This crate contains helper code for testing bindings. Our general system is to generate bindings for the libraries from the examples and fixtures directories, then execute a script that tests the bindings. Each bindings crate can do this in a different way, but the typical system is: - Construct a `UniFFITestHelper` struct to assist the process - Call `UniFFITestHelper.create_out_dir()` to create a temp directory to store testing files - Call `UniFFITestHelper.copy_cdylibs_to_out_dir()` to copy the dylib artifacts for the example/fixture library to the `out_dir`. This is needed because the bindings code dynamically links to or loads from this library. - Call `UniFFITestHelper.get_compile_sources()` to iterate over (`udl_path`, `uniffi_config_path`) pairs and generate the bindings from them. This step is specific to the bindings language, it may mean creating a .jar file, compiling a binary, or just copying script files over. - Execute the test script and check if it succeeds. This step is also specific to the bindings language.