/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use chrono::Local; use crate::db::DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_SCORE; /// The template parameter for a timestamp in a "raw" sponsored suggestion URL. const TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE: &str = "%YYYYMMDDHH%"; /// The length, in bytes, of a timestamp in a "cooked" sponsored suggestion URL. /// /// Cooked timestamps don't include the leading or trailing `%`, so this is /// 2 bytes shorter than [`TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE`]. const TIMESTAMP_LENGTH: usize = 10; /// Suggestion Types for Amp pub(crate) enum AmpSuggestionType { Mobile, Desktop, } /// A suggestion from the database to show in the address bar. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Suggestion { Amp { title: String, url: String, raw_url: String, icon: Option>, full_keyword: String, block_id: i64, advertiser: String, iab_category: String, impression_url: String, click_url: String, raw_click_url: String, score: f64, }, Pocket { title: String, url: String, score: f64, is_top_pick: bool, }, Wikipedia { title: String, url: String, icon: Option>, full_keyword: String, }, Amo { title: String, url: String, icon_url: String, description: String, rating: Option, number_of_ratings: i64, guid: String, score: f64, }, Yelp { url: String, title: String, icon: Option>, score: f64, has_location_sign: bool, subject_exact_match: bool, location_param: String, }, Mdn { title: String, url: String, description: String, score: f64, }, Weather { score: f64, }, } impl PartialOrd for Suggestion { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } impl Ord for Suggestion { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering { let a_score = match self { Suggestion::Amp { score, .. } | Suggestion::Pocket { score, .. } | Suggestion::Amo { score, .. } => score, _ => &DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_SCORE, }; let b_score = match other { Suggestion::Amp { score, .. } | Suggestion::Pocket { score, .. } | Suggestion::Amo { score, .. } => score, _ => &DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_SCORE, }; b_score .partial_cmp(a_score) .unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) } } impl Eq for Suggestion {} /// Replaces all template parameters in a "raw" sponsored suggestion URL, /// producing a "cooked" URL with real values. pub(crate) fn cook_raw_suggestion_url(raw_url: &str) -> String { let timestamp = Local::now().format("%Y%m%d%H").to_string(); debug_assert!(timestamp.len() == TIMESTAMP_LENGTH); // "Raw" sponsored suggestion URLs must not contain more than one timestamp // template parameter, so we replace just the first occurrence. raw_url.replacen(TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE, ×tamp, 1) } /// Determines whether a "raw" sponsored suggestion URL is equivalent to a /// "cooked" URL. The two URLs are equivalent if they are identical except for /// their replaced template parameters, which can be different. pub fn raw_suggestion_url_matches(raw_url: &str, cooked_url: &str) -> bool { let Some((raw_url_prefix, raw_url_suffix)) = raw_url.split_once(TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE) else { return raw_url == cooked_url; }; let (Some(cooked_url_prefix), Some(cooked_url_suffix)) = ( cooked_url.get(..raw_url_prefix.len()), cooked_url.get(raw_url_prefix.len() + TIMESTAMP_LENGTH..), ) else { return false; }; if raw_url_prefix != cooked_url_prefix || raw_url_suffix != cooked_url_suffix { return false; } let maybe_timestamp = &cooked_url[raw_url_prefix.len()..raw_url_prefix.len() + TIMESTAMP_LENGTH]; maybe_timestamp.bytes().all(|b| b.is_ascii_digit()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn cook_url_with_template_parameters() { let raw_url_with_one_timestamp = "https://example.com?a=%YYYYMMDDHH%"; let cooked_url_with_one_timestamp = cook_raw_suggestion_url(raw_url_with_one_timestamp); assert_eq!( cooked_url_with_one_timestamp.len(), raw_url_with_one_timestamp.len() - 2 ); assert_ne!(raw_url_with_one_timestamp, cooked_url_with_one_timestamp); let raw_url_with_trailing_segment = "https://example.com?a=%YYYYMMDDHH%&b=c"; let cooked_url_with_trailing_segment = cook_raw_suggestion_url(raw_url_with_trailing_segment); assert_eq!( cooked_url_with_trailing_segment.len(), raw_url_with_trailing_segment.len() - 2 ); assert_ne!( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, cooked_url_with_trailing_segment ); } #[test] fn cook_url_without_template_parameters() { let raw_url_without_timestamp = "https://example.com?b=c"; let cooked_url_without_timestamp = cook_raw_suggestion_url(raw_url_without_timestamp); assert_eq!(raw_url_without_timestamp, cooked_url_without_timestamp); } #[test] fn url_with_template_parameters_matches() { let raw_url_with_one_timestamp = "https://example.com?a=%YYYYMMDDHH%"; let raw_url_with_trailing_segment = "https://example.com?a=%YYYYMMDDHH%&b=c"; // Equivalent, except for their replaced template parameters. assert!(raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_one_timestamp, "https://example.com?a=0000000000" )); assert!(raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, "https://example.com?a=1111111111&b=c" )); // Different lengths. assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_one_timestamp, "https://example.com?a=1234567890&c=d" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_one_timestamp, "https://example.com?a=123456789" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, "https://example.com?a=0987654321" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, "https://example.com?a=0987654321&b=c&d=e" )); // Different query parameter names. assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_one_timestamp, // `a`. "https://example.com?b=4444444444" // `b`. )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, // `a&b`. "https://example.com?a=5555555555&c=c" // `a&c`. )); // Not a timestamp. assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_one_timestamp, "https://example.com?a=bcdefghijk" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_with_trailing_segment, "https://example.com?a=bcdefghijk&b=c" )); } #[test] fn url_without_template_parameters_matches() { let raw_url_without_timestamp = "https://example.com?b=c"; assert!(raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_without_timestamp, "https://example.com?b=c" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_without_timestamp, "http://example.com" )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_without_timestamp, // `a`. "http://example.com?a=c" // `b`. )); assert!(!raw_suggestion_url_matches( raw_url_without_timestamp, "https://example.com?b=c&d=e" )); } }