extern crate bindgen; fn sdk_path(target: &str) -> Result { // Use environment variable if set println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=COREAUDIO_SDK_PATH"); if let Ok(path) = std::env::var("COREAUDIO_SDK_PATH") { return Ok(path); } use std::process::Command; let sdk = if target.contains("apple-darwin") { "macosx" } else if target == "x86_64-apple-ios" || target == "i386-apple-ios" || target == "aarch64-apple-ios-sim" { "iphonesimulator" } else if target == "aarch64-apple-ios" || target == "armv7-apple-ios" || target == "armv7s-apple-ios" { "iphoneos" } else { unreachable!(); }; let output = Command::new("xcrun") .args(&["--sdk", sdk, "--show-sdk-path"]) .output()? .stdout; let prefix_str = std::str::from_utf8(&output).expect("invalid output from `xcrun`"); Ok(prefix_str.trim_end().to_string()) } fn build(sdk_path: Option<&str>, target: &str) { // Generate one large set of bindings for all frameworks. // // We do this rather than generating a module per framework as some frameworks depend on other // frameworks and in turn share types. To ensure all types are compatible across each // framework, we feed all headers to bindgen at once. // // Only link to each framework and include their headers if their features are enabled and they // are available on the target os. use std::env; use std::path::PathBuf; let mut headers: Vec<&'static str> = vec![]; #[cfg(feature = "audio_unit")] { // Since iOS 10.0 and macOS 10.12, all the functionality in AudioUnit // moved to AudioToolbox, and the AudioUnit headers have been simple // wrappers ever since. if target.contains("apple-ios") { // On iOS, the AudioUnit framework does not have (and never had) an // actual dylib to link to, it is just a few header files. // The AudioToolbox framework contains the symbols instead. println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=AudioToolbox"); } else { // On macOS, the symbols are present in the AudioToolbox framework, // but only on macOS 10.12 and above. // // However, unlike on iOS, the AudioUnit framework on macOS // contains a dylib with the desired symbols, that we can link to // (in later versions just re-exports from AudioToolbox). println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=AudioUnit"); } headers.push("AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h"); } #[cfg(feature = "audio_toolbox")] { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=AudioToolbox"); headers.push("AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h"); } #[cfg(feature = "core_audio")] { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=CoreAudio"); if target.contains("apple-ios") { headers.push("CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h"); } else { headers.push("CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h"); } } #[cfg(feature = "io_kit_audio")] { assert!(target.contains("apple-darwin")); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=IOKit"); headers.push("IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h"); } #[cfg(feature = "open_al")] { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=OpenAL"); headers.push("OpenAL/al.h"); headers.push("OpenAL/alc.h"); } #[cfg(all(feature = "core_midi"))] { if target.contains("apple-darwin") { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=framework=CoreMIDI"); headers.push("CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h"); } } println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS"); // Get the cargo out directory. let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("env variable OUT_DIR not found")); // Begin building the bindgen params. let mut builder = bindgen::Builder::default(); // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/issues/1211 // Technically according to the llvm mailing list, the argument to clang here should be // -arch arm64 but it looks cleaner to just change the target. let target = if target == "aarch64-apple-ios" { "arm64-apple-ios" } else if target == "aarch64-apple-darwin" { "arm64-apple-darwin" } else { target }; builder = builder.size_t_is_usize(true); builder = builder.clang_args(&[&format!("--target={}", target)]); if let Some(sdk_path) = sdk_path { builder = builder.clang_args(&["-isysroot", sdk_path]); } if target.contains("apple-ios") { // time.h as has a variable called timezone that conflicts with some of the objective-c // calls from NSCalendar.h in the Foundation framework. This removes that one variable. builder = builder.blocklist_item("timezone"); builder = builder.blocklist_item("objc_object"); } // bindgen produces alignment tests that cause undefined behavior in some cases. // This seems to happen across all apple target tripples :/. // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen/issues/1651 builder = builder.layout_tests(false); let meta_header: Vec<_> = headers .iter() .map(|h| format!("#include <{}>\n", h)) .collect(); builder = builder.header_contents("coreaudio.h", &meta_header.concat()); // Generate the bindings. builder = builder.trust_clang_mangling(false).derive_default(true); let bindings = builder.generate().expect("unable to generate bindings"); // Write them to the crate root. bindings .write_to_file(out_dir.join("coreaudio.rs")) .expect("could not write bindings"); } fn main() { let target = std::env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); if !(target.contains("apple-darwin") || target.contains("apple-ios")) { panic!("coreaudio-sys requires macos or ios target"); } let directory = sdk_path(&target).ok(); build(directory.as_ref().map(String::as_ref), &target); }