/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { SiteDataTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/SiteDataTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { PermissionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PermissionTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); let btp; let bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec; let bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec; /** * Adds brackets to a host if it's an IPv6 address. * @param {string} host - Host which may be an IPv6. * @returns {string} bracketed IPv6 or host if host is not an IPv6. */ function maybeFixupIpv6(host) { if (!host.includes(":")) { return host; } return `[${host}]`; } /** * Adds cookies and indexedDB test data for the given host. * @param {string} host */ async function addStateForHost(host) { info(`adding state for host ${host}`); SiteDataTestUtils.addToCookies({ host }); await SiteDataTestUtils.addToIndexedDB(`https://${maybeFixupIpv6(host)}`); } /** * Checks if the given host as cookies or indexedDB data. * @param {string} host * @returns {boolean} */ async function hasStateForHost(host) { let origin = `https://${maybeFixupIpv6(host)}`; if (SiteDataTestUtils.hasCookies(origin)) { return true; } return SiteDataTestUtils.hasIndexedDB(origin); } /** * Assert that there are no bounce tracker candidates or user activations * recorded. */ function assertEmpty() { Assert.equal( btp.testGetBounceTrackerCandidateHosts({}).length, 0, "No tracker candidates." ); Assert.equal( btp.testGetUserActivationHosts({}).length, 0, "No user activation hosts." ); } add_setup(function () { // Need a profile to data clearing calls. do_get_profile(); btp = Cc["@mozilla.org/bounce-tracking-protection;1"].getService( Ci.nsIBounceTrackingProtection ); // Reset global bounce tracking state. btp.clearAll(); bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "privacy.bounceTrackingProtection.bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec" ); bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec = Services.prefs.getIntPref( "privacy.bounceTrackingProtection.bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec" ); }); /** * When both maps are empty running PurgeBounceTrackers should be a no-op. */ add_task(async function test_empty() { assertEmpty(); info("Run PurgeBounceTrackers"); await btp.testRunPurgeBounceTrackers(); assertEmpty(); }); /** * Tests that the PurgeBounceTrackers behaves as expected by adding site state * and adding simulated bounce state and user activations. */ add_task(async function test_purge() { let now = Date.now(); // Epoch in MS. let timestampWithinGracePeriod = now - (bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec * 1000) / 2; let timestampWithinGracePeriod2 = now - (bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec * 1000) / 4; let timestampOutsideGracePeriodFiveSeconds = now - (bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec + 5) * 1000; let timestampOutsideGracePeriodThreeDays = now - (bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec + 60 * 60 * 24 * 3) * 1000; let timestampFuture = now + bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec * 1000 * 2; let timestampValidUserActivation = now - (bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec * 1000) / 2; let timestampExpiredUserActivationFourSeconds = now - (bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec + 4) * 1000; let timestampExpiredUserActivationTenDays = now - (bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec + 60 * 60 * 24 * 10) * 1000; const TEST_TRACKERS = { "example.com": { bounceTime: timestampWithinGracePeriod, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should not purge within grace period.", shouldPurge: bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec == 0, }, "example2.com": { bounceTime: timestampWithinGracePeriod2, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should not purge within grace period (2).", shouldPurge: bounceTrackingGracePeriodSec == 0, }, "example.net": { bounceTime: timestampOutsideGracePeriodFiveSeconds, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should purge after grace period.", shouldPurge: true, }, // Don't purge if the site is allowlisted. "example2.net": { bounceTime: timestampOutsideGracePeriodFiveSeconds, userActivationTime: null, isAllowListed: true, message: "Should not purge after grace period if allowlisted.", shouldPurge: false, }, // Also ensure that clear data calls with IP sites succeed. "": { bounceTime: timestampOutsideGracePeriodThreeDays, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should purge after grace period (2).", shouldPurge: true, }, "2606:4700:4700::1111": { bounceTime: timestampOutsideGracePeriodThreeDays, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should purge after grace period (3).", shouldPurge: true, }, "example.org": { bounceTime: timestampWithinGracePeriod, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should not purge within grace period.", shouldPurge: false, }, "example2.org": { bounceTime: timestampFuture, userActivationTime: null, message: "Should not purge for future bounce time (within grace period).", shouldPurge: false, }, "": { bounceTime: null, userActivationTime: timestampValidUserActivation, message: "Should not purge without bounce (valid user activation).", shouldPurge: false, }, // Also testing domains with trailing ".". "mozilla.org.": { bounceTime: null, userActivationTime: timestampExpiredUserActivationFourSeconds, message: "Should not purge without bounce (expired user activation).", shouldPurge: false, }, "firefox.com": { bounceTime: null, userActivationTime: timestampExpiredUserActivationTenDays, message: "Should not purge without bounce (expired user activation) (2).", shouldPurge: false, }, }; info("Assert empty initially."); assertEmpty(); info("Populate bounce and user activation sets."); let expectedBounceTrackerHosts = []; let expectedUserActivationHosts = []; let allowListedHosts = []; let expiredUserActivationHosts = []; let expectedPurgedHosts = []; // This would normally happen over time while browsing. let initPromises = Object.entries(TEST_TRACKERS).map( async ([ siteHost, { bounceTime, userActivationTime, isAllowListed, shouldPurge }, ]) => { // Add site state so we can later assert it has been purged. await addStateForHost(siteHost); // Add allowlist entry if needed. if (isAllowListed) { PermissionTestUtils.add( `https://${siteHost}`, "trackingprotection", Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION ); allowListedHosts.push(siteHost); } if (bounceTime != null) { if (userActivationTime != null) { throw new Error( "Attempting to construct invalid map state. testGetBounceTrackerCandidateHosts({}) and testGetUserActivationHosts({}) must be disjoint." ); } expectedBounceTrackerHosts.push(siteHost); // Convert bounceTime timestamp to microseconds (PRTime). info( `Adding bounce. siteHost: ${siteHost}, bounceTime: ${bounceTime} ms` ); btp.testAddBounceTrackerCandidate({}, siteHost, bounceTime * 1000); } if (userActivationTime != null) { if (bounceTime != null) { throw new Error( "Attempting to construct invalid map state. testGetBounceTrackerCandidateHosts({}) and testGetUserActivationHosts({}) must be disjoint." ); } expectedUserActivationHosts.push(siteHost); if ( userActivationTime + bounceTrackingActivationLifetimeSec * 1000 > now ) { expiredUserActivationHosts.push(siteHost); } // Convert userActivationTime timestamp to microseconds (PRTime). info( `Adding user interaction. siteHost: ${siteHost}, userActivationTime: ${userActivationTime} ms` ); btp.testAddUserActivation({}, siteHost, userActivationTime * 1000); } if (shouldPurge) { expectedPurgedHosts.push(siteHost); } } ); await Promise.all(initPromises); info( "Check that bounce and user activation data has been correctly recorded." ); Assert.deepEqual( btp .testGetBounceTrackerCandidateHosts({}) .map(entry => entry.siteHost) .sort(), expectedBounceTrackerHosts.sort(), "Has added bounce tracker hosts." ); Assert.deepEqual( btp .testGetUserActivationHosts({}) .map(entry => entry.siteHost) .sort(), expectedUserActivationHosts.sort(), "Has added user activation hosts." ); info("Run PurgeBounceTrackers"); let actualPurgedHosts = await btp.testRunPurgeBounceTrackers(); Assert.deepEqual( actualPurgedHosts.sort(), expectedPurgedHosts.sort(), "Should have purged all expected hosts." ); // After the purge only the bounce trackers that have not been purged should // remain in the candidate map. Additionally the allowlisted hosts should be // removed from the candidate map. let expectedBounceTrackerHostsAfterPurge = expectedBounceTrackerHosts .filter( host => !expectedPurgedHosts.includes(host) && !allowListedHosts.includes(host) ) .sort(); Assert.deepEqual( btp .testGetBounceTrackerCandidateHosts({}) .map(entry => entry.siteHost) .sort(), expectedBounceTrackerHostsAfterPurge.sort(), "After purge the bounce tracker candidate host set should be updated correctly." ); Assert.deepEqual( btp .testGetUserActivationHosts({}) .map(entry => entry.siteHost) .sort(), expiredUserActivationHosts.sort(), "After purge any expired user activation records should have been removed" ); info("Test that we actually purged the correct sites."); for (let siteHost of expectedPurgedHosts) { Assert.ok( !(await hasStateForHost(siteHost)), `Site ${siteHost} should no longer have state.` ); } for (let siteHost of expectedBounceTrackerHostsAfterPurge) { Assert.ok( await hasStateForHost(siteHost), `Site ${siteHost} should still have state.` ); } info("Reset bounce tracking state."); btp.clearAll(); assertEmpty(); info("Clean up site data and permissions."); await SiteDataTestUtils.clear(); Services.perms.removeAll(); });