use proc_macro2::Span; use quote::{quote, ToTokens}; use syn::*; use diplomat_core::ast; mod enum_convert; mod transparent_convert; fn cfgs_to_stream(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream { attrs .iter() .fold(quote!(), |prev, attr| quote!(#prev #attr)) } fn gen_params_at_boundary(param: &ast::Param, expanded_params: &mut Vec) { match ¶m.ty { ast::TypeName::StrReference(_) | ast::TypeName::PrimitiveSlice(..) => { let data_type = if let ast::TypeName::PrimitiveSlice(.., prim) = ¶m.ty { ast::TypeName::Primitive(*prim).to_syn().to_token_stream() } else { quote! { u8 } }; expanded_params.push(FnArg::Typed(PatType { attrs: vec![], pat: Box::new(Pat::Ident(PatIdent { attrs: vec![], by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident: Ident::new(&format!("{}_diplomat_data",, Span::call_site()), subpat: None, })), colon_token: syn::token::Colon(Span::call_site()), ty: Box::new( parse2({ if let ast::TypeName::PrimitiveSlice(_, ast::Mutability::Mutable, _) = ¶m.ty { quote! { *mut #data_type } } else { quote! { *const #data_type } } }) .unwrap(), ), })); expanded_params.push(FnArg::Typed(PatType { attrs: vec![], pat: Box::new(Pat::Ident(PatIdent { attrs: vec![], by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident: Ident::new(&format!("{}_diplomat_len",, Span::call_site()), subpat: None, })), colon_token: syn::token::Colon(Span::call_site()), ty: Box::new( parse2(quote! { usize }) .unwrap(), ), })); } o => { expanded_params.push(FnArg::Typed(PatType { attrs: vec![], pat: Box::new(Pat::Ident(PatIdent { attrs: vec![], by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident: Ident::new(, Span::call_site()), subpat: None, })), colon_token: syn::token::Colon(Span::call_site()), ty: Box::new(o.to_syn()), })); } } } fn gen_params_invocation(param: &ast::Param, expanded_params: &mut Vec) { match ¶m.ty { ast::TypeName::StrReference(_) | ast::TypeName::PrimitiveSlice(..) => { let data_ident = Ident::new(&format!("{}_diplomat_data",, Span::call_site()); let len_ident = Ident::new(&format!("{}_diplomat_len",, Span::call_site()); let tokens = if let ast::TypeName::PrimitiveSlice(_, mutability, _) = ¶m.ty { match mutability { ast::Mutability::Mutable => quote! { unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(#data_ident, #len_ident) } }, ast::Mutability::Immutable => quote! { unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(#data_ident, #len_ident) } }, } } else { // TODO(#57): don't just unwrap? or should we assume that the other side gives us a good value? quote! { unsafe { core::str::from_utf8(core::slice::from_raw_parts(#data_ident, #len_ident)).unwrap() } } }; expanded_params.push(parse2(tokens).unwrap()); } ast::TypeName::Result(_, _, _) => { let param = ¶; expanded_params.push(parse2(quote!(#param.into())).unwrap()); } _ => { expanded_params.push(Expr::Path(ExprPath { attrs: vec![], qself: None, path: Ident::new(, Span::call_site()).into(), })); } } } fn gen_custom_type_method(strct: &ast::CustomType, m: &ast::Method) -> Item { let self_ident = Ident::new(, Span::call_site()); let method_ident = Ident::new(, Span::call_site()); let extern_ident = Ident::new(m.full_path_name.as_str(), Span::call_site()); let mut all_params = vec![]; m.params.iter().for_each(|p| { gen_params_at_boundary(p, &mut all_params); }); let mut all_params_invocation = vec![]; m.params.iter().for_each(|p| { gen_params_invocation(p, &mut all_params_invocation); }); let this_ident = Pat::Ident(PatIdent { attrs: vec![], by_ref: None, mutability: None, ident: Ident::new("this", Span::call_site()), subpat: None, }); if let Some(self_param) = &m.self_param { all_params.insert( 0, FnArg::Typed(PatType { attrs: vec![], pat: Box::new(this_ident.clone()), colon_token: syn::token::Colon(Span::call_site()), ty: Box::new(self_param.to_typename().to_syn()), }), ); } let lifetimes = { let lifetime_env = &m.lifetime_env; if lifetime_env.is_empty() { quote! {} } else { quote! { <#lifetime_env> } } }; let method_invocation = if m.self_param.is_some() { quote! { #this_ident.#method_ident } } else { quote! { #self_ident::#method_ident } }; let (return_tokens, maybe_into) = if let Some(return_type) = &m.return_type { if let ast::TypeName::Result(ok, err, true) = return_type { let ok = ok.to_syn(); let err = err.to_syn(); ( quote! { -> diplomat_runtime::DiplomatResult<#ok, #err> }, quote! { .into() }, ) } else { let return_type_syn = return_type.to_syn(); (quote! { -> #return_type_syn }, quote! {}) } } else { (quote! {}, quote! {}) }; let writeable_flushes = m .params .iter() .filter(|p| p.is_writeable()) .map(|p| { let p = &; quote! { #p.flush(); } }) .collect::>(); let cfg = cfgs_to_stream(&m.attrs.cfg); if writeable_flushes.is_empty() { Item::Fn(syn::parse_quote! { #[no_mangle] #cfg extern "C" fn #extern_ident#lifetimes(#(#all_params),*) #return_tokens { #method_invocation(#(#all_params_invocation),*) #maybe_into } }) } else { Item::Fn(syn::parse_quote! { #[no_mangle] #cfg extern "C" fn #extern_ident#lifetimes(#(#all_params),*) #return_tokens { let ret = #method_invocation(#(#all_params_invocation),*); #(#writeable_flushes)* ret #maybe_into } }) } } struct AttributeInfo { repr: bool, opaque: bool, } impl AttributeInfo { fn extract(attrs: &mut Vec) -> Self { let mut repr = false; let mut opaque = false; attrs.retain(|attr| { let ident = &attr.path().segments.iter().next().unwrap().ident; if ident == "repr" { repr = true; // don't actually extract repr attrs, just detect them return true; } else if ident == "diplomat" { if attr.path().segments.len() == 2 { let seg = &attr.path().segments.iter().nth(1).unwrap().ident; if seg == "opaque" { opaque = true; return false; } else if seg == "rust_link" || seg == "out" || seg == "attr" { // diplomat-tool reads these, not diplomat::bridge. // throw them away so rustc doesn't complain about unknown attributes return false; } else if seg == "enum_convert" || seg == "transparent_convert" { // diplomat::bridge doesn't read this, but it's handled separately // as an attribute return true; } else { panic!("Only #[diplomat::opaque] and #[diplomat::rust_link] are supported") } } else { panic!("#[diplomat::foo] attrs have a single-segment path name") } } true }); Self { repr, opaque } } } fn gen_bridge(input: ItemMod) -> ItemMod { let module = ast::Module::from_syn(&input, true); let (brace, mut new_contents) = input.content.unwrap(); new_contents.iter_mut().for_each(|c| match c { Item::Struct(s) => { let info = AttributeInfo::extract(&mut s.attrs); if info.opaque || !info.repr { let repr = if info.opaque { // Normal opaque types don't need repr(transparent) because the inner type is // never referenced. #[diplomat::transparent_convert] handles adding repr(transparent) // on its own quote!() } else { quote!(#[repr(C)]) }; *s = syn::parse_quote! { #repr #s } } } Item::Enum(e) => { let info = AttributeInfo::extract(&mut e.attrs); if info.opaque { panic!("#[diplomat::opaque] not allowed on enums") } for v in &mut e.variants { let info = AttributeInfo::extract(&mut v.attrs); if info.opaque { panic!("#[diplomat::opaque] not allowed on enum variants"); } } *e = syn::parse_quote! { #[repr(C)] #e }; } Item::Impl(i) => { for item in &mut i.items { if let syn::ImplItem::Fn(ref mut m) = *item { let info = AttributeInfo::extract(&mut m.attrs); if info.opaque { panic!("#[diplomat::opaque] not allowed on methods") } } } } _ => (), }); for custom_type in module.declared_types.values() { custom_type.methods().iter().for_each(|m| { new_contents.push(gen_custom_type_method(custom_type, m)); }); let destroy_ident = Ident::new( format!("{}_destroy",, Span::call_site(), ); let type_ident =; let (lifetime_defs, lifetimes) = if let Some(lifetime_env) = custom_type.lifetimes() { ( quote! { <#lifetime_env> }, lifetime_env.lifetimes_to_tokens(), ) } else { (quote! {}, quote! {}) }; let cfg = cfgs_to_stream(&custom_type.attrs().cfg); // for now, body is empty since all we need to do is drop the box // TODO(#13): change to take a `*mut` and handle DST boxes appropriately new_contents.push(Item::Fn(syn::parse_quote! { #[no_mangle] #cfg extern "C" fn #destroy_ident#lifetime_defs(this: Box<#type_ident#lifetimes>) {} })); } ItemMod { attrs: input.attrs, vis: input.vis, mod_token: input.mod_token, ident: input.ident, content: Some((brace, new_contents)), semi: input.semi, unsafety: None, } } /// Mark a module to be exposed through Diplomat-generated FFI. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn bridge( _attr: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream, ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { let expanded = gen_bridge(parse_macro_input!(input)); proc_macro::TokenStream::from(expanded.to_token_stream()) } /// Generate From and Into implementations for a Diplomat enum /// /// This is invoked as `#[diplomat::enum_convert(OtherEnumName)]` /// on a Diplomat enum. It will assume the other enum has exactly the same variants /// and generate From and Into implementations using those. In case that enum is `#[non_exhaustive]`, /// you may use `#[diplomat::enum_convert(OtherEnumName, needs_wildcard)]` to generate a panicky wildcard /// branch. It is up to the library author to ensure the enums are kept in sync. You may use the `#[non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns]` /// lint to enforce this. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn enum_convert( attr: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream, ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { // proc macros handle compile errors by using special error tokens. // In case of an error, we don't want the original code to go away too // (otherwise that will cause more errors) so we hold on to it and we tack it in // with no modifications below let input_cached: proc_macro2::TokenStream = input.clone().into(); let expanded = enum_convert::gen_enum_convert(parse_macro_input!(attr), parse_macro_input!(input)); let full = quote! { #expanded #input_cached }; proc_macro::TokenStream::from(full.to_token_stream()) } /// Generate conversions from inner types for opaque Diplomat types with a single field /// /// This is invoked as `#[diplomat::transparent_convert]` /// on an opaque Diplomat type. It will add `#[repr(transparent)]` and implement `pub(crate) fn transparent_convert()` /// which allows constructing an `&Self` from a reference to the inner field. #[proc_macro_attribute] pub fn transparent_convert( _attr: proc_macro::TokenStream, input: proc_macro::TokenStream, ) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { // proc macros handle compile errors by using special error tokens. // In case of an error, we don't want the original code to go away too // (otherwise that will cause more errors) so we hold on to it and we tack it in // with no modifications below let input_cached: proc_macro2::TokenStream = input.clone().into(); let expanded = transparent_convert::gen_transparent_convert(parse_macro_input!(input)); let full = quote! { #expanded #input_cached }; proc_macro::TokenStream::from(full.to_token_stream()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::process::Command; use quote::ToTokens; use syn::parse_quote; use tempfile::tempdir; use super::gen_bridge; fn rustfmt_code(code: &str) -> String { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let file_path = dir.path().join(""); let mut file = File::create(file_path.clone()).unwrap(); writeln!(file, "{code}").unwrap(); drop(file); Command::new("rustfmt") .arg(file_path.to_str().unwrap()) .spawn() .unwrap() .wait() .unwrap(); let mut file = File::open(file_path).unwrap(); let mut data = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut data).unwrap(); drop(file); dir.close().unwrap(); data } #[test] fn method_taking_str() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn from_str(s: &str) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn method_taking_slice() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn from_slice(s: &[f64]) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn method_taking_mutable_slice() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn fill_slice(s: &mut [f64]) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn mod_with_enum() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { enum Abc { A, B = 123, } impl Abc { pub fn do_something(&self) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn mod_with_writeable_result() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn to_string(&self, to: &mut DiplomatWriteable) -> Result<(), ()> { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn mod_with_rust_result() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { pub fn bar(&self) -> Result<(), ()> { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn multilevel_borrows() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { #[diplomat::opaque] struct Foo<'a>(&'a str); #[diplomat::opaque] struct Bar<'b, 'a: 'b>(&'b Foo<'a>); struct Baz<'x, 'y> { foo: &'y Foo<'x>, } impl<'a> Foo<'a> { pub fn new(x: &'a str) -> Box> { unimplemented!() } pub fn get_bar<'b>(&'b self) -> Box> { unimplemented!() } pub fn get_baz<'b>(&'b self) -> Baz<'b, 'a> { Bax { foo: self } } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn self_params() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { #[diplomat::opaque] struct RefList<'a> { data: &'a i32, next: Option>, } impl<'b> RefList<'b> { pub fn extend(&mut self, other: &Self) -> Self { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn cfged_method() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} impl Foo { #[cfg(feature = "foo")] pub fn bar(s: u8) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { struct Foo {} #[cfg(feature = "bar")] impl Foo { #[cfg(feature = "foo")] pub fn bar(s: u8) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } #[test] fn cfgd_struct() { insta::assert_display_snapshot!(rustfmt_code( &gen_bridge(parse_quote! { mod ffi { #[diplomat::opaque] #[cfg(feature = "foo")] struct Foo {} #[cfg(feature = "foo")] impl Foo { pub fn bar(s: u8) { unimplemented!() } } } }) .to_token_stream() .to_string() )); } }