// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use super::Tm; use std::io; use std::mem; use winapi::shared::minwindef::*; use winapi::um::minwinbase::SYSTEMTIME; use winapi::um::timezoneapi::*; const HECTONANOSECS_IN_SEC: i64 = 10_000_000; const HECTONANOSEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH: i64 = 11_644_473_600 * HECTONANOSECS_IN_SEC; fn time_to_file_time(sec: i64) -> FILETIME { let t = ((sec * HECTONANOSECS_IN_SEC) + HECTONANOSEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH) as u64; FILETIME { dwLowDateTime: t as DWORD, dwHighDateTime: (t >> 32) as DWORD } } fn file_time_as_u64(ft: &FILETIME) -> u64 { ((ft.dwHighDateTime as u64) << 32) | (ft.dwLowDateTime as u64) } fn file_time_to_unix_seconds(ft: &FILETIME) -> i64 { let t = file_time_as_u64(ft) as i64; ((t - HECTONANOSEC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH) / HECTONANOSECS_IN_SEC) as i64 } fn system_time_to_file_time(sys: &SYSTEMTIME) -> FILETIME { unsafe { let mut ft = mem::zeroed(); SystemTimeToFileTime(sys, &mut ft); ft } } fn tm_to_system_time(tm: &Tm) -> SYSTEMTIME { let mut sys: SYSTEMTIME = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; sys.wSecond = tm.tm_sec as WORD; sys.wMinute = tm.tm_min as WORD; sys.wHour = tm.tm_hour as WORD; sys.wDay = tm.tm_mday as WORD; sys.wDayOfWeek = tm.tm_wday as WORD; sys.wMonth = (tm.tm_mon + 1) as WORD; sys.wYear = (tm.tm_year + 1900) as WORD; sys } fn system_time_to_tm(sys: &SYSTEMTIME, tm: &mut Tm) { tm.tm_sec = sys.wSecond as i32; tm.tm_min = sys.wMinute as i32; tm.tm_hour = sys.wHour as i32; tm.tm_mday = sys.wDay as i32; tm.tm_wday = sys.wDayOfWeek as i32; tm.tm_mon = (sys.wMonth - 1) as i32; tm.tm_year = (sys.wYear - 1900) as i32; tm.tm_yday = yday(tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday); fn yday(year: i32, month: i32, day: i32) -> i32 { let leap = if month > 2 { if year % 4 == 0 { 1 } else { 2 } } else { 0 }; let july = if month > 7 { 1 } else { 0 }; (month - 1) * 30 + month / 2 + (day - 1) - leap + july } } macro_rules! call { ($name:ident($($arg:expr),*)) => { if $name($($arg),*) == 0 { panic!(concat!(stringify!($name), " failed with: {}"), io::Error::last_os_error()); } } } pub fn time_to_local_tm(sec: i64, tm: &mut Tm) { let ft = time_to_file_time(sec); unsafe { let mut utc = mem::zeroed(); let mut local = mem::zeroed(); call!(FileTimeToSystemTime(&ft, &mut utc)); call!(SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(0 as *const _, &mut utc, &mut local)); system_time_to_tm(&local, tm); let local = system_time_to_file_time(&local); let local_sec = file_time_to_unix_seconds(&local); let mut tz = mem::zeroed(); GetTimeZoneInformation(&mut tz); // SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime already applied the biases so // check if it non standard tm.tm_utcoff = (local_sec - sec) as i32; tm.tm_isdst = if tm.tm_utcoff == -60 * (tz.Bias + tz.StandardBias) { 0 } else { 1 }; } } pub fn utc_tm_to_time(tm: &Tm) -> i64 { unsafe { let mut ft = mem::zeroed(); let sys_time = tm_to_system_time(tm); call!(SystemTimeToFileTime(&sys_time, &mut ft)); file_time_to_unix_seconds(&ft) } } pub fn local_tm_to_time(tm: &Tm) -> i64 { unsafe { let mut ft = mem::zeroed(); let mut utc = mem::zeroed(); let mut sys_time = tm_to_system_time(tm); call!(TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(0 as *mut _, &mut sys_time, &mut utc)); call!(SystemTimeToFileTime(&utc, &mut ft)); file_time_to_unix_seconds(&ft) } }