use serde_bytes; use serde_derive::Deserialize; use crate::{ de::from_str, error::{Error, Position, SpannedError, SpannedResult}, parse::{AnyNum, Bytes}, }; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct EmptyStruct1; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct EmptyStruct2 {} #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct MyStruct { x: f32, y: f32, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] enum MyEnum { A, B(bool), C(bool, f32), D { a: i32, b: i32 }, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct BytesStruct { small: Vec, #[serde(with = "serde_bytes")] large: Vec, } #[test] fn test_empty_struct() { assert_eq!(Ok(EmptyStruct1), from_str("EmptyStruct1")); assert_eq!(Ok(EmptyStruct2 {}), from_str("EmptyStruct2()")); } #[test] fn test_struct() { let my_struct = MyStruct { x: 4.0, y: 7.0 }; assert_eq!(Ok(my_struct), from_str("MyStruct(x:4,y:7,)")); assert_eq!(Ok(my_struct), from_str("(x:4,y:7)")); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct NewType(i32); assert_eq!(Ok(NewType(42)), from_str("NewType(42)")); assert_eq!(Ok(NewType(33)), from_str("(33)")); #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] struct TupleStruct(f32, f32); assert_eq!(Ok(TupleStruct(2.0, 5.0)), from_str("TupleStruct(2,5,)")); assert_eq!(Ok(TupleStruct(3.0, 4.0)), from_str("(3,4)")); } #[test] fn test_option() { assert_eq!(Ok(Some(1u8)), from_str("Some(1)")); assert_eq!(Ok(None::), from_str("None")); } #[test] fn test_enum() { assert_eq!(Ok(MyEnum::A), from_str("A")); assert_eq!(Ok(MyEnum::B(true)), from_str("B(true,)")); assert_eq!(Ok(MyEnum::C(true, 3.5)), from_str("C(true,3.5,)")); assert_eq!(Ok(MyEnum::D { a: 2, b: 3 }), from_str("D(a:2,b:3,)")); } #[test] fn test_array() { let empty: [i32; 0] = []; assert_eq!(Ok(empty), from_str("()")); let empty_array = empty.to_vec(); assert_eq!(Ok(empty_array), from_str("[]")); assert_eq!(Ok([2, 3, 4i32]), from_str("(2,3,4,)")); assert_eq!(Ok([2, 3, 4i32].to_vec()), from_str("[2,3,4,]")); } #[test] fn test_map() { use std::collections::HashMap; let mut map = HashMap::new(); map.insert((true, false), 4); map.insert((false, false), 123); assert_eq!( Ok(map), from_str( "{ (true,false,):4, (false,false,):123, }" ) ); } #[test] fn test_string() { let s: String = from_str("\"String\"").unwrap(); assert_eq!("String", s); let raw: String = from_str("r\"String\"").unwrap(); assert_eq!("String", raw); let raw_hashes: String = from_str("r#\"String\"#").unwrap(); assert_eq!("String", raw_hashes); let raw_hashes_multiline: String = from_str("r#\"String with\nmultiple\nlines\n\"#").unwrap(); assert_eq!("String with\nmultiple\nlines\n", raw_hashes_multiline); let raw_hashes_quote: String = from_str("r##\"String with \"#\"##").unwrap(); assert_eq!("String with \"#", raw_hashes_quote); } #[test] fn test_char() { assert_eq!(Ok('c'), from_str("'c'")); } #[test] fn test_escape_char() { assert_eq!('\'', from_str::("'\\''").unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_escape() { assert_eq!("\"Quoted\"", from_str::(r#""\"Quoted\"""#).unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_comment() { assert_eq!( MyStruct { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 }, from_str( "( x: 1.0, // x is just 1 // There is another comment in the very next line.. // And y is indeed y: 2.0 // 2! )" ) .unwrap() ); } fn err(kind: Error, line: usize, col: usize) -> SpannedResult { Err(SpannedError { code: kind, position: Position { line, col }, }) } #[test] fn test_err_wrong_value() { use std::collections::HashMap; use self::Error::*; assert_eq!(from_str::("'c'"), err(ExpectedFloat, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::("'c'"), err(ExpectedString, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::>("'c'"), err(ExpectedMap, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::<[u8; 5]>("'c'"), err(ExpectedStructLike, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::>("'c'"), err(ExpectedArray, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::("'c'"), err(ExpectedIdentifier, 1, 1)); assert_eq!( from_str::("'c'"), err(ExpectedNamedStructLike("MyStruct"), 1, 1) ); assert_eq!( from_str::("NotMyStruct(x: 4, y: 2)"), err( ExpectedDifferentStructName { expected: "MyStruct", found: String::from("NotMyStruct") }, 1, 12 ) ); assert_eq!(from_str::<(u8, bool)>("'c'"), err(ExpectedStructLike, 1, 1)); assert_eq!(from_str::("notabool"), err(ExpectedBoolean, 1, 1)); assert_eq!( from_str::("MyStruct(\n x: true)"), err(ExpectedFloat, 2, 8) ); assert_eq!( from_str::("MyStruct(\n x: 3.5, \n y:)"), err(ExpectedFloat, 3, 7) ); } #[test] fn test_perm_ws() { assert_eq!( from_str::("\nMyStruct \t ( \n x : 3.5 , \t y\n: 4.5 \n ) \t\n"), Ok(MyStruct { x: 3.5, y: 4.5 }) ); } #[test] fn untagged() { #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)] #[serde(untagged)] enum Untagged { U8(u8), Bool(bool), } assert_eq!(from_str::("true").unwrap(), Untagged::Bool(true)); assert_eq!(from_str::("8").unwrap(), Untagged::U8(8)); } #[test] fn rename() { #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)] enum Foo { #[serde(rename = "2d")] D2, #[serde(rename = "triangle-list")] TriangleList, } assert_eq!(from_str::("r#2d").unwrap(), Foo::D2); assert_eq!( from_str::("r#triangle-list").unwrap(), Foo::TriangleList ); } #[test] fn forgot_apostrophes() { let de: SpannedResult<(i32, String)> = from_str("(4, \"Hello)"); assert!(matches!( de, Err(SpannedError { code: Error::ExpectedStringEnd, position: _, }) )); } #[test] fn expected_attribute() { let de: SpannedResult = from_str("#\"Hello\""); assert_eq!(de, err(Error::ExpectedAttribute, 1, 2)); } #[test] fn expected_attribute_end() { let de: SpannedResult = from_str("#![enable(unwrap_newtypes) \"Hello\""); assert_eq!(de, err(Error::ExpectedAttributeEnd, 1, 28)); } #[test] fn invalid_attribute() { let de: SpannedResult = from_str("#![enable(invalid)] \"Hello\""); assert_eq!( de, err(Error::NoSuchExtension("invalid".to_string()), 1, 18) ); } #[test] fn multiple_attributes() { #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)] struct New(String); let de: SpannedResult = from_str("#![enable(unwrap_newtypes)] #![enable(unwrap_newtypes)] \"Hello\""); assert_eq!(de, Ok(New("Hello".to_owned()))); } #[test] fn uglified_attribute() { let de: SpannedResult<()> = from_str( "# !\ // We definitely want to add a comment here [\t\tenable( // best style ever unwrap_newtypes ) ] ()", ); assert_eq!(de, Ok(())); } #[test] fn implicit_some() { use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; fn de(s: &str) -> Option { let enable = "#![enable(implicit_some)]\n".to_string(); from_str::>(&(enable + s)).unwrap() } assert_eq!(de("'c'"), Some('c')); assert_eq!(de("5"), Some(5)); assert_eq!(de("\"Hello\""), Some("Hello".to_owned())); assert_eq!(de("false"), Some(false)); assert_eq!( de("MyStruct(x: .4, y: .5)"), Some(MyStruct { x: 0.4, y: 0.5 }) ); assert_eq!(de::("None"), None); // Not concise assert_eq!(de::>>("None"), None); } #[test] fn ws_tuple_newtype_variant() { assert_eq!(Ok(MyEnum::B(true)), from_str("B ( \n true \n ) ")); } #[test] fn test_byte_stream() { assert_eq!( Ok(BytesStruct { small: vec![1, 2], large: vec![1, 2, 3, 4] }), from_str("BytesStruct( small:[1, 2], large:\"AQIDBA==\" )"), ); } #[test] fn test_numbers() { assert_eq!( Ok(vec![1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 555_555]), from_str("[1_234, 12_345, 1_2_3_4_5_6, 1_234_567, 5_55_55_5]"), ); } fn de_any_number(s: &str) -> AnyNum { let mut bytes = Bytes::new(s.as_bytes()).unwrap(); bytes.any_num().unwrap() } #[test] fn test_any_number_precision() { assert_eq!(de_any_number("1"), AnyNum::U8(1)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("+1"), AnyNum::I8(1)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("-1"), AnyNum::I8(-1)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("-1.0"), AnyNum::F32(-1.0)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("1."), AnyNum::F32(1.)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("-1."), AnyNum::F32(-1.)); assert_eq!(de_any_number("0.3"), AnyNum::F64(0.3)); }