derive(Display) /// `From` =============== [![Latest Version](]( [![Rust Documentation](]( This library provides a convenient derive macro for the standard library's [`core::fmt::Display`] trait. [`core::fmt::Display`]: ```toml [dependencies] displaydoc = "0.2" ``` *Compiler support: requires rustc 1.56+*
### Example *Demonstration alongside the [`Error`][std::error::Error] derive macro from [`thiserror`](, to propagate source locations from [`io::Error`][std::io::Error] with the `#[source]` attribute:* ```rust use std::io; use displaydoc::Display; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Display, Error, Debug)] pub enum DataStoreError { /// data store disconnected Disconnect(#[source] io::Error), /// the data for key `{0}` is not available Redaction(String), /// invalid header (expected {expected:?}, found {found:?}) InvalidHeader { expected: String, found: String, }, /// unknown data store error Unknown, } let error = DataStoreError::Redaction("CLASSIFIED CONTENT".to_string()); assert!("the data for key `CLASSIFIED CONTENT` is not available" == &format!("{}", error)); ``` *Note that although [`io::Error`][std::io::Error] implements `Display`, we do not add it to the generated message for `DataStoreError::Disconnect`, since it is already made available via `#[source]`. See further context on avoiding duplication in error reports at the rust blog [here](*
### Details - A `fmt::Display` impl is generated for your enum if you provide a docstring comment on each variant as shown above in the example. The `Display` derive macro supports a shorthand for interpolating fields from the error: - `/// {var}` ⟶ `write!("{}", self.var)` - `/// {0}` ⟶ `write!("{}", self.0)` - `/// {var:?}` ⟶ `write!("{:?}", self.var)` - `/// {0:?}` ⟶ `write!("{:?}", self.0)` - This also works with structs and [generic types][crate::Display#generic-type-parameters]: ```rust /// oh no, an error: {0} #[derive(Display)] pub struct Error(pub E); let error: Error<&str> = Error("muahaha i am an error"); assert!("oh no, an error: muahaha i am an error" == &format!("{}", error)); ``` - Two optional attributes can be added to your types next to the derive: - `#[ignore_extra_doc_attributes]` makes the macro ignore any doc comment attributes (or `///` lines) after the first. Multi-line comments using `///` are otherwise treated as an error, so use this attribute or consider switching to block doc comments (`/** */`). - `#[prefix_enum_doc_attributes]` combines the doc comment message on your enum itself with the messages for each variant, in the format “enum: variant”. When added to an enum, the doc comment on the enum becomes mandatory. When added to any other type, it has no effect. - In case you want to have an independent doc comment, the `#[displaydoc("...")` atrribute may be used on the variant or struct to override it.
### FAQ 1. **Is this crate `no_std` compatible?** * Yes! This crate implements the [`core::fmt::Display`] trait, not the [`std::fmt::Display`] trait, so it should work in `std` and `no_std` environments. Just add `default-features = false`. 2. **Does this crate work with `Path` and `PathBuf` via the `Display` trait?** * Yuuup. This crate uses @dtolnay's [autoref specialization technique]( to add a special trait for types to get the display impl. It then specializes for `Path` and `PathBuf`, and when either of these types are found, it calls `self.display()` to get a `std::path::Display<'_>` type which can be used with the `Display` format specifier! #### License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.