# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Support for running toolchain-building jobs via dedicated scripts """ from voluptuous import ALLOW_EXTRA, Any, Optional, Required import taskgraph from taskgraph.transforms.job import configure_taskdesc_for_run, run_job_using from taskgraph.transforms.job.common import ( docker_worker_add_artifacts, generic_worker_add_artifacts, get_vcsdir_name, ) from taskgraph.util.hash import hash_paths from taskgraph.util.schema import Schema from taskgraph.util.shell import quote as shell_quote CACHE_TYPE = "toolchains.v3" toolchain_run_schema = Schema( { Required("using"): "toolchain-script", # The script (in taskcluster/scripts/misc) to run. Required("script"): str, # Arguments to pass to the script. Optional("arguments"): [str], # Sparse profile to give to checkout using `run-task`. If given, # a filename in `build/sparse-profiles`. Defaults to # "toolchain-build", i.e., to # `build/sparse-profiles/toolchain-build`. If `None`, instructs # `run-task` to not use a sparse profile at all. Required("sparse-profile"): Any(str, None), # Paths/patterns pointing to files that influence the outcome of a # toolchain build. Optional("resources"): [str], # Path to the artifact produced by the toolchain job Required("toolchain-artifact"): str, Optional( "toolchain-alias", description="An alias that can be used instead of the real toolchain job name in " "fetch stanzas for jobs.", ): Any(str, [str]), Optional( "toolchain-env", description="Additional env variables to add to the worker when using this toolchain", ): {str: object}, # Base work directory used to set up the task. Required("workdir"): str, }, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA, ) def get_digest_data(config, run, taskdesc): files = list(run.pop("resources", [])) # The script files.append("taskcluster/scripts/toolchain/{}".format(run["script"])) # Accumulate dependency hashes for index generation. data = [hash_paths(config.graph_config.vcs_root, files)] data.append(taskdesc["attributes"]["toolchain-artifact"]) # If the task uses an in-tree docker image, we want it to influence # the index path as well. Ideally, the content of the docker image itself # should have an influence, but at the moment, we can't get that # information here. So use the docker image name as a proxy. Not a lot of # changes to docker images actually have an impact on the resulting # toolchain artifact, so we'll just rely on such important changes to be # accompanied with a docker image name change. image = taskdesc["worker"].get("docker-image", {}).get("in-tree") if image: data.append(image) # Likewise script arguments should influence the index. args = run.get("arguments") if args: data.extend(args) return data def common_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc, is_docker): run = job["run"] worker = taskdesc["worker"] = job["worker"] worker["chain-of-trust"] = True srcdir = get_vcsdir_name(worker["os"]) if is_docker: # If the task doesn't have a docker-image, set a default worker.setdefault("docker-image", {"in-tree": "toolchain-build"}) # Allow the job to specify where artifacts come from, but add # public/build if it's not there already. artifacts = worker.setdefault("artifacts", []) if not any(artifact.get("name") == "public/build" for artifact in artifacts): if is_docker: docker_worker_add_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc) else: generic_worker_add_artifacts(config, job, taskdesc) env = worker["env"] env.update( { "MOZ_BUILD_DATE": config.params["moz_build_date"], "MOZ_SCM_LEVEL": config.params["level"], } ) attributes = taskdesc.setdefault("attributes", {}) attributes["toolchain-artifact"] = run.pop("toolchain-artifact") if "toolchain-alias" in run: attributes["toolchain-alias"] = run.pop("toolchain-alias") if "toolchain-env" in run: attributes["toolchain-env"] = run.pop("toolchain-env") if not taskgraph.fast: name = taskdesc["label"].replace(f"{config.kind}-", "", 1) taskdesc["cache"] = { "type": CACHE_TYPE, "name": name, "digest-data": get_digest_data(config, run, taskdesc), } script = run.pop("script") run["using"] = "run-task" run["cwd"] = "{checkout}/.." if script.endswith(".ps1"): run["exec-with"] = "powershell" command = [f"{srcdir}/taskcluster/scripts/toolchain/{script}"] + run.pop( "arguments", [] ) if not is_docker: # Don't quote the first item in the command because it purposely contains # an environment variable that is not meant to be quoted. if len(command) > 1: command = command[0] + " " + shell_quote(*command[1:]) else: command = command[0] run["command"] = command configure_taskdesc_for_run(config, job, taskdesc, worker["implementation"]) toolchain_defaults = { "sparse-profile": "toolchain-build", } @run_job_using( "docker-worker", "toolchain-script", schema=toolchain_run_schema, defaults=toolchain_defaults, ) def docker_worker_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc): common_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc, is_docker=True) @run_job_using( "generic-worker", "toolchain-script", schema=toolchain_run_schema, defaults=toolchain_defaults, ) def generic_worker_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc): common_toolchain(config, job, taskdesc, is_docker=False)