/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use crate::bindings::TargetLanguage; use crate::library_mode::generate_bindings; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use camino::Utf8Path; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; use uniffi_testing::UniFFITestHelper; /// Run Ruby tests for a UniFFI test fixture pub fn run_test(tmp_dir: &str, fixture_name: &str, script_file: &str) -> Result<()> { let status = test_script_command(tmp_dir, fixture_name, script_file)? .spawn() .context("Failed to spawn `ruby` when running script")? .wait() .context("Failed to wait for `ruby` when running script")?; if !status.success() { bail!("running `ruby` failed"); } Ok(()) } /// Create a `Command` instance that runs a test script pub fn test_script_command( tmp_dir: &str, fixture_name: &str, script_file: &str, ) -> Result { let script_path = Utf8Path::new(".").join(script_file).canonicalize_utf8()?; let test_helper = UniFFITestHelper::new(fixture_name)?; let out_dir = test_helper.create_out_dir(tmp_dir, &script_path)?; let cdylib_path = test_helper.copy_cdylib_to_out_dir(&out_dir)?; generate_bindings(&cdylib_path, None, &[TargetLanguage::Ruby], &out_dir, false)?; let rubypath = env::var_os("RUBYLIB").unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("")); let rubypath = env::join_paths( env::split_paths(&rubypath).chain(vec![out_dir.to_path_buf().into_std_path_buf()]), )?; let mut command = Command::new("ruby"); command .current_dir(out_dir) .env("RUBYLIB", rubypath) .arg(script_path) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .stdout(Stdio::inherit()); Ok(command) }