/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function AutoCompleteResult(aValues, aFinalCompleteValues) { this._values = aValues; this._finalCompleteValues = aFinalCompleteValues; this.defaultIndex = 0; } AutoCompleteResult.prototype = Object.create(AutoCompleteResultBase.prototype); function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) { this.searches = aSearches; this.popup.selectedIndex = -1; } AutoCompleteInput.prototype = Object.create(AutoCompleteInputBase.prototype); add_test(function test_handleEnterWithDirectMatchCompleteSelectedIndex() { doSearch( "moz", "mozilla.com", "http://www.mozilla.com", { forceComplete: true, completeSelectedIndex: true }, function (aController) { Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "moz"); Assert.equal( aController.getFinalCompleteValueAt(0), "http://www.mozilla.com" ); aController.handleEnter(false); // After enter the final complete value should be shown in the input. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "http://www.mozilla.com"); } ); }); add_test(function test_handleEnterWithDirectMatch() { doSearch( "mozilla", "mozilla.com", "http://www.mozilla.com", { forceComplete: true, completeDefaultIndex: true }, function (aController) { // Should autocomplete the search string to a suggestion. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "mozilla.com"); Assert.equal( aController.getFinalCompleteValueAt(0), "http://www.mozilla.com" ); aController.handleEnter(false); // After enter the final complete value should be shown in the input. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "http://www.mozilla.com"); } ); }); add_test(function test_handleEnterWithNoMatch() { doSearch( "mozilla", "mozilla.com", "http://www.mozilla.com", { forceComplete: true, completeDefaultIndex: true }, function (aController) { // Should autocomplete the search string to a suggestion. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "mozilla.com"); Assert.equal( aController.getFinalCompleteValueAt(0), "http://www.mozilla.com" ); // Now input something that does not match... aController.input.textValue = "mozillax"; // ... and confirm. We don't want one of the values from the previous // results to be taken, since what's now in the input field doesn't match. aController.handleEnter(false); Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "mozillax"); } ); }); add_test(function test_handleEnterWithIndirectMatch() { doSearch( "com", "mozilla.com", "http://www.mozilla.com", { forceComplete: true, completeDefaultIndex: true }, function (aController) { // Should autocomplete the search string to a suggestion. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "com >> mozilla.com"); Assert.equal( aController.getFinalCompleteValueAt(0), "http://www.mozilla.com" ); aController.handleEnter(false); // After enter the final complete value from the suggestion should be shown // in the input. Assert.equal(aController.input.textValue, "http://www.mozilla.com"); } ); }); function doSearch( aSearchString, aResultValue, aFinalCompleteValue, aInputProps, aOnCompleteCallback ) { let search = new AutoCompleteSearchBase( "search", new AutoCompleteResult([aResultValue], [aFinalCompleteValue]) ); registerAutoCompleteSearch(search); let controller = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/controller;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController ); // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches and confirms results. let input = new AutoCompleteInput([search.name]); for (var p in aInputProps) { input[p] = aInputProps[p]; } input.textValue = aSearchString; // Place the cursor at the end of the input so that completion to // default index will kick in. input.selectTextRange(aSearchString.length, aSearchString.length); controller.input = input; controller.startSearch(aSearchString); input.onSearchComplete = function onSearchComplete() { aOnCompleteCallback(controller); // Clean up. unregisterAutoCompleteSearch(search); run_next_test(); }; }