use crate::literal::DefaultValue; use crate::{term, IResult, Parse}; pub(crate) fn is_alphanum_underscore_dash(token: char) -> bool { nom::AsChar::is_alphanum(token) || matches!(token, '_' | '-') } fn marker(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, S> where S: ::std::default::Default, { Ok((i, S::default())) } impl<'a, T: Parse<'a>> Parse<'a> for Option { parser!(nom::combinator::opt(weedle!(T))); } impl<'a, T: Parse<'a>> Parse<'a> for Box { parser!(nom::combinator::map(weedle!(T), Box::new)); } /// Parses `item1 item2 item3...` impl<'a, T: Parse<'a>> Parse<'a> for Vec { parser!(nom::multi::many0(T::parse)); } impl<'a, T: Parse<'a>, U: Parse<'a>> Parse<'a> for (T, U) { parser!(nom::sequence::tuple((T::parse, U::parse))); } impl<'a, T: Parse<'a>, U: Parse<'a>, V: Parse<'a>> Parse<'a> for (T, U, V) { parser!(nom::sequence::tuple((T::parse, U::parse, V::parse))); } pub(crate) fn docstring(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> { nom::multi::many1(nom::sequence::preceded( nom::character::complete::multispace0, nom::sequence::delimited( nom::bytes::complete::tag("///"), nom::bytes::complete::take_until("\n"), nom::bytes::complete::tag("\n"), ), ))(input) .map(|io| (io.0, io.1.join("\n"))) } ast_types! { /// Parses `( body )` #[derive(Copy, Default)] struct Parenthesized where [T: Parse<'a>] { open_paren: term::OpenParen, body: T, close_paren: term::CloseParen, } /// Parses `[ body ]` #[derive(Copy, Default)] struct Bracketed where [T: Parse<'a>] { open_bracket: term::OpenBracket, body: T, close_bracket: term::CloseBracket, } /// Parses `{ body }` #[derive(Copy, Default)] struct Braced where [T: Parse<'a>] { open_brace: term::OpenBrace, body: T, close_brace: term::CloseBrace, } /// Parses `< body >` #[derive(Copy, Default)] struct Generics where [T: Parse<'a>] { open_angle: term::LessThan, body: T, close_angle: term::GreaterThan, } /// Parses `(item1, item2, item3,...)?` struct Punctuated where [T: Parse<'a>, S: Parse<'a> + ::std::default::Default] { list: Vec = nom::multi::separated_list0(weedle!(S), weedle!(T)), separator: S = marker, } /// Parses `item1, item2, item3, ...` struct PunctuatedNonEmpty where [T: Parse<'a>, S: Parse<'a> + ::std::default::Default] { list: Vec = nom::sequence::terminated( nom::multi::separated_list1(weedle!(S), weedle!(T)), nom::combinator::opt(weedle!(S)) ), separator: S = marker, } /// Represents an identifier /// /// Follows `/_?[A-Za-z][0-9A-Z_a-z-]*/` #[derive(Copy)] struct Identifier<'a>( // See for why the leading // underscore is trimmed &'a str = crate::whitespace::ws(nom::sequence::preceded( nom::combinator::opt(nom::character::complete::char('_')), nom::combinator::recognize(nom::sequence::tuple(( nom::bytes::complete::take_while1(nom::AsChar::is_alphanum), nom::bytes::complete::take_while(is_alphanum_underscore_dash), ))) )), ) /// Parses rhs of an assignment expression. Ex: `= 45` #[derive(Copy)] struct Default<'a> { assign: term!(=), value: DefaultValue<'a>, } /// Represents consecutive comment lines starting with `///`, joined by `\n`. struct Docstring( String = docstring, ) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; test!(should_parse_optional_present { "one" => ""; Option; is_some(); }); test!(should_parse_optional_not_present { "" => ""; Option; is_none(); }); test!(should_parse_boxed { "one" => ""; Box; }); test!(should_parse_vec { "one two three" => ""; Vec; len() == 3; }); test!(should_parse_parenthesized { "( one )" => ""; Parenthesized; body.0 == "one"; }); test!(should_parse_bracketed { "[ one ]" => ""; Bracketed; body.0 == "one"; }); test!(should_parse_braced { "{ one }" => ""; Braced; body.0 == "one"; }); test!(should_parse_generics { "" => ""; Generics; body.0 == "one"; }); test!(should_parse_generics_two { "" => ""; Generics<(Identifier, term!(,), Identifier)> => Generics { open_angle: term!(<), body: (Identifier("one"), term!(,), Identifier("two")), close_angle: term!(>), } }); test!(should_parse_comma_separated_values { "one, two, three" => ""; Punctuated; list.len() == 3; }); test!(err should_not_parse_comma_separated_values_empty { "" => PunctuatedNonEmpty }); test!(should_parse_identifier { "hello" => ""; Identifier; 0 == "hello"; }); test!(should_parse_numbered_identifier { "hello5" => ""; Identifier; 0 == "hello5"; }); test!(should_parse_underscored_identifier { "_hello_" => ""; Identifier; 0 == "hello_"; }); test!(should_parse_identifier_surrounding_with_spaces { " hello " => ""; Identifier; 0 == "hello"; }); test!(should_parse_identifier_preceding_others { "hello note" => "note"; Identifier; 0 == "hello"; }); test!(should_parse_identifier_attached_to_symbol { "hello=" => "="; Identifier; 0 == "hello"; }); test!(should_parse_docstring { "///hello world\n" => ""; Docstring; 0 == "hello world"; }); test!(should_parse_multiline_docstring { "///hello\n///world\n" => ""; Docstring; 0 == "hello\nworld"; }); test!(should_parse_multiline_indented_docstring { "///hello\n ///world\n" => ""; Docstring; 0 == "hello\nworld"; }); test!(should_not_parse_docstring_with_comments { "///hello\n//comment1\n///world\n" => "//comment1\n///world\n"; Docstring; 0 == "hello"; }); test!(err should_not_parse_not_docstring { "" => Docstring }); }