use crate::repr::primitive::PrimitiveIter; use crate::repr::EnumSetTypeRepr; use core::ops::*; /// An implementation of `EnumSetTypeRepr` based on an arbitrary size array. /// /// `N` **must** not be `0`, or else everything will break. #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Hash)] pub struct ArrayRepr(pub [u64; N]); impl ArrayRepr { fn split_bit(bit: u32) -> (usize, u32) { (bit as usize / 64, bit % 64) } } impl BitAnd for ArrayRepr { type Output = Self; fn bitand(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { for i in 0..N { self.0[i] &= rhs.0[i]; } self } } impl BitOr for ArrayRepr { type Output = Self; fn bitor(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { for i in 0..N { self.0[i] |= rhs.0[i]; } self } } impl BitXor for ArrayRepr { type Output = Self; fn bitxor(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { for i in 0..N { self.0[i] ^= rhs.0[i]; } self } } impl Not for ArrayRepr { type Output = Self; fn not(mut self) -> Self::Output { for i in 0..N { self.0[i] = !self.0[i]; } self } } impl EnumSetTypeRepr for ArrayRepr { const PREFERRED_ARRAY_LEN: usize = N; const WIDTH: u32 = N as u32 * 64; const EMPTY: Self = ArrayRepr([0; N]); fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.iter().all(|x| *x == 0) } fn add_bit(&mut self, bit: u32) { let (idx, bit) = Self::split_bit(bit); self.0[idx].add_bit(bit); } fn remove_bit(&mut self, bit: u32) { let (idx, bit) = Self::split_bit(bit); self.0[idx].remove_bit(bit); } fn has_bit(&self, bit: u32) -> bool { let (idx, bit) = Self::split_bit(bit); self.0[idx].has_bit(bit) } fn count_ones(&self) -> u32 { self.0.iter().map(|x| x.count_ones()).sum() } fn leading_zeros(&self) -> u32 { let mut accum = 0; for i in (0..N).rev() { if self.0[i] != 0 { return accum + self.0[i].leading_zeros(); } accum += 64; } Self::WIDTH } fn trailing_zeros(&self) -> u32 { let mut accum = 0; for i in 0..N { if self.0[i] != 0 { return accum + self.0[i].trailing_zeros(); } accum += 64; } Self::WIDTH } fn and_not(&self, other: Self) -> Self { let mut new = Self([0; N]); for i in 0..N { new.0[i] = self.0[i] & !other.0[i]; } new } type Iter = ArrayIter; fn iter(self) -> Self::Iter { ArrayIter::new(self) } fn from_u8(v: u8) -> Self { Self::from_u64(v as u64) } fn from_u16(v: u16) -> Self { Self::from_u64(v as u64) } fn from_u32(v: u32) -> Self { Self::from_u64(v as u64) } fn from_u64(v: u64) -> Self { let mut new = Self([0; N]); new.0[0] = v; new } fn from_u128(v: u128) -> Self { let mut new = Self([0; N]); new.0[0] = v as u64; if N != 1 { new.0[1] = (v >> 64) as u64; } new } fn from_usize(v: usize) -> Self { Self::from_u64(v as u64) } fn from_u8_opt(v: u8) -> Option { Some(Self::from_u8(v)) } fn from_u16_opt(v: u16) -> Option { Some(Self::from_u16(v)) } fn from_u32_opt(v: u32) -> Option { Some(Self::from_u32(v)) } fn from_u64_opt(v: u64) -> Option { Some(Self::from_u64(v)) } fn from_u128_opt(v: u128) -> Option { if N == 1 && (v >> 64) != 0 { None } else { Some(Self::from_u128(v)) } } fn from_usize_opt(v: usize) -> Option { Some(Self::from_usize(v)) } fn to_u8(&self) -> u8 { self.to_u64().to_u8() } fn to_u16(&self) -> u16 { self.to_u64().to_u16() } fn to_u32(&self) -> u32 { self.to_u64().to_u32() } fn to_u64(&self) -> u64 { self.0[0] } fn to_u128(&self) -> u128 { let hi = if N == 1 { 0 } else { (self.0[1] as u128) << 64 }; self.0[0] as u128 | hi } fn to_usize(&self) -> usize { self.to_u64().to_usize() } fn to_u8_opt(&self) -> Option { self.to_u64_opt().and_then(|x| x.to_u8_opt()) } fn to_u16_opt(&self) -> Option { self.to_u64_opt().and_then(|x| x.to_u16_opt()) } fn to_u32_opt(&self) -> Option { self.to_u64_opt().and_then(|x| x.to_u32_opt()) } fn to_u64_opt(&self) -> Option { for i in 1..N { if self.0[i] != 0 { return None; } } Some(self.to_u64()) } fn to_u128_opt(&self) -> Option { for i in 2..N { if self.0[i] != 0 { return None; } } Some(self.to_u128()) } fn to_usize_opt(&self) -> Option { self.to_u64_opt().and_then(|x| x.to_usize_opt()) } fn to_u64_array(&self) -> [u64; O] { let mut array = [0; O]; let copy_len = if N < O { N } else { O }; array[..copy_len].copy_from_slice(&self.0[..copy_len]); array } fn to_u64_array_opt(&self) -> Option<[u64; O]> { if N > O { for i in O..N { if self.0[i] != 0 { return None; } } } Some(self.to_u64_array()) } fn from_u64_array(v: [u64; O]) -> Self { ArrayRepr(ArrayRepr::(v).to_u64_array::()) } fn from_u64_array_opt(v: [u64; O]) -> Option { ArrayRepr::(v).to_u64_array_opt::().map(ArrayRepr) } fn to_u64_slice(&self, out: &mut [u64]) { let copy_len = if N < out.len() { N } else { out.len() }; out[..copy_len].copy_from_slice(&self.0[..copy_len]); for i in copy_len..out.len() { out[i] = 0; } } #[must_use] fn to_u64_slice_opt(&self, out: &mut [u64]) -> Option<()> { if N > out.len() { for i in out.len()..N { if self.0[i] != 0 { return None; } } } self.to_u64_slice(out); Some(()) } fn from_u64_slice(v: &[u64]) -> Self { let mut new = ArrayRepr([0; N]); let copy_len = if N < v.len() { N } else { v.len() }; new.0[..copy_len].copy_from_slice(&v[..copy_len]); new } fn from_u64_slice_opt(v: &[u64]) -> Option { if v.len() > N { for i in N..v.len() { if v[i] != 0 { return None; } } } Some(Self::from_u64_slice(v)) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ArrayIter { data: [PrimitiveIter; N], done: bool, idx_f: usize, idx_r: usize, } impl ArrayIter { pub fn new(array: ArrayRepr) -> Self { let mut new = [PrimitiveIter(0); N]; for i in 0..N { new[i] = PrimitiveIter(array.0[i]) } ArrayIter { data: new, done: false, idx_f: 0, idx_r: N - 1 } } } impl Iterator for ArrayIter { type Item = u32; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.done { return None; } while self.idx_f <= self.idx_r { if let Some(x) =[self.idx_f].next() { return Some(self.idx_f as u32 * 64 + x); } else { self.idx_f += 1; } } self.done = true; None } fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option) { let mut sum = 0; for i in self.idx_f..self.idx_r + 1 { sum +=[i].0.count_ones() as usize; } (sum, Some(sum)) } } impl DoubleEndedIterator for ArrayIter { fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option { if self.done { return None; } while self.idx_f <= self.idx_r { if let Some(x) =[self.idx_r].next_back() { return Some(self.idx_r as u32 * 64 + x); } else { if self.idx_r == 0 { break; } self.idx_r -= 1; } } self.done = true; None } }