# Releases ## 2.2.6 - Added trait `MutableValues` for opt-in mutable access to set values. ## 2.2.5 - Added optional `borsh` serialization support. ## 2.2.4 - Added an `insert_sorted` method on `IndexMap`, `IndexSet`, and `VacantEntry`. - Avoid hashing for lookups in single-entry maps. - Limit preallocated memory in `serde` deserializers. ## 2.2.3 - Added `move_index` and `swap_indices` methods to `IndexedEntry`, `OccupiedEntry`, and `RawOccupiedEntryMut`, functioning like the existing methods on `IndexMap`. - Added `shift_insert` methods on `VacantEntry` and `RawVacantEntryMut`, as well as `shift_insert_hashed_nocheck` on the latter, to insert the new entry at a particular index. - Added `shift_insert` methods on `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` to insert a new entry at a particular index, or else move an existing entry there. ## 2.2.2 - Added indexing methods to raw entries: `RawEntryBuilder::from_hash_full`, `RawEntryBuilder::index_from_hash`, and `RawEntryMut::index`. ## 2.2.1 - Corrected the signature of `RawOccupiedEntryMut::into_key(self) -> &'a mut K`, This a breaking change from 2.2.0, but that version was published for less than a day and has now been yanked. ## 2.2.0 - The new `IndexMap::get_index_entry` method finds an entry by its index for in-place manipulation. - The `Keys` iterator now implements `Index` for quick access to the entry's key, compared to indexing the map to get the value. - The new `IndexMap::splice` and `IndexSet::splice` methods will drain the given range as an iterator, and then replace that range with entries from an input iterator. - The new trait `RawEntryApiV1` offers opt-in access to a raw entry API for `IndexMap`, corresponding to the unstable API on `HashSet` as of Rust 1.75. - Many `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` methods have relaxed their type constraints, e.g. removing `K: Hash` on methods that don't actually need to hash. - Removal methods `remove`, `remove_entry`, and `take` are now deprecated in favor of their `shift_` or `swap_` prefixed variants, which are more explicit about their effect on the index and order of remaining items. The deprecated methods will remain to guide drop-in replacements from `HashMap` and `HashSet` toward the prefixed methods. ## 2.1.0 - Empty slices can now be created with `map::Slice::{new, new_mut}` and `set::Slice::new`. In addition, `Slice::new`, `len`, and `is_empty` are now `const` functions on both types. - `IndexMap`, `IndexSet`, and their respective `Slice`s all have binary search methods for sorted data: map `binary_search_keys` and set `binary_search` for plain comparison, `binary_search_by` for custom comparators, `binary_search_by_key` for key extraction, and `partition_point` for boolean conditions. ## 2.0.2 - The `hashbrown` dependency has been updated to version 0.14.1 to complete the support for Rust 1.63. ## 2.0.1 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.63.0 is now supported as well, pending publication of `hashbrown`'s relaxed MSRV (or use cargo `--ignore-rust-version`). ## 2.0.0 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.64.0 or later is now required. - The `"std"` feature is no longer auto-detected. It is included in the default feature set, or else can be enabled like any other Cargo feature. - The `"serde-1"` feature has been removed, leaving just the optional `"serde"` dependency to be enabled like a feature itself. - `IndexMap::get_index_mut` now returns `Option<(&K, &mut V)>`, changing the key part from `&mut K` to `&K`. There is also a new alternative `MutableKeys::get_index_mut2` to access the former behavior. - The new `map::Slice` and `set::Slice` offer a linear view of maps and sets, behaving a lot like normal `[(K, V)]` and `[T]` slices. Notably, comparison traits like `Eq` only consider items in order, rather than hash lookups, and slices even implement `Hash`. - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` now have `sort_by_cached_key` and `par_sort_by_cached_key` methods which perform stable sorts in place using a key extraction function. - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` now have `reserve_exact`, `try_reserve`, and `try_reserve_exact` methods that correspond to the same methods on `Vec`. However, exactness only applies to the direct capacity for items, while the raw hash table still follows its own rules for capacity and load factor. - The `Equivalent` trait is now re-exported from the `equivalent` crate, intended as a common base to allow types to work with multiple map types. - The `hashbrown` dependency has been updated to version 0.14. - The `serde_seq` module has been moved from the crate root to below the `map` module. ## 1.9.3 - Bump the `rustc-rayon` dependency, for compiler use only. ## 1.9.2 - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` both implement `arbitrary::Arbitrary<'_>` and `quickcheck::Arbitrary` if those optional dependency features are enabled. ## 1.9.1 - The MSRV now allows Rust 1.56.0 as well. However, currently `hashbrown` 0.12.1 requires 1.56.1, so users on 1.56.0 should downgrade that to 0.12.0 until there is a later published version relaxing its requirement. ## 1.9.0 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.56.1 or later is now required. - The `hashbrown` dependency has been updated to version 0.12. - `IterMut` and `ValuesMut` now implement `Debug`. - The new `IndexMap::shrink_to` and `IndexSet::shrink_to` methods shrink the capacity with a lower bound. - The new `IndexMap::move_index` and `IndexSet::move_index` methods change the position of an item from one index to another, shifting the items between to accommodate the move. ## 1.8.2 - Bump the `rustc-rayon` dependency, for compiler use only. ## 1.8.1 - The new `IndexSet::replace_full` will return the index of the item along with the replaced value, if any, by @zakcutner in PR [222]. [222]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/222 ## 1.8.0 - The new `IndexMap::into_keys` and `IndexMap::into_values` will consume the map into keys or values, respectively, matching Rust 1.54's `HashMap` methods, by @taiki-e in PR [195]. - More of the iterator types implement `Debug`, `ExactSizeIterator`, and `FusedIterator`, by @cuviper in PR [196]. - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` now implement rayon's `ParallelDrainRange`, by @cuviper in PR [197]. - `IndexMap::with_hasher` and `IndexSet::with_hasher` are now `const` functions, allowing static maps and sets, by @mwillsey in PR [203]. - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` now implement `From` for arrays, matching Rust 1.56's implementation for `HashMap`, by @rouge8 in PR [205]. - `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` now have methods `sort_unstable_keys`, `sort_unstable_by`, `sorted_unstable_by`, and `par_*` equivalents, which sort in-place without preserving the order of equal items, by @bhgomes in PR [211]. [195]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/195 [196]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/196 [197]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/197 [203]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/203 [205]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/205 [211]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/211 ## 1.7.0 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.49 or later is now required. - The `hashbrown` dependency has been updated to version 0.11. ## 1.6.2 - Fixed to match `std` behavior, `OccupiedEntry::key` now references the existing key in the map instead of the lookup key, by @cuviper in PR [170]. - The new `Entry::or_insert_with_key` matches Rust 1.50's `Entry` method, passing `&K` to the callback to create a value, by @cuviper in PR [175]. [170]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/170 [175]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/175 ## 1.6.1 - The new `serde_seq` module implements `IndexMap` serialization as a sequence to ensure order is preserved, by @cuviper in PR [158]. - New methods on maps and sets work like the `Vec`/slice methods by the same name: `truncate`, `split_off`, `first`, `first_mut`, `last`, `last_mut`, and `swap_indices`, by @cuviper in PR [160]. [158]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/158 [160]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/160 ## 1.6.0 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.36 or later is now required. - The `hashbrown` dependency has been updated to version 0.9. ## 1.5.2 - The new "std" feature will force the use of `std` for users that explicitly want the default `S = RandomState`, bypassing the autodetection added in 1.3.0, by @cuviper in PR [145]. [145]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/145 ## 1.5.1 - Values can now be indexed by their `usize` position by @cuviper in PR [132]. - Some of the generic bounds have been relaxed to match `std` by @cuviper in PR [141]. - `drain` now accepts any `R: RangeBounds` by @cuviper in PR [142]. [132]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/132 [141]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/141 [142]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/142 ## 1.5.0 - **MSRV**: Rust 1.32 or later is now required. - The inner hash table is now based on `hashbrown` by @cuviper in PR [131]. This also completes the method `reserve` and adds `shrink_to_fit`. - Add new methods `get_key_value`, `remove_entry`, `swap_remove_entry`, and `shift_remove_entry`, by @cuviper in PR [136] - `Clone::clone_from` reuses allocations by @cuviper in PR [125] - Add new method `reverse` by @linclelinkpart5 in PR [128] [125]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/125 [128]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/128 [131]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/131 [136]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/136 ## 1.4.0 - Add new method `get_index_of` by @Thermatrix in PR [115] and [120] - Fix build script rebuild-if-changed configuration to use "build.rs"; fixes issue [123]. Fix by @cuviper. - Dev-dependencies (rand and quickcheck) have been updated. The crate's tests now run using Rust 1.32 or later (MSRV for building the crate has not changed). by @kjeremy and @bluss [123]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/issues/123 [115]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/115 [120]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/120 ## 1.3.2 - Maintenance update to regenerate the published `Cargo.toml`. ## 1.3.1 - Maintenance update for formatting and `autocfg` 1.0. ## 1.3.0 - The deprecation messages in the previous version have been removed. (The methods have not otherwise changed.) Docs for removal methods have been improved. - From Rust 1.36, this crate supports being built **without std**, requiring `alloc` instead. This is enabled automatically when it is detected that `std` is not available. There is no crate feature to enable/disable to trigger this. The new build-dep `autocfg` enables this. ## 1.2.0 - Plain `.remove()` now has a deprecation message, it informs the user about picking one of the removal functions `swap_remove` and `shift_remove` which have different performance and order semantics. Plain `.remove()` will not be removed, the warning message and method will remain until further. - Add new method `shift_remove` for order preserving removal on the map, and `shift_take` for the corresponding operation on the set. - Add methods `swap_remove`, `swap_remove_entry` to `Entry`. - Fix indexset/indexmap to support full paths, like `indexmap::indexmap!()` - Internal improvements: fix warnings, deprecations and style lints ## 1.1.0 - Added optional feature `"rayon"` that adds parallel iterator support to `IndexMap` and `IndexSet` using Rayon. This includes all the regular iterators in parallel versions, and parallel sort. - Implemented `Clone` for `map::{Iter, Keys, Values}` and `set::{Difference, Intersection, Iter, SymmetricDifference, Union}` - Implemented `Debug` for `map::{Entry, IntoIter, Iter, Keys, Values}` and `set::{Difference, Intersection, IntoIter, Iter, SymmetricDifference, Union}` - Serde trait `IntoDeserializer` are implemented for `IndexMap` and `IndexSet`. - Minimum Rust version requirement increased to Rust 1.30 for development builds. ## 1.0.2 - The new methods `IndexMap::insert_full` and `IndexSet::insert_full` are both like `insert` with the index included in the return value. - The new method `Entry::and_modify` can be used to modify occupied entries, matching the new methods of `std` maps in Rust 1.26. - The new method `Entry::or_default` inserts a default value in unoccupied entries, matching the new methods of `std` maps in Rust 1.28. ## 1.0.1 - Document Rust version policy for the crate (see rustdoc) ## 1.0.0 - This is the 1.0 release for `indexmap`! (the crate and datastructure formerly known as “ordermap”) - `OccupiedEntry::insert` changed its signature, to use `&mut self` for the method receiver, matching the equivalent method for a standard `HashMap`. Thanks to @dtolnay for finding this bug. - The deprecated old names from ordermap were removed: `OrderMap`, `OrderSet`, `ordermap!{}`, `orderset!{}`. Use the new `IndexMap` etc names instead. ## 0.4.1 - Renamed crate to `indexmap`; the `ordermap` crate is now deprecated and the types `OrderMap/Set` now have a deprecation notice. ## 0.4.0 - This is the last release series for this `ordermap` under that name, because the crate is **going to be renamed** to `indexmap` (with types `IndexMap`, `IndexSet`) and no change in functionality! - The map and its associated structs moved into the `map` submodule of the crate, so that the map and set are symmetric + The iterators, `Entry` and other structs are now under `ordermap::map::` - Internally refactored `OrderMap` so that all the main algorithms (insertion, lookup, removal etc) that don't use the `S` parameter (the hasher) are compiled without depending on `S`, which reduces generics bloat. - `Entry` no longer has a type parameter `S`, which is just like the standard `HashMap`'s entry. - Minimum Rust version requirement increased to Rust 1.18 ## 0.3.5 - Documentation improvements ## 0.3.4 - The `.retain()` methods for `OrderMap` and `OrderSet` now traverse the elements in order, and the retained elements **keep their order** - Added new methods `.sort_by()`, `.sort_keys()` to `OrderMap` and `.sort_by()`, `.sort()` to `OrderSet`. These methods allow you to sort the maps in place efficiently. ## 0.3.3 - Document insertion behaviour better by @lucab - Updated dependences (no feature changes) by @ignatenkobrain ## 0.3.2 - Add `OrderSet` by @cuviper! - `OrderMap::drain` is now (too) a double ended iterator. ## 0.3.1 - In all ordermap iterators, forward the `collect` method to the underlying iterator as well. - Add crates.io categories. ## 0.3.0 - The methods `get_pair`, `get_pair_index` were both replaced by `get_full` (and the same for the mutable case). - Method `swap_remove_pair` replaced by `swap_remove_full`. - Add trait `MutableKeys` for opt-in mutable key access. Mutable key access is only possible through the methods of this extension trait. - Add new trait `Equivalent` for key equivalence. This extends the `Borrow` trait mechanism for `OrderMap::get` in a backwards compatible way, just some minor type inference related issues may become apparent. See [#10] for more information. - Implement `Extend<(&K, &V)>` by @xfix. [#10]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/10 ## 0.2.13 - Fix deserialization to support custom hashers by @Techcable. - Add methods `.index()` on the entry types by @garro95. ## 0.2.12 - Add methods `.with_hasher()`, `.hasher()`. ## 0.2.11 - Support `ExactSizeIterator` for the iterators. By @Binero. - Use `Box<[Pos]>` internally, saving a word in the `OrderMap` struct. - Serde support, with crate feature `"serde-1"`. By @xfix. ## 0.2.10 - Add iterator `.drain(..)` by @stevej. ## 0.2.9 - Add method `.is_empty()` by @overvenus. - Implement `PartialEq, Eq` by @overvenus. - Add method `.sorted_by()`. ## 0.2.8 - Add iterators `.values()` and `.values_mut()`. - Fix compatibility with 32-bit platforms. ## 0.2.7 - Add `.retain()`. ## 0.2.6 - Add `OccupiedEntry::remove_entry` and other minor entry methods, so that it now has all the features of `HashMap`'s entries. ## 0.2.5 - Improved `.pop()` slightly. ## 0.2.4 - Improved performance of `.insert()` ([#3]) by @pczarn. [#3]: https://github.com/indexmap-rs/indexmap/pull/3 ## 0.2.3 - Generalize `Entry` for now, so that it works on hashmaps with non-default hasher. However, there's a lingering compat issue since libstd `HashMap` does not parameterize its entries by the hasher (`S` typarm). - Special case some iterator methods like `.nth()`. ## 0.2.2 - Disable the verbose `Debug` impl by default. ## 0.2.1 - Fix doc links and clarify docs. ## 0.2.0 - Add more `HashMap` methods & compat with its API. - Experimental support for `.entry()` (the simplest parts of the API). - Add `.reserve()` (placeholder impl). - Add `.remove()` as synonym for `.swap_remove()`. - Changed `.insert()` to swap value if the entry already exists, and return `Option`. - Experimental support as an *indexed* hash map! Added methods `.get_index()`, `.get_index_mut()`, `.swap_remove_index()`, `.get_pair_index()`, `.get_pair_index_mut()`. ## 0.1.2 - Implement the 32/32 split idea for `Pos` which improves cache utilization and lookup performance. ## 0.1.1 - Initial release.