private let UNIFFI_RUST_FUTURE_POLL_READY: Int8 = 0 private let UNIFFI_RUST_FUTURE_POLL_MAYBE_READY: Int8 = 1 fileprivate let uniffiContinuationHandleMap = UniffiHandleMap>() fileprivate func uniffiRustCallAsync( rustFutureFunc: () -> UInt64, pollFunc: (UInt64, @escaping UniffiRustFutureContinuationCallback, UInt64) -> (), completeFunc: (UInt64, UnsafeMutablePointer) -> F, freeFunc: (UInt64) -> (), liftFunc: (F) throws -> T, errorHandler: ((RustBuffer) throws -> Error)? ) async throws -> T { // Make sure to call uniffiEnsureInitialized() since future creation doesn't have a // RustCallStatus param, so doesn't use makeRustCall() uniffiEnsureInitialized() let rustFuture = rustFutureFunc() defer { freeFunc(rustFuture) } var pollResult: Int8; repeat { pollResult = await withUnsafeContinuation { pollFunc( rustFuture, uniffiFutureContinuationCallback, uniffiContinuationHandleMap.insert(obj: $0) ) } } while pollResult != UNIFFI_RUST_FUTURE_POLL_READY return try liftFunc(makeRustCall( { completeFunc(rustFuture, $0) }, errorHandler: errorHandler )) } // Callback handlers for an async calls. These are invoked by Rust when the future is ready. They // lift the return value or error and resume the suspended function. fileprivate func uniffiFutureContinuationCallback(handle: UInt64, pollResult: Int8) { if let continuation = try? uniffiContinuationHandleMap.remove(handle: handle) { continuation.resume(returning: pollResult) } else { print("uniffiFutureContinuationCallback invalid handle") } } {%- if ci.has_async_callback_interface_definition() %} private func uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsync( makeCall: @escaping () async throws -> T, handleSuccess: @escaping (T) -> (), handleError: @escaping (Int8, RustBuffer) -> () ) -> UniffiForeignFuture { let task = Task { do { handleSuccess(try await makeCall()) } catch { handleError(CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, {{ Type::String.borrow()|lower_fn }}(String(describing: error))) } } let handle = UNIFFI_FOREIGN_FUTURE_HANDLE_MAP.insert(obj: task) return UniffiForeignFuture(handle: handle, free: uniffiForeignFutureFree) } private func uniffiTraitInterfaceCallAsyncWithError( makeCall: @escaping () async throws -> T, handleSuccess: @escaping (T) -> (), handleError: @escaping (Int8, RustBuffer) -> (), lowerError: @escaping (E) -> RustBuffer ) -> UniffiForeignFuture { let task = Task { do { handleSuccess(try await makeCall()) } catch let error as E { handleError(CALL_ERROR, lowerError(error)) } catch { handleError(CALL_UNEXPECTED_ERROR, {{ Type::String.borrow()|lower_fn }}(String(describing: error))) } } let handle = UNIFFI_FOREIGN_FUTURE_HANDLE_MAP.insert(obj: task) return UniffiForeignFuture(handle: handle, free: uniffiForeignFutureFree) } // Borrow the callback handle map implementation to store foreign future handles // TODO: consolidate the handle-map code ( fileprivate var UNIFFI_FOREIGN_FUTURE_HANDLE_MAP = UniffiHandleMap() // Protocol for tasks that handle foreign futures. // // Defining a protocol allows all tasks to be stored in the same handle map. This can't be done // with the task object itself, since has generic parameters. protocol UniffiForeignFutureTask { func cancel() } extension Task: UniffiForeignFutureTask {} private func uniffiForeignFutureFree(handle: UInt64) { do { let task = try UNIFFI_FOREIGN_FUTURE_HANDLE_MAP.remove(handle: handle) // Set the cancellation flag on the task. If it's still running, the code can check the // cancellation flag or call `Task.checkCancellation()`. If the task has completed, this is // a no-op. task.cancel() } catch { print("uniffiForeignFutureFree: handle missing from handlemap") } } // For testing public func uniffiForeignFutureHandleCount{{ ci.namespace()|class_name }}() -> Int { UNIFFI_FOREIGN_FUTURE_HANDLE_MAP.count } {%- endif %}