use super::CryptoError; use openssl::bn::BigNumContext; use openssl::derive::Deriver; use openssl::ec::{EcGroup, EcKey, PointConversionForm}; use openssl::error::ErrorStack; use openssl::hash::{hash, MessageDigest}; use openssl::nid::Nid; use openssl::pkey::{PKey, Private, Public}; use openssl::rand::rand_bytes; use openssl::sign::Signer; use openssl::symm::{Cipher, Crypter, Mode}; use std::os::raw::c_int; #[cfg(test)] use openssl::ec::EcPoint; #[cfg(test)] use openssl::bn::BigNum; const AES_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 16; impl From for CryptoError { fn from(e: ErrorStack) -> Self { CryptoError::Backend(format!("{e}")) } } impl From<&ErrorStack> for CryptoError { fn from(e: &ErrorStack) -> Self { CryptoError::Backend(format!("{e}")) } } pub type Result = std::result::Result; /// ECDH using OpenSSL types. Computes the x coordinate of scalar multiplication of `peer_public` /// by `client_private`. fn ecdh_openssl_raw(client_private: EcKey, peer_public: EcKey) -> Result> { let client_pkey = PKey::from_ec_key(client_private)?; let peer_pkey = PKey::from_ec_key(peer_public)?; let mut deriver = Deriver::new(&client_pkey)?; deriver.set_peer(&peer_pkey)?; let shared_point = deriver.derive_to_vec()?; Ok(shared_point) } /// Ephemeral ECDH over P256. Takes a DER SubjectPublicKeyInfo that encodes a public key. Generates /// an ephemeral P256 key pair. Returns /// 1) the x coordinate of the shared point, and /// 2) the uncompressed SEC 1 encoding of the ephemeral public key. pub fn ecdhe_p256_raw(peer_spki: &[u8]) -> Result<(Vec, Vec)> { let peer_public = EcKey::public_key_from_der(peer_spki)?; // Hard-coding the P256 group here is easier than extracting a group name from peer_public and // comparing it with P256. We'll fail in key derivation if peer_public is on the wrong curve. let group = EcGroup::from_curve_name(Nid::X9_62_PRIME256V1)?; let mut bn_ctx = BigNumContext::new()?; let client_private = EcKey::generate(&group)?; let client_public_sec1 = client_private.public_key().to_bytes( &group, PointConversionForm::UNCOMPRESSED, &mut bn_ctx, )?; let shared_point = ecdh_openssl_raw(client_private, peer_public)?; Ok((shared_point, client_public_sec1)) } /// AES-256-CBC encryption for data that is a multiple of the AES block size (16 bytes) in length. /// Uses the zero IV if `iv` is None. pub fn encrypt_aes_256_cbc_no_pad(key: &[u8], iv: Option<&[u8]>, data: &[u8]) -> Result> { let iv = iv.unwrap_or(&[0u8; AES_BLOCK_SIZE]); let mut encrypter = Crypter::new(Cipher::aes_256_cbc(), Mode::Encrypt, key, Some(iv))?; encrypter.pad(false); let in_len = data.len(); if in_len % AES_BLOCK_SIZE != 0 { return Err(CryptoError::LibraryFailure); } // OpenSSL would panic if we didn't allocate an extra block here. let mut out = vec![0; in_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; let mut out_len = 0; out_len += encrypter.update(data, out.as_mut_slice())?; out_len += encrypter.finalize(out.as_mut_slice())?; debug_assert_eq!(in_len, out_len); out.truncate(out_len); Ok(out) } /// AES-256-CBC decryption for data that is a multiple of the AES block size (16 bytes) in length. /// Uses the zero IV if `iv` is None. pub fn decrypt_aes_256_cbc_no_pad(key: &[u8], iv: Option<&[u8]>, data: &[u8]) -> Result> { let iv = iv.unwrap_or(&[0u8; AES_BLOCK_SIZE]); let mut encrypter = Crypter::new(Cipher::aes_256_cbc(), Mode::Decrypt, key, Some(iv))?; encrypter.pad(false); let in_len = data.len(); if in_len % AES_BLOCK_SIZE != 0 { return Err(CryptoError::LibraryFailure); } // OpenSSL would panic if we didn't allocate an extra block here. let mut out = vec![0; in_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE]; let mut out_len = 0; out_len += encrypter.update(data, out.as_mut_slice())?; out_len += encrypter.finalize(out.as_mut_slice())?; debug_assert_eq!(in_len, out_len); out.truncate(out_len); Ok(out) } /// Textbook HMAC-SHA256 pub fn hmac_sha256(key: &[u8], data: &[u8]) -> Result> { let key = PKey::hmac(key)?; let mut signer = Signer::new(MessageDigest::sha256(), &key)?; signer.update(data)?; Ok(signer.sign_to_vec()?) } pub fn sha256(data: &[u8]) -> Result> { let digest = hash(MessageDigest::sha256(), data)?; Ok(digest.as_ref().to_vec()) } pub fn random_bytes(count: usize) -> Result> { if count > c_int::MAX as usize { return Err(CryptoError::LibraryFailure); } let mut out = vec![0u8; count]; rand_bytes(&mut out)?; Ok(out) } #[cfg(test)] pub fn test_ecdh_p256_raw( peer_spki: &[u8], client_public_x: &[u8], client_public_y: &[u8], client_private: &[u8], ) -> Result> { let peer_public = EcKey::public_key_from_der(peer_spki)?; let group =; let mut client_pub_sec1 = vec![]; client_pub_sec1.push(0x04); // SEC 1 encoded uncompressed point client_pub_sec1.extend_from_slice(&client_public_x); client_pub_sec1.extend_from_slice(&client_public_y); let mut ctx = BigNumContext::new()?; let client_pub_point = EcPoint::from_bytes(&group, &client_pub_sec1, &mut ctx)?; let client_priv_bignum = BigNum::from_slice(client_private)?; let client_private = EcKey::from_private_components(&group, &client_priv_bignum, &client_pub_point)?; let shared_point = ecdh_openssl_raw(client_private, peer_public)?; Ok(shared_point) } pub fn gen_p256() -> Result<(Vec, Vec)> { unimplemented!() } pub fn ecdsa_p256_sha256_sign_raw(_private: &[u8], _data: &[u8]) -> Result> { unimplemented!() } #[allow(dead_code)] #[cfg(test)] pub fn test_ecdsa_p256_sha256_verify_raw( _public: &[u8], _signature: &[u8], _data: &[u8], ) -> Result<()> { unimplemented!() }