/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use crate::transport::device_selector::DeviceSelectorEvent; use crate::transport::platform::fd::Fd; use runloop::RunLoop; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::error::Error; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::sync::{mpsc::Sender, Arc}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; // XXX Should use drvctl, but it doesn't do pubsub properly yet so // DRVGETEVENT requires write access to /dev/drvctl. Instead, for now, // just poll every 500ms. const POLL_TIMEOUT: u64 = 500; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WrappedOpenDevice { pub fd: Fd, pub os_path: OsString, } pub struct Monitor where F: Fn( WrappedOpenDevice, Sender, Sender, &dyn Fn() -> bool, ) + Sync, { runloops: HashMap, new_device_cb: Arc, selector_sender: Sender, status_sender: Sender, } impl Monitor where F: Fn( WrappedOpenDevice, Sender, Sender, &dyn Fn() -> bool, ) + Send + Sync + 'static, { pub fn new( new_device_cb: F, selector_sender: Sender, status_sender: Sender, ) -> Self { Self { runloops: HashMap::new(), new_device_cb: Arc::new(new_device_cb), selector_sender, status_sender, } } pub fn run(&mut self, alive: &dyn Fn() -> bool) -> Result<(), Box> { // Loop until we're stopped by the controlling thread, or fail. while alive() { for n in 0..100 { let uhidpath = OsString::from(format!("/dev/uhid{n}")); match Fd::open(&uhidpath, libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_CLOEXEC) { Ok(uhid) => { // The device is available if it can be opened. let _ = self .selector_sender .send(DeviceSelectorEvent::DevicesAdded(vec![uhidpath.clone()])); self.add_device(WrappedOpenDevice { fd: uhid, os_path: uhidpath, }); } Err(ref err) => match err.raw_os_error() { Some(libc::EBUSY) => continue, Some(libc::ENOENT) => break, _ => self.remove_device(uhidpath), }, } } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(POLL_TIMEOUT)); } // Remove all tracked devices. self.remove_all_devices(); Ok(()) } fn add_device(&mut self, fido: WrappedOpenDevice) { let f = self.new_device_cb.clone(); let selector_sender = self.selector_sender.clone(); let status_sender = self.status_sender.clone(); let key = fido.os_path.clone(); debug!("Adding device {}", key.to_string_lossy()); let runloop = RunLoop::new(move |alive| { if alive() { f(fido, selector_sender, status_sender, alive); } }); if let Ok(runloop) = runloop { self.runloops.insert(key, runloop); } } fn remove_device(&mut self, path: OsString) { let _ = self .selector_sender .send(DeviceSelectorEvent::DeviceRemoved(path.clone())); debug!("Removing device {}", path.to_string_lossy()); if let Some(runloop) = self.runloops.remove(&path) { runloop.cancel(); } } fn remove_all_devices(&mut self) { while !self.runloops.is_empty() { let path = self.runloops.keys().next().unwrap().clone(); self.remove_device(path); } } }