use std::{borrow::Cow, slice}; use parking_lot::{lock_api::RawMutex, Mutex}; use winapi::{ um::{errhandlingapi, winnt}, vc::excpt, }; // This is a mutex as opposed to an atomic as we need to completely // lock everyone out until we have registered or unregistered the // exception handler, otherwise really nasty races could happen. // // By routing all the registration through these functions we can guarantee // there is either 1 or 0 exception handlers registered, not multiple. static EXCEPTION_HANDLER_COUNT: Mutex = Mutex::const_new(parking_lot::RawMutex::INIT, 0); pub fn register_exception_handler() { let mut count_guard = EXCEPTION_HANDLER_COUNT.lock(); if *count_guard == 0 { unsafe { errhandlingapi::AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, Some(output_debug_string_handler)) }; } *count_guard += 1; } pub fn unregister_exception_handler() { let mut count_guard = EXCEPTION_HANDLER_COUNT.lock(); if *count_guard == 1 { unsafe { errhandlingapi::RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(output_debug_string_handler as *mut _) }; } *count_guard -= 1; } const MESSAGE_PREFIXES: &[(&str, log::Level)] = &[ ("CORRUPTION", log::Level::Error), ("ERROR", log::Level::Error), ("WARNING", log::Level::Warn), ("INFO", log::Level::Info), ("MESSAGE", log::Level::Debug), ]; unsafe extern "system" fn output_debug_string_handler( exception_info: *mut winnt::EXCEPTION_POINTERS, ) -> i32 { // See let record = unsafe { &*(*exception_info).ExceptionRecord }; if record.NumberParameters != 2 { return excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } let message = match record.ExceptionCode { winnt::DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_C => String::from_utf8_lossy(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts( record.ExceptionInformation[1] as *const u8, record.ExceptionInformation[0], ) }), winnt::DBG_PRINTEXCEPTION_WIDE_C => Cow::Owned(String::from_utf16_lossy(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts( record.ExceptionInformation[1] as *const u16, record.ExceptionInformation[0], ) })), _ => return excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, }; let message = match message.strip_prefix("D3D12 ") { Some(msg) => msg .trim_end_matches("\n\0") .trim_end_matches("[ STATE_CREATION WARNING #0: UNKNOWN]"), None => return excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, }; let (message, level) = match MESSAGE_PREFIXES .iter() .find(|&&(prefix, _)| message.starts_with(prefix)) { Some(&(prefix, level)) => (&message[prefix.len() + 2..], level), None => (message, log::Level::Debug), }; if level == log::Level::Warn && message.contains("#82") { // This is are useless spammy warnings (#820, #821): // "The application did not pass any clear value to resource creation" return excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } if level == log::Level::Warn && message.contains("DRAW_EMPTY_SCISSOR_RECTANGLE") { // This is normal, WebGPU allows passing empty scissor rectangles. return excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } let _ = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { log::log!(level, "{}", message); }); if cfg!(debug_assertions) && level == log::Level::Error { // Set canary and continue crate::VALIDATION_CANARY.add(message.to_string()); } excpt::EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION }