//! Generate the user-facing flags type. //! //! The code here belongs to the end-user, so new trait implementations and methods can't be //! added without potentially breaking users. /// Declare the user-facing bitflags struct. /// /// This type is guaranteed to be a newtype with a `bitflags`-facing type as its single field. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __declare_public_bitflags { ( $(#[$outer:meta])* $vis:vis struct $PublicBitFlags:ident ) => { $(#[$outer])* $vis struct $PublicBitFlags(<$PublicBitFlags as $crate::__private::PublicFlags>::Internal); }; } /// Implement functions on the public (user-facing) bitflags type. /// /// We need to be careful about adding new methods and trait implementations here because they /// could conflict with items added by the end-user. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags_forward { ( $PublicBitFlags:ident: $T:ty, $InternalBitFlags:ident ) => { __impl_bitflags! { $PublicBitFlags: $T { fn empty() { Self($InternalBitFlags::empty()) } fn all() { Self($InternalBitFlags::all()) } fn bits(f) { f.0.bits() } fn from_bits(bits) { match $InternalBitFlags::from_bits(bits) { $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(bits) => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self(bits)), $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None, } } fn from_bits_truncate(bits) { Self($InternalBitFlags::from_bits_truncate(bits)) } fn from_bits_retain(bits) { Self($InternalBitFlags::from_bits_retain(bits)) } fn from_name(name) { match $InternalBitFlags::from_name(name) { $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(bits) => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self(bits)), $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None => $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None, } } fn is_empty(f) { f.0.is_empty() } fn is_all(f) { f.0.is_all() } fn intersects(f, other) { f.0.intersects(other.0) } fn contains(f, other) { f.0.contains(other.0) } fn insert(f, other) { f.0.insert(other.0) } fn remove(f, other) { f.0.remove(other.0) } fn toggle(f, other) { f.0.toggle(other.0) } fn set(f, other, value) { f.0.set(other.0, value) } fn intersection(f, other) { Self(f.0.intersection(other.0)) } fn union(f, other) { Self(f.0.union(other.0)) } fn difference(f, other) { Self(f.0.difference(other.0)) } fn symmetric_difference(f, other) { Self(f.0.symmetric_difference(other.0)) } fn complement(f) { Self(f.0.complement()) } } } }; } /// Implement functions on the public (user-facing) bitflags type. /// /// We need to be careful about adding new methods and trait implementations here because they /// could conflict with items added by the end-user. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags { ( $BitFlags:ident: $T:ty, $PublicBitFlags:ident { $( $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])* const $Flag:tt = $value:expr; )* } ) => { __impl_bitflags! { $BitFlags: $T { fn empty() { Self(<$T as $crate::Bits>::EMPTY) } fn all() { let mut truncated = <$T as $crate::Bits>::EMPTY; let mut i = 0; $( __bitflags_expr_safe_attrs!( $(#[$inner $($args)*])* {{ let flag = <$PublicBitFlags as $crate::Flags>::FLAGS[i].value().bits(); truncated = truncated | flag; i += 1; }} ); )* let _ = i; Self::from_bits_retain(truncated) } fn bits(f) { f.0 } fn from_bits(bits) { let truncated = Self::from_bits_truncate(bits).0; if truncated == bits { $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self(bits)) } else { $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None } } fn from_bits_truncate(bits) { Self(bits & Self::all().bits()) } fn from_bits_retain(bits) { Self(bits) } fn from_name(name) { $( __bitflags_flag!({ name: $Flag, named: { __bitflags_expr_safe_attrs!( $(#[$inner $($args)*])* { if name == $crate::__private::core::stringify!($Flag) { return $crate::__private::core::option::Option::Some(Self($PublicBitFlags::$Flag.bits())); } } ); }, unnamed: {}, }); )* let _ = name; $crate::__private::core::option::Option::None } fn is_empty(f) { f.bits() == <$T as $crate::Bits>::EMPTY } fn is_all(f) { // NOTE: We check against `Self::all` here, not `Self::Bits::ALL` // because the set of all flags may not use all bits Self::all().bits() | f.bits() == f.bits() } fn intersects(f, other) { f.bits() & other.bits() != <$T as $crate::Bits>::EMPTY } fn contains(f, other) { f.bits() & other.bits() == other.bits() } fn insert(f, other) { *f = Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits()).union(other); } fn remove(f, other) { *f = Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits()).difference(other); } fn toggle(f, other) { *f = Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits()).symmetric_difference(other); } fn set(f, other, value) { if value { f.insert(other); } else { f.remove(other); } } fn intersection(f, other) { Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits() & other.bits()) } fn union(f, other) { Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits() | other.bits()) } fn difference(f, other) { Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits() & !other.bits()) } fn symmetric_difference(f, other) { Self::from_bits_retain(f.bits() ^ other.bits()) } fn complement(f) { Self::from_bits_truncate(!f.bits()) } } } }; } /// Implement iterators on the public (user-facing) bitflags type. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags_iter { ($BitFlags:ident: $T:ty, $PublicBitFlags:ident) => { impl $BitFlags { /// Yield a set of contained flags values. /// /// Each yielded flags value will correspond to a defined named flag. Any unknown bits /// will be yielded together as a final flags value. #[inline] pub const fn iter(&self) -> $crate::iter::Iter<$PublicBitFlags> { $crate::iter::Iter::__private_const_new( <$PublicBitFlags as $crate::Flags>::FLAGS, $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(self.bits()), $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(self.bits()), ) } /// Yield a set of contained named flags values. /// /// This method is like [`iter`](#method.iter), except only yields bits in contained named flags. /// Any unknown bits, or bits not corresponding to a contained flag will not be yielded. #[inline] pub const fn iter_names(&self) -> $crate::iter::IterNames<$PublicBitFlags> { $crate::iter::IterNames::__private_const_new( <$PublicBitFlags as $crate::Flags>::FLAGS, $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(self.bits()), $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(self.bits()), ) } } impl $crate::__private::core::iter::IntoIterator for $BitFlags { type Item = $PublicBitFlags; type IntoIter = $crate::iter::Iter<$PublicBitFlags>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.iter() } } }; } /// Implement traits on the public (user-facing) bitflags type. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags_ops { ($PublicBitFlags:ident) => { impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary for $PublicBitFlags { fn fmt( &self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter, ) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result { $crate::__private::core::fmt::Binary::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal for $PublicBitFlags { fn fmt( &self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter, ) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result { $crate::__private::core::fmt::Octal::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex for $PublicBitFlags { fn fmt( &self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter, ) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result { $crate::__private::core::fmt::LowerHex::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex for $PublicBitFlags { fn fmt( &self, f: &mut $crate::__private::core::fmt::Formatter, ) -> $crate::__private::core::fmt::Result { $crate::__private::core::fmt::UpperHex::fmt(&self.0, f) } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitOr for $PublicBitFlags { type Output = Self; /// The bitwise or (`|`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitor(self, other: $PublicBitFlags) -> Self { self.union(other) } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitOrAssign for $PublicBitFlags { /// The bitwise or (`|`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.insert(other); } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitXor for $PublicBitFlags { type Output = Self; /// The bitwise exclusive-or (`^`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitxor(self, other: Self) -> Self { self.symmetric_difference(other) } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitXorAssign for $PublicBitFlags { /// The bitwise exclusive-or (`^`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitxor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.toggle(other); } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitAnd for $PublicBitFlags { type Output = Self; /// The bitwise and (`&`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self { self.intersection(other) } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::BitAndAssign for $PublicBitFlags { /// The bitwise and (`&`) of the bits in two flags values. #[inline] fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self = Self::from_bits_retain(self.bits()).intersection(other); } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::Sub for $PublicBitFlags { type Output = Self; /// The intersection of a source flags value with the complement of a target flags value (`&!`). /// /// This method is not equivalent to `self & !other` when `other` has unknown bits set. /// `difference` won't truncate `other`, but the `!` operator will. #[inline] fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self { self.difference(other) } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::SubAssign for $PublicBitFlags { /// The intersection of a source flags value with the complement of a target flags value (`&!`). /// /// This method is not equivalent to `self & !other` when `other` has unknown bits set. /// `difference` won't truncate `other`, but the `!` operator will. #[inline] fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { self.remove(other); } } impl $crate::__private::core::ops::Not for $PublicBitFlags { type Output = Self; /// The bitwise negation (`!`) of the bits in a flags value, truncating the result. #[inline] fn not(self) -> Self { self.complement() } } impl $crate::__private::core::iter::Extend<$PublicBitFlags> for $PublicBitFlags { /// The bitwise or (`|`) of the bits in each flags value. fn extend>( &mut self, iterator: T, ) { for item in iterator { self.insert(item) } } } impl $crate::__private::core::iter::FromIterator<$PublicBitFlags> for $PublicBitFlags { /// The bitwise or (`|`) of the bits in each flags value. fn from_iter>( iterator: T, ) -> Self { use $crate::__private::core::iter::Extend; let mut result = Self::empty(); result.extend(iterator); result } } }; } /// Implement constants on the public (user-facing) bitflags type. #[macro_export(local_inner_macros)] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! __impl_public_bitflags_consts { ( $PublicBitFlags:ident: $T:ty { $( $(#[$inner:ident $($args:tt)*])* const $Flag:tt = $value:expr; )* } ) => { impl $PublicBitFlags { $( __bitflags_flag!({ name: $Flag, named: { $(#[$inner $($args)*])* #[allow( deprecated, non_upper_case_globals, )] pub const $Flag: Self = Self::from_bits_retain($value); }, unnamed: {}, }); )* } impl $crate::Flags for $PublicBitFlags { const FLAGS: &'static [$crate::Flag<$PublicBitFlags>] = &[ $( __bitflags_flag!({ name: $Flag, named: { __bitflags_expr_safe_attrs!( $(#[$inner $($args)*])* { #[allow( deprecated, non_upper_case_globals, )] $crate::Flag::new($crate::__private::core::stringify!($Flag), $PublicBitFlags::$Flag) } ) }, unnamed: { __bitflags_expr_safe_attrs!( $(#[$inner $($args)*])* { #[allow( deprecated, non_upper_case_globals, )] $crate::Flag::new("", $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain($value)) } ) }, }), )* ]; type Bits = $T; fn bits(&self) -> $T { $PublicBitFlags::bits(self) } fn from_bits_retain(bits: $T) -> $PublicBitFlags { $PublicBitFlags::from_bits_retain(bits) } } }; }