/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "mozilla/Components.h" #include "nsIURLQueryStringStripper.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsStringFwd.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h" #include "mozilla/URLQueryStringStripper.h" using namespace mozilla; static const char kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled[] = "privacy.query_stripping.enabled"; static const char kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM[] = "privacy.query_stripping.enabled.pbmode"; static const char kPrefQueryStrippingList[] = "privacy.query_stripping.strip_list"; /** * Waits for the strip list in the URLQueryStringStripper to match aExpected. */ void waitForStripListChange(const nsACString& aExpected) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr queryStripper = components::URLQueryStringStripper::Service(&rv); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mozilla::SpinEventLoopUntil( "TestURLQueryStringStripper waitForStripListChange"_ns, [&]() -> bool { nsAutoCString stripList; rv = queryStripper->TestGetStripList(stripList); return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && stripList.Equals(aExpected); })); } void DoTest(const nsACString& aTestURL, const bool aIsPBM, const nsACString& aExpectedURL, uint32_t aExpectedResult) { nsCOMPtr testURI; NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(testURI), aTestURL); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr queryStripper = components::URLQueryStringStripper::Service(&rv); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); nsCOMPtr strippedURI; uint32_t numStripped; rv = queryStripper->Strip(testURI, aIsPBM, getter_AddRefs(strippedURI), &numStripped); EXPECT_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); EXPECT_TRUE(numStripped == aExpectedResult); if (!numStripped) { EXPECT_TRUE(!strippedURI); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(strippedURI->GetSpecOrDefault().Equals(aExpectedURL)); } } TEST(TestURLQueryStringStripper, TestPrefDisabled) { // Disable the query string stripping by the pref and make sure the stripping // is disabled. // Note that we don't need to run a dummy test to create the // URLQueryStringStripper here because the stripper will never be created if // the query stripping is disabled. Preferences::SetCString(kPrefQueryStrippingList, "fooBar foobaz"); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled, false); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM, false); for (bool isPBM : {false, true}) { DoTest("https://example.com/"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?Barfoo=123"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&foobaz"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); } } TEST(TestURLQueryStringStripper, TestEmptyStripList) { // Make sure there is no error if the strip list is empty. Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled, true); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM, true); // To create the URLQueryStringStripper, we need to run a dummy test after // the query stripping is enabled. By doing this, the stripper will be // initiated and we are good to test. DoTest("https://example.com/"_ns, false, ""_ns, 0); // Set the strip list to empty and wait until the pref setting is set to the // stripper. Preferences::SetCString(kPrefQueryStrippingList, ""); waitForStripListChange(""_ns); for (bool isPBM : {false, true}) { DoTest("https://example.com/"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?Barfoo=123"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&foobaz"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); } } TEST(TestURLQueryStringStripper, TestStripping) { Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled, true); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM, true); DoTest("https://example.com/"_ns, false, ""_ns, 0); Preferences::SetCString(kPrefQueryStrippingList, "fooBar foobaz"); waitForStripListChange("foobar foobaz"_ns); // Test all pref combinations. for (bool pref : {false, true}) { for (bool prefPBM : {false, true}) { Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled, pref); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM, prefPBM); // If the service is enabled with the given pref config we need for the // list changes to propagate as they happen async. if (pref || prefPBM) { waitForStripListChange("foobar foobaz"_ns); } // Test with normal and private browsing mode. for (bool isPBM : {false, true}) { bool expectStrip = (prefPBM && isPBM) || (pref && !isPBM); DoTest("https://example.com/"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?Barfoo=123"_ns, isPBM, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/"_ns, expectStrip ? 1 : 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&foobaz"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/"_ns, expectStrip ? 2 : 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&Barfoo=456&foobaz"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/?Barfoo=456"_ns, expectStrip ? 2 : 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?FOOBAR=123"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/"_ns, expectStrip ? 1 : 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?barfoo=foobar"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/?barfoo=foobar"_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?foobar=123&nostrip=456&FooBar=789"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/?nostrip=456"_ns, expectStrip ? 2 : 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?AfoobazB=123"_ns, isPBM, "https://example.com/?AfoobazB=123"_ns, 0); } } } // Change the strip list pref to see if it is updated properly. // We test this in normal browsing, so set the prefs accordingly. Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabled, true); Preferences::SetBool(kPrefQueryStrippingEnabledPBM, false); Preferences::SetCString(kPrefQueryStrippingList, "Barfoo bazfoo"); waitForStripListChange("barfoo bazfoo"_ns); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123"_ns, false, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&foobaz"_ns, false, ""_ns, 0); DoTest("https://example.com/?bazfoo=123"_ns, false, "https://example.com/"_ns, 1); DoTest("https://example.com/?fooBar=123&Barfoo=456&foobaz=abc"_ns, false, "https://example.com/?fooBar=123&foobaz=abc"_ns, 1); }