# Bail out once getting an error. set -e echo "\n\nTest suite for cubeb-coreaudio\n========================================" if [[ -z "${RUST_BACKTRACE}" ]]; then # Display backtrace for debugging export RUST_BACKTRACE=1 fi echo "RUST_BACKTRACE is set to ${RUST_BACKTRACE}\n" # Run tests in the sub crate # Run the tests by `cargo * -p ` if it's possible. By doing so, the duplicate compiling # between this crate and the can be saved. The compiling for can be reused # when running `cargo *` with this crate. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB_CRATE="coreaudio-sys-utils" # Format check # `cargo fmt -p *` is only usable in workspaces, so a workaround is to enter to the sub crate # and then exit from it. cd $SUB_CRATE cargo fmt --all -- --check cd .. # Lints check cargo clippy -p $SUB_CRATE -- -D warnings # Regular Tests cargo test -p $SUB_CRATE # Run tests in the main crate # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Format check cargo fmt --all -- --check # Lints check cargo clippy -- -D warnings # Regular Tests cargo test --verbose # Timing sensitive tests must run serially so they cannot be impacted by other tasks on the queue cargo test test_ops_timing_sensitive -- --ignored --test-threads=1 # Parallel Tests cargo test test_parallel -- --ignored --nocapture --test-threads=1 # Device-changed Tests sh run_device_tests.sh # Manual Tests # cargo test test_switch_output_device -- --ignored --nocapture # cargo test test_device_collection_change -- --ignored --nocapture # cargo test test_stream_tester -- --ignored --nocapture