use super::{context::Context, Error, ErrorKind, Result, Span}; use crate::{ proc::ResolveContext, Expression, Handle, ImageClass, ImageDimension, Scalar, ScalarKind, Type, TypeInner, VectorSize, }; pub fn parse_type(type_name: &str) -> Option { match type_name { "bool" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Scalar(Scalar::BOOL), }), "float" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Scalar(Scalar::F32), }), "double" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Scalar(Scalar::F64), }), "int" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Scalar(Scalar::I32), }), "uint" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Scalar(Scalar::U32), }), "sampler" | "samplerShadow" => Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Sampler { comparison: type_name == "samplerShadow", }, }), word => { fn kind_width_parse(ty: &str) -> Option { Some(match ty { "" => Scalar::F32, "b" => Scalar::BOOL, "i" => Scalar::I32, "u" => Scalar::U32, "d" => Scalar::F64, _ => return None, }) } fn size_parse(n: &str) -> Option { Some(match n { "2" => VectorSize::Bi, "3" => VectorSize::Tri, "4" => VectorSize::Quad, _ => return None, }) } let vec_parse = |word: &str| { let mut iter = word.split("vec"); let kind =; let size =; let scalar = kind_width_parse(kind)?; let size = size_parse(size)?; Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Vector { size, scalar }, }) }; let mat_parse = |word: &str| { let mut iter = word.split("mat"); let kind =; let size =; let scalar = kind_width_parse(kind)?; let (columns, rows) = if let Some(size) = size_parse(size) { (size, size) } else { let mut iter = size.split('x'); match (,, { (col, row, None) => (size_parse(col)?, size_parse(row)?), _ => return None, } }; Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Matrix { columns, rows, scalar, }, }) }; let texture_parse = |word: &str| { let mut iter = word.split("texture"); let texture_kind = |ty| { Some(match ty { "" => ScalarKind::Float, "i" => ScalarKind::Sint, "u" => ScalarKind::Uint, _ => return None, }) }; let kind =; let size =; let kind = texture_kind(kind)?; let sampled = |multi| ImageClass::Sampled { kind, multi }; let (dim, arrayed, class) = match size { "1D" => (ImageDimension::D1, false, sampled(false)), "1DArray" => (ImageDimension::D1, true, sampled(false)), "2D" => (ImageDimension::D2, false, sampled(false)), "2DArray" => (ImageDimension::D2, true, sampled(false)), "2DMS" => (ImageDimension::D2, false, sampled(true)), "2DMSArray" => (ImageDimension::D2, true, sampled(true)), "3D" => (ImageDimension::D3, false, sampled(false)), "Cube" => (ImageDimension::Cube, false, sampled(false)), "CubeArray" => (ImageDimension::Cube, true, sampled(false)), _ => return None, }; Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Image { dim, arrayed, class, }, }) }; let image_parse = |word: &str| { let mut iter = word.split("image"); let texture_kind = |ty| { Some(match ty { "" => ScalarKind::Float, "i" => ScalarKind::Sint, "u" => ScalarKind::Uint, _ => return None, }) }; let kind =; let size =; // TODO: Check that the texture format and the kind match let _ = texture_kind(kind)?; let class = ImageClass::Storage { format: crate::StorageFormat::R8Uint, access: crate::StorageAccess::all(), }; // TODO: glsl support multisampled storage images, naga doesn't let (dim, arrayed) = match size { "1D" => (ImageDimension::D1, false), "1DArray" => (ImageDimension::D1, true), "2D" => (ImageDimension::D2, false), "2DArray" => (ImageDimension::D2, true), "3D" => (ImageDimension::D3, false), // Naga doesn't support cube images and it's usefulness // is questionable, so they won't be supported for now // "Cube" => (ImageDimension::Cube, false), // "CubeArray" => (ImageDimension::Cube, true), _ => return None, }; Some(Type { name: None, inner: TypeInner::Image { dim, arrayed, class, }, }) }; vec_parse(word) .or_else(|| mat_parse(word)) .or_else(|| texture_parse(word)) .or_else(|| image_parse(word)) } } } pub const fn scalar_components(ty: &TypeInner) -> Option { match *ty { TypeInner::Scalar(scalar) | TypeInner::Vector { scalar, .. } | TypeInner::ValuePointer { scalar, .. } | TypeInner::Matrix { scalar, .. } => Some(scalar), _ => None, } } pub const fn type_power(scalar: Scalar) -> Option { Some(match scalar.kind { ScalarKind::Sint => 0, ScalarKind::Uint => 1, ScalarKind::Float if scalar.width == 4 => 2, ScalarKind::Float => 3, ScalarKind::Bool | ScalarKind::AbstractInt | ScalarKind::AbstractFloat => return None, }) } impl Context<'_> { /// Resolves the types of the expressions until `expr` (inclusive) /// /// This needs to be done before the [`typifier`] can be queried for /// the types of the expressions in the range between the last grow and `expr`. /// /// # Note /// /// The `resolve_type*` methods (like [`resolve_type`]) automatically /// grow the [`typifier`] so calling this method is not necessary when using /// them. /// /// [`typifier`]: Context::typifier /// [`resolve_type`]: Self::resolve_type pub(crate) fn typifier_grow(&mut self, expr: Handle, meta: Span) -> Result<()> { let resolve_ctx = ResolveContext::with_locals(self.module, &self.locals, &self.arguments); let typifier = if self.is_const { &mut self.const_typifier } else { &mut self.typifier }; let expressions = if self.is_const { &self.module.const_expressions } else { &self.expressions }; typifier .grow(expr, expressions, &resolve_ctx) .map_err(|error| Error { kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError(format!("Can't resolve type: {error:?}").into()), meta, }) } pub(crate) fn get_type(&self, expr: Handle) -> &TypeInner { let typifier = if self.is_const { &self.const_typifier } else { &self.typifier }; typifier.get(expr, &self.module.types) } /// Gets the type for the result of the `expr` expression /// /// Automatically grows the [`typifier`] to `expr` so calling /// [`typifier_grow`] is not necessary /// /// [`typifier`]: Context::typifier /// [`typifier_grow`]: Self::typifier_grow pub(crate) fn resolve_type( &mut self, expr: Handle, meta: Span, ) -> Result<&TypeInner> { self.typifier_grow(expr, meta)?; Ok(self.get_type(expr)) } /// Gets the type handle for the result of the `expr` expression /// /// Automatically grows the [`typifier`] to `expr` so calling /// [`typifier_grow`] is not necessary /// /// # Note /// /// Consider using [`resolve_type`] whenever possible /// since it doesn't require adding each type to the [`types`] arena /// and it doesn't need to mutably borrow the [`Parser`][Self] /// /// [`types`]: crate::Module::types /// [`typifier`]: Context::typifier /// [`typifier_grow`]: Self::typifier_grow /// [`resolve_type`]: Self::resolve_type pub(crate) fn resolve_type_handle( &mut self, expr: Handle, meta: Span, ) -> Result> { self.typifier_grow(expr, meta)?; let typifier = if self.is_const { &mut self.const_typifier } else { &mut self.typifier }; Ok(typifier.register_type(expr, &mut self.module.types)) } /// Invalidates the cached type resolution for `expr` forcing a recomputation pub(crate) fn invalidate_expression( &mut self, expr: Handle, meta: Span, ) -> Result<()> { let resolve_ctx = ResolveContext::with_locals(self.module, &self.locals, &self.arguments); let typifier = if self.is_const { &mut self.const_typifier } else { &mut self.typifier }; typifier .invalidate(expr, &self.expressions, &resolve_ctx) .map_err(|error| Error { kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError(format!("Can't resolve type: {error:?}").into()), meta, }) } pub(crate) fn lift_up_const_expression( &mut self, expr: Handle, ) -> Result> { let meta = self.expressions.get_span(expr); Ok(match self.expressions[expr] { ref expr @ (Expression::Literal(_) | Expression::Constant(_) | Expression::ZeroValue(_)) => self.module.const_expressions.append(expr.clone(), meta), Expression::Compose { ty, ref components } => { let mut components = components.clone(); for component in &mut components { *component = self.lift_up_const_expression(*component)?; } self.module .const_expressions .append(Expression::Compose { ty, components }, meta) } Expression::Splat { size, value } => { let value = self.lift_up_const_expression(value)?; self.module .const_expressions .append(Expression::Splat { size, value }, meta) } _ => { return Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::SemanticError("Expression is not const-expression".into()), meta, }) } }) } }