use crate::{arena::Handle, FastHashMap, FastHashSet}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; pub type EntryPointIndex = u16; const SEPARATOR: char = '_'; #[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)] pub enum NameKey { Constant(Handle), GlobalVariable(Handle), Type(Handle), StructMember(Handle, u32), Function(Handle), FunctionArgument(Handle, u32), FunctionLocal(Handle, Handle), EntryPoint(EntryPointIndex), EntryPointLocal(EntryPointIndex, Handle), EntryPointArgument(EntryPointIndex, u32), } /// This processor assigns names to all the things in a module /// that may need identifiers in a textual backend. #[derive(Default)] pub struct Namer { /// The last numeric suffix used for each base name. Zero means "no suffix". unique: FastHashMap, keywords: FastHashSet<&'static str>, keywords_case_insensitive: FastHashSet>, reserved_prefixes: Vec<&'static str>, } impl Namer { /// Return a form of `string` suitable for use as the base of an identifier. /// /// - Drop leading digits. /// - Retain only alphanumeric and `_` characters. /// - Avoid prefixes in [`Namer::reserved_prefixes`]. /// - Replace consecutive `_` characters with a single `_` character. /// /// The return value is a valid identifier prefix in all of Naga's output languages, /// and it never ends with a `SEPARATOR` character. /// It is used as a key into the unique table. fn sanitize<'s>(&self, string: &'s str) -> Cow<'s, str> { let string = string .trim_start_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()) .trim_end_matches(SEPARATOR); let base = if !string.is_empty() && !string.contains("__") && string .chars() .all(|c: char| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_') { Cow::Borrowed(string) } else { let mut filtered = string .chars() .filter(|&c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_') .fold(String::new(), |mut s, c| { if s.ends_with('_') && c == '_' { return s; } s.push(c); s }); let stripped_len = filtered.trim_end_matches(SEPARATOR).len(); filtered.truncate(stripped_len); if filtered.is_empty() { filtered.push_str("unnamed"); } Cow::Owned(filtered) }; for prefix in &self.reserved_prefixes { if base.starts_with(prefix) { return format!("gen_{base}").into(); } } base } /// Return a new identifier based on `label_raw`. /// /// The result: /// - is a valid identifier even if `label_raw` is not /// - conflicts with no keywords listed in `Namer::keywords`, and /// - is different from any identifier previously constructed by this /// `Namer`. /// /// Guarantee uniqueness by applying a numeric suffix when necessary. If `label_raw` /// itself ends with digits, separate them from the suffix with an underscore. pub fn call(&mut self, label_raw: &str) -> String { use std::fmt::Write as _; // for write!-ing to Strings let base = self.sanitize(label_raw); debug_assert!(!base.is_empty() && !base.ends_with(SEPARATOR)); // This would seem to be a natural place to use `HashMap::entry`. However, `entry` // requires an owned key, and we'd like to avoid heap-allocating strings we're // just going to throw away. The approach below double-hashes only when we create // a new entry, in which case the heap allocation of the owned key was more // expensive anyway. match self.unique.get_mut(base.as_ref()) { Some(count) => { *count += 1; // Add the suffix. This may fit in base's existing allocation. let mut suffixed = base.into_owned(); write!(suffixed, "{}{}", SEPARATOR, *count).unwrap(); suffixed } None => { let mut suffixed = base.to_string(); if base.ends_with(char::is_numeric) || self.keywords.contains(base.as_ref()) || self .keywords_case_insensitive .contains(&AsciiUniCase(base.as_ref())) { suffixed.push(SEPARATOR); } debug_assert!(!self.keywords.contains::(&suffixed)); // `self.unique` wants to own its keys. This allocates only if we haven't // already done so earlier. self.unique.insert(base.into_owned(), 0); suffixed } } } pub fn call_or(&mut self, label: &Option, fallback: &str) -> String { *label { Some(ref name) => name, None => fallback, }) } /// Enter a local namespace for things like structs. /// /// Struct member names only need to be unique amongst themselves, not /// globally. This function temporarily establishes a fresh, empty naming /// context for the duration of the call to `body`. fn namespace(&mut self, capacity: usize, body: impl FnOnce(&mut Self)) { let fresh = FastHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(capacity, Default::default()); let outer = std::mem::replace(&mut self.unique, fresh); body(self); self.unique = outer; } pub fn reset( &mut self, module: &crate::Module, reserved_keywords: &[&'static str], extra_reserved_keywords: &[&'static str], reserved_keywords_case_insensitive: &[&'static str], reserved_prefixes: &[&'static str], output: &mut FastHashMap, ) { self.reserved_prefixes.clear(); self.reserved_prefixes.extend(reserved_prefixes.iter()); self.unique.clear(); self.keywords.clear(); self.keywords.extend(reserved_keywords.iter()); self.keywords.extend(extra_reserved_keywords.iter()); debug_assert!(reserved_keywords_case_insensitive .iter() .all(|s| s.is_ascii())); self.keywords_case_insensitive.clear(); self.keywords_case_insensitive.extend( reserved_keywords_case_insensitive .iter() .map(|string| (AsciiUniCase(*string))), ); let mut temp = String::new(); for (ty_handle, ty) in module.types.iter() { let ty_name = self.call_or(&, "type"); output.insert(NameKey::Type(ty_handle), ty_name); if let crate::TypeInner::Struct { ref members, .. } = ty.inner { // struct members have their own namespace, because access is always prefixed self.namespace(members.len(), |namer| { for (index, member) in members.iter().enumerate() { let name = namer.call_or(&, "member"); output.insert(NameKey::StructMember(ty_handle, index as u32), name); } }) } } for (ep_index, ep) in module.entry_points.iter().enumerate() { let ep_name =; output.insert(NameKey::EntryPoint(ep_index as _), ep_name); for (index, arg) in ep.function.arguments.iter().enumerate() { let name = self.call_or(&, "param"); output.insert( NameKey::EntryPointArgument(ep_index as _, index as u32), name, ); } for (handle, var) in ep.function.local_variables.iter() { let name = self.call_or(&, "local"); output.insert(NameKey::EntryPointLocal(ep_index as _, handle), name); } } for (fun_handle, fun) in module.functions.iter() { let fun_name = self.call_or(&, "function"); output.insert(NameKey::Function(fun_handle), fun_name); for (index, arg) in fun.arguments.iter().enumerate() { let name = self.call_or(&, "param"); output.insert(NameKey::FunctionArgument(fun_handle, index as u32), name); } for (handle, var) in fun.local_variables.iter() { let name = self.call_or(&, "local"); output.insert(NameKey::FunctionLocal(fun_handle, handle), name); } } for (handle, var) in module.global_variables.iter() { let name = self.call_or(&, "global"); output.insert(NameKey::GlobalVariable(handle), name); } for (handle, constant) in module.constants.iter() { let label = match { Some(ref name) => name, None => { use std::fmt::Write; // Try to be more descriptive about the constant values temp.clear(); write!(temp, "const_{}", output[&NameKey::Type(constant.ty)]).unwrap(); &temp } }; let name =; output.insert(NameKey::Constant(handle), name); } } } /// A string wrapper type with an ascii case insensitive Eq and Hash impl struct AsciiUniCase + ?Sized>(S); impl> PartialEq for AsciiUniCase { #[inline] fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.0.as_ref().eq_ignore_ascii_case(other.0.as_ref()) } } impl> Eq for AsciiUniCase {} impl> Hash for AsciiUniCase { #[inline] fn hash(&self, hasher: &mut H) { for byte in self .0 .as_ref() .as_bytes() .iter() .map(|b| b.to_ascii_lowercase()) { hasher.write_u8(byte); } } } #[test] fn test() { let mut namer = Namer::default(); assert_eq!("x"), "x"); assert_eq!("x"), "x_1"); assert_eq!("x1"), "x1_"); assert_eq!("__x"), "_x"); assert_eq!("1___x"), "_x_1"); }