use super::{Command, CommandError, CtapResponse, PinUvAuthCommand, RequestCtap2, StatusCode}; use crate::{ crypto::{COSEKey, PinUvAuthParam, PinUvAuthToken}, ctap2::server::{ PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor, PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity, RelyingParty, RpIdHash, UserVerificationRequirement, }, errors::AuthenticatorError, transport::errors::HIDError, FidoDevice, }; use serde::{ de::{Error as SerdeError, IgnoredAny, MapAccess, Visitor}, ser::SerializeMap, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer, }; use serde_bytes::ByteBuf; use serde_cbor::{de::from_slice, to_vec, Value}; use std::fmt; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Default)] struct CredManagementParams { rp_id_hash: Option, // RP ID SHA-256 hash credential_id: Option, // Credential Identifier user: Option, // User Entity } impl CredManagementParams { fn has_some(&self) -> bool { self.rp_id_hash.is_some() || self.credential_id.is_some() || self.user.is_some() } } impl Serialize for CredManagementParams { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { let mut map_len = 0; if self.rp_id_hash.is_some() { map_len += 1; } if self.credential_id.is_some() { map_len += 1; } if self.user.is_some() { map_len += 1; } let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(Some(map_len))?; if let Some(rp_id_hash) = &self.rp_id_hash { map.serialize_entry(&0x01, &ByteBuf::from(rp_id_hash.as_ref()))?; } if let Some(credential_id) = &self.credential_id { map.serialize_entry(&0x02, credential_id)?; } if let Some(user) = &self.user { map.serialize_entry(&0x03, user)?; } map.end() } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub(crate) enum CredManagementCommand { GetCredsMetadata, EnumerateRPsBegin, EnumerateRPsGetNextRP, EnumerateCredentialsBegin(RpIdHash), EnumerateCredentialsGetNextCredential, DeleteCredential(PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor), UpdateUserInformation((PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor, PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity)), } impl CredManagementCommand { fn to_id_and_param(&self) -> (u8, CredManagementParams) { let mut params = CredManagementParams::default(); match &self { CredManagementCommand::GetCredsMetadata => (0x01, params), CredManagementCommand::EnumerateRPsBegin => (0x02, params), CredManagementCommand::EnumerateRPsGetNextRP => (0x03, params), CredManagementCommand::EnumerateCredentialsBegin(rp_id_hash) => { params.rp_id_hash = Some(rp_id_hash.clone()); (0x04, params) } CredManagementCommand::EnumerateCredentialsGetNextCredential => (0x05, params), CredManagementCommand::DeleteCredential(cred_id) => { params.credential_id = Some(cred_id.clone()); (0x06, params) } CredManagementCommand::UpdateUserInformation((cred_id, user)) => { params.credential_id = Some(cred_id.clone()); params.user = Some(user.clone()); (0x07, params) } } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CredentialManagement { pub(crate) subcommand: CredManagementCommand, // subCommand currently being requested pin_uv_auth_param: Option, // First 16 bytes of HMAC-SHA-256 of contents using pinUvAuthToken. use_legacy_preview: bool, } impl CredentialManagement { pub(crate) fn new(subcommand: CredManagementCommand, use_legacy_preview: bool) -> Self { Self { subcommand, pin_uv_auth_param: None, use_legacy_preview, } } } impl Serialize for CredentialManagement { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { // Need to define how many elements are going to be in the map // beforehand let mut map_len = 1; let (id, params) = self.subcommand.to_id_and_param(); if params.has_some() { map_len += 1; } if self.pin_uv_auth_param.is_some() { map_len += 2; } let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(Some(map_len))?; map.serialize_entry(&0x01, &id)?; if params.has_some() { map.serialize_entry(&0x02, ¶ms)?; } if let Some(ref pin_uv_auth_param) = self.pin_uv_auth_param { map.serialize_entry(&0x03, &; map.serialize_entry(&0x04, pin_uv_auth_param)?; } map.end() } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct CredentialManagementResponse { /// Number of existing discoverable credentials present on the authenticator. pub existing_resident_credentials_count: Option, /// Number of maximum possible remaining discoverable credentials which can be created on the authenticator. pub max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count: Option, /// RP Information pub rp: Option, /// RP ID SHA-256 hash pub rp_id_hash: Option, /// Total number of RPs present on the authenticator pub total_rps: Option, /// User Information pub user: Option, /// Credential ID pub credential_id: Option, /// Public key of the credential. pub public_key: Option, /// Total number of credentials present on the authenticator for the RP in question pub total_credentials: Option, /// Credential protection policy. pub cred_protect: Option, /// Large blob encryption key. pub large_blob_key: Option>, } impl CtapResponse for CredentialManagementResponse {} #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)] pub struct CredentialRpListEntry { /// RP Information pub rp: RelyingParty, /// RP ID SHA-256 hash pub rp_id_hash: RpIdHash, pub credentials: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize)] pub struct CredentialListEntry { /// User Information pub user: PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity, /// Credential ID pub credential_id: PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor, /// Public key of the credential. pub public_key: COSEKey, /// Credential protection policy. pub cred_protect: u64, /// Large blob encryption key. pub large_blob_key: Option>, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize)] pub enum CredentialManagementResult { CredentialList(CredentialList), DeleteSucess, UpdateSuccess, } #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize)] pub struct CredentialList { /// Number of existing discoverable credentials present on the authenticator. pub existing_resident_credentials_count: u64, /// Number of maximum possible remaining discoverable credentials which can be created on the authenticator. pub max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count: u64, /// The found credentials pub credential_list: Vec, } impl CredentialList { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for CredentialManagementResponse { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { struct CredentialManagementResponseVisitor; impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for CredentialManagementResponseVisitor { type Value = CredentialManagementResponse; fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { formatter.write_str("a map") } fn visit_map(self, mut map: M) -> Result where M: MapAccess<'de>, { let mut existing_resident_credentials_count = None; // (0x01) Unsigned Integer Number of existing discoverable credentials present on the authenticator. let mut max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count = None; // (0x02) Unsigned Integer Number of maximum possible remaining discoverable credentials which can be created on the authenticator. let mut rp = None; // (0x03) PublicKeyCredentialRpEntity RP Information let mut rp_id_hash = None; // (0x04) Byte String RP ID SHA-256 hash let mut total_rps = None; // (0x05) Unsigned Integer total number of RPs present on the authenticator let mut user = None; // (0x06) PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity User Information let mut credential_id = None; // (0x07) PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor let mut public_key = None; // (0x08) COSE_Key Public key of the credential. let mut total_credentials = None; // (0x09) Unsigned Integer Total number of credentials present on the authenticator for the RP in question let mut cred_protect = None; // (0x0A) Unsigned Integer Credential protection policy. let mut large_blob_key = None; // (0x0B) Byte string Large blob encryption key. while let Some(key) = map.next_key()? { match key { 0x01 => { if existing_resident_credentials_count.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field( "existing_resident_credentials_count", )); } existing_resident_credentials_count = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x02 => { if max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field( "max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count", )); } max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x03 => { if rp.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("rp")); } rp = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x04 => { if rp_id_hash.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("rp_id_hash")); } let rp_raw = map.next_value::()?; rp_id_hash = Some(RpIdHash::from(rp_raw.as_slice()).map_err(|_| { SerdeError::invalid_length(rp_raw.len(), &"32") })?); } 0x05 => { if total_rps.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("total_rps")); } total_rps = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x06 => { if user.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("user")); } user = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x07 => { if credential_id.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("credential_id")); } credential_id = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x08 => { if public_key.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("public_key")); } public_key = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x09 => { if total_credentials.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("total_credentials")); } total_credentials = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x0A => { if cred_protect.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("cred_protect")); } cred_protect = Some(map.next_value()?); } 0x0B => { if large_blob_key.is_some() { return Err(SerdeError::duplicate_field("large_blob_key")); } // Using into_vec, to avoid any copy of large_blob_key large_blob_key = Some(map.next_value::()?.into_vec()); } k => { warn!("ClientPinResponse: unexpected key: {:?}", k); let _ = map.next_value::()?; continue; } } } Ok(CredentialManagementResponse { existing_resident_credentials_count, max_possible_remaining_resident_credentials_count, rp, rp_id_hash, total_rps, user, credential_id, public_key, total_credentials, cred_protect, large_blob_key, }) } } deserializer.deserialize_bytes(CredentialManagementResponseVisitor) } } impl RequestCtap2 for CredentialManagement { type Output = CredentialManagementResponse; fn command(&self) -> Command { if self.use_legacy_preview { Command::CredentialManagementPreview } else { Command::CredentialManagement } } fn wire_format(&self) -> Result, HIDError> { let output = to_vec(&self).map_err(CommandError::Serializing)?; trace!("client subcommmand: {:04X?}", &output); Ok(output) } fn handle_response_ctap2( &self, _dev: &mut Dev, input: &[u8], ) -> Result where Dev: FidoDevice, { if input.is_empty() { return Err(CommandError::InputTooSmall.into()); } let status: StatusCode = input[0].into(); if status.is_ok() { if input.len() > 1 { trace!("parsing credential management data: {:#04X?}", &input); let credential_management = from_slice(&input[1..]).map_err(CommandError::Deserializing)?; Ok(credential_management) } else { // Some subcommands return only an OK-status without any data Ok(CredentialManagementResponse::default()) } } else { let data: Option = if input.len() > 1 { Some(from_slice(&input[1..]).map_err(CommandError::Deserializing)?) } else { None }; Err(CommandError::StatusCode(status, data).into()) } } fn send_to_virtual_device( &self, _dev: &mut Dev, ) -> Result { unimplemented!() } } impl PinUvAuthCommand for CredentialManagement { fn get_rp_id(&self) -> Option<&String> { None } fn set_pin_uv_auth_param( &mut self, pin_uv_auth_token: Option, ) -> Result<(), AuthenticatorError> { let mut param = None; if let Some(token) = pin_uv_auth_token { // pinUvAuthParam (0x04): the result of calling // authenticate(pinUvAuthToken, uint8(subCommand) || subCommandParams). let (id, params) = self.subcommand.to_id_and_param(); let mut data = vec![id]; if params.has_some() { data.extend(to_vec(¶ms).map_err(CommandError::Serializing)?); } param = Some(token.derive(&data).map_err(CommandError::Crypto)?); } self.pin_uv_auth_param = param; Ok(()) } fn can_skip_user_verification( &mut self, _info: &crate::AuthenticatorInfo, _uv: UserVerificationRequirement, ) -> bool { // "discouraged" does not exist for AuthenticatorConfig false } fn set_uv_option(&mut self, _uv: Option) { /* No-op */ } fn get_pin_uv_auth_param(&self) -> Option<&PinUvAuthParam> { self.pin_uv_auth_param.as_ref() } }