add_task(async function testIntermediatePreferenceReadSameSite() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["dom.storage_access.enabled", true], ["dom.storage_access.forward_declared.enabled", true], [ "network.cookie.cookieBehavior", BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER_AND_PARTITION_FOREIGN, ], ["dom.storage_access.auto_grants", false], ["dom.storage_access.max_concurrent_auto_grants", 1], ], }); let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({ gBrowser, url: TEST_DOMAIN_7, }); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_3RD_PARTY_DOMAIN], async tp => { SpecialPowers.wrap(content.document).notifyUserGestureActivation(); var p = content.document.completeStorageAccessRequestFromSite(tp); try { await p; ok(false, "Must not resolve."); } catch { ok(true, "Must reject because we don't have the initial request."); } }); await SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([ { type: "AllowStorageAccessRequest^", allow: 1, context: TEST_DOMAIN_7, }, ]); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_3RD_PARTY_DOMAIN], async tp => { SpecialPowers.wrap(content.document).notifyUserGestureActivation(); var p = content.document.completeStorageAccessRequestFromSite(tp); try { await p; ok(false, "Must not resolve."); } catch { ok(true, "Must reject because the permission is cross site."); } }); await SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([ { type: "AllowStorageAccessRequest^", allow: 1, context: TEST_DOMAIN_7, }, ]); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_3RD_PARTY_DOMAIN], async tp => { SpecialPowers.wrap(content.document).notifyUserGestureActivation(); var p = content.document.completeStorageAccessRequestFromSite(tp); try { await p; ok( true, "Must resolve now that we have the permission from the embedee." ); } catch { ok(false, "Must not reject."); } }); await SpecialPowers.pushPermissions([ { type: "AllowStorageAccessRequest^", allow: 1, context: TEST_DOMAIN_8, }, ]); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_3RD_PARTY_DOMAIN], async tp => { SpecialPowers.wrap(content.document).notifyUserGestureActivation(); var p = content.document.completeStorageAccessRequestFromSite(tp); try { await p; ok( true, "Must resolve now that we have the permission from the embedee." ); } catch { ok(false, "Must not reject."); } }); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); // Note: TEST_DOMAIN_7 and TEST_DOMAIN_8 are Same-Site add_task(async function testIntermediatePreferenceWriteCrossOrigin() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["dom.storage_access.enabled", true], ["dom.storage_access.forward_declared.enabled", true], [ "network.cookie.cookieBehavior", BEHAVIOR_REJECT_TRACKER_AND_PARTITION_FOREIGN, ], ["dom.storage_access.auto_grants", false], ["dom.storage_access.max_concurrent_auto_grants", 1], ], }); let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({ gBrowser, url: TEST_3RD_PARTY_PAGE, }); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_DOMAIN_8], async tp => { SpecialPowers.wrap(content.document).notifyUserGestureActivation(); var p = content.document.requestStorageAccessUnderSite(tp); try { await p; ok( true, "Must resolve- no funny business here, we just want to set the intermediate pref" ); } catch { ok(false, "Must not reject."); } }); let principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin( TEST_DOMAIN_8 ); // Important to note that this is the site but not origin of TEST_3RD_PARTY_PAGE var permission = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( principal, "AllowStorageAccessRequest^" ); ok(permission == Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION); // Test that checking the permission across site works principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin( TEST_DOMAIN_7 ); // Important to note that this is the site but not origin of TEST_3RD_PARTY_PAGE permission = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( principal, "AllowStorageAccessRequest^" ); ok(permission == Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async () => { Services.perms.removeAll(); await new Promise(resolve => { Services.clearData.deleteData(Ci.nsIClearDataService.CLEAR_ALL, value => resolve() ); }); });