_deps.get("fetches", []) for group in groups: # Verify there is only one task per kind in each group. group_kinds = {t.kind for t in group} if unique_kinds and len(group_kinds) < len(group): raise Exception( "The from_deps transforms only allow a single task per kind in a group!" ) new_task = deepcopy(task) new_task.setdefault("dependencies", {}) new_task["dependencies"].update( {dep.kind if unique_kinds else dep.label: dep.label for dep in group} ) # Set name and copy attributes from the primary kind. for kind in kinds: if kind in group_kinds: primary_kind = kind break else: raise Exception("Could not detect primary kind!") new_task.setdefault("attributes", {})[ "primary-kind-dependency" ] = primary_kind primary_dep = [dep for dep in group if dep.kind == primary_kind][0] if set_name: func = SET_NAME_MAP[set_name] new_task["name"] = func(config, deps, primary_dep, primary_kind) if copy_attributes: attrs = new_task.setdefault("attributes", {}) new_task["attributes"] = primary_dep.attributes.copy() new_task["attributes"].update(attrs) if fetches: task_fetches = new_task.setdefault("fetches", {}) for dep_task in get_dependencies(config, new_task): # Nothing to do if this kind has no fetches listed if dep_task.kind not in fetches: continue fetches_from_dep = [] for kind, kind_fetches in fetches.items(): if kind != dep_task.kind: continue for fetch in kind_fetches: entry = fetch.copy() entry["artifact"] = entry["artifact"].format( **dep_task.attributes ) if "dest" in entry: entry["dest"] = entry["dest"].format( **dep_task.attributes ) fetches_from_dep.append(entry) task_fetches[dep_task.label] = fetches_from_dep yield new_task