/*! * Copyright (c) 2014, GlobalSign * Copyright (c) 2015-2019, Peculiar Ventures * All rights reserved. * * Author 2014-2019, Yury Strozhevsky * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /*! * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Peculiar Ventures, LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ const ARRAY_BUFFER_NAME = "[object ArrayBuffer]"; class BufferSourceConverter { static isArrayBuffer(data) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === ARRAY_BUFFER_NAME; } static toArrayBuffer(data) { if (this.isArrayBuffer(data)) { return data; } if (data.byteLength === data.buffer.byteLength) { return data.buffer; } return this.toUint8Array(data).slice().buffer; } static toUint8Array(data) { return this.toView(data, Uint8Array); } static toView(data, type) { if (data.constructor === type) { return data; } if (this.isArrayBuffer(data)) { return new type(data); } if (this.isArrayBufferView(data)) { return new type(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); } throw new TypeError("The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'"); } static isBufferSource(data) { return this.isArrayBufferView(data) || this.isArrayBuffer(data); } static isArrayBufferView(data) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(data) || (data && this.isArrayBuffer(data.buffer)); } static isEqual(a, b) { const aView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(a); const bView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(b); if (aView.length !== bView.byteLength) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < aView.length; i++) { if (aView[i] !== bView[i]) { return false; } } return true; } static concat(...args) { if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { const buffers = args[0]; let size = 0; for (const buffer of buffers) { size += buffer.byteLength; } const res = new Uint8Array(size); let offset = 0; for (const buffer of buffers) { const view = this.toUint8Array(buffer); res.set(view, offset); offset += view.length; } if (args[1]) { return this.toView(res, args[1]); } return res.buffer; } else { return this.concat(args); } } } class Utf8Converter { static fromString(text) { const s = unescape(encodeURIComponent(text)); const uintArray = new Uint8Array(s.length); for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { uintArray[i] = s.charCodeAt(i); } return uintArray.buffer; } static toString(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(buffer); let encodedString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { encodedString += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } const decodedString = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString)); return decodedString; } } class Utf16Converter { static toString(buffer, littleEndian = false) { const arrayBuffer = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(buffer); const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arrayBuffer.byteLength; i += 2) { const code = dataView.getUint16(i, littleEndian); res += String.fromCharCode(code); } return res; } static fromString(text, littleEndian = false) { const res = new ArrayBuffer(text.length * 2); const dataView = new DataView(res); for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { dataView.setUint16(i * 2, text.charCodeAt(i), littleEndian); } return res; } } class Convert { static isHex(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(data); } static isBase64(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(data); } static isBase64Url(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/i.test(data); } static ToString(buffer, enc = "utf8") { const buf = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(buffer); switch (enc.toLowerCase()) { case "utf8": return this.ToUtf8String(buf); case "binary": return this.ToBinary(buf); case "hex": return this.ToHex(buf); case "base64": return this.ToBase64(buf); case "base64url": return this.ToBase64Url(buf); case "utf16le": return Utf16Converter.toString(buf, true); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.toString(buf); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${enc}'`); } } static FromString(str, enc = "utf8") { if (!str) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } switch (enc.toLowerCase()) { case "utf8": return this.FromUtf8String(str); case "binary": return this.FromBinary(str); case "hex": return this.FromHex(str); case "base64": return this.FromBase64(str); case "base64url": return this.FromBase64Url(str); case "utf16le": return Utf16Converter.fromString(str, true); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.fromString(str); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${enc}'`); } } static ToBase64(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(buffer); if (typeof btoa !== "undefined") { const binary = this.ToString(buf, "binary"); return btoa(binary); } else { return Buffer.from(buf).toString("base64"); } } static FromBase64(base64) { const formatted = this.formatString(base64); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert.isBase64(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'base64Text' is not Base64 encoded"); } if (typeof atob !== "undefined") { return this.FromBinary(atob(formatted)); } else { return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(formatted, "base64")).buffer; } } static FromBase64Url(base64url) { const formatted = this.formatString(base64url); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert.isBase64Url(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'base64url' is not Base64Url encoded"); } return this.FromBase64(this.Base64Padding(formatted.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/"))); } static ToBase64Url(data) { return this.ToBase64(data).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/\=/g, ""); } static FromUtf8String(text, encoding = Convert.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING) { switch (encoding) { case "ascii": return this.FromBinary(text); case "utf8": return Utf8Converter.fromString(text); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.fromString(text); case "utf16le": case "usc2": return Utf16Converter.fromString(text, true); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${encoding}'`); } } static ToUtf8String(buffer, encoding = Convert.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING) { switch (encoding) { case "ascii": return this.ToBinary(buffer); case "utf8": return Utf8Converter.toString(buffer); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer); case "utf16le": case "usc2": return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer, true); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${encoding}'`); } } static FromBinary(text) { const stringLength = text.length; const resultView = new Uint8Array(stringLength); for (let i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { resultView[i] = text.charCodeAt(i); } return resultView.buffer; } static ToBinary(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(buffer); let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { res += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return res; } static ToHex(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(buffer); const splitter = ""; const res = []; const len = buf.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const char = buf[i].toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); res.push(char); } return res.join(splitter); } static FromHex(hexString) { let formatted = this.formatString(hexString); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert.isHex(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'hexString' is not HEX encoded"); } if (formatted.length % 2) { formatted = `0${formatted}`; } const res = new Uint8Array(formatted.length / 2); for (let i = 0; i < formatted.length; i = i + 2) { const c = formatted.slice(i, i + 2); res[i / 2] = parseInt(c, 16); } return res.buffer; } static ToUtf16String(buffer, littleEndian = false) { return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer, littleEndian); } static FromUtf16String(text, littleEndian = false) { return Utf16Converter.fromString(text, littleEndian); } static Base64Padding(base64) { const padCount = 4 - (base64.length % 4); if (padCount < 4) { for (let i = 0; i < padCount; i++) { base64 += "="; } } return base64; } static formatString(data) { return (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/g, "")) || ""; } } Convert.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING = "utf8"; /*! Copyright (c) Peculiar Ventures, LLC */ function getParametersValue(parameters, name, defaultValue) { var _a; if ((parameters instanceof Object) === false) { return defaultValue; } return (_a = parameters[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultValue; } function bufferToHexCodes(inputBuffer, inputOffset = 0, inputLength = (inputBuffer.byteLength - inputOffset), insertSpace = false) { let result = ""; for (const item of (new Uint8Array(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength))) { const str = item.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (str.length === 1) { result += "0"; } result += str; if (insertSpace) { result += " "; } } return result.trim(); } function utilFromBase(inputBuffer, inputBase) { let result = 0; if (inputBuffer.length === 1) { return inputBuffer[0]; } for (let i = (inputBuffer.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { result += inputBuffer[(inputBuffer.length - 1) - i] * Math.pow(2, inputBase * i); } return result; } function utilToBase(value, base, reserved = (-1)) { const internalReserved = reserved; let internalValue = value; let result = 0; let biggest = Math.pow(2, base); for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (value < biggest) { let retBuf; if (internalReserved < 0) { retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(i); result = i; } else { if (internalReserved < i) { return (new ArrayBuffer(0)); } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(internalReserved); result = internalReserved; } const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (let j = (i - 1); j >= 0; j--) { const basis = Math.pow(2, j * base); retView[result - j - 1] = Math.floor(internalValue / basis); internalValue -= (retView[result - j - 1]) * basis; } return retBuf; } biggest *= Math.pow(2, base); } return new ArrayBuffer(0); } function utilConcatBuf(...buffers) { let outputLength = 0; let prevLength = 0; for (const buffer of buffers) { outputLength += buffer.byteLength; } const retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(outputLength); const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (const buffer of buffers) { retView.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), prevLength); prevLength += buffer.byteLength; } return retBuf; } function utilConcatView(...views) { let outputLength = 0; let prevLength = 0; for (const view of views) { outputLength += view.length; } const retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(outputLength); const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (const view of views) { retView.set(view, prevLength); prevLength += view.length; } return retView; } function utilDecodeTC() { const buf = new Uint8Array(this.valueHex); if (this.valueHex.byteLength >= 2) { const condition1 = (buf[0] === 0xFF) && (buf[1] & 0x80); const condition2 = (buf[0] === 0x00) && ((buf[1] & 0x80) === 0x00); if (condition1 || condition2) { this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format"); } } const bigIntBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHex.byteLength); const bigIntView = new Uint8Array(bigIntBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < this.valueHex.byteLength; i++) { bigIntView[i] = 0; } bigIntView[0] = (buf[0] & 0x80); const bigInt = utilFromBase(bigIntView, 8); const smallIntBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHex.byteLength); const smallIntView = new Uint8Array(smallIntBuffer); for (let j = 0; j < this.valueHex.byteLength; j++) { smallIntView[j] = buf[j]; } smallIntView[0] &= 0x7F; const smallInt = utilFromBase(smallIntView, 8); return (smallInt - bigInt); } function utilEncodeTC(value) { const modValue = (value < 0) ? (value * (-1)) : value; let bigInt = 128; for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (modValue <= bigInt) { if (value < 0) { const smallInt = bigInt - modValue; const retBuf = utilToBase(smallInt, 8, i); const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] |= 0x80; return retBuf; } let retBuf = utilToBase(modValue, 8, i); let retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); if (retView[0] & 0x80) { const tempBuf = retBuf.slice(0); const tempView = new Uint8Array(tempBuf); retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(retBuf.byteLength + 1); retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (let k = 0; k < tempBuf.byteLength; k++) { retView[k + 1] = tempView[k]; } retView[0] = 0x00; } return retBuf; } bigInt *= Math.pow(2, 8); } return (new ArrayBuffer(0)); } function isEqualBuffer(inputBuffer1, inputBuffer2) { if (inputBuffer1.byteLength !== inputBuffer2.byteLength) { return false; } const view1 = new Uint8Array(inputBuffer1); const view2 = new Uint8Array(inputBuffer2); for (let i = 0; i < view1.length; i++) { if (view1[i] !== view2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function padNumber(inputNumber, fullLength) { const str = inputNumber.toString(10); if (fullLength < str.length) { return ""; } const dif = fullLength - str.length; const padding = new Array(dif); for (let i = 0; i < dif; i++) { padding[i] = "0"; } const paddingString = padding.join(""); return paddingString.concat(str); } const base64Template = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; const base64UrlTemplate = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_="; function toBase64(input, useUrlTemplate = false, skipPadding = false, skipLeadingZeros = false) { let i = 0; let flag1 = 0; let flag2 = 0; let output = ""; const template = (useUrlTemplate) ? base64UrlTemplate : base64Template; if (skipLeadingZeros) { let nonZeroPosition = 0; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { if (input.charCodeAt(i) !== 0) { nonZeroPosition = i; break; } } input = input.slice(nonZeroPosition); } while (i < input.length) { const chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); if (i >= input.length) { flag1 = 1; } const chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); if (i >= input.length) { flag2 = 1; } const chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); const enc1 = chr1 >> 2; const enc2 = ((chr1 & 0x03) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); let enc3 = ((chr2 & 0x0F) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); let enc4 = chr3 & 0x3F; if (flag1 === 1) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else { if (flag2 === 1) { enc4 = 64; } } if (skipPadding) { if (enc3 === 64) { output += `${template.charAt(enc1)}${template.charAt(enc2)}`; } else { if (enc4 === 64) { output += `${template.charAt(enc1)}${template.charAt(enc2)}${template.charAt(enc3)}`; } else { output += `${template.charAt(enc1)}${template.charAt(enc2)}${template.charAt(enc3)}${template.charAt(enc4)}`; } } } else { output += `${template.charAt(enc1)}${template.charAt(enc2)}${template.charAt(enc3)}${template.charAt(enc4)}`; } } return output; } function fromBase64(input, useUrlTemplate = false, cutTailZeros = false) { const template = (useUrlTemplate) ? base64UrlTemplate : base64Template; function indexOf(toSearch) { for (let i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (template.charAt(i) === toSearch) return i; } return 64; } function test(incoming) { return ((incoming === 64) ? 0x00 : incoming); } let i = 0; let output = ""; while (i < input.length) { const enc1 = indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); const enc2 = (i >= input.length) ? 0x00 : indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); const enc3 = (i >= input.length) ? 0x00 : indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); const enc4 = (i >= input.length) ? 0x00 : indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); const chr1 = (test(enc1) << 2) | (test(enc2) >> 4); const chr2 = ((test(enc2) & 0x0F) << 4) | (test(enc3) >> 2); const chr3 = ((test(enc3) & 0x03) << 6) | test(enc4); output += String.fromCharCode(chr1); if (enc3 !== 64) { output += String.fromCharCode(chr2); } if (enc4 !== 64) { output += String.fromCharCode(chr3); } } if (cutTailZeros) { const outputLength = output.length; let nonZeroStart = (-1); for (let i = (outputLength - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (output.charCodeAt(i) !== 0) { nonZeroStart = i; break; } } if (nonZeroStart !== (-1)) { output = output.slice(0, nonZeroStart + 1); } else { output = ""; } } return output; } function arrayBufferToString(buffer) { let resultString = ""; const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (const element of view) { resultString += String.fromCharCode(element); } return resultString; } function stringToArrayBuffer(str) { const stringLength = str.length; const resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(stringLength); const resultView = new Uint8Array(resultBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { resultView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return resultBuffer; } const log2 = Math.log(2); function nearestPowerOf2(length) { const base = (Math.log(length) / log2); const floor = Math.floor(base); const round = Math.round(base); return ((floor === round) ? floor : round); } function clearProps(object, propsArray) { for (const prop of propsArray) { delete object[prop]; } } /*! * Copyright (c) 2014, GMO GlobalSign * Copyright (c) 2015-2022, Peculiar Ventures * All rights reserved. * * Author 2014-2019, Yury Strozhevsky * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ function assertBigInt() { if (typeof BigInt === "undefined") { throw new Error("BigInt is not defined. Your environment doesn't implement BigInt."); } } function concat(buffers) { let outputLength = 0; let prevLength = 0; for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; outputLength += buffer.byteLength; } const retView = new Uint8Array(outputLength); for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; retView.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), prevLength); prevLength += buffer.byteLength; } return retView.buffer; } function checkBufferParams(baseBlock, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!(inputBuffer instanceof Uint8Array)) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputBuffer must be 'Uint8Array'"; return false; } if (!inputBuffer.byteLength) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputBuffer has zero length"; return false; } if (inputOffset < 0) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputOffset less than zero"; return false; } if (inputLength < 0) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputLength less than zero"; return false; } if ((inputBuffer.byteLength - inputOffset - inputLength) < 0) { baseBlock.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded (inconsistent offset and length values)"; return false; } return true; } class ViewWriter { constructor() { this.items = []; } write(buf) { this.items.push(buf); } final() { return concat(this.items); } } const powers2 = [new Uint8Array([1])]; const digitsString = "0123456789"; const NAME = "name"; const VALUE_HEX_VIEW = "valueHexView"; const IS_HEX_ONLY = "isHexOnly"; const ID_BLOCK = "idBlock"; const TAG_CLASS = "tagClass"; const TAG_NUMBER = "tagNumber"; const IS_CONSTRUCTED = "isConstructed"; const FROM_BER = "fromBER"; const TO_BER = "toBER"; const LOCAL = "local"; const EMPTY_STRING$1 = ""; const EMPTY_BUFFER$1 = new ArrayBuffer(0); const EMPTY_VIEW = new Uint8Array(0); const END_OF_CONTENT_NAME = "EndOfContent"; const OCTET_STRING_NAME = "OCTET STRING"; const BIT_STRING_NAME = "BIT STRING"; function HexBlock(BaseClass) { var _a; return _a = class Some extends BaseClass { constructor(...args) { var _a; super(...args); const params = args[0] || {}; this.isHexOnly = (_a = params.isHexOnly) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; this.valueHexView = params.valueHex ? BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(params.valueHex) : EMPTY_VIEW; } get valueHex() { return this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } set valueHex(value) { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(value); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = inputBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(inputBuffer) : inputBuffer; if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const endLength = inputOffset + inputLength; this.valueHexView = view.subarray(inputOffset, endLength); if (!this.valueHexView.length) { this.warnings.push("Zero buffer length"); return inputOffset; } this.blockLength = inputLength; return endLength; } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { if (!this.isHexOnly) { this.error = "Flag 'isHexOnly' is not set, abort"; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } if (sizeOnly) { return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength); } return (this.valueHexView.byteLength === this.valueHexView.buffer.byteLength) ? this.valueHexView.buffer : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isHexOnly: this.isHexOnly, valueHex: Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView), }; } }, _a.NAME = "hexBlock", _a; } class LocalBaseBlock { constructor({ blockLength = 0, error = EMPTY_STRING$1, warnings = [], valueBeforeDecode = EMPTY_VIEW, } = {}) { this.blockLength = blockLength; this.error = error; this.warnings = warnings; this.valueBeforeDecodeView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(valueBeforeDecode); } static blockName() { return this.NAME; } get valueBeforeDecode() { return this.valueBeforeDecodeView.slice().buffer; } set valueBeforeDecode(value) { this.valueBeforeDecodeView = new Uint8Array(value); } toJSON() { return { blockName: this.constructor.NAME, blockLength: this.blockLength, error: this.error, warnings: this.warnings, valueBeforeDecode: Convert.ToHex(this.valueBeforeDecodeView), }; } } LocalBaseBlock.NAME = "baseBlock"; class ValueBlock extends LocalBaseBlock { fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { throw TypeError("User need to make a specific function in a class which extends 'ValueBlock'"); } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { throw TypeError("User need to make a specific function in a class which extends 'ValueBlock'"); } } ValueBlock.NAME = "valueBlock"; class LocalIdentificationBlock extends HexBlock(LocalBaseBlock) { constructor({ idBlock = {}, } = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; super(); if (idBlock) { this.isHexOnly = (_a = idBlock.isHexOnly) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; this.valueHexView = idBlock.valueHex ? BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(idBlock.valueHex) : EMPTY_VIEW; this.tagClass = (_b = idBlock.tagClass) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : -1; this.tagNumber = (_c = idBlock.tagNumber) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : -1; this.isConstructed = (_d = idBlock.isConstructed) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : false; } else { this.tagClass = -1; this.tagNumber = -1; this.isConstructed = false; } } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { let firstOctet = 0; switch (this.tagClass) { case 1: firstOctet |= 0x00; break; case 2: firstOctet |= 0x40; break; case 3: firstOctet |= 0x80; break; case 4: firstOctet |= 0xC0; break; default: this.error = "Unknown tag class"; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } if (this.isConstructed) firstOctet |= 0x20; if (this.tagNumber < 31 && !this.isHexOnly) { const retView = new Uint8Array(1); if (!sizeOnly) { let number = this.tagNumber; number &= 0x1F; firstOctet |= number; retView[0] = firstOctet; } return retView.buffer; } if (!this.isHexOnly) { const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.tagNumber, 7); const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const size = encodedBuf.byteLength; const retView = new Uint8Array(size + 1); retView[0] = (firstOctet | 0x1F); if (!sizeOnly) { for (let i = 0; i < (size - 1); i++) retView[i + 1] = encodedView[i] | 0x80; retView[size] = encodedView[size - 1]; } return retView.buffer; } const retView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.byteLength + 1); retView[0] = (firstOctet | 0x1F); if (!sizeOnly) { const curView = this.valueHexView; for (let i = 0; i < (curView.length - 1); i++) retView[i + 1] = curView[i] | 0x80; retView[this.valueHexView.byteLength] = curView[curView.length - 1]; } return retView.buffer; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const inputView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (intBuffer.length === 0) { this.error = "Zero buffer length"; return -1; } const tagClassMask = intBuffer[0] & 0xC0; switch (tagClassMask) { case 0x00: this.tagClass = (1); break; case 0x40: this.tagClass = (2); break; case 0x80: this.tagClass = (3); break; case 0xC0: this.tagClass = (4); break; default: this.error = "Unknown tag class"; return -1; } this.isConstructed = (intBuffer[0] & 0x20) === 0x20; this.isHexOnly = false; const tagNumberMask = intBuffer[0] & 0x1F; if (tagNumberMask !== 0x1F) { this.tagNumber = (tagNumberMask); this.blockLength = 1; } else { let count = 1; let intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(255); let tagNumberBufferMaxLength = 255; while (intBuffer[count] & 0x80) { intTagNumberBuffer[count - 1] = intBuffer[count] & 0x7F; count++; if (count >= intBuffer.length) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (count === tagNumberBufferMaxLength) { tagNumberBufferMaxLength += 255; const tempBufferView = new Uint8Array(tagNumberBufferMaxLength); for (let i = 0; i < intTagNumberBuffer.length; i++) tempBufferView[i] = intTagNumberBuffer[i]; intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(tagNumberBufferMaxLength); } } this.blockLength = (count + 1); intTagNumberBuffer[count - 1] = intBuffer[count] & 0x7F; const tempBufferView = new Uint8Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) tempBufferView[i] = intTagNumberBuffer[i]; intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(count); intTagNumberBuffer.set(tempBufferView); if (this.blockLength <= 9) this.tagNumber = utilFromBase(intTagNumberBuffer, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Tag too long, represented as hex-coded"); } } if (((this.tagClass === 1)) && (this.isConstructed)) { switch (this.tagNumber) { case 1: case 2: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 13: case 14: case 23: case 24: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: this.error = "Constructed encoding used for primitive type"; return -1; } } return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), tagClass: this.tagClass, tagNumber: this.tagNumber, isConstructed: this.isConstructed, }; } } LocalIdentificationBlock.NAME = "identificationBlock"; class LocalLengthBlock extends LocalBaseBlock { constructor({ lenBlock = {}, } = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; super(); this.isIndefiniteForm = (_a = lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; this.longFormUsed = (_b = lenBlock.longFormUsed) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false; this.length = (_c = lenBlock.length) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 0; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (intBuffer.length === 0) { this.error = "Zero buffer length"; return -1; } if (intBuffer[0] === 0xFF) { this.error = "Length block 0xFF is reserved by standard"; return -1; } this.isIndefiniteForm = intBuffer[0] === 0x80; if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { this.blockLength = 1; return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } this.longFormUsed = !!(intBuffer[0] & 0x80); if (this.longFormUsed === false) { this.length = (intBuffer[0]); this.blockLength = 1; return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } const count = intBuffer[0] & 0x7F; if (count > 8) { this.error = "Too big integer"; return -1; } if ((count + 1) > intBuffer.length) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } const lenOffset = inputOffset + 1; const lengthBufferView = view.subarray(lenOffset, lenOffset + count); if (lengthBufferView[count - 1] === 0x00) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long encoded length"); this.length = utilFromBase(lengthBufferView, 8); if (this.longFormUsed && (this.length <= 127)) this.warnings.push("Unnecessary usage of long length form"); this.blockLength = count + 1; return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { let retBuf; let retView; if (this.length > 127) this.longFormUsed = true; if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1); if (sizeOnly === false) { retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = 0x80; } return retBuf; } if (this.longFormUsed) { const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.length, 8); if (encodedBuf.byteLength > 127) { this.error = "Too big length"; return (EMPTY_BUFFER$1); } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(encodedBuf.byteLength + 1); if (sizeOnly) return retBuf; const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = encodedBuf.byteLength | 0x80; for (let i = 0; i < encodedBuf.byteLength; i++) retView[i + 1] = encodedView[i]; return retBuf; } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1); if (sizeOnly === false) { retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = this.length; } return retBuf; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isIndefiniteForm: this.isIndefiniteForm, longFormUsed: this.longFormUsed, length: this.length, }; } } LocalLengthBlock.NAME = "lengthBlock"; const typeStore = {}; class BaseBlock extends LocalBaseBlock { constructor({ name = EMPTY_STRING$1, optional = false, primitiveSchema, ...parameters } = {}, valueBlockType) { super(parameters); this.name = name; this.optional = optional; if (primitiveSchema) { this.primitiveSchema = primitiveSchema; } this.idBlock = new LocalIdentificationBlock(parameters); this.lenBlock = new LocalLengthBlock(parameters); this.valueBlock = valueBlockType ? new valueBlockType(parameters) : new ValueBlock(parameters); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const _writer = writer || new ViewWriter(); if (!writer) { prepareIndefiniteForm(this); } const idBlockBuf = this.idBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); _writer.write(idBlockBuf); if (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) { _writer.write(new Uint8Array([0x80]).buffer); this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly, _writer); _writer.write(new ArrayBuffer(2)); } else { const valueBlockBuf = this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); this.lenBlock.length = valueBlockBuf.byteLength; const lenBlockBuf = this.lenBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); _writer.write(lenBlockBuf); _writer.write(valueBlockBuf); } if (!writer) { return _writer.final(); } return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), idBlock: this.idBlock.toJSON(), lenBlock: this.lenBlock.toJSON(), valueBlock: this.valueBlock.toJSON(), name: this.name, optional: this.optional, }; if (this.primitiveSchema) object.primitiveSchema = this.primitiveSchema.toJSON(); return object; } toString(encoding = "ascii") { if (encoding === "ascii") { return this.onAsciiEncoding(); } return Convert.ToHex(this.toBER()); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${Convert.ToHex(this.valueBlock.valueBeforeDecodeView)}`; } isEqual(other) { if (this === other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof this.constructor)) { return false; } const thisRaw = this.toBER(); const otherRaw = other.toBER(); return isEqualBuffer(thisRaw, otherRaw); } } BaseBlock.NAME = "BaseBlock"; function prepareIndefiniteForm(baseBlock) { if (baseBlock instanceof typeStore.Constructed) { for (const value of baseBlock.valueBlock.value) { if (prepareIndefiniteForm(value)) { baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true; } } } return !!baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; } class BaseStringBlock extends BaseBlock { constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING$1, ...parameters } = {}, stringValueBlockType) { super(parameters, stringValueBlockType); if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } getValue() { return this.valueBlock.value; } setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.value = value; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } this.fromBuffer(this.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : '${this.valueBlock.value}'`; } } BaseStringBlock.NAME = "BaseStringBlock"; class LocalPrimitiveValueBlock extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ isHexOnly = true, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isHexOnly = isHexOnly; } } LocalPrimitiveValueBlock.NAME = "PrimitiveValueBlock"; var _a$w; class Primitive extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalPrimitiveValueBlock); this.idBlock.isConstructed = false; } } _a$w = Primitive; (() => { typeStore.Primitive = _a$w; })(); Primitive.NAME = "PRIMITIVE"; function localChangeType(inputObject, newType) { if (inputObject instanceof newType) { return inputObject; } const newObject = new newType(); newObject.idBlock = inputObject.idBlock; newObject.lenBlock = inputObject.lenBlock; newObject.warnings = inputObject.warnings; newObject.valueBeforeDecodeView = inputObject.valueBeforeDecodeView; return newObject; } function localFromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset = 0, inputLength = inputBuffer.length) { const incomingOffset = inputOffset; let returnObject = new BaseBlock({}, ValueBlock); const baseBlock = new LocalBaseBlock(); if (!checkBufferParams(baseBlock, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength)) { returnObject.error = baseBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } const intBuffer = inputBuffer.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (!intBuffer.length) { returnObject.error = "Zero buffer length"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } let resultOffset = returnObject.idBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.idBlock.warnings.length) { returnObject.warnings.concat(returnObject.idBlock.warnings); } if (resultOffset === -1) { returnObject.error = returnObject.idBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } inputOffset = resultOffset; inputLength -= returnObject.idBlock.blockLength; resultOffset = returnObject.lenBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.lenBlock.warnings.length) { returnObject.warnings.concat(returnObject.lenBlock.warnings); } if (resultOffset === -1) { returnObject.error = returnObject.lenBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } inputOffset = resultOffset; inputLength -= returnObject.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed && returnObject.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) { returnObject.error = "Indefinite length form used for primitive encoding form"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } let newASN1Type = BaseBlock; switch (returnObject.idBlock.tagClass) { case 1: if ((returnObject.idBlock.tagNumber >= 37) && (returnObject.idBlock.isHexOnly === false)) { returnObject.error = "UNIVERSAL 37 and upper tags are reserved by ASN.1 standard"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } switch (returnObject.idBlock.tagNumber) { case 0: if ((returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed) && (returnObject.lenBlock.length > 0)) { returnObject.error = "Type [UNIVERSAL 0] is reserved"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } newASN1Type = typeStore.EndOfContent; break; case 1: newASN1Type = typeStore.Boolean; break; case 2: newASN1Type = typeStore.Integer; break; case 3: newASN1Type = typeStore.BitString; break; case 4: newASN1Type = typeStore.OctetString; break; case 5: newASN1Type = typeStore.Null; break; case 6: newASN1Type = typeStore.ObjectIdentifier; break; case 10: newASN1Type = typeStore.Enumerated; break; case 12: newASN1Type = typeStore.Utf8String; break; case 13: newASN1Type = typeStore.RelativeObjectIdentifier; break; case 14: newASN1Type = typeStore.TIME; break; case 15: returnObject.error = "[UNIVERSAL 15] is reserved by ASN.1 standard"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; case 16: newASN1Type = typeStore.Sequence; break; case 17: newASN1Type = typeStore.Set; break; case 18: newASN1Type = typeStore.NumericString; break; case 19: newASN1Type = typeStore.PrintableString; break; case 20: newASN1Type = typeStore.TeletexString; break; case 21: newASN1Type = typeStore.VideotexString; break; case 22: newASN1Type = typeStore.IA5String; break; case 23: newASN1Type = typeStore.UTCTime; break; case 24: newASN1Type = typeStore.GeneralizedTime; break; case 25: newASN1Type = typeStore.GraphicString; break; case 26: newASN1Type = typeStore.VisibleString; break; case 27: newASN1Type = typeStore.GeneralString; break; case 28: newASN1Type = typeStore.UniversalString; break; case 29: newASN1Type = typeStore.CharacterString; break; case 30: newASN1Type = typeStore.BmpString; break; case 31: newASN1Type = typeStore.DATE; break; case 32: newASN1Type = typeStore.TimeOfDay; break; case 33: newASN1Type = typeStore.DateTime; break; case 34: newASN1Type = typeStore.Duration; break; default: { const newObject = returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed ? new typeStore.Constructed() : new typeStore.Primitive(); newObject.idBlock = returnObject.idBlock; newObject.lenBlock = returnObject.lenBlock; newObject.warnings = returnObject.warnings; returnObject = newObject; } } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: default: { newASN1Type = returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed ? typeStore.Constructed : typeStore.Primitive; } } returnObject = localChangeType(returnObject, newASN1Type); resultOffset = returnObject.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, returnObject.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm ? inputLength : returnObject.lenBlock.length); returnObject.valueBeforeDecodeView = inputBuffer.subarray(incomingOffset, incomingOffset + returnObject.blockLength); return { offset: resultOffset, result: returnObject }; } function fromBER(inputBuffer) { if (!inputBuffer.byteLength) { const result = new BaseBlock({}, ValueBlock); result.error = "Input buffer has zero length"; return { offset: -1, result }; } return localFromBER(BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer).slice(), 0, inputBuffer.byteLength); } function checkLen(indefiniteLength, length) { if (indefiniteLength) { return 1; } return length; } class LocalConstructedValueBlock extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = [], isIndefiniteForm = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; this.isIndefiniteForm = isIndefiniteForm; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } this.valueBeforeDecodeView = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (this.valueBeforeDecodeView.length === 0) { this.warnings.push("Zero buffer length"); return inputOffset; } let currentOffset = inputOffset; while (checkLen(this.isIndefiniteForm, inputLength) > 0) { const returnObject = localFromBER(view, currentOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.offset === -1) { this.error = returnObject.result.error; this.warnings.concat(returnObject.result.warnings); return -1; } currentOffset = returnObject.offset; this.blockLength += returnObject.result.blockLength; inputLength -= returnObject.result.blockLength; this.value.push(returnObject.result); if (this.isIndefiniteForm && returnObject.result.constructor.NAME === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { break; } } if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { if (this.value[this.value.length - 1].constructor.NAME === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { this.value.pop(); } else { this.warnings.push("No EndOfContent block encoded"); } } return currentOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const _writer = writer || new ViewWriter(); for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly, _writer); } if (!writer) { return _writer.final(); } return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), isIndefiniteForm: this.isIndefiniteForm, value: [], }; for (const value of this.value) { object.value.push(value.toJSON()); } return object; } } LocalConstructedValueBlock.NAME = "ConstructedValueBlock"; var _a$v; class Constructed extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalConstructedValueBlock); this.idBlock.isConstructed = true; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } onAsciiEncoding() { const values = []; for (const value of this.valueBlock.value) { values.push(value.toString("ascii").split("\n").map(o => ` ${o}`).join("\n")); } const blockName = this.idBlock.tagClass === 3 ? `[${this.idBlock.tagNumber}]` : this.constructor.NAME; return values.length ? `${blockName} :\n${values.join("\n")}` : `${blockName} :`; } } _a$v = Constructed; (() => { typeStore.Constructed = _a$v; })(); Constructed.NAME = "CONSTRUCTED"; class LocalEndOfContentValueBlock extends ValueBlock { fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { return inputOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } } LocalEndOfContentValueBlock.override = "EndOfContentValueBlock"; var _a$u; class EndOfContent extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalEndOfContentValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 0; } } _a$u = EndOfContent; (() => { typeStore.EndOfContent = _a$u; })(); EndOfContent.NAME = END_OF_CONTENT_NAME; var _a$t; class Null extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, ValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 5; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (this.lenBlock.length > 0) this.warnings.push("Non-zero length of value block for Null type"); if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; this.blockLength += inputLength; if ((inputOffset + inputLength) > inputBuffer.byteLength) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded (inconsistent offset and length values)"; return -1; } return (inputOffset + inputLength); } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(2); if (!sizeOnly) { const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = 0x05; retView[1] = 0x00; } if (writer) { writer.write(retBuf); } return retBuf; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME}`; } } _a$t = Null; (() => { typeStore.Null = _a$t; })(); Null.NAME = "NULL"; class LocalBooleanValueBlock extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ value, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); if (parameters.valueHex) { this.valueHexView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(parameters.valueHex); } else { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(1); } if (value) { this.value = value; } } get value() { for (const octet of this.valueHexView) { if (octet > 0) { return true; } } return false; } set value(value) { this.valueHexView[0] = value ? 0xFF : 0x00; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const inputView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } this.valueHexView = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (inputLength > 1) this.warnings.push("Boolean value encoded in more then 1 octet"); this.isHexOnly = true; utilDecodeTC.call(this); this.blockLength = inputLength; return (inputOffset + inputLength); } toBER() { return this.valueHexView.slice(); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.value, }; } } LocalBooleanValueBlock.NAME = "BooleanValueBlock"; var _a$s; class Boolean extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalBooleanValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; } getValue() { return this.valueBlock.value; } setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.value = value; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.getValue}`; } } _a$s = Boolean; (() => { typeStore.Boolean = _a$s; })(); Boolean.NAME = "BOOLEAN"; class LocalOctetStringValueBlock extends HexBlock(LocalConstructedValueBlock) { constructor({ isConstructed = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isConstructed = isConstructed; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = 0; if (this.isConstructed) { this.isHexOnly = false; resultOffset = LocalConstructedValueBlock.prototype.fromBER.call(this, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) return resultOffset; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const currentBlockName = this.value[i].constructor.NAME; if (currentBlockName === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { if (this.isIndefiniteForm) break; else { this.error = "EndOfContent is unexpected, OCTET STRING may consists of OCTET STRINGs only"; return -1; } } if (currentBlockName !== OCTET_STRING_NAME) { this.error = "OCTET STRING may consists of OCTET STRINGs only"; return -1; } } } else { this.isHexOnly = true; resultOffset = super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); this.blockLength = inputLength; } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { if (this.isConstructed) return LocalConstructedValueBlock.prototype.toBER.call(this, sizeOnly, writer); return sizeOnly ? new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength) : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isConstructed: this.isConstructed, }; } } LocalOctetStringValueBlock.NAME = "OctetStringValueBlock"; var _a$r; class OctetString extends BaseBlock { constructor({ idBlock = {}, lenBlock = {}, ...parameters } = {}) { var _b, _c; (_b = parameters.isConstructed) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (parameters.isConstructed = !!((_c = parameters.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.length)); super({ idBlock: { isConstructed: parameters.isConstructed, ...idBlock, }, lenBlock: { ...lenBlock, isIndefiniteForm: !!parameters.isIndefiniteForm, }, ...parameters, }, LocalOctetStringValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 4; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isConstructed = this.idBlock.isConstructed; this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; if (inputLength === 0) { if (this.idBlock.error.length === 0) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (this.lenBlock.error.length === 0) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; return inputOffset; } if (!this.valueBlock.isConstructed) { const view = inputBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(inputBuffer) : inputBuffer; const buf = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); try { if (buf.byteLength) { const asn = localFromBER(buf, 0, buf.byteLength); if (asn.offset !== -1 && asn.offset === inputLength) { this.valueBlock.value = [asn.result]; } } } catch (e) { } } return super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); } onAsciiEncoding() { if (this.valueBlock.isConstructed || (this.valueBlock.value && this.valueBlock.value.length)) { return Constructed.prototype.onAsciiEncoding.call(this); } return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${Convert.ToHex(this.valueBlock.valueHexView)}`; } getValue() { if (!this.idBlock.isConstructed) { return this.valueBlock.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } const array = []; for (const content of this.valueBlock.value) { if (content instanceof OctetString) { array.push(content.valueBlock.valueHexView); } } return BufferSourceConverter.concat(array); } } _a$r = OctetString; (() => { typeStore.OctetString = _a$r; })(); OctetString.NAME = OCTET_STRING_NAME; class LocalBitStringValueBlock extends HexBlock(LocalConstructedValueBlock) { constructor({ unusedBits = 0, isConstructed = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.unusedBits = unusedBits; this.isConstructed = isConstructed; this.blockLength = this.valueHexView.byteLength; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!inputLength) { return inputOffset; } let resultOffset = -1; if (this.isConstructed) { resultOffset = LocalConstructedValueBlock.prototype.fromBER.call(this, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) return resultOffset; for (const value of this.value) { const currentBlockName = value.constructor.NAME; if (currentBlockName === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { if (this.isIndefiniteForm) break; else { this.error = "EndOfContent is unexpected, BIT STRING may consists of BIT STRINGs only"; return -1; } } if (currentBlockName !== BIT_STRING_NAME) { this.error = "BIT STRING may consists of BIT STRINGs only"; return -1; } const valueBlock = value.valueBlock; if ((this.unusedBits > 0) && (valueBlock.unusedBits > 0)) { this.error = "Using of \"unused bits\" inside constructive BIT STRING allowed for least one only"; return -1; } this.unusedBits = valueBlock.unusedBits; } return resultOffset; } const inputView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.unusedBits = intBuffer[0]; if (this.unusedBits > 7) { this.error = "Unused bits for BitString must be in range 0-7"; return -1; } if (!this.unusedBits) { const buf = intBuffer.subarray(1); try { if (buf.byteLength) { const asn = localFromBER(buf, 0, buf.byteLength); if (asn.offset !== -1 && asn.offset === (inputLength - 1)) { this.value = [asn.result]; } } } catch (e) { } } this.valueHexView = intBuffer.subarray(1); this.blockLength = intBuffer.length; return (inputOffset + inputLength); } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { if (this.isConstructed) { return LocalConstructedValueBlock.prototype.toBER.call(this, sizeOnly, writer); } if (sizeOnly) { return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength + 1); } if (!this.valueHexView.byteLength) { return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } const retView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.length + 1); retView[0] = this.unusedBits; retView.set(this.valueHexView, 1); return retView.buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), unusedBits: this.unusedBits, isConstructed: this.isConstructed, }; } } LocalBitStringValueBlock.NAME = "BitStringValueBlock"; var _a$q; class BitString extends BaseBlock { constructor({ idBlock = {}, lenBlock = {}, ...parameters } = {}) { var _b, _c; (_b = parameters.isConstructed) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (parameters.isConstructed = !!((_c = parameters.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.length)); super({ idBlock: { isConstructed: parameters.isConstructed, ...idBlock, }, lenBlock: { ...lenBlock, isIndefiniteForm: !!parameters.isIndefiniteForm, }, ...parameters, }, LocalBitStringValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 3; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isConstructed = this.idBlock.isConstructed; this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; return super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); } onAsciiEncoding() { if (this.valueBlock.isConstructed || (this.valueBlock.value && this.valueBlock.value.length)) { return Constructed.prototype.onAsciiEncoding.call(this); } else { const bits = []; const valueHex = this.valueBlock.valueHexView; for (const byte of valueHex) { bits.push(byte.toString(2).padStart(8, "0")); } const bitsStr = bits.join(""); return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${bitsStr.substring(0, bitsStr.length - this.valueBlock.unusedBits)}`; } } } _a$q = BitString; (() => { typeStore.BitString = _a$q; })(); BitString.NAME = BIT_STRING_NAME; var _a$p; function viewAdd(first, second) { const c = new Uint8Array([0]); const firstView = new Uint8Array(first); const secondView = new Uint8Array(second); let firstViewCopy = firstView.slice(0); const firstViewCopyLength = firstViewCopy.length - 1; const secondViewCopy = secondView.slice(0); const secondViewCopyLength = secondViewCopy.length - 1; let value = 0; const max = (secondViewCopyLength < firstViewCopyLength) ? firstViewCopyLength : secondViewCopyLength; let counter = 0; for (let i = max; i >= 0; i--, counter++) { switch (true) { case (counter < secondViewCopy.length): value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] + secondViewCopy[secondViewCopyLength - counter] + c[0]; break; default: value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] + c[0]; } c[0] = value / 10; switch (true) { case (counter >= firstViewCopy.length): firstViewCopy = utilConcatView(new Uint8Array([value % 10]), firstViewCopy); break; default: firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value % 10; } } if (c[0] > 0) firstViewCopy = utilConcatView(c, firstViewCopy); return firstViewCopy; } function power2(n) { if (n >= powers2.length) { for (let p = powers2.length; p <= n; p++) { const c = new Uint8Array([0]); let digits = (powers2[p - 1]).slice(0); for (let i = (digits.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { const newValue = new Uint8Array([(digits[i] << 1) + c[0]]); c[0] = newValue[0] / 10; digits[i] = newValue[0] % 10; } if (c[0] > 0) digits = utilConcatView(c, digits); powers2.push(digits); } } return powers2[n]; } function viewSub(first, second) { let b = 0; const firstView = new Uint8Array(first); const secondView = new Uint8Array(second); const firstViewCopy = firstView.slice(0); const firstViewCopyLength = firstViewCopy.length - 1; const secondViewCopy = secondView.slice(0); const secondViewCopyLength = secondViewCopy.length - 1; let value; let counter = 0; for (let i = secondViewCopyLength; i >= 0; i--, counter++) { value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] - secondViewCopy[secondViewCopyLength - counter] - b; switch (true) { case (value < 0): b = 1; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value + 10; break; default: b = 0; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value; } } if (b > 0) { for (let i = (firstViewCopyLength - secondViewCopyLength + 1); i >= 0; i--, counter++) { value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] - b; if (value < 0) { b = 1; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value + 10; } else { b = 0; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value; break; } } } return firstViewCopy.slice(); } class LocalIntegerValueBlock extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ value, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this._valueDec = 0; if (parameters.valueHex) { this.setValueHex(); } if (value !== undefined) { this.valueDec = value; } } setValueHex() { if (this.valueHexView.length >= 4) { this.warnings.push("Too big Integer for decoding, hex only"); this.isHexOnly = true; this._valueDec = 0; } else { this.isHexOnly = false; if (this.valueHexView.length > 0) { this._valueDec = utilDecodeTC.call(this); } } } set valueDec(v) { this._valueDec = v; this.isHexOnly = false; this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(utilEncodeTC(v)); } get valueDec() { return this._valueDec; } fromDER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength, expectedLength = 0) { const offset = this.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (offset === -1) return offset; const view = this.valueHexView; if ((view[0] === 0x00) && ((view[1] & 0x80) !== 0)) { this.valueHexView = view.subarray(1); } else { if (expectedLength !== 0) { if (view.length < expectedLength) { if ((expectedLength - view.length) > 1) expectedLength = view.length + 1; this.valueHexView = view.subarray(expectedLength - view.length); } } } return offset; } toDER(sizeOnly = false) { const view = this.valueHexView; switch (true) { case ((view[0] & 0x80) !== 0): { const updatedView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.length + 1); updatedView[0] = 0x00; updatedView.set(view, 1); this.valueHexView = updatedView; } break; case ((view[0] === 0x00) && ((view[1] & 0x80) === 0)): { this.valueHexView = this.valueHexView.subarray(1); } break; } return this.toBER(sizeOnly); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { return resultOffset; } this.setValueHex(); return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return sizeOnly ? new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.length) : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec, }; } toString() { const firstBit = (this.valueHexView.length * 8) - 1; let digits = new Uint8Array((this.valueHexView.length * 8) / 3); let bitNumber = 0; let currentByte; const asn1View = this.valueHexView; let result = ""; let flag = false; for (let byteNumber = (asn1View.byteLength - 1); byteNumber >= 0; byteNumber--) { currentByte = asn1View[byteNumber]; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((currentByte & 1) === 1) { switch (bitNumber) { case firstBit: digits = viewSub(power2(bitNumber), digits); result = "-"; break; default: digits = viewAdd(digits, power2(bitNumber)); } } bitNumber++; currentByte >>= 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) { if (digits[i]) flag = true; if (flag) result += digitsString.charAt(digits[i]); } if (flag === false) result += digitsString.charAt(0); return result; } } _a$p = LocalIntegerValueBlock; LocalIntegerValueBlock.NAME = "IntegerValueBlock"; (() => { Object.defineProperty(_a$p.prototype, "valueHex", { set: function (v) { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(v); this.setValueHex(); }, get: function () { return this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; }, }); })(); var _a$o; class Integer extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalIntegerValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 2; } toBigInt() { assertBigInt(); return BigInt(this.valueBlock.toString()); } static fromBigInt(value) { assertBigInt(); const bigIntValue = BigInt(value); const writer = new ViewWriter(); const hex = bigIntValue.toString(16).replace(/^-/, ""); const view = new Uint8Array(Convert.FromHex(hex)); if (bigIntValue < 0) { const first = new Uint8Array(view.length + (view[0] & 0x80 ? 1 : 0)); first[0] |= 0x80; const firstInt = BigInt(`0x${Convert.ToHex(first)}`); const secondInt = firstInt + bigIntValue; const second = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(Convert.FromHex(secondInt.toString(16))); second[0] |= 0x80; writer.write(second); } else { if (view[0] & 0x80) { writer.write(new Uint8Array([0])); } writer.write(view); } const res = new Integer({ valueHex: writer.final(), }); return res; } convertToDER() { const integer = new Integer({ valueHex: this.valueBlock.valueHexView }); integer.valueBlock.toDER(); return integer; } convertFromDER() { return new Integer({ valueHex: this.valueBlock.valueHexView[0] === 0 ? this.valueBlock.valueHexView.subarray(1) : this.valueBlock.valueHexView, }); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString()}`; } } _a$o = Integer; (() => { typeStore.Integer = _a$o; })(); Integer.NAME = "INTEGER"; var _a$n; class Enumerated extends Integer { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 10; } } _a$n = Enumerated; (() => { typeStore.Enumerated = _a$n; })(); Enumerated.NAME = "ENUMERATED"; class LocalSidValueBlock extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ valueDec = -1, isFirstSid = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.valueDec = valueDec; this.isFirstSid = isFirstSid; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!inputLength) { return inputOffset; } const inputView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(inputLength); for (let i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { this.valueHexView[i] = intBuffer[i] & 0x7F; this.blockLength++; if ((intBuffer[i] & 0x80) === 0x00) break; } const tempView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength; i++) { tempView[i] = this.valueHexView[i]; } this.valueHexView = tempView; if ((intBuffer[this.blockLength - 1] & 0x80) !== 0x00) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (this.valueHexView[0] === 0x00) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format of SID encoding"); if (this.blockLength <= 8) this.valueDec = utilFromBase(this.valueHexView, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Too big SID for decoding, hex only"); } return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } set valueBigInt(value) { assertBigInt(); let bits = BigInt(value).toString(2); while (bits.length % 7) { bits = "0" + bits; } const bytes = new Uint8Array(bits.length / 7); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = parseInt(bits.slice(i * 7, i * 7 + 7), 2) + (i + 1 < bytes.length ? 0x80 : 0); } this.fromBER(bytes.buffer, 0, bytes.length); } toBER(sizeOnly) { if (this.isHexOnly) { if (sizeOnly) return (new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength)); const curView = this.valueHexView; const retView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < (this.blockLength - 1); i++) retView[i] = curView[i] | 0x80; retView[this.blockLength - 1] = curView[this.blockLength - 1]; return retView.buffer; } const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.valueDec, 7); if (encodedBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = "Error during encoding SID value"; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } const retView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf.byteLength); if (!sizeOnly) { const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const len = encodedBuf.byteLength - 1; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) retView[i] = encodedView[i] | 0x80; retView[len] = encodedView[len]; } return retView; } toString() { let result = ""; if (this.isHexOnly) result = Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView); else { if (this.isFirstSid) { let sidValue = this.valueDec; if (this.valueDec <= 39) result = "0."; else { if (this.valueDec <= 79) { result = "1."; sidValue -= 40; } else { result = "2."; sidValue -= 80; } } result += sidValue.toString(); } else result = this.valueDec.toString(); } return result; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec, isFirstSid: this.isFirstSid, }; } } LocalSidValueBlock.NAME = "sidBlock"; class LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING$1, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = []; if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = inputOffset; while (inputLength > 0) { const sidBlock = new LocalSidValueBlock(); resultOffset = sidBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, resultOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.blockLength = 0; this.error = sidBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (this.value.length === 0) sidBlock.isFirstSid = true; this.blockLength += sidBlock.blockLength; inputLength -= sidBlock.blockLength; this.value.push(sidBlock); } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { const retBuffers = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const valueBuf = this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly); if (valueBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = this.value[i].error; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } retBuffers.push(valueBuf); } return concat(retBuffers); } fromString(string) { this.value = []; let pos1 = 0; let pos2 = 0; let sid = ""; let flag = false; do { pos2 = string.indexOf(".", pos1); if (pos2 === -1) sid = string.substring(pos1); else sid = string.substring(pos1, pos2); pos1 = pos2 + 1; if (flag) { const sidBlock = this.value[0]; let plus = 0; switch (sidBlock.valueDec) { case 0: break; case 1: plus = 40; break; case 2: plus = 80; break; default: this.value = []; return; } const parsedSID = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(parsedSID)) return; sidBlock.valueDec = parsedSID + plus; flag = false; } else { const sidBlock = new LocalSidValueBlock(); if (sid > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { assertBigInt(); const sidValue = BigInt(sid); sidBlock.valueBigInt = sidValue; } else { sidBlock.valueDec = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(sidBlock.valueDec)) return; } if (!this.value.length) { sidBlock.isFirstSid = true; flag = true; } this.value.push(sidBlock); } } while (pos2 !== -1); } toString() { let result = ""; let isHexOnly = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { isHexOnly = this.value[i].isHexOnly; let sidStr = this.value[i].toString(); if (i !== 0) result = `${result}.`; if (isHexOnly) { sidStr = `{${sidStr}}`; if (this.value[i].isFirstSid) result = `2.{${sidStr} - 80}`; else result += sidStr; } else result += sidStr; } return result; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.toString(), sidArray: [], }; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { object.sidArray.push(this.value[i].toJSON()); } return object; } } LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock.NAME = "ObjectIdentifierValueBlock"; var _a$m; class ObjectIdentifier extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 6; } getValue() { return this.valueBlock.toString(); } setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.fromString(value); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString() || "empty"}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.getValue(), }; } } _a$m = ObjectIdentifier; (() => { typeStore.ObjectIdentifier = _a$m; })(); ObjectIdentifier.NAME = "OBJECT IDENTIFIER"; class LocalRelativeSidValueBlock extends HexBlock(LocalBaseBlock) { constructor({ valueDec = 0, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.valueDec = valueDec; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (inputLength === 0) return inputOffset; const inputView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) return -1; const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(inputLength); for (let i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { this.valueHexView[i] = intBuffer[i] & 0x7F; this.blockLength++; if ((intBuffer[i] & 0x80) === 0x00) break; } const tempView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength; i++) tempView[i] = this.valueHexView[i]; this.valueHexView = tempView; if ((intBuffer[this.blockLength - 1] & 0x80) !== 0x00) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (this.valueHexView[0] === 0x00) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format of SID encoding"); if (this.blockLength <= 8) this.valueDec = utilFromBase(this.valueHexView, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Too big SID for decoding, hex only"); } return (inputOffset + this.blockLength); } toBER(sizeOnly) { if (this.isHexOnly) { if (sizeOnly) return (new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength)); const curView = this.valueHexView; const retView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < (this.blockLength - 1); i++) retView[i] = curView[i] | 0x80; retView[this.blockLength - 1] = curView[this.blockLength - 1]; return retView.buffer; } const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.valueDec, 7); if (encodedBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = "Error during encoding SID value"; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } const retView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf.byteLength); if (!sizeOnly) { const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const len = encodedBuf.byteLength - 1; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) retView[i] = encodedView[i] | 0x80; retView[len] = encodedView[len]; } return retView.buffer; } toString() { let result = ""; if (this.isHexOnly) result = Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView); else { result = this.valueDec.toString(); } return result; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec, }; } } LocalRelativeSidValueBlock.NAME = "relativeSidBlock"; class LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING$1, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = []; if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = inputOffset; while (inputLength > 0) { const sidBlock = new LocalRelativeSidValueBlock(); resultOffset = sidBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, resultOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.blockLength = 0; this.error = sidBlock.error; return resultOffset; } this.blockLength += sidBlock.blockLength; inputLength -= sidBlock.blockLength; this.value.push(sidBlock); } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const retBuffers = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const valueBuf = this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly); if (valueBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = this.value[i].error; return EMPTY_BUFFER$1; } retBuffers.push(valueBuf); } return concat(retBuffers); } fromString(string) { this.value = []; let pos1 = 0; let pos2 = 0; let sid = ""; do { pos2 = string.indexOf(".", pos1); if (pos2 === -1) sid = string.substring(pos1); else sid = string.substring(pos1, pos2); pos1 = pos2 + 1; const sidBlock = new LocalRelativeSidValueBlock(); sidBlock.valueDec = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(sidBlock.valueDec)) return true; this.value.push(sidBlock); } while (pos2 !== -1); return true; } toString() { let result = ""; let isHexOnly = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { isHexOnly = this.value[i].isHexOnly; let sidStr = this.value[i].toString(); if (i !== 0) result = `${result}.`; if (isHexOnly) { sidStr = `{${sidStr}}`; result += sidStr; } else result += sidStr; } return result; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.toString(), sidArray: [], }; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) object.sidArray.push(this.value[i].toJSON()); return object; } } LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock.NAME = "RelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock"; var _a$l; class RelativeObjectIdentifier extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 13; } getValue() { return this.valueBlock.toString(); } setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.fromString(value); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString() || "empty"}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.getValue(), }; } } _a$l = RelativeObjectIdentifier; (() => { typeStore.RelativeObjectIdentifier = _a$l; })(); RelativeObjectIdentifier.NAME = "RelativeObjectIdentifier"; var _a$k; class Sequence extends Constructed { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 16; } } _a$k = Sequence; (() => { typeStore.Sequence = _a$k; })(); Sequence.NAME = "SEQUENCE"; var _a$j; class Set extends Constructed { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 17; } } _a$j = Set; (() => { typeStore.Set = _a$j; })(); Set.NAME = "SET"; class LocalStringValueBlock extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isHexOnly = true; this.value = EMPTY_STRING$1; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.value, }; } } LocalStringValueBlock.NAME = "StringValueBlock"; class LocalSimpleStringValueBlock extends LocalStringValueBlock { } LocalSimpleStringValueBlock.NAME = "SimpleStringValueBlock"; class LocalSimpleStringBlock extends BaseStringBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters, LocalSimpleStringValueBlock); } fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.value = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer)); } fromString(inputString) { const strLen = inputString.length; const view = this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(strLen); for (let i = 0; i < strLen; i++) view[i] = inputString.charCodeAt(i); this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } } LocalSimpleStringBlock.NAME = "SIMPLE STRING"; class LocalUtf8StringValueBlock extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.valueHexView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); try { this.valueBlock.value = Convert.ToUtf8String(inputBuffer); } catch (ex) { this.warnings.push(`Error during "decodeURIComponent": ${ex}, using raw string`); this.valueBlock.value = Convert.ToBinary(inputBuffer); } } fromString(inputString) { this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(Convert.FromUtf8String(inputString)); this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } } LocalUtf8StringValueBlock.NAME = "Utf8StringValueBlock"; var _a$i; class Utf8String extends LocalUtf8StringValueBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 12; } } _a$i = Utf8String; (() => { typeStore.Utf8String = _a$i; })(); Utf8String.NAME = "UTF8String"; class LocalBmpStringValueBlock extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.value = Convert.ToUtf16String(inputBuffer); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); } fromString(inputString) { this.valueBlock.value = inputString; this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(Convert.FromUtf16String(inputString)); } } LocalBmpStringValueBlock.NAME = "BmpStringValueBlock"; var _a$h; class BmpString extends LocalBmpStringValueBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 30; } } _a$h = BmpString; (() => { typeStore.BmpString = _a$h; })(); BmpString.NAME = "BMPString"; class LocalUniversalStringValueBlock extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { const copyBuffer = ArrayBuffer.isView(inputBuffer) ? inputBuffer.slice().buffer : inputBuffer.slice(0); const valueView = new Uint8Array(copyBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < valueView.length; i += 4) { valueView[i] = valueView[i + 3]; valueView[i + 1] = valueView[i + 2]; valueView[i + 2] = 0x00; valueView[i + 3] = 0x00; } this.valueBlock.value = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint32Array(copyBuffer)); } fromString(inputString) { const strLength = inputString.length; const valueHexView = this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(strLength * 4); for (let i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { const codeBuf = utilToBase(inputString.charCodeAt(i), 8); const codeView = new Uint8Array(codeBuf); if (codeView.length > 4) continue; const dif = 4 - codeView.length; for (let j = (codeView.length - 1); j >= 0; j--) valueHexView[i * 4 + j + dif] = codeView[j]; } this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } } LocalUniversalStringValueBlock.NAME = "UniversalStringValueBlock"; var _a$g; class UniversalString extends LocalUniversalStringValueBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 28; } } _a$g = UniversalString; (() => { typeStore.UniversalString = _a$g; })(); UniversalString.NAME = "UniversalString"; var _a$f; class NumericString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 18; } } _a$f = NumericString; (() => { typeStore.NumericString = _a$f; })(); NumericString.NAME = "NumericString"; var _a$e; class PrintableString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 19; } } _a$e = PrintableString; (() => { typeStore.PrintableString = _a$e; })(); PrintableString.NAME = "PrintableString"; var _a$d; class TeletexString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 20; } } _a$d = TeletexString; (() => { typeStore.TeletexString = _a$d; })(); TeletexString.NAME = "TeletexString"; var _a$c; class VideotexString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 21; } } _a$c = VideotexString; (() => { typeStore.VideotexString = _a$c; })(); VideotexString.NAME = "VideotexString"; var _a$b; class IA5String extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 22; } } _a$b = IA5String; (() => { typeStore.IA5String = _a$b; })(); IA5String.NAME = "IA5String"; var _a$a; class GraphicString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 25; } } _a$a = GraphicString; (() => { typeStore.GraphicString = _a$a; })(); GraphicString.NAME = "GraphicString"; var _a$9; class VisibleString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 26; } } _a$9 = VisibleString; (() => { typeStore.VisibleString = _a$9; })(); VisibleString.NAME = "VisibleString"; var _a$8; class GeneralString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 27; } } _a$8 = GeneralString; (() => { typeStore.GeneralString = _a$8; })(); GeneralString.NAME = "GeneralString"; var _a$7; class CharacterString extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 29; } } _a$7 = CharacterString; (() => { typeStore.CharacterString = _a$7; })(); CharacterString.NAME = "CharacterString"; var _a$6; class UTCTime extends VisibleString { constructor({ value, valueDate, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.year = 0; this.month = 0; this.day = 0; this.hour = 0; this.minute = 0; this.second = 0; if (value) { this.fromString(value); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(value.length); for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) this.valueBlock.valueHexView[i] = value.charCodeAt(i); } if (valueDate) { this.fromDate(valueDate); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(this.toBuffer()); } this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 23; } fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.fromString(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer))); } toBuffer() { const str = this.toString(); const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) view[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); return buffer; } fromDate(inputDate) { this.year = inputDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.month = inputDate.getUTCMonth() + 1; this.day = inputDate.getUTCDate(); this.hour = inputDate.getUTCHours(); this.minute = inputDate.getUTCMinutes(); this.second = inputDate.getUTCSeconds(); } toDate() { return (new Date(Date.UTC(this.year, this.month - 1, this.day, this.hour, this.minute, this.second))); } fromString(inputString) { const parser = /(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})Z/ig; const parserArray = parser.exec(inputString); if (parserArray === null) { this.error = "Wrong input string for conversion"; return; } const year = parseInt(parserArray[1], 10); if (year >= 50) this.year = 1900 + year; else this.year = 2000 + year; this.month = parseInt(parserArray[2], 10); this.day = parseInt(parserArray[3], 10); this.hour = parseInt(parserArray[4], 10); this.minute = parseInt(parserArray[5], 10); this.second = parseInt(parserArray[6], 10); } toString(encoding = "iso") { if (encoding === "iso") { const outputArray = new Array(7); outputArray[0] = padNumber(((this.year < 2000) ? (this.year - 1900) : (this.year - 2000)), 2); outputArray[1] = padNumber(this.month, 2); outputArray[2] = padNumber(this.day, 2); outputArray[3] = padNumber(this.hour, 2); outputArray[4] = padNumber(this.minute, 2); outputArray[5] = padNumber(this.second, 2); outputArray[6] = "Z"; return outputArray.join(""); } return super.toString(encoding); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.toDate().toISOString()}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), year: this.year, month: this.month, day: this.day, hour: this.hour, minute: this.minute, second: this.second, }; } } _a$6 = UTCTime; (() => { typeStore.UTCTime = _a$6; })(); UTCTime.NAME = "UTCTime"; var _a$5; class GeneralizedTime extends UTCTime { constructor(parameters = {}) { var _b; super(parameters); (_b = this.millisecond) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (this.millisecond = 0); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 24; } fromDate(inputDate) { super.fromDate(inputDate); this.millisecond = inputDate.getUTCMilliseconds(); } toDate() { return (new Date(Date.UTC(this.year, this.month - 1, this.day, this.hour, this.minute, this.second, this.millisecond))); } fromString(inputString) { let isUTC = false; let timeString = ""; let dateTimeString = ""; let fractionPart = 0; let parser; let hourDifference = 0; let minuteDifference = 0; if (inputString[inputString.length - 1] === "Z") { timeString = inputString.substring(0, inputString.length - 1); isUTC = true; } else { const number = new Number(inputString[inputString.length - 1]); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); timeString = inputString; } if (isUTC) { if (timeString.indexOf("+") !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); if (timeString.indexOf("-") !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } else { let multiplier = 1; let differencePosition = timeString.indexOf("+"); let differenceString = ""; if (differencePosition === -1) { differencePosition = timeString.indexOf("-"); multiplier = -1; } if (differencePosition !== -1) { differenceString = timeString.substring(differencePosition + 1); timeString = timeString.substring(0, differencePosition); if ((differenceString.length !== 2) && (differenceString.length !== 4)) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); let number = parseInt(differenceString.substring(0, 2), 10); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); hourDifference = multiplier * number; if (differenceString.length === 4) { number = parseInt(differenceString.substring(2, 4), 10); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); minuteDifference = multiplier * number; } } } let fractionPointPosition = timeString.indexOf("."); if (fractionPointPosition === -1) fractionPointPosition = timeString.indexOf(","); if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { const fractionPartCheck = new Number(`0${timeString.substring(fractionPointPosition)}`); if (isNaN(fractionPartCheck.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); fractionPart = fractionPartCheck.valueOf(); dateTimeString = timeString.substring(0, fractionPointPosition); } else dateTimeString = timeString; switch (true) { case (dateTimeString.length === 8): parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); break; case (dateTimeString.length === 10): parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { let fractionResult = 60 * fractionPart; this.minute = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 60 * (fractionResult - this.minute); this.second = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 1000 * (fractionResult - this.second); this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; case (dateTimeString.length === 12): parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { let fractionResult = 60 * fractionPart; this.second = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 1000 * (fractionResult - this.second); this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; case (dateTimeString.length === 14): parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { const fractionResult = 1000 * fractionPart; this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; default: throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } const parserArray = parser.exec(dateTimeString); if (parserArray === null) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); for (let j = 1; j < parserArray.length; j++) { switch (j) { case 1: this.year = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 2: this.month = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 3: this.day = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 4: this.hour = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10) + hourDifference; break; case 5: this.minute = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10) + minuteDifference; break; case 6: this.second = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; default: throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } } if (isUTC === false) { const tempDate = new Date(this.year, this.month, this.day, this.hour, this.minute, this.second, this.millisecond); this.year = tempDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.month = tempDate.getUTCMonth(); this.day = tempDate.getUTCDay(); this.hour = tempDate.getUTCHours(); this.minute = tempDate.getUTCMinutes(); this.second = tempDate.getUTCSeconds(); this.millisecond = tempDate.getUTCMilliseconds(); } } toString(encoding = "iso") { if (encoding === "iso") { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(padNumber(this.year, 4)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.month, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.day, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.hour, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.minute, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.second, 2)); if (this.millisecond !== 0) { outputArray.push("."); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.millisecond, 3)); } outputArray.push("Z"); return outputArray.join(""); } return super.toString(encoding); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), millisecond: this.millisecond, }; } } _a$5 = GeneralizedTime; (() => { typeStore.GeneralizedTime = _a$5; })(); GeneralizedTime.NAME = "GeneralizedTime"; var _a$4; class DATE$2 extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 31; } } _a$4 = DATE$2; (() => { typeStore.DATE = _a$4; })(); DATE$2.NAME = "DATE"; var _a$3; class TimeOfDay extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 32; } } _a$3 = TimeOfDay; (() => { typeStore.TimeOfDay = _a$3; })(); TimeOfDay.NAME = "TimeOfDay"; var _a$2; class DateTime extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 33; } } _a$2 = DateTime; (() => { typeStore.DateTime = _a$2; })(); DateTime.NAME = "DateTime"; var _a$1; class Duration extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 34; } } _a$1 = Duration; (() => { typeStore.Duration = _a$1; })(); Duration.NAME = "Duration"; var _a$x; class TIME extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 14; } } _a$x = TIME; (() => { typeStore.TIME = _a$x; })(); TIME.NAME = "TIME"; class Any { constructor({ name = EMPTY_STRING$1, optional = false, } = {}) { this.name = name; this.optional = optional; } } class Choice extends Any { constructor({ value = [], ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; } } class Repeated extends Any { constructor({ value = new Any(), local = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; this.local = local; } } class RawData { constructor({ data = EMPTY_VIEW } = {}) { this.dataView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(data); } get data() { return this.dataView.slice().buffer; } set data(value) { this.dataView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(value); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const endLength = inputOffset + inputLength; this.dataView = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer).subarray(inputOffset, endLength); return endLength; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return this.dataView.slice().buffer; } } function compareSchema(root, inputData, inputSchema) { if (inputSchema instanceof Choice) { for (let j = 0; j < inputSchema.value.length; j++) { const result = compareSchema(root, inputData, inputSchema.value[j]); if (result.verified) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } } { const _result = { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong values for Choice type" }, }; if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME)) _result.name = inputSchema.name; return _result; } } if (inputSchema instanceof Any) { if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME)) root[inputSchema.name] = inputData; return { verified: true, result: root }; } if ((root instanceof Object) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong root object" } }; } if ((inputData instanceof Object) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 data" } }; } if ((inputSchema instanceof Object) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if ((ID_BLOCK in inputSchema) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if ((FROM_BER in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if ((TO_BER in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } const encodedId = inputSchema.idBlock.toBER(false); if (encodedId.byteLength === 0) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Error encoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" } }; } const decodedOffset = inputSchema.idBlock.fromBER(encodedId, 0, encodedId.byteLength); if (decodedOffset === -1) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Error decoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_CLASS) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagClass !== inputData.idBlock.tagClass) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_NUMBER) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagNumber !== inputData.idBlock.tagNumber) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(IS_CONSTRUCTED) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isConstructed !== inputData.idBlock.isConstructed) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (!(IS_HEX_ONLY in inputSchema.idBlock)) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly !== inputData.idBlock.isHexOnly) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly) { if ((VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } const schemaView = inputSchema.idBlock.valueHexView; const asn1View = inputData.idBlock.valueHexView; if (schemaView.length !== asn1View.length) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } for (let i = 0; i < schemaView.length; i++) { if (schemaView[i] !== asn1View[1]) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } } } if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) root[inputSchema.name] = inputData; } if (inputSchema instanceof typeStore.Constructed) { let admission = 0; let result = { verified: false, result: { error: "Unknown error", } }; let maxLength = inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length; if (maxLength > 0) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) { maxLength = inputData.valueBlock.value.length; } } if (maxLength === 0) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } if ((inputData.valueBlock.value.length === 0) && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length !== 0)) { let _optional = true; for (let i = 0; i < inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length; i++) _optional = _optional && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional || false); if (_optional) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) delete root[inputSchema.name]; } root.error = "Inconsistent object length"; return { verified: false, result: root }; } for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { if ((i - admission) >= inputData.valueBlock.value.length) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional === false) { const _result = { verified: false, result: root }; root.error = "Inconsistent length between ASN.1 data and schema"; if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) { delete root[inputSchema.name]; _result.name = inputSchema.name; } } return _result; } } else { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) { result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].value); if (result.verified === false) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].optional) admission++; else { if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) delete root[inputSchema.name]; } return result; } } if ((NAME in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0]) && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name.length > 0)) { let arrayRoot = {}; if ((LOCAL in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0]) && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].local)) arrayRoot = inputData; else arrayRoot = root; if (typeof arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] === "undefined") arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] = []; arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name].push(inputData.valueBlock.value[i]); } } else { result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i - admission], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i]); if (result.verified === false) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional) admission++; else { if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) delete root[inputSchema.name]; } return result; } } } } } if (result.verified === false) { const _result = { verified: false, result: root }; if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) { delete root[inputSchema.name]; _result.name = inputSchema.name; } } return _result; } return { verified: true, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.primitiveSchema && (VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputData.valueBlock)) { const asn1 = localFromBER(inputData.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (asn1.offset === -1) { const _result = { verified: false, result: asn1.result }; if (inputSchema.name) { inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING$1); if (inputSchema.name) { delete root[inputSchema.name]; _result.name = inputSchema.name; } } return _result; } return compareSchema(root, asn1.result, inputSchema.primitiveSchema); } return { verified: true, result: root }; } const EMPTY_BUFFER = new ArrayBuffer(0); const EMPTY_STRING = ""; class ArgumentError extends TypeError { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.name = ArgumentError.NAME; } static isType(value, type) { if (typeof type === "string") { if (type === "Array" && Array.isArray(value)) { return true; } else if (type === "ArrayBuffer" && value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return true; } else if (type === "ArrayBufferView" && ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) { return true; } else if (typeof value === type) { return true; } } else if (value instanceof type) { return true; } return false; } static assert(value, name, ...types) { for (const type of types) { if (this.isType(value, type)) { return; } } const typeNames = types.map(o => o instanceof Function && "name" in o ? o.name : `${o}`); throw new ArgumentError(`Parameter '${name}' is not of type ${typeNames.length > 1 ? `(${typeNames.join(" or ")})` : typeNames[0]}`); } } ArgumentError.NAME = "ArgumentError"; class ParameterError extends TypeError { constructor(field, target = null, message) { super(); this.name = ParameterError.NAME; this.field = field; if (target) { this.target = target; } if (message) { this.message = message; } else { this.message = `Absent mandatory parameter '${field}' ${target ? ` in '${target}'` : EMPTY_STRING}`; } } static assert(...args) { let target = null; let params; let fields; if (typeof args[0] === "string") { target = args[0]; params = args[1]; fields = args.slice(2); } else { params = args[0]; fields = args.slice(1); } ArgumentError.assert(params, "parameters", "object"); for (const field of fields) { const value = params[field]; if (value === undefined || value === null) { throw new ParameterError(field, target); } } } static assertEmpty(value, name, target) { if (value === undefined || value === null) { throw new ParameterError(name, target); } } } ParameterError.NAME = "ParameterError"; class AsnError extends Error { static assertSchema(asn1, target) { if (!asn1.verified) { throw new Error(`Object's schema was not verified against input data for ${target}`); } } static assert(asn, target) { if (asn.offset === -1) { throw new AsnError(`Error during parsing of ASN.1 data. Data is not correct for '${target}'.`); } } constructor(message) { super(message); this.name = "AsnError"; } } class PkiObject { static blockName() { return this.CLASS_NAME; } static fromBER(raw) { const asn1 = fromBER(raw); AsnError.assert(asn1, this.name); try { return new this({ schema: asn1.result }); } catch (e) { throw new AsnError(`Cannot create '${this.CLASS_NAME}' from ASN.1 object`); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { throw new Error(`Invalid member name for ${this.CLASS_NAME} class: ${memberName}`); } static schema(parameters = {}) { throw new Error(`Method '${this.CLASS_NAME}.schema' should be overridden`); } get className() { return this.constructor.CLASS_NAME; } toString(encoding = "hex") { let schema; try { schema = this.toSchema(); } catch (_a) { schema = this.toSchema(true); } return Convert.ToString(schema.toBER(), encoding); } } PkiObject.CLASS_NAME = "PkiObject"; function stringPrep(inputString) { let isSpace = false; let cutResult = EMPTY_STRING; const result = inputString.trim(); for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result.charCodeAt(i) === 32) { if (isSpace === false) isSpace = true; } else { if (isSpace) { cutResult += " "; isSpace = false; } cutResult += result[i]; } } return cutResult.toLowerCase(); } const TYPE$5 = "type"; const VALUE$6 = "value"; class AttributeTypeAndValue extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE$5, AttributeTypeAndValue.defaultValues(TYPE$5)); this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$6, AttributeTypeAndValue.defaultValues(VALUE$6)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$5: return EMPTY_STRING; case VALUE$6: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.type || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ name: (names.value || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ TYPE$5, "typeValue" ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttributeTypeAndValue.schema({ names: { type: TYPE$5, value: "typeValue" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.type = asn1.result.type.valueBlock.toString(); this.value = asn1.result.typeValue; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.type }), this.value ] })); } toJSON() { const _object = { type: this.type }; if (Object.keys(this.value).length !== 0) { _object.value = (this.value).toJSON(); } else { _object.value = this.value; } return _object; } isEqual(compareTo) { const stringBlockNames = [ Utf8String.blockName(), BmpString.blockName(), UniversalString.blockName(), NumericString.blockName(), PrintableString.blockName(), TeletexString.blockName(), VideotexString.blockName(), IA5String.blockName(), GraphicString.blockName(), VisibleString.blockName(), GeneralString.blockName(), CharacterString.blockName() ]; if (compareTo instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(this.value.valueBeforeDecodeView, compareTo); } if (compareTo.constructor.blockName() === AttributeTypeAndValue.blockName()) { if (this.type !== compareTo.type) return false; const isStringPair = [false, false]; const thisName = this.value.constructor.blockName(); for (const name of stringBlockNames) { if (thisName === name) { isStringPair[0] = true; } if (compareTo.value.constructor.blockName() === name) { isStringPair[1] = true; } } if (isStringPair[0] !== isStringPair[1]) { return false; } const isString = (isStringPair[0] && isStringPair[1]); if (isString) { const value1 = stringPrep(this.value.valueBlock.value); const value2 = stringPrep(compareTo.value.valueBlock.value); if (value1.localeCompare(value2) !== 0) return false; } else { if (!BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(this.value.valueBeforeDecodeView, compareTo.value.valueBeforeDecodeView)) return false; } return true; } return false; } } AttributeTypeAndValue.CLASS_NAME = "AttributeTypeAndValue"; const TYPE_AND_VALUES = "typesAndValues"; const VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE = "valueBeforeDecode"; const RDN = "RDN"; class RelativeDistinguishedNames extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.typesAndValues = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE_AND_VALUES, RelativeDistinguishedNames.defaultValues(TYPE_AND_VALUES)); this.valueBeforeDecode = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE, RelativeDistinguishedNames.defaultValues(VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE_AND_VALUES: return []; case VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE: return EMPTY_BUFFER; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE_AND_VALUES: return (memberValue.length === 0); case VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.repeatedSequence || EMPTY_STRING), value: new Set({ value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.repeatedSet || EMPTY_STRING), value: AttributeTypeAndValue.schema(names.typeAndValue || {}) }) ] }) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ RDN, TYPE_AND_VALUES ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema({ names: { blockName: RDN, repeatedSet: TYPE_AND_VALUES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (TYPE_AND_VALUES in asn1.result) { this.typesAndValues = Array.from(asn1.result.typesAndValues, element => new AttributeTypeAndValue({ schema: element })); } this.valueBeforeDecode = asn1.result.RDN.valueBeforeDecodeView.slice().buffer; } toSchema() { if (this.valueBeforeDecode.byteLength === 0) { return (new Sequence({ value: [new Set({ value: Array.from(this.typesAndValues, o => o.toSchema()) })] })); } const asn1 = fromBER(this.valueBeforeDecode); AsnError.assert(asn1, "RelativeDistinguishedNames"); if (!(asn1.result instanceof Sequence)) { throw new Error("ASN.1 result should be SEQUENCE"); } return asn1.result; } toJSON() { return { typesAndValues: Array.from(this.typesAndValues, o => o.toJSON()) }; } isEqual(compareTo) { if (compareTo instanceof RelativeDistinguishedNames) { if (this.typesAndValues.length !== compareTo.typesAndValues.length) return false; for (const [index, typeAndValue] of this.typesAndValues.entries()) { if (typeAndValue.isEqual(compareTo.typesAndValues[index]) === false) return false; } return true; } if (compareTo instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return isEqualBuffer(this.valueBeforeDecode, compareTo); } return false; } } RelativeDistinguishedNames.CLASS_NAME = "RelativeDistinguishedNames"; const TYPE$4 = "type"; const VALUE$5 = "value"; function builtInStandardAttributes(parameters = {}, optional = false) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ optional, value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 2, tagNumber: 1 }, name: (names.country_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new NumericString(), new PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 2, tagNumber: 2 }, name: (names.administration_domain_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new NumericString(), new PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, name: (names.network_address || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, name: (names.terminal_identifier || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, name: (names.private_domain_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new NumericString(), new PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, name: (names.organization_name || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new Primitive({ optional: true, name: (names.numeric_user_identifier || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 }, isHexOnly: true }), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.personal_name || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 5 }, value: [ new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, isHexOnly: true }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, isHexOnly: true }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, isHexOnly: true }), new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, isHexOnly: true }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.organizational_unit_names || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 6 }, value: [ new Repeated({ value: new PrintableString() }) ] }) ] })); } function builtInDomainDefinedAttributes(optional = false) { return (new Sequence({ optional, value: [ new PrintableString(), new PrintableString() ] })); } function extensionAttributes(optional = false) { return (new Set({ optional, value: [ new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, isHexOnly: true }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [new Any()] }) ] })); } class GeneralName extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE$4, GeneralName.defaultValues(TYPE$4)); this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$5, GeneralName.defaultValues(VALUE$5)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$4: return 9; case VALUE$5: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$4: return (memberValue === GeneralName.defaultValues(memberName)); case VALUE$5: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier(), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any()] }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 } }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ builtInStandardAttributes((names.builtInStandardAttributes || {}), false), builtInDomainDefinedAttributes(true), extensionAttributes(true) ] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.directoryName || {})] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 5 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new TeletexString(), new PrintableString(), new UniversalString(), new Utf8String(), new BmpString() ] }) ] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new TeletexString(), new PrintableString(), new UniversalString(), new Utf8String(), new BmpString() ] }) ] }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 6 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 7 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 8 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ "blockName", "otherName", "rfc822Name", "dNSName", "x400Address", "directoryName", "ediPartyName", "uniformResourceIdentifier", "iPAddress", "registeredID" ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, GeneralName.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName", otherName: "otherName", rfc822Name: "rfc822Name", dNSName: "dNSName", x400Address: "x400Address", directoryName: { names: { blockName: "directoryName" } }, ediPartyName: "ediPartyName", uniformResourceIdentifier: "uniformResourceIdentifier", iPAddress: "iPAddress", registeredID: "registeredID" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.type = asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagNumber; switch (this.type) { case 0: this.value = asn1.result.blockName; break; case 1: case 2: case 6: { const value = asn1.result.blockName; value.idBlock.tagClass = 1; value.idBlock.tagNumber = 22; const valueBER = value.toBER(false); const asnValue = fromBER(valueBER); AsnError.assert(asnValue, "GeneralName value"); this.value = asnValue.result.valueBlock.value; } break; case 3: this.value = asn1.result.blockName; break; case 4: this.value = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result.directoryName }); break; case 5: this.value = asn1.result.ediPartyName; break; case 7: this.value = new OctetString({ valueHex: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.valueHex }); break; case 8: { const value = asn1.result.blockName; value.idBlock.tagClass = 1; value.idBlock.tagNumber = 6; const valueBER = value.toBER(false); const asnValue = fromBER(valueBER); AsnError.assert(asnValue, "GeneralName registeredID"); this.value = asnValue.result.valueBlock.toString(); } break; } } toSchema() { switch (this.type) { case 0: case 3: case 5: return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: this.type }, value: [ this.value ] }); case 1: case 2: case 6: { const value = new IA5String({ value: this.value }); value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } case 4: return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 }, value: [this.value.toSchema()] }); case 7: { const value = this.value; value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } case 8: { const value = new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.value }); value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } default: return GeneralName.schema(); } } toJSON() { const _object = { type: this.type, value: EMPTY_STRING }; if ((typeof this.value) === "string") _object.value = this.value; else { try { _object.value = this.value.toJSON(); } catch (ex) { } } return _object; } } GeneralName.CLASS_NAME = "GeneralName"; const ACCESS_METHOD = "accessMethod"; const ACCESS_LOCATION = "accessLocation"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1v = [ ACCESS_METHOD, ACCESS_LOCATION, ]; class AccessDescription extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.accessMethod = getParametersValue(parameters, ACCESS_METHOD, AccessDescription.defaultValues(ACCESS_METHOD)); this.accessLocation = getParametersValue(parameters, ACCESS_LOCATION, AccessDescription.defaultValues(ACCESS_LOCATION)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ACCESS_METHOD: return EMPTY_STRING; case ACCESS_LOCATION: return new GeneralName(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.accessMethod || EMPTY_STRING) }), GeneralName.schema(names.accessLocation || {}) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1v); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AccessDescription.schema({ names: { accessMethod: ACCESS_METHOD, accessLocation: { names: { blockName: ACCESS_LOCATION } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.accessMethod = asn1.result.accessMethod.valueBlock.toString(); this.accessLocation = new GeneralName({ schema: asn1.result.accessLocation }); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.accessMethod }), this.accessLocation.toSchema() ] })); } toJSON() { return { accessMethod: this.accessMethod, accessLocation: this.accessLocation.toJSON() }; } } AccessDescription.CLASS_NAME = "AccessDescription"; const SECONDS = "seconds"; const MILLIS = "millis"; const MICROS = "micros"; class Accuracy extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (SECONDS in parameters) { this.seconds = getParametersValue(parameters, SECONDS, Accuracy.defaultValues(SECONDS)); } if (MILLIS in parameters) { this.millis = getParametersValue(parameters, MILLIS, Accuracy.defaultValues(MILLIS)); } if (MICROS in parameters) { this.micros = getParametersValue(parameters, MICROS, Accuracy.defaultValues(MICROS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SECONDS: case MILLIS: case MICROS: return 0; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SECONDS: case MILLIS: case MICROS: return (memberValue === Accuracy.defaultValues(memberName)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, value: [ new Integer({ optional: true, name: (names.seconds || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Primitive({ name: (names.millis || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.micros || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ SECONDS, MILLIS, MICROS, ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Accuracy.schema({ names: { seconds: SECONDS, millis: MILLIS, micros: MICROS, } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if ("seconds" in asn1.result) { this.seconds = asn1.result.seconds.valueBlock.valueDec; } if ("millis" in asn1.result) { const intMillis = new Integer({ valueHex: asn1.result.millis.valueBlock.valueHex }); this.millis = intMillis.valueBlock.valueDec; } if ("micros" in asn1.result) { const intMicros = new Integer({ valueHex: asn1.result.micros.valueBlock.valueHex }); this.micros = intMicros.valueBlock.valueDec; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.seconds !== undefined) outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.seconds })); if (this.millis !== undefined) { const intMillis = new Integer({ value: this.millis }); outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, valueHex: intMillis.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } if (this.micros !== undefined) { const intMicros = new Integer({ value: this.micros }); outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, valueHex: intMicros.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const _object = {}; if (this.seconds !== undefined) _object.seconds = this.seconds; if (this.millis !== undefined) _object.millis = this.millis; if (this.micros !== undefined) _object.micros = this.micros; return _object; } } Accuracy.CLASS_NAME = "Accuracy"; const ALGORITHM_ID = "algorithmId"; const ALGORITHM_PARAMS = "algorithmParams"; const ALGORITHM$2 = "algorithm"; const PARAMS = "params"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1u = [ ALGORITHM$2, PARAMS ]; class AlgorithmIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.algorithmId = getParametersValue(parameters, ALGORITHM_ID, AlgorithmIdentifier.defaultValues(ALGORITHM_ID)); if (ALGORITHM_PARAMS in parameters) { this.algorithmParams = getParametersValue(parameters, ALGORITHM_PARAMS, AlgorithmIdentifier.defaultValues(ALGORITHM_PARAMS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case ALGORITHM_PARAMS: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM_ID: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case ALGORITHM_PARAMS: return (memberValue instanceof Any); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), optional: (names.optional || false), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.algorithmIdentifier || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ name: (names.algorithmParams || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1u); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AlgorithmIdentifier.schema({ names: { algorithmIdentifier: ALGORITHM$2, algorithmParams: PARAMS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.algorithmId = asn1.result.algorithm.valueBlock.toString(); if (PARAMS in asn1.result) { this.algorithmParams = asn1.result.params; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.algorithmId })); if (this.algorithmParams && !(this.algorithmParams instanceof Any)) { outputArray.push(this.algorithmParams); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = { algorithmId: this.algorithmId }; if (this.algorithmParams && !(this.algorithmParams instanceof Any)) { object.algorithmParams = this.algorithmParams.toJSON(); } return object; } isEqual(algorithmIdentifier) { if (!(algorithmIdentifier instanceof AlgorithmIdentifier)) { return false; } if (this.algorithmId !== algorithmIdentifier.algorithmId) { return false; } if (this.algorithmParams) { if (algorithmIdentifier.algorithmParams) { return JSON.stringify(this.algorithmParams) === JSON.stringify(algorithmIdentifier.algorithmParams); } return false; } if (algorithmIdentifier.algorithmParams) { return false; } return true; } } AlgorithmIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "AlgorithmIdentifier"; const ALT_NAMES = "altNames"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1t = [ ALT_NAMES ]; class AltName extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.altNames = getParametersValue(parameters, ALT_NAMES, AltName.defaultValues(ALT_NAMES)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ALT_NAMES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.altNames || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1t); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AltName.schema({ names: { altNames: ALT_NAMES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (ALT_NAMES in asn1.result) { this.altNames = Array.from(asn1.result.altNames, element => new GeneralName({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.altNames, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { altNames: Array.from(this.altNames, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } AltName.CLASS_NAME = "AltName"; const TYPE$3 = "type"; const VALUES$1 = "values"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1s = [ TYPE$3, VALUES$1 ]; class Attribute extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE$3, Attribute.defaultValues(TYPE$3)); this.values = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUES$1, Attribute.defaultValues(VALUES$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$3: return EMPTY_STRING; case VALUES$1: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$3: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case VALUES$1: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.type || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Set({ name: (names.setName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.values || EMPTY_STRING), value: new Any() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1s); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Attribute.schema({ names: { type: TYPE$3, values: VALUES$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.type = asn1.result.type.valueBlock.toString(); this.values = asn1.result.values; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.type }), new Set({ value: this.values }) ] })); } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, values: Array.from(this.values, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } Attribute.CLASS_NAME = "Attribute"; const NOT_BEFORE_TIME = "notBeforeTime"; const NOT_AFTER_TIME = "notAfterTime"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1r = [ NOT_BEFORE_TIME, NOT_AFTER_TIME, ]; class AttCertValidityPeriod extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.notBeforeTime = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_BEFORE_TIME, AttCertValidityPeriod.defaultValues(NOT_BEFORE_TIME)); this.notAfterTime = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_AFTER_TIME, AttCertValidityPeriod.defaultValues(NOT_AFTER_TIME)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case NOT_BEFORE_TIME: case NOT_AFTER_TIME: return new Date(0, 0, 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.notBeforeTime || EMPTY_STRING) }), new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.notAfterTime || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1r); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttCertValidityPeriod.schema({ names: { notBeforeTime: NOT_BEFORE_TIME, notAfterTime: NOT_AFTER_TIME } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.notBeforeTime = asn1.result.notBeforeTime.toDate(); this.notAfterTime = asn1.result.notAfterTime.toDate(); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.notBeforeTime }), new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.notAfterTime }), ] })); } toJSON() { return { notBeforeTime: this.notBeforeTime, notAfterTime: this.notAfterTime }; } } AttCertValidityPeriod.CLASS_NAME = "AttCertValidityPeriod"; const NAMES = "names"; const GENERAL_NAMES = "generalNames"; class GeneralNames extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.names = getParametersValue(parameters, NAMES, GeneralNames.defaultValues(NAMES)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case "names": return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}, optional = false) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, NAMES, {}); return (new Sequence({ optional, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.generalNames || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ NAMES, GENERAL_NAMES ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, GeneralNames.schema({ names: { blockName: NAMES, generalNames: GENERAL_NAMES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.names = Array.from(asn1.result.generalNames, element => new GeneralName({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.names, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { names: Array.from(this.names, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } GeneralNames.CLASS_NAME = "GeneralNames"; const id_SubjectDirectoryAttributes = ""; const id_SubjectKeyIdentifier = ""; const id_KeyUsage = ""; const id_PrivateKeyUsagePeriod = ""; const id_SubjectAltName = ""; const id_IssuerAltName = ""; const id_BasicConstraints = ""; const id_CRLNumber = ""; const id_BaseCRLNumber = ""; const id_CRLReason = ""; const id_InvalidityDate = ""; const id_IssuingDistributionPoint = ""; const id_CertificateIssuer = ""; const id_NameConstraints = ""; const id_CRLDistributionPoints = ""; const id_FreshestCRL = ""; const id_CertificatePolicies = ""; const id_AnyPolicy = ""; const id_MicrosoftAppPolicies = ""; const id_PolicyMappings = ""; const id_AuthorityKeyIdentifier = ""; const id_PolicyConstraints = ""; const id_ExtKeyUsage = ""; const id_InhibitAnyPolicy = ""; const id_AuthorityInfoAccess = ""; const id_SubjectInfoAccess = ""; const id_SignedCertificateTimestampList = ""; const id_MicrosoftCertTemplateV1 = ""; const id_MicrosoftPrevCaCertHash = ""; const id_MicrosoftCertTemplateV2 = ""; const id_MicrosoftCaVersion = ""; const id_QCStatements = ""; const id_ContentType_Data = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1"; const id_ContentType_SignedData = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2"; const id_ContentType_EnvelopedData = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.3"; const id_ContentType_EncryptedData = "1.2.840.113549.1.7.6"; const id_eContentType_TSTInfo = "1.2.840.113549."; const id_CertBag_X509Certificate = "1.2.840.113549."; const id_CertBag_SDSICertificate = "1.2.840.113549."; const id_CertBag_AttributeCertificate = "1.2.840.113549."; const id_CRLBag_X509CRL = "1.2.840.113549."; const id_pkix = ""; const id_ad = `${id_pkix}.48`; const id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic = `${id_ad}.1.1`; const id_ad_caIssuers = `${id_ad}.2`; const id_ad_ocsp = `${id_ad}.1`; const id_sha1 = ""; const id_sha256 = "2.16.840."; const id_sha384 = "2.16.840."; const id_sha512 = "2.16.840."; const KEY_IDENTIFIER$1 = "keyIdentifier"; const AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER = "authorityCertIssuer"; const AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "authorityCertSerialNumber"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1q = [ KEY_IDENTIFIER$1, AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER, AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER, ]; class AuthorityKeyIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (KEY_IDENTIFIER$1 in parameters) { this.keyIdentifier = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_IDENTIFIER$1, AuthorityKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(KEY_IDENTIFIER$1)); } if (AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER in parameters) { this.authorityCertIssuer = getParametersValue(parameters, AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER, AuthorityKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER)); } if (AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER in parameters) { this.authorityCertSerialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER, AuthorityKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_IDENTIFIER$1: return new OctetString(); case AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER: return []; case AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER: return new Integer(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Primitive({ name: (names.keyIdentifier || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.authorityCertIssuer || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.authorityCertSerialNumber || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1q); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AuthorityKeyIdentifier.schema({ names: { keyIdentifier: KEY_IDENTIFIER$1, authorityCertIssuer: AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER, authorityCertSerialNumber: AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (KEY_IDENTIFIER$1 in asn1.result) this.keyIdentifier = new OctetString({ valueHex: asn1.result.keyIdentifier.valueBlock.valueHex }); if (AUTHORITY_CERT_ISSUER in asn1.result) this.authorityCertIssuer = Array.from(asn1.result.authorityCertIssuer, o => new GeneralName({ schema: o })); if (AUTHORITY_CERT_SERIAL_NUMBER in asn1.result) this.authorityCertSerialNumber = new Integer({ valueHex: asn1.result.authorityCertSerialNumber.valueBlock.valueHex }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.keyIdentifier) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, valueHex: this.keyIdentifier.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } if (this.authorityCertIssuer) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.authorityCertIssuer, o => o.toSchema()) })); } if (this.authorityCertSerialNumber) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, valueHex: this.authorityCertSerialNumber.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = {}; if (this.keyIdentifier) { object.keyIdentifier = this.keyIdentifier.toJSON(); } if (this.authorityCertIssuer) { object.authorityCertIssuer = Array.from(this.authorityCertIssuer, o => o.toJSON()); } if (this.authorityCertSerialNumber) { object.authorityCertSerialNumber = this.authorityCertSerialNumber.toJSON(); } return object; } } AuthorityKeyIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "AuthorityKeyIdentifier"; const PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT = "pathLenConstraint"; const CA = "cA"; class BasicConstraints extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.cA = getParametersValue(parameters, CA, false); if (PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT in parameters) { this.pathLenConstraint = getParametersValue(parameters, PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT, 0); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CA: return false; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Boolean({ optional: true, name: (names.cA || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ optional: true, name: (names.pathLenConstraint || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ CA, PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, BasicConstraints.schema({ names: { cA: CA, pathLenConstraint: PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (CA in asn1.result) { this.cA = asn1.result.cA.valueBlock.value; } if (PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT in asn1.result) { if (asn1.result.pathLenConstraint.valueBlock.isHexOnly) { this.pathLenConstraint = asn1.result.pathLenConstraint; } else { this.pathLenConstraint = asn1.result.pathLenConstraint.valueBlock.valueDec; } } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.cA !== BasicConstraints.defaultValues(CA)) outputArray.push(new Boolean({ value: this.cA })); if (PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT in this) { if (this.pathLenConstraint instanceof Integer) { outputArray.push(this.pathLenConstraint); } else { outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.pathLenConstraint })); } } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = {}; if (this.cA !== BasicConstraints.defaultValues(CA)) { object.cA = this.cA; } if (PATH_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT in this) { if (this.pathLenConstraint instanceof Integer) { object.pathLenConstraint = this.pathLenConstraint.toJSON(); } else { object.pathLenConstraint = this.pathLenConstraint; } } return object; } } BasicConstraints.CLASS_NAME = "BasicConstraints"; const CERTIFICATE_INDEX = "certificateIndex"; const KEY_INDEX = "keyIndex"; class CAVersion extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.certificateIndex = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTIFICATE_INDEX, CAVersion.defaultValues(CERTIFICATE_INDEX)); this.keyIndex = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_INDEX, CAVersion.defaultValues(KEY_INDEX)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERTIFICATE_INDEX: case KEY_INDEX: return 0; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema() { return (new Integer()); } fromSchema(schema) { if (schema.constructor.blockName() !== Integer.blockName()) { throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for CAVersion"); } let value = schema.valueBlock.valueHex.slice(0); const valueView = new Uint8Array(value); switch (true) { case (value.byteLength < 4): { const tempValue = new ArrayBuffer(4); const tempValueView = new Uint8Array(tempValue); tempValueView.set(valueView, 4 - value.byteLength); value = tempValue.slice(0); } break; case (value.byteLength > 4): { const tempValue = new ArrayBuffer(4); const tempValueView = new Uint8Array(tempValue); tempValueView.set(valueView.slice(0, 4)); value = tempValue.slice(0); } break; } const keyIndexBuffer = value.slice(0, 2); const keyIndexView8 = new Uint8Array(keyIndexBuffer); let temp = keyIndexView8[0]; keyIndexView8[0] = keyIndexView8[1]; keyIndexView8[1] = temp; const keyIndexView16 = new Uint16Array(keyIndexBuffer); this.keyIndex = keyIndexView16[0]; const certificateIndexBuffer = value.slice(2); const certificateIndexView8 = new Uint8Array(certificateIndexBuffer); temp = certificateIndexView8[0]; certificateIndexView8[0] = certificateIndexView8[1]; certificateIndexView8[1] = temp; const certificateIndexView16 = new Uint16Array(certificateIndexBuffer); this.certificateIndex = certificateIndexView16[0]; } toSchema() { const certificateIndexBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(2); const certificateIndexView = new Uint16Array(certificateIndexBuffer); certificateIndexView[0] = this.certificateIndex; const certificateIndexView8 = new Uint8Array(certificateIndexBuffer); let temp = certificateIndexView8[0]; certificateIndexView8[0] = certificateIndexView8[1]; certificateIndexView8[1] = temp; const keyIndexBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(2); const keyIndexView = new Uint16Array(keyIndexBuffer); keyIndexView[0] = this.keyIndex; const keyIndexView8 = new Uint8Array(keyIndexBuffer); temp = keyIndexView8[0]; keyIndexView8[0] = keyIndexView8[1]; keyIndexView8[1] = temp; return (new Integer({ valueHex: utilConcatBuf(keyIndexBuffer, certificateIndexBuffer) })); } toJSON() { return { certificateIndex: this.certificateIndex, keyIndex: this.keyIndex }; } } CAVersion.CLASS_NAME = "CAVersion"; const POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID = "policyQualifierId"; const QUALIFIER = "qualifier"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1p = [ POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID, QUALIFIER ]; class PolicyQualifierInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.policyQualifierId = getParametersValue(parameters, POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID, PolicyQualifierInfo.defaultValues(POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID)); this.qualifier = getParametersValue(parameters, QUALIFIER, PolicyQualifierInfo.defaultValues(QUALIFIER)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case QUALIFIER: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.policyQualifierId || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ name: (names.qualifier || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1p); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PolicyQualifierInfo.schema({ names: { policyQualifierId: POLICY_QUALIFIER_ID, qualifier: QUALIFIER } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.policyQualifierId = asn1.result.policyQualifierId.valueBlock.toString(); this.qualifier = asn1.result.qualifier; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.policyQualifierId }), this.qualifier ] })); } toJSON() { return { policyQualifierId: this.policyQualifierId, qualifier: this.qualifier.toJSON() }; } } PolicyQualifierInfo.CLASS_NAME = "PolicyQualifierInfo"; const POLICY_IDENTIFIER = "policyIdentifier"; const POLICY_QUALIFIERS = "policyQualifiers"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1o = [ POLICY_IDENTIFIER, POLICY_QUALIFIERS ]; class PolicyInformation extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.policyIdentifier = getParametersValue(parameters, POLICY_IDENTIFIER, PolicyInformation.defaultValues(POLICY_IDENTIFIER)); if (POLICY_QUALIFIERS in parameters) { this.policyQualifiers = getParametersValue(parameters, POLICY_QUALIFIERS, PolicyInformation.defaultValues(POLICY_QUALIFIERS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case POLICY_IDENTIFIER: return EMPTY_STRING; case POLICY_QUALIFIERS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.policyIdentifier || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Sequence({ optional: true, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.policyQualifiers || EMPTY_STRING), value: PolicyQualifierInfo.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1o); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PolicyInformation.schema({ names: { policyIdentifier: POLICY_IDENTIFIER, policyQualifiers: POLICY_QUALIFIERS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.policyIdentifier = asn1.result.policyIdentifier.valueBlock.toString(); if (POLICY_QUALIFIERS in asn1.result) { this.policyQualifiers = Array.from(asn1.result.policyQualifiers, element => new PolicyQualifierInfo({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.policyIdentifier })); if (this.policyQualifiers) { outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.policyQualifiers, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { policyIdentifier: this.policyIdentifier }; if (this.policyQualifiers) res.policyQualifiers = Array.from(this.policyQualifiers, o => o.toJSON()); return res; } } PolicyInformation.CLASS_NAME = "PolicyInformation"; const CERTIFICATE_POLICIES = "certificatePolicies"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1n = [ CERTIFICATE_POLICIES, ]; class CertificatePolicies extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.certificatePolicies = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTIFICATE_POLICIES, CertificatePolicies.defaultValues(CERTIFICATE_POLICIES)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERTIFICATE_POLICIES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.certificatePolicies || EMPTY_STRING), value: PolicyInformation.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1n); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertificatePolicies.schema({ names: { certificatePolicies: CERTIFICATE_POLICIES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.certificatePolicies = Array.from(asn1.result.certificatePolicies, element => new PolicyInformation({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.certificatePolicies, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { certificatePolicies: Array.from(this.certificatePolicies, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } CertificatePolicies.CLASS_NAME = "CertificatePolicies"; const TEMPLATE_ID = "templateID"; const TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION = "templateMajorVersion"; const TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION = "templateMinorVersion"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1m = [ TEMPLATE_ID, TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION, TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION ]; class CertificateTemplate extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.templateID = getParametersValue(parameters, TEMPLATE_ID, CertificateTemplate.defaultValues(TEMPLATE_ID)); if (TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION in parameters) { this.templateMajorVersion = getParametersValue(parameters, TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION, CertificateTemplate.defaultValues(TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION)); } if (TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION in parameters) { this.templateMinorVersion = getParametersValue(parameters, TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION, CertificateTemplate.defaultValues(TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TEMPLATE_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION: case TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION: return 0; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.templateID || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.templateMajorVersion || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }), new Integer({ name: (names.templateMinorVersion || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }), ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1m); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertificateTemplate.schema({ names: { templateID: TEMPLATE_ID, templateMajorVersion: TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION, templateMinorVersion: TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.templateID = asn1.result.templateID.valueBlock.toString(); if (TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION in asn1.result) { this.templateMajorVersion = asn1.result.templateMajorVersion.valueBlock.valueDec; } if (TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION in asn1.result) { this.templateMinorVersion = asn1.result.templateMinorVersion.valueBlock.valueDec; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.templateID })); if (TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION in this) { outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.templateMajorVersion })); } if (TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION in this) { outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.templateMinorVersion })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { templateID: this.templateID }; if (TEMPLATE_MAJOR_VERSION in this) res.templateMajorVersion = this.templateMajorVersion; if (TEMPLATE_MINOR_VERSION in this) res.templateMinorVersion = this.templateMinorVersion; return res; } } const DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1 = "distributionPoint"; const DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES$1 = "distributionPointNames"; const REASONS = "reasons"; const CRL_ISSUER = "cRLIssuer"; const CRL_ISSUER_NAMES = "cRLIssuerNames"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1l = [ DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1, DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES$1, REASONS, CRL_ISSUER, CRL_ISSUER_NAMES, ]; class DistributionPoint extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1 in parameters) { this.distributionPoint = getParametersValue(parameters, DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1, DistributionPoint.defaultValues(DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1)); } if (REASONS in parameters) { this.reasons = getParametersValue(parameters, REASONS, DistributionPoint.defaultValues(REASONS)); } if (CRL_ISSUER in parameters) { this.cRLIssuer = getParametersValue(parameters, CRL_ISSUER, DistributionPoint.defaultValues(CRL_ISSUER)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1: return []; case REASONS: return new BitString(); case CRL_ISSUER: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.distributionPoint || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.distributionPointNames || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] }), new Constructed({ name: (names.distributionPoint || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.reasons || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }), new Constructed({ name: (names.cRLIssuer || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.cRLIssuerNames || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1l); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, DistributionPoint.schema({ names: { distributionPoint: DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1, distributionPointNames: DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES$1, reasons: REASONS, cRLIssuer: CRL_ISSUER, cRLIssuerNames: CRL_ISSUER_NAMES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (DISTRIBUTION_POINT$1 in asn1.result) { if (asn1.result.distributionPoint.idBlock.tagNumber === 0) { this.distributionPoint = Array.from(asn1.result.distributionPointNames, element => new GeneralName({ schema: element })); } if (asn1.result.distributionPoint.idBlock.tagNumber === 1) { this.distributionPoint = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.distributionPoint.valueBlock.value }) }); } } if (REASONS in asn1.result) { this.reasons = new BitString({ valueHex: asn1.result.reasons.valueBlock.valueHex }); } if (CRL_ISSUER in asn1.result) { this.cRLIssuer = Array.from(asn1.result.cRLIssuerNames, element => new GeneralName({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.distributionPoint) { let internalValue; if (this.distributionPoint instanceof Array) { internalValue = new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.distributionPoint, o => o.toSchema()) }); } else { internalValue = new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.distributionPoint.toSchema()] }); } outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [internalValue] })); } if (this.reasons) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, valueHex: this.reasons.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } if (this.cRLIssuer) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: Array.from(this.cRLIssuer, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = {}; if (this.distributionPoint) { if (this.distributionPoint instanceof Array) { object.distributionPoint = Array.from(this.distributionPoint, o => o.toJSON()); } else { object.distributionPoint = this.distributionPoint.toJSON(); } } if (this.reasons) { object.reasons = this.reasons.toJSON(); } if (this.cRLIssuer) { object.cRLIssuer = Array.from(this.cRLIssuer, o => o.toJSON()); } return object; } } DistributionPoint.CLASS_NAME = "DistributionPoint"; const DISTRIBUTION_POINTS = "distributionPoints"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1k = [ DISTRIBUTION_POINTS ]; class CRLDistributionPoints extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.distributionPoints = getParametersValue(parameters, DISTRIBUTION_POINTS, CRLDistributionPoints.defaultValues(DISTRIBUTION_POINTS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case DISTRIBUTION_POINTS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.distributionPoints || EMPTY_STRING), value: DistributionPoint.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1k); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CRLDistributionPoints.schema({ names: { distributionPoints: DISTRIBUTION_POINTS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.distributionPoints = Array.from(asn1.result.distributionPoints, element => new DistributionPoint({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.distributionPoints, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { distributionPoints: Array.from(this.distributionPoints, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } CRLDistributionPoints.CLASS_NAME = "CRLDistributionPoints"; const KEY_PURPOSES = "keyPurposes"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1j = [ KEY_PURPOSES, ]; class ExtKeyUsage extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.keyPurposes = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_PURPOSES, ExtKeyUsage.defaultValues(KEY_PURPOSES)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_PURPOSES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.keyPurposes || EMPTY_STRING), value: new ObjectIdentifier() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1j); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ExtKeyUsage.schema({ names: { keyPurposes: KEY_PURPOSES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.keyPurposes = Array.from(asn1.result.keyPurposes, (element) => element.valueBlock.toString()); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.keyPurposes, element => new ObjectIdentifier({ value: element })) })); } toJSON() { return { keyPurposes: Array.from(this.keyPurposes) }; } } ExtKeyUsage.CLASS_NAME = "ExtKeyUsage"; const ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS = "accessDescriptions"; class InfoAccess extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.accessDescriptions = getParametersValue(parameters, ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS, InfoAccess.defaultValues(ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.accessDescriptions || EMPTY_STRING), value: AccessDescription.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, InfoAccess.schema({ names: { accessDescriptions: ACCESS_DESCRIPTIONS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.accessDescriptions = Array.from(asn1.result.accessDescriptions, element => new AccessDescription({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.accessDescriptions, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { accessDescriptions: Array.from(this.accessDescriptions, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } InfoAccess.CLASS_NAME = "InfoAccess"; const DISTRIBUTION_POINT = "distributionPoint"; const DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES = "distributionPointNames"; const ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS = "onlyContainsUserCerts"; const ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS = "onlyContainsCACerts"; const ONLY_SOME_REASON = "onlySomeReasons"; const INDIRECT_CRL = "indirectCRL"; const ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS = "onlyContainsAttributeCerts"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1i = [ DISTRIBUTION_POINT, DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES, ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS, ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS, ONLY_SOME_REASON, INDIRECT_CRL, ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS, ]; class IssuingDistributionPoint extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (DISTRIBUTION_POINT in parameters) { this.distributionPoint = getParametersValue(parameters, DISTRIBUTION_POINT, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(DISTRIBUTION_POINT)); } this.onlyContainsUserCerts = getParametersValue(parameters, ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS)); this.onlyContainsCACerts = getParametersValue(parameters, ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS)); if (ONLY_SOME_REASON in parameters) { this.onlySomeReasons = getParametersValue(parameters, ONLY_SOME_REASON, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_SOME_REASON)); } this.indirectCRL = getParametersValue(parameters, INDIRECT_CRL, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(INDIRECT_CRL)); this.onlyContainsAttributeCerts = getParametersValue(parameters, ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS, IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case DISTRIBUTION_POINT: return []; case ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS: return false; case ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS: return false; case ONLY_SOME_REASON: return 0; case INDIRECT_CRL: return false; case ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS: return false; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.distributionPoint || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.distributionPointNames || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralName.schema() }) ] }), new Constructed({ name: (names.distributionPoint || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.onlyContainsUserCerts || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.onlyContainsCACerts || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.onlySomeReasons || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.indirectCRL || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.onlyContainsAttributeCerts || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 5 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1i); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, IssuingDistributionPoint.schema({ names: { distributionPoint: DISTRIBUTION_POINT, distributionPointNames: DISTRIBUTION_POINT_NAMES, onlyContainsUserCerts: ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS, onlyContainsCACerts: ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS, onlySomeReasons: ONLY_SOME_REASON, indirectCRL: INDIRECT_CRL, onlyContainsAttributeCerts: ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (DISTRIBUTION_POINT in asn1.result) { switch (true) { case (asn1.result.distributionPoint.idBlock.tagNumber === 0): this.distributionPoint = Array.from(asn1.result.distributionPointNames, element => new GeneralName({ schema: element })); break; case (asn1.result.distributionPoint.idBlock.tagNumber === 1): { this.distributionPoint = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.distributionPoint.valueBlock.value }) }); } break; default: throw new Error("Unknown tagNumber for distributionPoint: {$asn1.result.distributionPoint.idBlock.tagNumber}"); } } if (ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS in asn1.result) { const view = new Uint8Array(asn1.result.onlyContainsUserCerts.valueBlock.valueHex); this.onlyContainsUserCerts = (view[0] !== 0x00); } if (ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS in asn1.result) { const view = new Uint8Array(asn1.result.onlyContainsCACerts.valueBlock.valueHex); this.onlyContainsCACerts = (view[0] !== 0x00); } if (ONLY_SOME_REASON in asn1.result) { const view = new Uint8Array(asn1.result.onlySomeReasons.valueBlock.valueHex); this.onlySomeReasons = view[0]; } if (INDIRECT_CRL in asn1.result) { const view = new Uint8Array(asn1.result.indirectCRL.valueBlock.valueHex); this.indirectCRL = (view[0] !== 0x00); } if (ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS in asn1.result) { const view = new Uint8Array(asn1.result.onlyContainsAttributeCerts.valueBlock.valueHex); this.onlyContainsAttributeCerts = (view[0] !== 0x00); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.distributionPoint) { let value; if (this.distributionPoint instanceof Array) { value = new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.distributionPoint, o => o.toSchema()) }); } else { value = this.distributionPoint.toSchema(); value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; } outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [value] })); } if (this.onlyContainsUserCerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS)) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, valueHex: (new Uint8Array([0xFF])).buffer })); } if (this.onlyContainsCACerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS)) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, valueHex: (new Uint8Array([0xFF])).buffer })); } if (this.onlySomeReasons !== undefined) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); view[0] = this.onlySomeReasons; outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, valueHex: buffer })); } if (this.indirectCRL !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(INDIRECT_CRL)) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 }, valueHex: (new Uint8Array([0xFF])).buffer })); } if (this.onlyContainsAttributeCerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS)) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 5 }, valueHex: (new Uint8Array([0xFF])).buffer })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const obj = {}; if (this.distributionPoint) { if (this.distributionPoint instanceof Array) { obj.distributionPoint = Array.from(this.distributionPoint, o => o.toJSON()); } else { obj.distributionPoint = this.distributionPoint.toJSON(); } } if (this.onlyContainsUserCerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_USER_CERTS)) { obj.onlyContainsUserCerts = this.onlyContainsUserCerts; } if (this.onlyContainsCACerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_CA_CERTS)) { obj.onlyContainsCACerts = this.onlyContainsCACerts; } if (ONLY_SOME_REASON in this) { obj.onlySomeReasons = this.onlySomeReasons; } if (this.indirectCRL !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(INDIRECT_CRL)) { obj.indirectCRL = this.indirectCRL; } if (this.onlyContainsAttributeCerts !== IssuingDistributionPoint.defaultValues(ONLY_CONTAINS_ATTRIBUTE_CERTS)) { obj.onlyContainsAttributeCerts = this.onlyContainsAttributeCerts; } return obj; } } IssuingDistributionPoint.CLASS_NAME = "IssuingDistributionPoint"; const BASE = "base"; const MINIMUM = "minimum"; const MAXIMUM = "maximum"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1h = [ BASE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM ]; class GeneralSubtree extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.base = getParametersValue(parameters, BASE, GeneralSubtree.defaultValues(BASE)); this.minimum = getParametersValue(parameters, MINIMUM, GeneralSubtree.defaultValues(MINIMUM)); if (MAXIMUM in parameters) { this.maximum = getParametersValue(parameters, MAXIMUM, GeneralSubtree.defaultValues(MAXIMUM)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case BASE: return new GeneralName(); case MINIMUM: return 0; case MAXIMUM: return 0; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ GeneralName.schema(names.base || {}), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.minimum || EMPTY_STRING) })] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.maximum || EMPTY_STRING) })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1h); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, GeneralSubtree.schema({ names: { base: { names: { blockName: BASE } }, minimum: MINIMUM, maximum: MAXIMUM } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.base = new GeneralName({ schema: asn1.result.base }); if (MINIMUM in asn1.result) { if (asn1.result.minimum.valueBlock.isHexOnly) this.minimum = asn1.result.minimum; else this.minimum = asn1.result.minimum.valueBlock.valueDec; } if (MAXIMUM in asn1.result) { if (asn1.result.maximum.valueBlock.isHexOnly) this.maximum = asn1.result.maximum; else this.maximum = asn1.result.maximum.valueBlock.valueDec; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.base.toSchema()); if (this.minimum !== 0) { let valueMinimum = 0; if (this.minimum instanceof Integer) { valueMinimum = this.minimum; } else { valueMinimum = new Integer({ value: this.minimum }); } outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [valueMinimum] })); } if (MAXIMUM in this) { let valueMaximum = 0; if (this.maximum instanceof Integer) { valueMaximum = this.maximum; } else { valueMaximum = new Integer({ value: this.maximum }); } outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [valueMaximum] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { base: this.base.toJSON() }; if (this.minimum !== 0) { if (typeof this.minimum === "number") { res.minimum = this.minimum; } else { res.minimum = this.minimum.toJSON(); } } if (this.maximum !== undefined) { if (typeof this.maximum === "number") { res.maximum = this.maximum; } else { res.maximum = this.maximum.toJSON(); } } return res; } } GeneralSubtree.CLASS_NAME = "GeneralSubtree"; const PERMITTED_SUBTREES = "permittedSubtrees"; const EXCLUDED_SUBTREES = "excludedSubtrees"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1g = [ PERMITTED_SUBTREES, EXCLUDED_SUBTREES ]; class NameConstraints extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (PERMITTED_SUBTREES in parameters) { this.permittedSubtrees = getParametersValue(parameters, PERMITTED_SUBTREES, NameConstraints.defaultValues(PERMITTED_SUBTREES)); } if (EXCLUDED_SUBTREES in parameters) { this.excludedSubtrees = getParametersValue(parameters, EXCLUDED_SUBTREES, NameConstraints.defaultValues(EXCLUDED_SUBTREES)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case PERMITTED_SUBTREES: case EXCLUDED_SUBTREES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.permittedSubtrees || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralSubtree.schema() }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.excludedSubtrees || EMPTY_STRING), value: GeneralSubtree.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1g); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, NameConstraints.schema({ names: { permittedSubtrees: PERMITTED_SUBTREES, excludedSubtrees: EXCLUDED_SUBTREES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (PERMITTED_SUBTREES in asn1.result) this.permittedSubtrees = Array.from(asn1.result.permittedSubtrees, element => new GeneralSubtree({ schema: element })); if (EXCLUDED_SUBTREES in asn1.result) this.excludedSubtrees = Array.from(asn1.result.excludedSubtrees, element => new GeneralSubtree({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.permittedSubtrees) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.permittedSubtrees, o => o.toSchema()) })); } if (this.excludedSubtrees) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.excludedSubtrees, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = {}; if (this.permittedSubtrees) { object.permittedSubtrees = Array.from(this.permittedSubtrees, o => o.toJSON()); } if (this.excludedSubtrees) { object.excludedSubtrees = Array.from(this.excludedSubtrees, o => o.toJSON()); } return object; } } NameConstraints.CLASS_NAME = "NameConstraints"; const REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY = "requireExplicitPolicy"; const INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING = "inhibitPolicyMapping"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1f = [ REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY, INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING, ]; class PolicyConstraints extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY in parameters) { this.requireExplicitPolicy = getParametersValue(parameters, REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY, PolicyConstraints.defaultValues(REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY)); } if (INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING in parameters) { this.inhibitPolicyMapping = getParametersValue(parameters, INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING, PolicyConstraints.defaultValues(INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY: return 0; case INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING: return 0; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Primitive({ name: (names.requireExplicitPolicy || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.inhibitPolicyMapping || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1f); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PolicyConstraints.schema({ names: { requireExplicitPolicy: REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY, inhibitPolicyMapping: INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY in asn1.result) { const field1 = asn1.result.requireExplicitPolicy; field1.idBlock.tagClass = 1; field1.idBlock.tagNumber = 2; const ber1 = field1.toBER(false); const int1 = fromBER(ber1); AsnError.assert(int1, "Integer"); this.requireExplicitPolicy = int1.result.valueBlock.valueDec; } if (INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING in asn1.result) { const field2 = asn1.result.inhibitPolicyMapping; field2.idBlock.tagClass = 1; field2.idBlock.tagNumber = 2; const ber2 = field2.toBER(false); const int2 = fromBER(ber2); AsnError.assert(int2, "Integer"); this.inhibitPolicyMapping = int2.result.valueBlock.valueDec; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY in this) { const int1 = new Integer({ value: this.requireExplicitPolicy }); int1.idBlock.tagClass = 3; int1.idBlock.tagNumber = 0; outputArray.push(int1); } if (INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING in this) { const int2 = new Integer({ value: this.inhibitPolicyMapping }); int2.idBlock.tagClass = 3; int2.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; outputArray.push(int2); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_POLICY in this) { res.requireExplicitPolicy = this.requireExplicitPolicy; } if (INHIBIT_POLICY_MAPPING in this) { res.inhibitPolicyMapping = this.inhibitPolicyMapping; } return res; } } PolicyConstraints.CLASS_NAME = "PolicyConstraints"; const ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY = "issuerDomainPolicy"; const SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY = "subjectDomainPolicy"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1e = [ ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY, SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY ]; class PolicyMapping extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.issuerDomainPolicy = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY, PolicyMapping.defaultValues(ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY)); this.subjectDomainPolicy = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY, PolicyMapping.defaultValues(SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY: return EMPTY_STRING; case SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY: return EMPTY_STRING; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.issuerDomainPolicy || EMPTY_STRING) }), new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.subjectDomainPolicy || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1e); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PolicyMapping.schema({ names: { issuerDomainPolicy: ISSUER_DOMAIN_POLICY, subjectDomainPolicy: SUBJECT_DOMAIN_POLICY } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.issuerDomainPolicy = asn1.result.issuerDomainPolicy.valueBlock.toString(); this.subjectDomainPolicy = asn1.result.subjectDomainPolicy.valueBlock.toString(); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.issuerDomainPolicy }), new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.subjectDomainPolicy }) ] })); } toJSON() { return { issuerDomainPolicy: this.issuerDomainPolicy, subjectDomainPolicy: this.subjectDomainPolicy }; } } PolicyMapping.CLASS_NAME = "PolicyMapping"; const MAPPINGS = "mappings"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1d = [ MAPPINGS, ]; class PolicyMappings extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.mappings = getParametersValue(parameters, MAPPINGS, PolicyMappings.defaultValues(MAPPINGS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case MAPPINGS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.mappings || EMPTY_STRING), value: PolicyMapping.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1d); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PolicyMappings.schema({ names: { mappings: MAPPINGS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.mappings = Array.from(asn1.result.mappings, element => new PolicyMapping({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.mappings, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { mappings: Array.from(this.mappings, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } PolicyMappings.CLASS_NAME = "PolicyMappings"; const NOT_BEFORE$1 = "notBefore"; const NOT_AFTER$1 = "notAfter"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1c = [ NOT_BEFORE$1, NOT_AFTER$1 ]; class PrivateKeyUsagePeriod extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (NOT_BEFORE$1 in parameters) { this.notBefore = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_BEFORE$1, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.defaultValues(NOT_BEFORE$1)); } if (NOT_AFTER$1 in parameters) { this.notAfter = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_AFTER$1, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.defaultValues(NOT_AFTER$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case NOT_BEFORE$1: return new Date(); case NOT_AFTER$1: return new Date(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Primitive({ name: (names.notBefore || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.notAfter || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1c); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.schema({ names: { notBefore: NOT_BEFORE$1, notAfter: NOT_AFTER$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (NOT_BEFORE$1 in asn1.result) { const localNotBefore = new GeneralizedTime(); localNotBefore.fromBuffer(asn1.result.notBefore.valueBlock.valueHex); this.notBefore = localNotBefore.toDate(); } if (NOT_AFTER$1 in asn1.result) { const localNotAfter = new GeneralizedTime({ valueHex: asn1.result.notAfter.valueBlock.valueHex }); localNotAfter.fromBuffer(asn1.result.notAfter.valueBlock.valueHex); this.notAfter = localNotAfter.toDate(); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (NOT_BEFORE$1 in this) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, valueHex: (new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.notBefore })).valueBlock.valueHexView })); } if (NOT_AFTER$1 in this) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, valueHex: (new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.notAfter })).valueBlock.valueHexView })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (this.notBefore) { res.notBefore = this.notBefore; } if (this.notAfter) { res.notAfter = this.notAfter; } return res; } } PrivateKeyUsagePeriod.CLASS_NAME = "PrivateKeyUsagePeriod"; const ID = "id"; const TYPE$2 = "type"; const VALUES = "values"; const QC_STATEMENT_CLEAR_PROPS = [ ID, TYPE$2 ]; const QC_STATEMENTS_CLEAR_PROPS = [ VALUES ]; class QCStatement extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.id = getParametersValue(parameters, ID, QCStatement.defaultValues(ID)); if (TYPE$2 in parameters) { this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE$2, QCStatement.defaultValues(TYPE$2)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case TYPE$2: return new Null(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ID: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case TYPE$2: return (memberValue instanceof Null); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.id || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ name: (names.type || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, QC_STATEMENT_CLEAR_PROPS); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, QCStatement.schema({ names: { id: ID, type: TYPE$2 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.id = asn1.result.id.valueBlock.toString(); if (TYPE$2 in asn1.result) this.type = asn1.result.type; } toSchema() { const value = [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.id }) ]; if (TYPE$2 in this) value.push(this.type); return (new Sequence({ value, })); } toJSON() { const object = { id: this.id }; if (this.type) { object.type = this.type.toJSON(); } return object; } } QCStatement.CLASS_NAME = "QCStatement"; class QCStatements extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.values = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUES, QCStatements.defaultValues(VALUES)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VALUES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VALUES: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.values || EMPTY_STRING), value: QCStatement.schema(names.value || {}) }), ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, QC_STATEMENTS_CLEAR_PROPS); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, QCStatements.schema({ names: { values: VALUES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.values = Array.from(asn1.result.values, element => new QCStatement({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.values, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { values: Array.from(this.values, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } QCStatements.CLASS_NAME = "QCStatements"; class ByteStream { constructor(parameters = {}) { if ("view" in parameters) { this.fromUint8Array(parameters.view); } else if ("buffer" in parameters) { this.fromArrayBuffer(parameters.buffer); } else if ("string" in parameters) { this.fromString(parameters.string); } else if ("hexstring" in parameters) { this.fromHexString(parameters.hexstring); } else { if ("length" in parameters && parameters.length > 0) { this.length = parameters.length; if (parameters.stub) { for (let i = 0; i < this._view.length; i++) { this._view[i] = parameters.stub; } } } else { this.length = 0; } } } set buffer(value) { this._buffer = value; this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); } get buffer() { return this._buffer; } set view(value) { this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(value.length); this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); this._view.set(value); } get view() { return this._view; } get length() { return this.view.byteLength; } set length(value) { this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(value); this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); } clear() { this._buffer = new ArrayBuffer(0); this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); } fromArrayBuffer(array) { this._buffer = array; this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); } fromUint8Array(array) { this.fromArrayBuffer(new Uint8Array(array).buffer); } fromString(string) { const stringLength = string.length; this.length = stringLength; for (let i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) this.view[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); } toString(start = 0, length = (this.view.length - start)) { let result = ""; if ((start >= this.view.length) || (start < 0)) { start = 0; } if ((length >= this.view.length) || (length < 0)) { length = this.view.length - start; } for (let i = start; i < (start + length); i++) result += String.fromCharCode(this.view[i]); return result; } fromHexString(hexString) { const stringLength = hexString.length; this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(stringLength >> 1); this.view = new Uint8Array(this.buffer); const hexMap = new Map(); hexMap.set("0", 0x00); hexMap.set("1", 0x01); hexMap.set("2", 0x02); hexMap.set("3", 0x03); hexMap.set("4", 0x04); hexMap.set("5", 0x05); hexMap.set("6", 0x06); hexMap.set("7", 0x07); hexMap.set("8", 0x08); hexMap.set("9", 0x09); hexMap.set("A", 0x0A); hexMap.set("a", 0x0A); hexMap.set("B", 0x0B); hexMap.set("b", 0x0B); hexMap.set("C", 0x0C); hexMap.set("c", 0x0C); hexMap.set("D", 0x0D); hexMap.set("d", 0x0D); hexMap.set("E", 0x0E); hexMap.set("e", 0x0E); hexMap.set("F", 0x0F); hexMap.set("f", 0x0F); let j = 0; let temp = 0x00; for (let i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { if (!(i % 2)) { temp = hexMap.get(hexString.charAt(i)) << 4; } else { temp |= hexMap.get(hexString.charAt(i)); this.view[j] = temp; j++; } } } toHexString(start = 0, length = (this.view.length - start)) { let result = ""; if ((start >= this.view.length) || (start < 0)) { start = 0; } if ((length >= this.view.length) || (length < 0)) { length = this.view.length - start; } for (let i = start; i < (start + length); i++) { const str = this.view[i].toString(16).toUpperCase(); result = result + ((str.length == 1) ? "0" : "") + str; } return result; } copy(start = 0, length = (this.length - start)) { if (!start && !this.length) { return new ByteStream(); } if ((start < 0) || (start > (this.length - 1))) { throw new Error(`Wrong start position: ${start}`); } const stream = new ByteStream({ buffer: this._buffer.slice(start, start + length) }); return stream; } slice(start = 0, end = this.length) { if (!start && !this.length) { return new ByteStream(); } if ((start < 0) || (start > (this.length - 1))) { throw new Error(`Wrong start position: ${start}`); } const stream = new ByteStream({ buffer: this._buffer.slice(start, end), }); return stream; } realloc(size) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(size); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); if (size > this._view.length) view.set(this._view); else { view.set(new Uint8Array(this._buffer, 0, size)); } this._buffer = buffer; this._view = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); } append(stream) { const initialSize = this.length; const streamViewLength = stream.length; const subarrayView = stream._view.subarray(); this.realloc(initialSize + streamViewLength); this._view.set(subarrayView, initialSize); } insert(stream, start = 0, length = (this.length - start)) { if (start > (this.length - 1)) return false; if (length > (this.length - start)) { length = this.length - start; } if (length > stream.length) { length = stream.length; } if (length == stream.length) this._view.set(stream._view, start); else { this._view.set(stream._view.subarray(0, length), start); } return true; } isEqual(stream) { if (this.length != stream.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < stream.length; i++) { if (this.view[i] != stream.view[i]) return false; } return true; } isEqualView(view) { if (view.length != this.view.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) { if (this.view[i] != view[i]) return false; } return true; } findPattern(pattern, start_, length_, backward_) { const { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); const patternLength = pattern.length; if (patternLength > length) { return (-1); } const patternArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < patternLength; i++) patternArray.push(pattern.view[i]); for (let i = 0; i <= (length - patternLength); i++) { let equal = true; const equalStart = (backward) ? (start - patternLength - i) : (start + i); for (let j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { if (this.view[j + equalStart] != patternArray[j]) { equal = false; break; } } if (equal) { return (backward) ? (start - patternLength - i) : (start + patternLength + i); } } return (-1); } findFirstIn(patterns, start_, length_, backward_) { const { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); const result = { id: (-1), position: (backward) ? 0 : (start + length), length: 0 }; for (let i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { const position = this.findPattern(patterns[i], start, length, backward); if (position != (-1)) { let valid = false; const patternLength = patterns[i].length; if (backward) { if ((position - patternLength) >= (result.position - result.length)) valid = true; } else { if ((position - patternLength) <= (result.position - result.length)) valid = true; } if (valid) { result.position = position; result.id = i; result.length = patternLength; } } } return result; } findAllIn(patterns, start_, length_) { let { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); const result = []; let patternFound = { id: (-1), position: start }; do { const position = patternFound.position; patternFound = this.findFirstIn(patterns, patternFound.position, length); if (patternFound.id == (-1)) { break; } length -= (patternFound.position - position); result.push({ id: patternFound.id, position: patternFound.position }); } while (true); return result; } findAllPatternIn(pattern, start_, length_) { const { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); const result = []; const patternLength = pattern.length; if (patternLength > length) { return (-1); } const patternArray = Array.from(pattern.view); for (let i = 0; i <= (length - patternLength); i++) { let equal = true; const equalStart = start + i; for (let j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { if (this.view[j + equalStart] != patternArray[j]) { equal = false; break; } } if (equal) { result.push(start + patternLength + i); i += (patternLength - 1); } } return result; } findFirstNotIn(patterns, start_, length_, backward_) { let { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); const result = { left: { id: (-1), position: start }, right: { id: (-1), position: 0 }, value: new ByteStream() }; let currentLength = length; while (currentLength > 0) { result.right = this.findFirstIn(patterns, (backward) ? (start - length + currentLength) : (start + length - currentLength), currentLength, backward); if (result.right.id == (-1)) { length = currentLength; if (backward) { start -= length; } else { start = result.left.position; } result.value = new ByteStream({ buffer: this._buffer.slice(start, start + length), }); break; } if (result.right.position != ((backward) ? (result.left.position - patterns[result.right.id].length) : (result.left.position + patterns[result.right.id].length))) { if (backward) { start = result.right.position + patterns[result.right.id].length; length = result.left.position - result.right.position - patterns[result.right.id].length; } else { start = result.left.position; length = result.right.position - result.left.position - patterns[result.right.id].length; } result.value = new ByteStream({ buffer: this._buffer.slice(start, start + length), }); break; } result.left = result.right; currentLength -= patterns[result.right.id].length; } if (backward) { const temp = result.right; result.right = result.left; result.left = temp; } return result; } findAllNotIn(patterns, start_, length_) { let { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); const result = []; let patternFound = { left: { id: (-1), position: start }, right: { id: (-1), position: start }, value: new ByteStream() }; do { const position = patternFound.right.position; patternFound = this.findFirstNotIn(patterns, patternFound.right.position, length); length -= (patternFound.right.position - position); result.push({ left: { id: patternFound.left.id, position: patternFound.left.position }, right: { id: patternFound.right.id, position: patternFound.right.position }, value: patternFound.value }); } while (patternFound.right.id != (-1)); return result; } findFirstSequence(patterns, start_, length_, backward_) { let { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); const firstIn = this.skipNotPatterns(patterns, start, length, backward); if (firstIn == (-1)) { return { position: (-1), value: new ByteStream() }; } const firstNotIn = this.skipPatterns(patterns, firstIn, length - ((backward) ? (start - firstIn) : (firstIn - start)), backward); if (backward) { start = firstNotIn; length = (firstIn - firstNotIn); } else { start = firstIn; length = (firstNotIn - firstIn); } const value = new ByteStream({ buffer: this._buffer.slice(start, start + length), }); return { position: firstNotIn, value }; } findAllSequences(patterns, start_, length_) { let { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); const result = []; let patternFound = { position: start, value: new ByteStream() }; do { const position = patternFound.position; patternFound = this.findFirstSequence(patterns, patternFound.position, length); if (patternFound.position != (-1)) { length -= (patternFound.position - position); result.push({ position: patternFound.position, value: patternFound.value, }); } } while (patternFound.position != (-1)); return result; } findPairedPatterns(leftPattern, rightPattern, start_, length_) { const result = []; if (leftPattern.isEqual(rightPattern)) return result; const { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); let currentPositionLeft = 0; const leftPatterns = this.findAllPatternIn(leftPattern, start, length); if (!Array.isArray(leftPatterns) || leftPatterns.length == 0) { return result; } const rightPatterns = this.findAllPatternIn(rightPattern, start, length); if (!Array.isArray(rightPatterns) || rightPatterns.length == 0) { return result; } while (currentPositionLeft < leftPatterns.length) { if (rightPatterns.length == 0) { break; } if (leftPatterns[0] == rightPatterns[0]) { result.push({ left: leftPatterns[0], right: rightPatterns[0] }); leftPatterns.splice(0, 1); rightPatterns.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft] > rightPatterns[0]) { break; } while (leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft] < rightPatterns[0]) { currentPositionLeft++; if (currentPositionLeft >= leftPatterns.length) { break; } } result.push({ left: leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft - 1], right: rightPatterns[0] }); leftPatterns.splice(currentPositionLeft - 1, 1); rightPatterns.splice(0, 1); currentPositionLeft = 0; } result.sort((a, b) => (a.left - b.left)); return result; } findPairedArrays(inputLeftPatterns, inputRightPatterns, start_, length_) { const { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); const result = []; let currentPositionLeft = 0; const leftPatterns = this.findAllIn(inputLeftPatterns, start, length); if (leftPatterns.length == 0) return result; const rightPatterns = this.findAllIn(inputRightPatterns, start, length); if (rightPatterns.length == 0) return result; while (currentPositionLeft < leftPatterns.length) { if (rightPatterns.length == 0) { break; } if (leftPatterns[0].position == rightPatterns[0].position) { result.push({ left: leftPatterns[0], right: rightPatterns[0] }); leftPatterns.splice(0, 1); rightPatterns.splice(0, 1); continue; } if (leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft].position > rightPatterns[0].position) { break; } while (leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft].position < rightPatterns[0].position) { currentPositionLeft++; if (currentPositionLeft >= leftPatterns.length) { break; } } result.push({ left: leftPatterns[currentPositionLeft - 1], right: rightPatterns[0] }); leftPatterns.splice(currentPositionLeft - 1, 1); rightPatterns.splice(0, 1); currentPositionLeft = 0; } result.sort((a, b) => (a.left.position - b.left.position)); return result; } replacePattern(searchPattern, replacePattern, start_, length_, findAllResult = null) { let result = []; let i; const output = { status: (-1), searchPatternPositions: [], replacePatternPositions: [] }; const { start, length } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_); if (findAllResult == null) { result = this.findAllIn([searchPattern], start, length); if (result.length == 0) { return output; } } else { result = findAllResult; } output.searchPatternPositions.push(...Array.from(result, element => element.position)); const patternDifference = searchPattern.length - replacePattern.length; const changedBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.view.length - (result.length * patternDifference)); const changedView = new Uint8Array(changedBuffer); changedView.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, 0, start)); for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { const currentPosition = (i == 0) ? start : result[i - 1].position; changedView.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, currentPosition, result[i].position - searchPattern.length - currentPosition), currentPosition - i * patternDifference); changedView.set(replacePattern.view, result[i].position - searchPattern.length - i * patternDifference); output.replacePatternPositions.push(result[i].position - searchPattern.length - i * patternDifference); } i--; changedView.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, result[i].position, this.length - result[i].position), result[i].position - searchPattern.length + replacePattern.length - i * patternDifference); this.buffer = changedBuffer; this.view = new Uint8Array(this.buffer); output.status = 1; return output; } skipPatterns(patterns, start_, length_, backward_) { const { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); let result = start; for (let k = 0; k < patterns.length; k++) { const patternLength = patterns[k].length; const equalStart = (backward) ? (result - patternLength) : (result); let equal = true; for (let j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { if (this.view[j + equalStart] != patterns[k].view[j]) { equal = false; break; } } if (equal) { k = (-1); if (backward) { result -= patternLength; if (result <= 0) return result; } else { result += patternLength; if (result >= (start + length)) return result; } } } return result; } skipNotPatterns(patterns, start_, length_, backward_) { const { start, length, backward } = this.prepareFindParameters(start_, length_, backward_); let result = (-1); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (let k = 0; k < patterns.length; k++) { const patternLength = patterns[k].length; const equalStart = (backward) ? (start - i - patternLength) : (start + i); let equal = true; for (let j = 0; j < patternLength; j++) { if (this.view[j + equalStart] != patterns[k].view[j]) { equal = false; break; } } if (equal) { result = (backward) ? (start - i) : (start + i); break; } } if (result != (-1)) { break; } } return result; } prepareFindParameters(start = null, length = null, backward = false) { if (start === null) { start = (backward) ? this.length : 0; } if (start > this.length) { start = this.length; } if (backward) { if (length === null) { length = start; } if (length > start) { length = start; } } else { if (length === null) { length = this.length - start; } if (length > (this.length - start)) { length = this.length - start; } } return { start, length, backward }; } } class SeqStream { constructor(parameters = {}) { this._stream = new ByteStream(); this._length = 0; this._start = 0; this.backward = false; this.appendBlock = 0; this.prevLength = 0; this.prevStart = 0; if ("view" in parameters) { this.stream = new ByteStream({ view: parameters.view }); } else if ("buffer" in parameters) { this.stream = new ByteStream({ buffer: parameters.buffer }); } else if ("string" in parameters) { this.stream = new ByteStream({ string: parameters.string }); } else if ("hexstring" in parameters) { this.stream = new ByteStream({ hexstring: parameters.hexstring }); } else if ("stream" in parameters) { this.stream = parameters.stream.slice(); } else { this.stream = new ByteStream(); } if ("backward" in parameters && parameters.backward) { this.backward = parameters.backward; this._start = this.stream.length; } if ("length" in parameters && parameters.length > 0) { this._length = parameters.length; } if ("start" in parameters && parameters.start && parameters.start > 0) { this._start = parameters.start; } if ("appendBlock" in parameters && parameters.appendBlock && parameters.appendBlock > 0) { this.appendBlock = parameters.appendBlock; } } set stream(value) { this._stream = value; this.prevLength = this._length; this._length = value.length; this.prevStart = this._start; this._start = 0; } get stream() { return this._stream; } set length(value) { this.prevLength = this._length; this._length = value; } get length() { if (this.appendBlock) { return this.start; } return this._length; } set start(value) { if (value > this.stream.length) return; this.prevStart = this._start; this.prevLength = this._length; this._length -= (this.backward) ? (this._start - value) : (value - this._start); this._start = value; } get start() { return this._start; } get buffer() { return this._stream.buffer.slice(0, this._length); } resetPosition() { this._start = this.prevStart; this._length = this.prevLength; } findPattern(pattern, gap = null) { if ((gap == null) || (gap > this.length)) { gap = this.length; } const result = this.stream.findPattern(pattern, this.start, this.length, this.backward); if (result == (-1)) return result; if (this.backward) { if (result < (this.start - pattern.length - gap)) { return (-1); } } else { if (result > (this.start + pattern.length + gap)) { return (-1); } } this.start = result; return result; } findFirstIn(patterns, gap = null) { if ((gap == null) || (gap > this.length)) { gap = this.length; } const result = this.stream.findFirstIn(patterns, this.start, this.length, this.backward); if (result.id == (-1)) return result; if (this.backward) { if (result.position < (this.start - patterns[result.id].length - gap)) { return { id: (-1), position: (this.backward) ? 0 : (this.start + this.length) }; } } else { if (result.position > (this.start + patterns[result.id].length + gap)) { return { id: (-1), position: (this.backward) ? 0 : (this.start + this.length) }; } } this.start = result.position; return result; } findAllIn(patterns) { const start = (this.backward) ? (this.start - this.length) : this.start; return this.stream.findAllIn(patterns, start, this.length); } findFirstNotIn(patterns, gap = null) { if ((gap == null) || (gap > this._length)) { gap = this._length; } const result = this._stream.findFirstNotIn(patterns, this._start, this._length, this.backward); if ((result.left.id == (-1)) && (result.right.id == (-1))) { return result; } if (this.backward) { if (result.right.id != (-1)) { if (result.right.position < (this._start - patterns[result.right.id].length - gap)) { return { left: { id: (-1), position: this._start }, right: { id: (-1), position: 0 }, value: new ByteStream() }; } } } else { if (result.left.id != (-1)) { if (result.left.position > (this._start + patterns[result.left.id].length + gap)) { return { left: { id: (-1), position: this._start }, right: { id: (-1), position: 0 }, value: new ByteStream() }; } } } if (this.backward) { if (result.left.id == (-1)) { this.start = 0; } else { this.start = result.left.position; } } else { if (result.right.id == (-1)) { this.start = (this._start + this._length); } else { this.start = result.right.position; } } return result; } findAllNotIn(patterns) { const start = (this.backward) ? (this._start - this._length) : this._start; return this._stream.findAllNotIn(patterns, start, this._length); } findFirstSequence(patterns, length = null, gap = null) { if ((length == null) || (length > this._length)) { length = this._length; } if ((gap == null) || (gap > length)) { gap = length; } const result = this._stream.findFirstSequence(patterns, this._start, length, this.backward); if (result.value.length == 0) { return result; } if (this.backward) { if (result.position < (this._start - result.value.length - gap)) { return { position: (-1), value: new ByteStream() }; } } else { if (result.position > (this._start + result.value.length + gap)) { return { position: (-1), value: new ByteStream() }; } } this.start = result.position; return result; } findAllSequences(patterns) { const start = (this.backward) ? (this.start - this.length) : this.start; return this.stream.findAllSequences(patterns, start, this.length); } findPairedPatterns(leftPattern, rightPattern, gap = null) { if ((gap == null) || (gap > this.length)) { gap = this.length; } const start = (this.backward) ? (this.start - this.length) : this.start; const result = this.stream.findPairedPatterns(leftPattern, rightPattern, start, this.length); if (result.length) { if (this.backward) { if (result[0].right < (this.start - rightPattern.length - gap)) { return []; } } else { if (result[0].left > (this.start + leftPattern.length + gap)) { return []; } } } return result; } findPairedArrays(leftPatterns, rightPatterns, gap = null) { if ((gap == null) || (gap > this.length)) { gap = this.length; } const start = (this.backward) ? (this.start - this.length) : this.start; const result = this.stream.findPairedArrays(leftPatterns, rightPatterns, start, this.length); if (result.length) { if (this.backward) { if (result[0].right.position < (this.start - rightPatterns[result[0].right.id].length - gap)) { return []; } } else { if (result[0].left.position > (this.start + leftPatterns[result[0].left.id].length + gap)) { return []; } } } return result; } replacePattern(searchPattern, replacePattern) { const start = (this.backward) ? (this.start - this.length) : this.start; return this.stream.replacePattern(searchPattern, replacePattern, start, this.length); } skipPatterns(patterns) { const result = this.stream.skipPatterns(patterns, this.start, this.length, this.backward); this.start = result; return result; } skipNotPatterns(patterns) { const result = this.stream.skipNotPatterns(patterns, this.start, this.length, this.backward); if (result == (-1)) return (-1); this.start = result; return result; } append(stream) { this.beforeAppend(stream.length); this._stream.view.set(stream.view, this._start); this._length += (stream.length * 2); this.start = (this._start + stream.length); this.prevLength -= (stream.length * 2); } appendView(view) { this.beforeAppend(view.length); this._stream.view.set(view, this._start); this._length += (view.length * 2); this.start = (this._start + view.length); this.prevLength -= (view.length * 2); } appendChar(char) { this.beforeAppend(1); this._stream.view[this._start] = char; this._length += 2; this.start = (this._start + 1); this.prevLength -= 2; } appendUint16(number) { this.beforeAppend(2); const value = new Uint16Array([number]); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); this.stream.view[this._start] = view[1]; this._stream.view[this._start + 1] = view[0]; this._length += 4; this.start = this._start + 2; this.prevLength -= 4; } appendUint24(number) { this.beforeAppend(3); const value = new Uint32Array([number]); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); this._stream.view[this._start] = view[2]; this._stream.view[this._start + 1] = view[1]; this._stream.view[this._start + 2] = view[0]; this._length += 6; this.start = (this._start + 3); this.prevLength -= 6; } appendUint32(number) { this.beforeAppend(4); const value = new Uint32Array([number]); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); this._stream.view[this._start] = view[3]; this._stream.view[this._start + 1] = view[2]; this._stream.view[this._start + 2] = view[1]; this._stream.view[this._start + 3] = view[0]; this._length += 8; this.start = (this._start + 4); this.prevLength -= 8; } appendInt16(number) { this.beforeAppend(2); const value = new Int16Array([number]); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); this._stream.view[this._start] = view[1]; this._stream.view[this._start + 1] = view[0]; this._length += 4; this.start = (this._start + 2); this.prevLength -= 4; } appendInt32(number) { this.beforeAppend(4); const value = new Int32Array([number]); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); this._stream.view[this._start] = view[3]; this._stream.view[this._start + 1] = view[2]; this._stream.view[this._start + 2] = view[1]; this._stream.view[this._start + 3] = view[0]; this._length += 8; this.start = (this._start + 4); this.prevLength -= 8; } getBlock(size, changeLength = true) { if (this._length <= 0) { return new Uint8Array(0); } if (this._length < size) { size = this._length; } let result; if (this.backward) { const view = this._stream.view.subarray(this._length - size, this._length); result = new Uint8Array(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { result[size - 1 - i] = view[i]; } } else { result = this._stream.view.subarray(this._start, this._start + size); } if (changeLength) { this.start += ((this.backward) ? ((-1) * size) : size); } return result; } getUint16(changeLength = true) { const block = this.getBlock(2, changeLength); if (block.length < 2) return 0; const value = new Uint16Array(1); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); view[0] = block[1]; view[1] = block[0]; return value[0]; } getInt16(changeLength = true) { const block = this.getBlock(2, changeLength); if (block.length < 2) return 0; const value = new Int16Array(1); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); view[0] = block[1]; view[1] = block[0]; return value[0]; } getUint24(changeLength = true) { const block = this.getBlock(3, changeLength); if (block.length < 3) return 0; const value = new Uint32Array(1); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); for (let i = 3; i >= 1; i--) { view[3 - i] = block[i - 1]; } return value[0]; } getUint32(changeLength = true) { const block = this.getBlock(4, changeLength); if (block.length < 4) { return 0; } const value = new Uint32Array(1); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); for (let i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { view[3 - i] = block[i]; } return value[0]; } getInt32(changeLength = true) { const block = this.getBlock(4, changeLength); if (block.length < 4) return 0; const value = new Int32Array(1); const view = new Uint8Array(value.buffer); for (let i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { view[3 - i] = block[i]; } return value[0]; } beforeAppend(size) { if ((this._start + size) > this._stream.length) { if (size > this.appendBlock) { this.appendBlock = size + SeqStream.APPEND_BLOCK; } this._stream.realloc(this._stream.length + this.appendBlock); } } } SeqStream.APPEND_BLOCK = 1000; /****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } var _a; class ECNamedCurves { static register(name, id, size) { this.namedCurves[name.toLowerCase()] = this.namedCurves[id] = { name, id, size }; } static find(nameOrId) { return this.namedCurves[nameOrId.toLowerCase()] || null; } } _a = ECNamedCurves; ECNamedCurves.namedCurves = {}; (() => { _a.register("P-256", "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7", 32); _a.register("P-384", "", 48); _a.register("P-521", "", 66); _a.register("brainpoolP256r1", "", 32); _a.register("brainpoolP384r1", "", 48); _a.register("brainpoolP512r1", "", 64); })(); const X = "x"; const Y = "y"; const NAMED_CURVE$1 = "namedCurve"; class ECPublicKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.x = getParametersValue(parameters, X, ECPublicKey.defaultValues(X)); this.y = getParametersValue(parameters, Y, ECPublicKey.defaultValues(Y)); this.namedCurve = getParametersValue(parameters, NAMED_CURVE$1, ECPublicKey.defaultValues(NAMED_CURVE$1)); if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case X: case Y: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case NAMED_CURVE$1: return EMPTY_STRING; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case X: case Y: return memberValue instanceof ArrayBuffer && (isEqualBuffer(memberValue, ECPublicKey.defaultValues(memberName))); case NAMED_CURVE$1: return typeof memberValue === "string" && memberValue === ECPublicKey.defaultValues(memberName); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema() { return new RawData(); } fromSchema(schema1) { const view = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(schema1); if (view[0] !== 0x04) { throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for ECPublicKey"); } const namedCurve = ECNamedCurves.find(this.namedCurve); if (!namedCurve) { throw new Error(`Incorrect curve OID: ${this.namedCurve}`); } const coordinateLength = namedCurve.size; if (view.byteLength !== (coordinateLength * 2 + 1)) { throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for ECPublicKey"); } this.namedCurve = namedCurve.name; this.x = view.slice(1, coordinateLength + 1).buffer; this.y = view.slice(1 + coordinateLength, coordinateLength * 2 + 1).buffer; } toSchema() { return new RawData({ data: utilConcatBuf((new Uint8Array([0x04])).buffer, this.x, this.y) }); } toJSON() { const namedCurve = ECNamedCurves.find(this.namedCurve); return { crv: namedCurve ? namedCurve.name : this.namedCurve, x: toBase64(arrayBufferToString(this.x), true, true, false), y: toBase64(arrayBufferToString(this.y), true, true, false) }; } fromJSON(json) { ParameterError.assert("json", json, "crv", "x", "y"); let coordinateLength = 0; const namedCurve = ECNamedCurves.find(json.crv); if (namedCurve) { this.namedCurve = namedCurve.id; coordinateLength = namedCurve.size; } const xConvertBuffer = stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(json.x, true)); if (xConvertBuffer.byteLength < coordinateLength) { this.x = new ArrayBuffer(coordinateLength); const view = new Uint8Array(this.x); const convertBufferView = new Uint8Array(xConvertBuffer); view.set(convertBufferView, 1); } else { this.x = xConvertBuffer.slice(0, coordinateLength); } const yConvertBuffer = stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(json.y, true)); if (yConvertBuffer.byteLength < coordinateLength) { this.y = new ArrayBuffer(coordinateLength); const view = new Uint8Array(this.y); const convertBufferView = new Uint8Array(yConvertBuffer); view.set(convertBufferView, 1); } else { this.y = yConvertBuffer.slice(0, coordinateLength); } } } ECPublicKey.CLASS_NAME = "ECPublicKey"; const MODULUS$1 = "modulus"; const PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1 = "publicExponent"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1b = [MODULUS$1, PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1]; class RSAPublicKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.modulus = getParametersValue(parameters, MODULUS$1, RSAPublicKey.defaultValues(MODULUS$1)); this.publicExponent = getParametersValue(parameters, PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1, RSAPublicKey.defaultValues(PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1)); if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case MODULUS$1: return new Integer(); case PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1: return new Integer(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.modulus || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.publicExponent || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1b); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RSAPublicKey.schema({ names: { modulus: MODULUS$1, publicExponent: PUBLIC_EXPONENT$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.modulus = asn1.result.modulus.convertFromDER(256); this.publicExponent = asn1.result.publicExponent; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.modulus.convertToDER(), this.publicExponent ] })); } toJSON() { return { n: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.modulus.valueBlock.valueHexView), e: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.publicExponent.valueBlock.valueHexView), }; } fromJSON(json) { ParameterError.assert("json", json, "n", "e"); const array = stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(json.n, true)); this.modulus = new Integer({ valueHex: array.slice(0, Math.pow(2, nearestPowerOf2(array.byteLength))) }); this.publicExponent = new Integer({ valueHex: stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(json.e, true)).slice(0, 3) }); } } RSAPublicKey.CLASS_NAME = "RSAPublicKey"; const ALGORITHM$1 = "algorithm"; const SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY = "subjectPublicKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$1a = [ALGORITHM$1, SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY]; class PublicKeyInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.algorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, ALGORITHM$1, PublicKeyInfo.defaultValues(ALGORITHM$1)); this.subjectPublicKey = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY, PublicKeyInfo.defaultValues(SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY)); const parsedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, "parsedKey", null); if (parsedKey) { this.parsedKey = parsedKey; } if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get parsedKey() { if (this._parsedKey === undefined) { switch (this.algorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": if ("algorithmParams" in this.algorithm) { if (this.algorithm.algorithmParams.constructor.blockName() === ObjectIdentifier.blockName()) { try { this._parsedKey = new ECPublicKey({ namedCurve: this.algorithm.algorithmParams.valueBlock.toString(), schema: this.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView }); } catch (ex) { } } } break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": { const publicKeyASN1 = fromBER(this.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (publicKeyASN1.offset !== -1) { try { this._parsedKey = new RSAPublicKey({ schema: publicKeyASN1.result }); } catch (ex) { } } } break; } this._parsedKey || (this._parsedKey = null); } return this._parsedKey || undefined; } set parsedKey(value) { this._parsedKey = value; } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.algorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.subjectPublicKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1a); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PublicKeyInfo.schema({ names: { algorithm: { names: { blockName: ALGORITHM$1 } }, subjectPublicKey: SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.algorithm }); this.subjectPublicKey = asn1.result.subjectPublicKey; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.algorithm.toSchema(), this.subjectPublicKey ] })); } toJSON() { if (!this.parsedKey) { return { algorithm: this.algorithm.toJSON(), subjectPublicKey: this.subjectPublicKey.toJSON(), }; } const jwk = {}; switch (this.algorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": jwk.kty = "EC"; break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": jwk.kty = "RSA"; break; } const publicKeyJWK = this.parsedKey.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJWK); return jwk; } fromJSON(json) { if ("kty" in json) { switch (json.kty.toUpperCase()) { case "EC": this.parsedKey = new ECPublicKey({ json }); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.10045.2.1", algorithmParams: new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.parsedKey.namedCurve }) }); break; case "RSA": this.parsedKey = new RSAPublicKey({ json }); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", algorithmParams: new Null() }); break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid value for "kty" parameter: ${json.kty}`); } this.subjectPublicKey = new BitString({ valueHex: this.parsedKey.toSchema().toBER(false) }); } } importKey(publicKey, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { if (!publicKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide publicKey input parameter"); } const exportedKey = yield crypto.exportKey("spki", publicKey); const asn1 = fromBER(exportedKey); try { this.fromSchema(asn1.result); } catch (exception) { throw new Error("Error during initializing object from schema"); } } catch (e) { const message = e instanceof Error ? e.message : `${e}`; throw new Error(`Error during exporting public key: ${message}`); } }); } } PublicKeyInfo.CLASS_NAME = "PublicKeyInfo"; const VERSION$l = "version"; const PRIVATE_KEY$1 = "privateKey"; const NAMED_CURVE = "namedCurve"; const PUBLIC_KEY$1 = "publicKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$19 = [ VERSION$l, PRIVATE_KEY$1, NAMED_CURVE, PUBLIC_KEY$1 ]; class ECPrivateKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$l, ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(VERSION$l)); this.privateKey = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIVATE_KEY$1, ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(PRIVATE_KEY$1)); if (NAMED_CURVE in parameters) { this.namedCurve = getParametersValue(parameters, NAMED_CURVE, ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(NAMED_CURVE)); } if (PUBLIC_KEY$1 in parameters) { this.publicKey = getParametersValue(parameters, PUBLIC_KEY$1, ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(PUBLIC_KEY$1)); } if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$l: return 1; case PRIVATE_KEY$1: return new OctetString(); case NAMED_CURVE: return EMPTY_STRING; case PUBLIC_KEY$1: return new ECPublicKey(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$l: return (memberValue === ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(memberName)); case PRIVATE_KEY$1: return (memberValue.isEqual(ECPrivateKey.defaultValues(memberName))); case NAMED_CURVE: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case PUBLIC_KEY$1: return ((ECPublicKey.compareWithDefault(NAMED_CURVE, memberValue.namedCurve)) && (ECPublicKey.compareWithDefault("x", memberValue.x)) && (ECPublicKey.compareWithDefault("y", memberValue.y))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), new OctetString({ name: (names.privateKey || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.namedCurve || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new BitString({ name: (names.publicKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$19); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ECPrivateKey.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$l, privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY$1, namedCurve: NAMED_CURVE, publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.privateKey = asn1.result.privateKey; if (NAMED_CURVE in asn1.result) { this.namedCurve = asn1.result.namedCurve.valueBlock.toString(); } if (PUBLIC_KEY$1 in asn1.result) { const publicKeyData = { schema: asn1.result.publicKey.valueBlock.valueHex }; if (NAMED_CURVE in this) { publicKeyData.namedCurve = this.namedCurve; } this.publicKey = new ECPublicKey(publicKeyData); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.privateKey ]; if (this.namedCurve) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.namedCurve }) ] })); } if (this.publicKey) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new BitString({ valueHex: this.publicKey.toSchema().toBER(false) }) ] })); } return new Sequence({ value: outputArray }); } toJSON() { if (!this.namedCurve || ECPrivateKey.compareWithDefault(NAMED_CURVE, this.namedCurve)) { throw new Error("Not enough information for making JSON: absent \"namedCurve\" value"); } const curve = ECNamedCurves.find(this.namedCurve); const privateKeyJSON = { crv: curve ? curve.name : this.namedCurve, d: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.privateKey.valueBlock.valueHexView), }; if (this.publicKey) { const publicKeyJSON = this.publicKey.toJSON(); privateKeyJSON.x = publicKeyJSON.x; privateKeyJSON.y = publicKeyJSON.y; } return privateKeyJSON; } fromJSON(json) { ParameterError.assert("json", json, "crv", "d"); let coordinateLength = 0; const curve = ECNamedCurves.find(json.crv); if (curve) { this.namedCurve = curve.id; coordinateLength = curve.size; } const convertBuffer = Convert.FromBase64Url(json.d); if (convertBuffer.byteLength < coordinateLength) { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(coordinateLength); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); const convertBufferView = new Uint8Array(convertBuffer); view.set(convertBufferView, 1); this.privateKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: buffer }); } else { this.privateKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: convertBuffer.slice(0, coordinateLength) }); } if (json.x && json.y) { this.publicKey = new ECPublicKey({ json }); } } } ECPrivateKey.CLASS_NAME = "ECPrivateKey"; const PRIME = "prime"; const EXPONENT = "exponent"; const COEFFICIENT$1 = "coefficient"; const CLEAR_PROPS$18 = [ PRIME, EXPONENT, COEFFICIENT$1, ]; class OtherPrimeInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.prime = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIME, OtherPrimeInfo.defaultValues(PRIME)); this.exponent = getParametersValue(parameters, EXPONENT, OtherPrimeInfo.defaultValues(EXPONENT)); this.coefficient = getParametersValue(parameters, COEFFICIENT$1, OtherPrimeInfo.defaultValues(COEFFICIENT$1)); if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case PRIME: return new Integer(); case EXPONENT: return new Integer(); case COEFFICIENT$1: return new Integer(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.prime || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.exponent || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.coefficient || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$18); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OtherPrimeInfo.schema({ names: { prime: PRIME, exponent: EXPONENT, coefficient: COEFFICIENT$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.prime = asn1.result.prime.convertFromDER(); this.exponent = asn1.result.exponent.convertFromDER(); this.coefficient = asn1.result.coefficient.convertFromDER(); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.prime.convertToDER(), this.exponent.convertToDER(), this.coefficient.convertToDER() ] })); } toJSON() { return { r: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.prime.valueBlock.valueHexView), d: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.exponent.valueBlock.valueHexView), t: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.coefficient.valueBlock.valueHexView), }; } fromJSON(json) { ParameterError.assert("json", json, "r", "d", "r"); this.prime = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.r) }); this.exponent = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.d) }); this.coefficient = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.t) }); } } OtherPrimeInfo.CLASS_NAME = "OtherPrimeInfo"; const VERSION$k = "version"; const MODULUS = "modulus"; const PUBLIC_EXPONENT = "publicExponent"; const PRIVATE_EXPONENT = "privateExponent"; const PRIME1 = "prime1"; const PRIME2 = "prime2"; const EXPONENT1 = "exponent1"; const EXPONENT2 = "exponent2"; const COEFFICIENT = "coefficient"; const OTHER_PRIME_INFOS = "otherPrimeInfos"; const CLEAR_PROPS$17 = [ VERSION$k, MODULUS, PUBLIC_EXPONENT, PRIVATE_EXPONENT, PRIME1, PRIME2, EXPONENT1, EXPONENT2, COEFFICIENT, OTHER_PRIME_INFOS ]; class RSAPrivateKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$k, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(VERSION$k)); this.modulus = getParametersValue(parameters, MODULUS, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(MODULUS)); this.publicExponent = getParametersValue(parameters, PUBLIC_EXPONENT, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(PUBLIC_EXPONENT)); this.privateExponent = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIVATE_EXPONENT, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(PRIVATE_EXPONENT)); this.prime1 = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIME1, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(PRIME1)); this.prime2 = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIME2, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(PRIME2)); this.exponent1 = getParametersValue(parameters, EXPONENT1, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(EXPONENT1)); this.exponent2 = getParametersValue(parameters, EXPONENT2, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(EXPONENT2)); this.coefficient = getParametersValue(parameters, COEFFICIENT, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(COEFFICIENT)); if (OTHER_PRIME_INFOS in parameters) { this.otherPrimeInfos = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_PRIME_INFOS, RSAPrivateKey.defaultValues(OTHER_PRIME_INFOS)); } if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$k: return 0; case MODULUS: return new Integer(); case PUBLIC_EXPONENT: return new Integer(); case PRIVATE_EXPONENT: return new Integer(); case PRIME1: return new Integer(); case PRIME2: return new Integer(); case EXPONENT1: return new Integer(); case EXPONENT2: return new Integer(); case COEFFICIENT: return new Integer(); case OTHER_PRIME_INFOS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.modulus || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.publicExponent || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.privateExponent || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.prime1 || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.prime2 || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.exponent1 || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.exponent2 || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.coefficient || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Sequence({ optional: true, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.otherPrimeInfosName || EMPTY_STRING), value: OtherPrimeInfo.schema(names.otherPrimeInfo || {}) }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$17); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RSAPrivateKey.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$k, modulus: MODULUS, publicExponent: PUBLIC_EXPONENT, privateExponent: PRIVATE_EXPONENT, prime1: PRIME1, prime2: PRIME2, exponent1: EXPONENT1, exponent2: EXPONENT2, coefficient: COEFFICIENT, otherPrimeInfo: { names: { blockName: OTHER_PRIME_INFOS } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.modulus = asn1.result.modulus.convertFromDER(256); this.publicExponent = asn1.result.publicExponent; this.privateExponent = asn1.result.privateExponent.convertFromDER(256); this.prime1 = asn1.result.prime1.convertFromDER(128); this.prime2 = asn1.result.prime2.convertFromDER(128); this.exponent1 = asn1.result.exponent1.convertFromDER(128); this.exponent2 = asn1.result.exponent2.convertFromDER(128); this.coefficient = asn1.result.coefficient.convertFromDER(128); if (OTHER_PRIME_INFOS in asn1.result) this.otherPrimeInfos = Array.from(asn1.result.otherPrimeInfos, element => new OtherPrimeInfo({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(this.modulus.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.publicExponent); outputArray.push(this.privateExponent.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.prime1.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.prime2.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.exponent1.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.exponent2.convertToDER()); outputArray.push(this.coefficient.convertToDER()); if (this.otherPrimeInfos) { outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.otherPrimeInfos, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const jwk = { n: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.modulus.valueBlock.valueHexView), e: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.publicExponent.valueBlock.valueHexView), d: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.privateExponent.valueBlock.valueHexView), p: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.prime1.valueBlock.valueHexView), q: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.prime2.valueBlock.valueHexView), dp: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.exponent1.valueBlock.valueHexView), dq: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.exponent2.valueBlock.valueHexView), qi: Convert.ToBase64Url(this.coefficient.valueBlock.valueHexView), }; if (this.otherPrimeInfos) { jwk.oth = Array.from(this.otherPrimeInfos, o => o.toJSON()); } return jwk; } fromJSON(json) { ParameterError.assert("json", json, "n", "e", "d", "p", "q", "dp", "dq", "qi"); this.modulus = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.n) }); this.publicExponent = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.e) }); this.privateExponent = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.d) }); this.prime1 = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.p) }); this.prime2 = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.q) }); this.exponent1 = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.dp) }); this.exponent2 = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.dq) }); this.coefficient = new Integer({ valueHex: Convert.FromBase64Url(json.qi) }); if (json.oth) { this.otherPrimeInfos = Array.from(json.oth, (element) => new OtherPrimeInfo({ json: element })); } } } RSAPrivateKey.CLASS_NAME = "RSAPrivateKey"; const VERSION$j = "version"; const PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM = "privateKeyAlgorithm"; const PRIVATE_KEY = "privateKey"; const ATTRIBUTES$5 = "attributes"; const PARSED_KEY = "parsedKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$16 = [ VERSION$j, PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM, PRIVATE_KEY, ATTRIBUTES$5 ]; class PrivateKeyInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$j, PrivateKeyInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$j)); this.privateKeyAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM, PrivateKeyInfo.defaultValues(PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM)); this.privateKey = getParametersValue(parameters, PRIVATE_KEY, PrivateKeyInfo.defaultValues(PRIVATE_KEY)); if (ATTRIBUTES$5 in parameters) { this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES$5, PrivateKeyInfo.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES$5)); } if (PARSED_KEY in parameters) { this.parsedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_KEY, PrivateKeyInfo.defaultValues(PARSED_KEY)); } if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$j: return 0; case PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case PRIVATE_KEY: return new OctetString(); case ATTRIBUTES$5: return []; case PARSED_KEY: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.privateKeyAlgorithm || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.privateKey || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.attributes || EMPTY_STRING), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$16); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PrivateKeyInfo.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$j, privateKeyAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: PRIVATE_KEY_ALGORITHM } }, privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY, attributes: ATTRIBUTES$5 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.privateKeyAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.privateKeyAlgorithm }); this.privateKey = asn1.result.privateKey; if (ATTRIBUTES$5 in asn1.result) this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result.attributes, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); switch (this.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": { const privateKeyASN1 = fromBER(this.privateKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (privateKeyASN1.offset !== -1) this.parsedKey = new RSAPrivateKey({ schema: privateKeyASN1.result }); } break; case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": if ("algorithmParams" in this.privateKeyAlgorithm) { if (this.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmParams instanceof ObjectIdentifier) { const privateKeyASN1 = fromBER(this.privateKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (privateKeyASN1.offset !== -1) { this.parsedKey = new ECPrivateKey({ namedCurve: this.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmParams.valueBlock.toString(), schema: privateKeyASN1.result }); } } } break; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.privateKeyAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.privateKey ]; if (this.attributes) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { if (!this.parsedKey) { const object = { version: this.version, privateKeyAlgorithm: this.privateKeyAlgorithm.toJSON(), privateKey: this.privateKey.toJSON(), }; if (this.attributes) { object.attributes = Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toJSON()); } return object; } const jwk = {}; switch (this.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": jwk.kty = "EC"; break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": jwk.kty = "RSA"; break; } const publicKeyJWK = this.parsedKey.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJWK); return jwk; } fromJSON(json) { if ("kty" in json) { switch (json.kty.toUpperCase()) { case "EC": this.parsedKey = new ECPrivateKey({ json }); this.privateKeyAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.10045.2.1", algorithmParams: new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.parsedKey.namedCurve }) }); break; case "RSA": this.parsedKey = new RSAPrivateKey({ json }); this.privateKeyAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", algorithmParams: new Null() }); break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid value for "kty" parameter: ${json.kty}`); } this.privateKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: this.parsedKey.toSchema().toBER(false) }); } } } PrivateKeyInfo.CLASS_NAME = "PrivateKeyInfo"; const CONTENT_TYPE$1 = "contentType"; const CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"; const ENCRYPTED_CONTENT = "encryptedContent"; const CLEAR_PROPS$15 = [ CONTENT_TYPE$1, CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, ENCRYPTED_CONTENT, ]; class EncryptedContentInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.contentType = getParametersValue(parameters, CONTENT_TYPE$1, EncryptedContentInfo.defaultValues(CONTENT_TYPE$1)); this.contentEncryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, EncryptedContentInfo.defaultValues(CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM)); if (ENCRYPTED_CONTENT in parameters && parameters.encryptedContent) { this.encryptedContent = parameters.encryptedContent; if ((this.encryptedContent.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (this.encryptedContent.idBlock.tagNumber === 4)) { if (this.encryptedContent.idBlock.isConstructed === false) { const constrString = new OctetString({ idBlock: { isConstructed: true }, isConstructed: true }); let offset = 0; const valueHex = this.encryptedContent.valueBlock.valueHexView.slice().buffer; let length = valueHex.byteLength; const pieceSize = 1024; while (length > 0) { const pieceView = new Uint8Array(valueHex, offset, ((offset + pieceSize) > valueHex.byteLength) ? (valueHex.byteLength - offset) : pieceSize); const _array = new ArrayBuffer(pieceView.length); const _view = new Uint8Array(_array); for (let i = 0; i < _view.length; i++) _view[i] = pieceView[i]; constrString.valueBlock.value.push(new OctetString({ valueHex: _array })); length -= pieceView.length; offset += pieceView.length; } this.encryptedContent = constrString; } } } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CONTENT_TYPE$1: return EMPTY_STRING; case CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CONTENT_TYPE$1: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT: return (memberValue.isEqual(EncryptedContentInfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_CONTENT))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.contentType || EMPTY_STRING) }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.contentEncryptionAlgorithm || {}), new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.encryptedContent || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ value: new OctetString() }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.encryptedContent || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$15); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, EncryptedContentInfo.schema({ names: { contentType: CONTENT_TYPE$1, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM } }, encryptedContent: ENCRYPTED_CONTENT } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.contentType = asn1.result.contentType.valueBlock.toString(); this.contentEncryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.contentEncryptionAlgorithm }); if (ENCRYPTED_CONTENT in asn1.result) { this.encryptedContent = asn1.result.encryptedContent; this.encryptedContent.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.encryptedContent.idBlock.tagNumber = 4; } } toSchema() { const sequenceLengthBlock = { isIndefiniteForm: false }; const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.contentType })); outputArray.push(this.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.toSchema()); if (this.encryptedContent) { sequenceLengthBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.encryptedContent.idBlock.isConstructed; const encryptedValue = this.encryptedContent; encryptedValue.idBlock.tagClass = 3; encryptedValue.idBlock.tagNumber = 0; encryptedValue.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.encryptedContent.idBlock.isConstructed; outputArray.push(encryptedValue); } return (new Sequence({ lenBlock: sequenceLengthBlock, value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { contentType: this.contentType, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: this.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.toJSON() }; if (this.encryptedContent) { res.encryptedContent = this.encryptedContent.toJSON(); } return res; } getEncryptedContent() { if (!this.encryptedContent) { throw new Error("Parameter 'encryptedContent' is undefined"); } return OctetString.prototype.getValue.call(this.encryptedContent); } } EncryptedContentInfo.CLASS_NAME = "EncryptedContentInfo"; const HASH_ALGORITHM$4 = "hashAlgorithm"; const MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1 = "maskGenAlgorithm"; const SALT_LENGTH = "saltLength"; const TRAILER_FIELD = "trailerField"; const CLEAR_PROPS$14 = [ HASH_ALGORITHM$4, MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1, SALT_LENGTH, TRAILER_FIELD ]; class RSASSAPSSParams extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.hashAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM$4, RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$4)); this.maskGenAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1, RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1)); this.saltLength = getParametersValue(parameters, SALT_LENGTH, RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(SALT_LENGTH)); this.trailerField = getParametersValue(parameters, TRAILER_FIELD, RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(TRAILER_FIELD)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM$4: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "", algorithmParams: new Null() }); case MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", algorithmParams: (new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "", algorithmParams: new Null() })).toSchema() }); case SALT_LENGTH: return 20; case TRAILER_FIELD: return 1; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, optional: true, value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.hashAlgorithm || {})] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, optional: true, value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.maskGenAlgorithm || {})] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, optional: true, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.saltLength || EMPTY_STRING) })] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, optional: true, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.trailerField || EMPTY_STRING) })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$14); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RSASSAPSSParams.schema({ names: { hashAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: HASH_ALGORITHM$4 } }, maskGenAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1 } }, saltLength: SALT_LENGTH, trailerField: TRAILER_FIELD } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (HASH_ALGORITHM$4 in asn1.result) this.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.hashAlgorithm }); if (MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1 in asn1.result) this.maskGenAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.maskGenAlgorithm }); if (SALT_LENGTH in asn1.result) this.saltLength = asn1.result.saltLength.valueBlock.valueDec; if (TRAILER_FIELD in asn1.result) this.trailerField = asn1.result.trailerField.valueBlock.valueDec; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (!this.hashAlgorithm.isEqual(RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$4))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.hashAlgorithm.toSchema()] })); } if (!this.maskGenAlgorithm.isEqual(RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.maskGenAlgorithm.toSchema()] })); } if (this.saltLength !== RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(SALT_LENGTH)) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [new Integer({ value: this.saltLength })] })); } if (this.trailerField !== RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(TRAILER_FIELD)) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: [new Integer({ value: this.trailerField })] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (!this.hashAlgorithm.isEqual(RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$4))) { res.hashAlgorithm = this.hashAlgorithm.toJSON(); } if (!this.maskGenAlgorithm.isEqual(RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM$1))) { res.maskGenAlgorithm = this.maskGenAlgorithm.toJSON(); } if (this.saltLength !== RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(SALT_LENGTH)) { res.saltLength = this.saltLength; } if (this.trailerField !== RSASSAPSSParams.defaultValues(TRAILER_FIELD)) { res.trailerField = this.trailerField; } return res; } } RSASSAPSSParams.CLASS_NAME = "RSASSAPSSParams"; const SALT = "salt"; const ITERATION_COUNT = "iterationCount"; const KEY_LENGTH = "keyLength"; const PRF = "prf"; const CLEAR_PROPS$13 = [ SALT, ITERATION_COUNT, KEY_LENGTH, PRF ]; class PBKDF2Params extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.salt = getParametersValue(parameters, SALT, PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(SALT)); this.iterationCount = getParametersValue(parameters, ITERATION_COUNT, PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(ITERATION_COUNT)); if (KEY_LENGTH in parameters) { this.keyLength = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_LENGTH, PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(KEY_LENGTH)); } if (PRF in parameters) { this.prf = getParametersValue(parameters, PRF, PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(PRF)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SALT: return {}; case ITERATION_COUNT: return (-1); case KEY_LENGTH: return 0; case PRF: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "", algorithmParams: new Null() }); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Choice({ value: [ new OctetString({ name: (names.saltPrimitive || EMPTY_STRING) }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.saltConstructed || {}) ] }), new Integer({ name: (names.iterationCount || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.keyLength || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.prf || { names: { optional: true } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$13); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PBKDF2Params.schema({ names: { saltPrimitive: SALT, saltConstructed: { names: { blockName: SALT } }, iterationCount: ITERATION_COUNT, keyLength: KEY_LENGTH, prf: { names: { blockName: PRF, optional: true } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.salt = asn1.result.salt; this.iterationCount = asn1.result.iterationCount.valueBlock.valueDec; if (KEY_LENGTH in asn1.result) this.keyLength = asn1.result.keyLength.valueBlock.valueDec; if (PRF in asn1.result) this.prf = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.prf }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.salt); outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.iterationCount })); if (KEY_LENGTH in this) { if (PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(KEY_LENGTH) !== this.keyLength) outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.keyLength })); } if (this.prf) { if (PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(PRF).isEqual(this.prf) === false) outputArray.push(this.prf.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { salt: this.salt.toJSON(), iterationCount: this.iterationCount }; if (KEY_LENGTH in this) { if (PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(KEY_LENGTH) !== this.keyLength) res.keyLength = this.keyLength; } if (this.prf) { if (PBKDF2Params.defaultValues(PRF).isEqual(this.prf) === false) res.prf = this.prf.toJSON(); } return res; } } PBKDF2Params.CLASS_NAME = "PBKDF2Params"; const KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC = "keyDerivationFunc"; const ENCRYPTION_SCHEME = "encryptionScheme"; const CLEAR_PROPS$12 = [ KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC, ENCRYPTION_SCHEME ]; class PBES2Params extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.keyDerivationFunc = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC, PBES2Params.defaultValues(KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC)); this.encryptionScheme = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTION_SCHEME, PBES2Params.defaultValues(ENCRYPTION_SCHEME)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTION_SCHEME: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyDerivationFunc || {}), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.encryptionScheme || {}) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$12); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PBES2Params.schema({ names: { keyDerivationFunc: { names: { blockName: KEY_DERIVATION_FUNC } }, encryptionScheme: { names: { blockName: ENCRYPTION_SCHEME } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.keyDerivationFunc = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyDerivationFunc }); this.encryptionScheme = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.encryptionScheme }); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.keyDerivationFunc.toSchema(), this.encryptionScheme.toSchema() ] })); } toJSON() { return { keyDerivationFunc: this.keyDerivationFunc.toJSON(), encryptionScheme: this.encryptionScheme.toJSON() }; } } PBES2Params.CLASS_NAME = "PBES2Params"; class AbstractCryptoEngine { constructor(parameters) { this.crypto = parameters.crypto; this.subtle = "webkitSubtle" in parameters.crypto ? parameters.crypto.webkitSubtle : parameters.crypto.subtle; this.name = getParametersValue(parameters, "name", EMPTY_STRING); } encrypt(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.encrypt(...args); }); } decrypt(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.decrypt(...args); }); } sign(...args) { return this.subtle.sign(...args); } verify(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.verify(...args); }); } digest(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.digest(...args); }); } generateKey(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.generateKey(...args); }); } deriveKey(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.deriveKey(...args); }); } deriveBits(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.deriveBits(...args); }); } wrapKey(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.wrapKey(...args); }); } unwrapKey(...args) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.subtle.unwrapKey(...args); }); } exportKey(...args) { return this.subtle.exportKey(...args); } importKey(...args) { return this.subtle.importKey(...args); } getRandomValues(array) { return this.crypto.getRandomValues(array); } } function makePKCS12B2Key(cryptoEngine, hashAlgorithm, keyLength, password, salt, iterationCount) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let u; let v; const result = []; switch (hashAlgorithm.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": u = 20; v = 64; break; case "SHA-256": u = 32; v = 64; break; case "SHA-384": u = 48; v = 128; break; case "SHA-512": u = 64; v = 128; break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported hashing algorithm"); } const passwordViewInitial = new Uint8Array(password); const passwordTransformed = new ArrayBuffer((password.byteLength * 2) + 2); const passwordTransformedView = new Uint8Array(passwordTransformed); for (let i = 0; i < passwordViewInitial.length; i++) { passwordTransformedView[i * 2] = 0x00; passwordTransformedView[i * 2 + 1] = passwordViewInitial[i]; } passwordTransformedView[passwordTransformedView.length - 2] = 0x00; passwordTransformedView[passwordTransformedView.length - 1] = 0x00; password = passwordTransformed.slice(0); const D = new ArrayBuffer(v); const dView = new Uint8Array(D); for (let i = 0; i < D.byteLength; i++) dView[i] = 3; const saltLength = salt.byteLength; const sLen = v * Math.ceil(saltLength / v); const S = new ArrayBuffer(sLen); const sView = new Uint8Array(S); const saltView = new Uint8Array(salt); for (let i = 0; i < sLen; i++) sView[i] = saltView[i % saltLength]; const passwordLength = password.byteLength; const pLen = v * Math.ceil(passwordLength / v); const P = new ArrayBuffer(pLen); const pView = new Uint8Array(P); const passwordView = new Uint8Array(password); for (let i = 0; i < pLen; i++) pView[i] = passwordView[i % passwordLength]; const sPlusPLength = S.byteLength + P.byteLength; let I = new ArrayBuffer(sPlusPLength); let iView = new Uint8Array(I); iView.set(sView); iView.set(pView, sView.length); const c = Math.ceil((keyLength >> 3) / u); let internalSequence = Promise.resolve(I); for (let i = 0; i <= c; i++) { internalSequence = internalSequence.then(_I => { const dAndI = new ArrayBuffer(D.byteLength + _I.byteLength); const dAndIView = new Uint8Array(dAndI); dAndIView.set(dView); dAndIView.set(iView, dView.length); return dAndI; }); for (let j = 0; j < iterationCount; j++) internalSequence = internalSequence.then(roundBuffer => cryptoEngine.digest({ name: hashAlgorithm }, new Uint8Array(roundBuffer))); internalSequence = internalSequence.then(roundBuffer => { const B = new ArrayBuffer(v); const bView = new Uint8Array(B); for (let j = 0; j < B.byteLength; j++) bView[j] = roundBuffer[j % roundBuffer.byteLength]; const k = Math.ceil(saltLength / v) + Math.ceil(passwordLength / v); const iRound = []; let sliceStart = 0; let sliceLength = v; for (let j = 0; j < k; j++) { const chunk = Array.from(new Uint8Array(I.slice(sliceStart, sliceStart + sliceLength))); sliceStart += v; if ((sliceStart + v) > I.byteLength) sliceLength = I.byteLength - sliceStart; let x = 0x1ff; for (let l = (B.byteLength - 1); l >= 0; l--) { x >>= 8; x += bView[l] + chunk[l]; chunk[l] = (x & 0xff); } iRound.push(...chunk); } I = new ArrayBuffer(iRound.length); iView = new Uint8Array(I); iView.set(iRound); result.push(...(new Uint8Array(roundBuffer))); return I; }); } internalSequence = internalSequence.then(() => { const resultBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(keyLength >> 3); const resultView = new Uint8Array(resultBuffer); resultView.set((new Uint8Array(result)).slice(0, keyLength >> 3)); return resultBuffer; }); return internalSequence; }); } function prepareAlgorithm(data) { const res = typeof data === "string" ? { name: data } : data; if ("hash" in res) { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, res), { hash: prepareAlgorithm(res.hash) }); } return res; } class CryptoEngine extends AbstractCryptoEngine { importKey(format, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let jwk = {}; const alg = prepareAlgorithm(algorithm); switch (format.toLowerCase()) { case "raw": return this.subtle.importKey("raw", keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages); case "spki": { const asn1 = fromBER(BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(keyData)); AsnError.assert(asn1, "keyData"); const publicKeyInfo = new PublicKeyInfo(); try { publicKeyInfo.fromSchema(asn1.result); } catch (_g) { throw new ArgumentError("Incorrect keyData"); } switch (alg.name.toUpperCase()) { case "RSA-PSS": { if (!alg.hash) { throw new ParameterError("hash", "algorithm.hash", "Incorrect hash algorithm: Hash algorithm is missed"); } switch (alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "PS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "PS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "PS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "PS512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } case "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5": { keyUsages = ["verify"]; jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; if (publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId !== "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1") throw new Error(`Incorrect public key algorithm: ${publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId}`); if (!jwk.alg) { if (!alg.hash) { throw new ParameterError("hash", "algorithm.hash", "Incorrect hash algorithm: Hash algorithm is missed"); } switch (alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RS512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } const publicKeyJSON = publicKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJSON); } break; case "ECDSA": keyUsages = ["verify"]; case "ECDH": { jwk = { kty: "EC", ext: extractable, key_ops: keyUsages }; if (publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId !== "1.2.840.10045.2.1") { throw new Error(`Incorrect public key algorithm: ${publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId}`); } const publicKeyJSON = publicKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJSON); } break; case "RSA-OAEP": { jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; if (this.name.toLowerCase() === "safari") jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP"; else { if (!alg.hash) { throw new ParameterError("hash", "algorithm.hash", "Incorrect hash algorithm: Hash algorithm is missed"); } switch (alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${alg.hash.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } const publicKeyJSON = publicKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJSON); } break; case "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5": { jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; jwk.alg = "PS1"; const publicKeyJSON = publicKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJSON); } break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect algorithm name: ${alg.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } break; case "pkcs8": { const privateKeyInfo = new PrivateKeyInfo(); const asn1 = fromBER(BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(keyData)); AsnError.assert(asn1, "keyData"); try { privateKeyInfo.fromSchema(asn1.result); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrect keyData"); } if (!privateKeyInfo.parsedKey) throw new Error("Incorrect keyData"); switch (alg.name.toUpperCase()) { case "RSA-PSS": { switch ((_a = alg.hash) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "PS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "PS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "PS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "PS512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${(_b = alg.hash) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } case "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5": { keyUsages = ["sign"]; jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; if (privateKeyInfo.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId !== "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1") throw new Error(`Incorrect private key algorithm: ${privateKeyInfo.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); if (("alg" in jwk) === false) { switch ((_c = alg.hash) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RS1"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RS256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RS384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RS512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${(_d = alg.hash) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } const privateKeyJSON = privateKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, privateKeyJSON); } break; case "ECDSA": keyUsages = ["sign"]; case "ECDH": { jwk = { kty: "EC", ext: extractable, key_ops: keyUsages }; if (privateKeyInfo.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId !== "1.2.840.10045.2.1") throw new Error(`Incorrect algorithm: ${privateKeyInfo.privateKeyAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); const privateKeyJSON = privateKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, privateKeyJSON); } break; case "RSA-OAEP": { jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; if (this.name.toLowerCase() === "safari") jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP"; else { switch ((_e = alg.hash) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP"; break; case "SHA-256": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-256"; break; case "SHA-384": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-384"; break; case "SHA-512": jwk.alg = "RSA-OAEP-512"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect hash algorithm: ${(_f = alg.hash) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } const privateKeyJSON = privateKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, privateKeyJSON); } break; case "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5": { keyUsages = ["decrypt"]; jwk.kty = "RSA"; jwk.ext = extractable; jwk.key_ops = keyUsages; jwk.alg = "PS1"; const privateKeyJSON = privateKeyInfo.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, privateKeyJSON); } break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect algorithm name: ${alg.name.toUpperCase()}`); } } break; case "jwk": jwk = keyData; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect format: ${format}`); } if (this.name.toLowerCase() === "safari") { try { return this.subtle.importKey("jwk", stringToArrayBuffer(JSON.stringify(jwk)), algorithm, extractable, keyUsages); } catch (_h) { return this.subtle.importKey("jwk", jwk, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages); } } return this.subtle.importKey("jwk", jwk, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages); }); } exportKey(format, key) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let jwk = yield this.subtle.exportKey("jwk", key); if (this.name.toLowerCase() === "safari") { if (jwk instanceof ArrayBuffer) { jwk = JSON.parse(arrayBufferToString(jwk)); } } switch (format.toLowerCase()) { case "raw": return this.subtle.exportKey("raw", key); case "spki": { const publicKeyInfo = new PublicKeyInfo(); try { publicKeyInfo.fromJSON(jwk); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrect key data"); } return publicKeyInfo.toSchema().toBER(false); } case "pkcs8": { const privateKeyInfo = new PrivateKeyInfo(); try { privateKeyInfo.fromJSON(jwk); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrect key data"); } return privateKeyInfo.toSchema().toBER(false); } case "jwk": return jwk; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect format: ${format}`); } }); } convert(inputFormat, outputFormat, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (inputFormat.toLowerCase() === outputFormat.toLowerCase()) { return keyData; } const key = yield this.importKey(inputFormat, keyData, algorithm, extractable, keyUsages); return this.exportKey(outputFormat, key); }); } getAlgorithmByOID(oid, safety = false, target) { switch (oid) { case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": return { name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5" }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5": return { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-1" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11": return { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12": return { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-384" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13": return { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-512" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10": return { name: "RSA-PSS" }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.7": return { name: "RSA-OAEP" }; case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": case "1.2.840.10045.4.1": return { name: "ECDSA", hash: { name: "SHA-1" } }; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.2": return { name: "ECDSA", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.3": return { name: "ECDSA", hash: { name: "SHA-384" } }; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.4": return { name: "ECDSA", hash: { name: "SHA-512" } }; case "": return { name: "ECDH", kdf: "SHA-1" }; case "": return { name: "ECDH", kdf: "SHA-256" }; case "": return { name: "ECDH", kdf: "SHA-384" }; case "": return { name: "ECDH", kdf: "SHA-512" }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CBC", length: 128 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CBC", length: 192 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CBC", length: 256 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-GCM", length: 128 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-GCM", length: 192 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-GCM", length: 256 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CFB", length: 128 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CFB", length: 192 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-CFB", length: 256 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-KW", length: 128 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-KW", length: 192 }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "AES-KW", length: 256 }; case "1.2.840.113549.2.7": return { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-1" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.2.9": return { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.2.10": return { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-384" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.2.11": return { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-512" } }; case "1.2.840.113549.": return { name: "DH" }; case "": return { name: "SHA-1" }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "SHA-256" }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "SHA-384" }; case "2.16.840.": return { name: "SHA-512" }; case "1.2.840.113549.1.5.12": return { name: "PBKDF2" }; case "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7": return { name: "P-256" }; case "": return { name: "P-384" }; case "": return { name: "P-521" }; } if (safety) { throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm identifier ${target ? `for ${target} ` : EMPTY_STRING}: ${oid}`); } return {}; } getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm, safety = false, target) { let result = EMPTY_STRING; switch (algorithm.name.toUpperCase()) { case "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"; break; case "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5": switch (algorithm.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5"; break; case "SHA-256": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11"; break; case "SHA-384": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12"; break; case "SHA-512": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13"; break; } break; case "RSA-PSS": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10"; break; case "RSA-OAEP": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.7"; break; case "ECDSA": switch (algorithm.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": result = "1.2.840.10045.4.1"; break; case "SHA-256": result = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.2"; break; case "SHA-384": result = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.3"; break; case "SHA-512": result = "1.2.840.10045.4.3.4"; break; } break; case "ECDH": switch (algorithm.kdf.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": result = ""; break; case "SHA-256": result = ""; break; case "SHA-384": result = ""; break; case "SHA-512": result = ""; break; } break; case "AES-CTR": break; case "AES-CBC": switch (algorithm.length) { case 128: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 192: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 256: result = "2.16.840."; break; } break; case "AES-CMAC": break; case "AES-GCM": switch (algorithm.length) { case 128: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 192: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 256: result = "2.16.840."; break; } break; case "AES-CFB": switch (algorithm.length) { case 128: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 192: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 256: result = "2.16.840."; break; } break; case "AES-KW": switch (algorithm.length) { case 128: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 192: result = "2.16.840."; break; case 256: result = "2.16.840."; break; } break; case "HMAC": switch (algorithm.hash.name.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": result = "1.2.840.113549.2.7"; break; case "SHA-256": result = "1.2.840.113549.2.9"; break; case "SHA-384": result = "1.2.840.113549.2.10"; break; case "SHA-512": result = "1.2.840.113549.2.11"; break; } break; case "DH": result = "1.2.840.113549."; break; case "SHA-1": result = ""; break; case "SHA-256": result = "2.16.840."; break; case "SHA-384": result = "2.16.840."; break; case "SHA-512": result = "2.16.840."; break; case "CONCAT": break; case "HKDF": break; case "PBKDF2": result = "1.2.840.113549.1.5.12"; break; case "P-256": result = "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7"; break; case "P-384": result = ""; break; case "P-521": result = ""; break; } if (!result && safety) { throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm ${target ? `for ${target} ` : EMPTY_STRING}: ${algorithm.name}`); } return result; } getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmName, operation) { let result = { algorithm: {}, usages: [] }; switch (algorithmName.toUpperCase()) { case "RSAES-PKCS1-V1_5": case "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]), hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; case "verify": case "sign": case "importkey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["verify"] }; break; case "exportkey": default: return { algorithm: { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "RSA-PSS": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "sign": case "verify": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-PSS", hash: { name: "SHA-1" }, saltLength: 20 }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-PSS", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]), hash: { name: "SHA-1" } }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; case "importkey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-PSS", hash: { name: "SHA-1" } }, usages: ["verify"] }; break; case "exportkey": default: return { algorithm: { name: "RSA-PSS" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "RSA-OAEP": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "encrypt": case "decrypt": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-OAEP" }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt"] }; break; case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-OAEP", modulusLength: 2048, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]), hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; case "importkey": result = { algorithm: { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["encrypt"] }; break; case "exportkey": default: return { algorithm: { name: "RSA-OAEP" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "ECDSA": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-256" }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; case "importkey": result = { algorithm: { name: "ECDSA", namedCurve: "P-256" }, usages: ["verify"] }; break; case "verify": case "sign": result = { algorithm: { name: "ECDSA", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["sign"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "ECDSA" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "ECDH": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "exportkey": case "importkey": case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256" }, usages: ["deriveKey", "deriveBits"] }; break; case "derivekey": case "derivebits": result = { algorithm: { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256", public: [] }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "ECDH" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "AES-CTR": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "importkey": case "exportkey": case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-CTR", length: 256 }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; case "decrypt": case "encrypt": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-CTR", counter: new Uint8Array(16), length: 10 }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "AES-CTR" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "AES-CBC": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "importkey": case "exportkey": case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-CBC", length: 256 }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; case "decrypt": case "encrypt": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-CBC", iv: this.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)) }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "AES-CBC" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "AES-GCM": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "importkey": case "exportkey": case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-GCM", length: 256 }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; case "decrypt": case "encrypt": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-GCM", iv: this.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)) }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "AES-GCM" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "AES-KW": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "importkey": case "exportkey": case "generatekey": case "wrapkey": case "unwrapkey": result = { algorithm: { name: "AES-KW", length: 256 }, usages: ["wrapKey", "unwrapKey"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "AES-KW" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "HMAC": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "sign": case "verify": result = { algorithm: { name: "HMAC" }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; case "importkey": case "exportkey": case "generatekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "HMAC", length: 32, hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, usages: ["sign", "verify"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "HMAC" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "HKDF": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "derivekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "HKDF", hash: "SHA-256", salt: new Uint8Array([]), info: new Uint8Array([]) }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "HKDF" }, usages: [] }; } break; case "PBKDF2": switch (operation.toLowerCase()) { case "derivekey": result = { algorithm: { name: "PBKDF2", hash: { name: "SHA-256" }, salt: new Uint8Array([]), iterations: 10000 }, usages: ["encrypt", "decrypt"] }; break; default: return { algorithm: { name: "PBKDF2" }, usages: [] }; } break; } return result; } getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm) { let result = EMPTY_STRING; switch (signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.10045.4.1": case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.5": result = "SHA-1"; break; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.2": case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11": result = "SHA-256"; break; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.3": case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.12": result = "SHA-384"; break; case "1.2.840.10045.4.3.4": case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.13": result = "SHA-512"; break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10": { try { const params = new RSASSAPSSParams({ schema: signatureAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); if (params.hashAlgorithm) { const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmByOID(params.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId); if ("name" in algorithm) { result = algorithm.name; } else { return EMPTY_STRING; } } else result = "SHA-1"; } catch (_a) { } } break; } return result; } encryptEncryptedContentInfo(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assert(parameters, "password", "contentEncryptionAlgorithm", "hmacHashAlgorithm", "iterationCount", "contentToEncrypt", "contentToEncrypt", "contentType"); const contentEncryptionOID = this.getOIDByAlgorithm(parameters.contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); const pbkdf2OID = this.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "PBKDF2" }, true, "PBKDF2"); const hmacOID = this.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "HMAC", hash: { name: parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm } }, true, "hmacHashAlgorithm"); const ivBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(16); const ivView = new Uint8Array(ivBuffer); this.getRandomValues(ivView); const saltBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(64); const saltView = new Uint8Array(saltBuffer); this.getRandomValues(saltView); const contentView = new Uint8Array(parameters.contentToEncrypt); const pbkdf2Params = new PBKDF2Params({ salt: new OctetString({ valueHex: saltBuffer }), iterationCount: parameters.iterationCount, prf: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hmacOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }) }); const passwordView = new Uint8Array(parameters.password); const pbkdfKey = yield this.importKey("raw", passwordView, "PBKDF2", false, ["deriveKey"]); const derivedKey = yield this.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", hash: { name: parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm }, salt: saltView, iterations: parameters.iterationCount }, pbkdfKey, parameters.contentEncryptionAlgorithm, false, ["encrypt"]); const encryptedData = yield this.encrypt({ name: parameters.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.name, iv: ivView }, derivedKey, contentView); const pbes2Parameters = new PBES2Params({ keyDerivationFunc: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: pbkdf2OID, algorithmParams: pbkdf2Params.toSchema() }), encryptionScheme: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: contentEncryptionOID, algorithmParams: new OctetString({ valueHex: ivBuffer }) }) }); return new EncryptedContentInfo({ contentType: parameters.contentType, contentEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.5.13", algorithmParams: pbes2Parameters.toSchema() }), encryptedContent: new OctetString({ valueHex: encryptedData }) }); }); } decryptEncryptedContentInfo(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assert(parameters, "password", "encryptedContentInfo"); if (parameters.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId !== "1.2.840.113549.1.5.13") throw new Error(`Unknown "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${parameters.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); let pbes2Parameters; try { pbes2Parameters = new PBES2Params({ schema: parameters.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"pbes2Parameters\""); } let pbkdf2Params; try { pbkdf2Params = new PBKDF2Params({ schema: pbes2Parameters.keyDerivationFunc.algorithmParams }); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"pbkdf2Params\""); } const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = this.getAlgorithmByOID(pbes2Parameters.encryptionScheme.algorithmId, true); const ivBuffer = pbes2Parameters.encryptionScheme.algorithmParams.valueBlock.valueHex; const ivView = new Uint8Array(ivBuffer); const saltBuffer = pbkdf2Params.salt.valueBlock.valueHex; const saltView = new Uint8Array(saltBuffer); const iterationCount = pbkdf2Params.iterationCount; let hmacHashAlgorithm = "SHA-1"; if (pbkdf2Params.prf) { const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmByOID(pbkdf2Params.prf.algorithmId, true); hmacHashAlgorithm = algorithm.hash.name; } const pbkdfKey = yield this.importKey("raw", parameters.password, "PBKDF2", false, ["deriveKey"]); const result = yield this.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", hash: { name: hmacHashAlgorithm }, salt: saltView, iterations: iterationCount }, pbkdfKey, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, false, ["decrypt"]); const dataBuffer = parameters.encryptedContentInfo.getEncryptedContent(); return this.decrypt({ name: contentEncryptionAlgorithm.name, iv: ivView }, result, dataBuffer); }); } stampDataWithPassword(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if ((parameters instanceof Object) === false) throw new Error("Parameters must have type \"Object\""); ParameterError.assert(parameters, "password", "hashAlgorithm", "iterationCount", "salt", "contentToStamp"); let length; switch (parameters.hashAlgorithm.toLowerCase()) { case "sha-1": length = 160; break; case "sha-256": length = 256; break; case "sha-384": length = 384; break; case "sha-512": length = 512; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect "parameters.hashAlgorithm" parameter: ${parameters.hashAlgorithm}`); } const hmacAlgorithm = { name: "HMAC", length, hash: { name: parameters.hashAlgorithm } }; const pkcsKey = yield makePKCS12B2Key(this, parameters.hashAlgorithm, length, parameters.password, parameters.salt, parameters.iterationCount); const hmacKey = yield this.importKey("raw", new Uint8Array(pkcsKey), hmacAlgorithm, false, ["sign"]); return this.sign(hmacAlgorithm, hmacKey, new Uint8Array(parameters.contentToStamp)); }); } verifyDataStampedWithPassword(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assert(parameters, "password", "hashAlgorithm", "salt", "iterationCount", "contentToVerify", "signatureToVerify"); let length = 0; switch (parameters.hashAlgorithm.toLowerCase()) { case "sha-1": length = 160; break; case "sha-256": length = 256; break; case "sha-384": length = 384; break; case "sha-512": length = 512; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect "parameters.hashAlgorithm" parameter: ${parameters.hashAlgorithm}`); } const hmacAlgorithm = { name: "HMAC", length, hash: { name: parameters.hashAlgorithm } }; const pkcsKey = yield makePKCS12B2Key(this, parameters.hashAlgorithm, length, parameters.password, parameters.salt, parameters.iterationCount); const hmacKey = yield this.importKey("raw", new Uint8Array(pkcsKey), hmacAlgorithm, false, ["verify"]); return this.verify(hmacAlgorithm, hmacKey, new Uint8Array(parameters.signatureToVerify), new Uint8Array(parameters.contentToVerify)); }); } getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1") { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: hashAlgorithm }, true, "hashAlgorithm"); const signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier(); const parameters = this.getAlgorithmParameters(privateKey.algorithm.name, "sign"); if (!Object.keys(parameters.algorithm).length) { throw new Error("Parameter 'algorithm' is empty"); } const algorithm = parameters.algorithm; algorithm.hash.name = hashAlgorithm; switch (privateKey.algorithm.name.toUpperCase()) { case "RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5": case "ECDSA": signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId = this.getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm, true); break; case "RSA-PSS": { switch (hashAlgorithm.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-256": algorithm.saltLength = 32; break; case "SHA-384": algorithm.saltLength = 48; break; case "SHA-512": algorithm.saltLength = 64; break; } const paramsObject = {}; if (hashAlgorithm.toUpperCase() !== "SHA-1") { const hashAlgorithmOID = this.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: hashAlgorithm }, true, "hashAlgorithm"); paramsObject.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashAlgorithmOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }); paramsObject.maskGenAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", algorithmParams: paramsObject.hashAlgorithm.toSchema() }); } if (algorithm.saltLength !== 20) paramsObject.saltLength = algorithm.saltLength; const pssParameters = new RSASSAPSSParams(paramsObject); signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10"; signatureAlgorithm.algorithmParams = pssParameters.toSchema(); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported signature algorithm: ${privateKey.algorithm.name}`); } return { signatureAlgorithm, parameters }; }); } signWithPrivateKey(data, privateKey, parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const signature = yield this.sign(parameters.algorithm, privateKey, data); if (parameters.algorithm.name === "ECDSA") { return createCMSECDSASignature(signature); } return signature; }); } fillPublicKeyParameters(publicKeyInfo, signatureAlgorithm) { const parameters = {}; const shaAlgorithm = this.getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm); if (shaAlgorithm === EMPTY_STRING) throw new Error(`Unsupported signature algorithm: ${signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); let algorithmId; if (signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId === "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10") algorithmId = signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId; else algorithmId = publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId; const algorithmObject = this.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true); parameters.algorithm = this.getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmObject.name, "importKey"); if ("hash" in parameters.algorithm.algorithm) parameters.algorithm.algorithm.hash.name = shaAlgorithm; if (algorithmObject.name === "ECDSA") { const publicKeyAlgorithm = publicKeyInfo.algorithm; if (!publicKeyAlgorithm.algorithmParams) { throw new Error("Algorithm parameters for ECDSA public key are missed"); } const publicKeyAlgorithmParams = publicKeyAlgorithm.algorithmParams; if ("idBlock" in publicKeyAlgorithm.algorithmParams) { if (!((publicKeyAlgorithmParams.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (publicKeyAlgorithmParams.idBlock.tagNumber === 6))) { throw new Error("Incorrect type for ECDSA public key parameters"); } } const curveObject = this.getAlgorithmByOID(publicKeyAlgorithmParams.valueBlock.toString(), true); parameters.algorithm.algorithm.namedCurve = curveObject.name; } return parameters; } getPublicKey(publicKeyInfo, signatureAlgorithm, parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!parameters) { parameters = this.fillPublicKeyParameters(publicKeyInfo, signatureAlgorithm); } const publicKeyInfoBuffer = publicKeyInfo.toSchema().toBER(false); return this.importKey("spki", publicKeyInfoBuffer, parameters.algorithm.algorithm, true, parameters.algorithm.usages); }); } verifyWithPublicKey(data, signature, publicKeyInfo, signatureAlgorithm, shaAlgorithm) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let publicKey; if (!shaAlgorithm) { shaAlgorithm = this.getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm); if (!shaAlgorithm) throw new Error(`Unsupported signature algorithm: ${signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); publicKey = yield this.getPublicKey(publicKeyInfo, signatureAlgorithm); } else { const parameters = {}; let algorithmId; if (signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId === "1.2.840.113549.1.1.10") algorithmId = signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId; else algorithmId = publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId; const algorithmObject = this.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true); parameters.algorithm = this.getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmObject.name, "importKey"); if ("hash" in parameters.algorithm.algorithm) parameters.algorithm.algorithm.hash.name = shaAlgorithm; if (algorithmObject.name === "ECDSA") { let algorithmParamsChecked = false; if (("algorithmParams" in publicKeyInfo.algorithm) === true) { if ("idBlock" in publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams) { if ((publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams.idBlock.tagNumber === 6)) algorithmParamsChecked = true; } } if (algorithmParamsChecked === false) { throw new Error("Incorrect type for ECDSA public key parameters"); } const curveObject = this.getAlgorithmByOID(publicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams.valueBlock.toString(), true); parameters.algorithm.algorithm.namedCurve = curveObject.name; } publicKey = yield this.getPublicKey(publicKeyInfo, null, parameters); } const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmParameters(publicKey.algorithm.name, "verify"); if ("hash" in algorithm.algorithm) algorithm.algorithm.hash.name = shaAlgorithm; let signatureValue = signature.valueBlock.valueHexView; if (publicKey.algorithm.name === "ECDSA") { const namedCurve = ECNamedCurves.find(publicKey.algorithm.namedCurve); if (!namedCurve) { throw new Error("Unsupported named curve in use"); } const asn1 = fromBER(signatureValue); AsnError.assert(asn1, "Signature value"); signatureValue = createECDSASignatureFromCMS(asn1.result, namedCurve.size); } if (publicKey.algorithm.name === "RSA-PSS") { const pssParameters = new RSASSAPSSParams({ schema: signatureAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); if ("saltLength" in pssParameters) algorithm.algorithm.saltLength = pssParameters.saltLength; else algorithm.algorithm.saltLength = 20; let hashAlgo = "SHA-1"; if ("hashAlgorithm" in pssParameters) { const hashAlgorithm = this.getAlgorithmByOID(pssParameters.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId, true); hashAlgo = hashAlgorithm.name; } algorithm.algorithm.hash.name = hashAlgo; } return this.verify(algorithm.algorithm, publicKey, signatureValue, data); }); } } let engine = { name: "none", crypto: null, }; function isCryptoEngine(engine) { return engine && typeof engine === "object" && "crypto" in engine ? true : false; } function setEngine(name, ...args) { let crypto = null; if (args.length < 2) { if (args.length) { crypto = args[0]; } else { crypto = typeof self !== "undefined" && self.crypto ? new CryptoEngine({ name: "browser", crypto: self.crypto }) : null; } } else { const cryptoArg = args[0]; const subtleArg = args[1]; if (isCryptoEngine(subtleArg)) { crypto = subtleArg; } else if (isCryptoEngine(cryptoArg)) { crypto = cryptoArg; } else if ("subtle" in cryptoArg && "getRandomValues" in cryptoArg) { crypto = new CryptoEngine({ crypto: cryptoArg, }); } } if ((typeof process !== "undefined") && ("pid" in process) && (typeof global !== "undefined") && (typeof window === "undefined")) { if (typeof global[process.pid] === "undefined") { global[process.pid] = {}; } else { if (typeof global[process.pid] !== "object") { throw new Error(`Name global.${process.pid} already exists and it is not an object`); } } if (typeof global[process.pid].pkijs === "undefined") { global[process.pid].pkijs = {}; } else { if (typeof global[process.pid].pkijs !== "object") { throw new Error(`Name global.${process.pid}.pkijs already exists and it is not an object`); } } global[process.pid].pkijs.engine = { name: name, crypto, }; } else { engine = { name: name, crypto, }; } } function getEngine() { if ((typeof process !== "undefined") && ("pid" in process) && (typeof global !== "undefined") && (typeof window === "undefined")) { let _engine; try { _engine = global[process.pid].pkijs.engine; } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Please call 'setEngine' before call to 'getEngine'"); } return _engine; } return engine; } function getCrypto(safety = false) { const _engine = getEngine(); if (!_engine.crypto && safety) { throw new Error("Unable to create WebCrypto object"); } return _engine.crypto; } function getRandomValues(view) { return getCrypto(true).getRandomValues(view); } function getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm, safety, target) { return getCrypto(true).getOIDByAlgorithm(algorithm, safety, target); } function getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmName, operation) { return getCrypto(true).getAlgorithmParameters(algorithmName, operation); } function createCMSECDSASignature(signatureBuffer) { if ((signatureBuffer.byteLength % 2) !== 0) return EMPTY_BUFFER; const length = signatureBuffer.byteLength / 2; const rBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length); const rView = new Uint8Array(rBuffer); rView.set(new Uint8Array(signatureBuffer, 0, length)); const rInteger = new Integer({ valueHex: rBuffer }); const sBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length); const sView = new Uint8Array(sBuffer); sView.set(new Uint8Array(signatureBuffer, length, length)); const sInteger = new Integer({ valueHex: sBuffer }); return (new Sequence({ value: [ rInteger.convertToDER(), sInteger.convertToDER() ] })).toBER(false); } function createECDSASignatureFromCMS(cmsSignature, pointSize) { if (!(cmsSignature instanceof Sequence && cmsSignature.valueBlock.value.length === 2 && cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Integer && cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[1] instanceof Integer)) return EMPTY_BUFFER; const rValueView = cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[0].convertFromDER().valueBlock.valueHexView; const sValueView = cmsSignature.valueBlock.value[1].convertFromDER().valueBlock.valueHexView; const res = new Uint8Array(pointSize * 2); res.set(rValueView, pointSize - rValueView.byteLength); res.set(sValueView, (2 * pointSize) - sValueView.byteLength); return res.buffer; } function getAlgorithmByOID(oid, safety = false, target) { return getCrypto(true).getAlgorithmByOID(oid, safety, target); } function getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm) { return getCrypto(true).getHashAlgorithm(signatureAlgorithm); } function kdfWithCounter(hashFunction, zBuffer, Counter, SharedInfo, crypto) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { switch (hashFunction.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": case "SHA-256": case "SHA-384": case "SHA-512": break; default: throw new ArgumentError(`Unknown hash function: ${hashFunction}`); } ArgumentError.assert(zBuffer, "zBuffer", "ArrayBuffer"); if (zBuffer.byteLength === 0) throw new ArgumentError("'zBuffer' has zero length, error"); ArgumentError.assert(SharedInfo, "SharedInfo", "ArrayBuffer"); if (Counter > 255) throw new ArgumentError("Please set 'Counter' argument to value less or equal to 255"); const counterBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4); const counterView = new Uint8Array(counterBuffer); counterView[0] = 0x00; counterView[1] = 0x00; counterView[2] = 0x00; counterView[3] = Counter; let combinedBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER; combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, zBuffer); combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, counterBuffer); combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, SharedInfo); const result = yield crypto.digest({ name: hashFunction }, combinedBuffer); return { counter: Counter, result }; }); } function kdf(hashFunction, Zbuffer, keydatalen, SharedInfo, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let hashLength = 0; let maxCounter = 1; switch (hashFunction.toUpperCase()) { case "SHA-1": hashLength = 160; break; case "SHA-256": hashLength = 256; break; case "SHA-384": hashLength = 384; break; case "SHA-512": hashLength = 512; break; default: throw new ArgumentError(`Unknown hash function: ${hashFunction}`); } ArgumentError.assert(Zbuffer, "Zbuffer", "ArrayBuffer"); if (Zbuffer.byteLength === 0) throw new ArgumentError("'Zbuffer' has zero length, error"); ArgumentError.assert(SharedInfo, "SharedInfo", "ArrayBuffer"); const quotient = keydatalen / hashLength; if (Math.floor(quotient) > 0) { maxCounter = Math.floor(quotient); if ((quotient - maxCounter) > 0) maxCounter++; } const incomingResult = []; for (let i = 1; i <= maxCounter; i++) incomingResult.push(yield kdfWithCounter(hashFunction, Zbuffer, i, SharedInfo, crypto)); let combinedBuffer = EMPTY_BUFFER; let currentCounter = 1; let found = true; while (found) { found = false; for (const result of incomingResult) { if (result.counter === currentCounter) { combinedBuffer = utilConcatBuf(combinedBuffer, result.result); found = true; break; } } currentCounter++; } keydatalen >>= 3; if (combinedBuffer.byteLength > keydatalen) { const newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(keydatalen); const newView = new Uint8Array(newBuffer); const combinedView = new Uint8Array(combinedBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < keydatalen; i++) newView[i] = combinedView[i]; return newBuffer; } return combinedBuffer; }); } const VERSION$i = "version"; const LOG_ID = "logID"; const EXTENSIONS$6 = "extensions"; const TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; const HASH_ALGORITHM$3 = "hashAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$8 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE$7 = "signature"; const NONE = "none"; const MD5 = "md5"; const SHA1 = "sha1"; const SHA224 = "sha224"; const SHA256 = "sha256"; const SHA384 = "sha384"; const SHA512 = "sha512"; const ANONYMOUS = "anonymous"; const RSA = "rsa"; const DSA = "dsa"; const ECDSA = "ecdsa"; class SignedCertificateTimestamp extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$i, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(VERSION$i)); this.logID = getParametersValue(parameters, LOG_ID, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(LOG_ID)); this.timestamp = getParametersValue(parameters, TIMESTAMP, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(TIMESTAMP)); this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$6, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$6)); this.hashAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM$3, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$3)); this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$8, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$8)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$7, SignedCertificateTimestamp.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$7)); if ("stream" in parameters && parameters.stream) { this.fromStream(parameters.stream); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$i: return 0; case LOG_ID: case EXTENSIONS$6: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case TIMESTAMP: return new Date(0); case HASH_ALGORITHM$3: case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$8: return EMPTY_STRING; case SIGNATURE$7: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } fromSchema(schema) { if ((schema instanceof RawData) === false) throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for SignedCertificateTimestamp"); const seqStream = new SeqStream({ stream: new ByteStream({ buffer: schema.data }) }); this.fromStream(seqStream); } fromStream(stream) { const blockLength = stream.getUint16(); this.version = (stream.getBlock(1))[0]; if (this.version === 0) { this.logID = (new Uint8Array(stream.getBlock(32))).buffer.slice(0); this.timestamp = new Date(utilFromBase(new Uint8Array(stream.getBlock(8)), 8)); const extensionsLength = stream.getUint16(); this.extensions = (new Uint8Array(stream.getBlock(extensionsLength))).buffer.slice(0); switch ((stream.getBlock(1))[0]) { case 0: this.hashAlgorithm = NONE; break; case 1: this.hashAlgorithm = MD5; break; case 2: this.hashAlgorithm = SHA1; break; case 3: this.hashAlgorithm = SHA224; break; case 4: this.hashAlgorithm = SHA256; break; case 5: this.hashAlgorithm = SHA384; break; case 6: this.hashAlgorithm = SHA512; break; default: throw new Error("Object's stream was not correct for SignedCertificateTimestamp"); } switch ((stream.getBlock(1))[0]) { case 0: this.signatureAlgorithm = ANONYMOUS; break; case 1: this.signatureAlgorithm = RSA; break; case 2: this.signatureAlgorithm = DSA; break; case 3: this.signatureAlgorithm = ECDSA; break; default: throw new Error("Object's stream was not correct for SignedCertificateTimestamp"); } const signatureLength = stream.getUint16(); const signatureData = new Uint8Array(stream.getBlock(signatureLength)).buffer.slice(0); const asn1 = fromBER(signatureData); AsnError.assert(asn1, "SignedCertificateTimestamp"); this.signature = asn1.result; if (blockLength !== (47 + extensionsLength + signatureLength)) { throw new Error("Object's stream was not correct for SignedCertificateTimestamp"); } } } toSchema() { const stream = this.toStream(); return new RawData({ data: stream.stream.buffer }); } toStream() { const stream = new SeqStream(); stream.appendUint16(47 + this.extensions.byteLength + this.signature.valueBeforeDecodeView.byteLength); stream.appendChar(this.version); stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(this.logID)); const timeBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); const timeView = new Uint8Array(timeBuffer); const baseArray = utilToBase(this.timestamp.valueOf(), 8); timeView.set(new Uint8Array(baseArray), 8 - baseArray.byteLength); stream.appendView(timeView); stream.appendUint16(this.extensions.byteLength); if (this.extensions.byteLength) stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(this.extensions)); let _hashAlgorithm; switch (this.hashAlgorithm.toLowerCase()) { case NONE: _hashAlgorithm = 0; break; case MD5: _hashAlgorithm = 1; break; case SHA1: _hashAlgorithm = 2; break; case SHA224: _hashAlgorithm = 3; break; case SHA256: _hashAlgorithm = 4; break; case SHA384: _hashAlgorithm = 5; break; case SHA512: _hashAlgorithm = 6; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect data for hashAlgorithm: ${this.hashAlgorithm}`); } stream.appendChar(_hashAlgorithm); let _signatureAlgorithm; switch (this.signatureAlgorithm.toLowerCase()) { case ANONYMOUS: _signatureAlgorithm = 0; break; case RSA: _signatureAlgorithm = 1; break; case DSA: _signatureAlgorithm = 2; break; case ECDSA: _signatureAlgorithm = 3; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect data for signatureAlgorithm: ${this.signatureAlgorithm}`); } stream.appendChar(_signatureAlgorithm); const _signature = this.signature.toBER(false); stream.appendUint16(_signature.byteLength); stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(_signature)); return stream; } toJSON() { return { version: this.version, logID: bufferToHexCodes(this.logID), timestamp: this.timestamp, extensions: bufferToHexCodes(this.extensions), hashAlgorithm: this.hashAlgorithm, signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm, signature: this.signature.toJSON() }; } verify(logs, data, dataType = 0, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const logId = toBase64(arrayBufferToString(this.logID)); let publicKeyBase64 = null; const stream = new SeqStream(); for (const log of logs) { if (log.log_id === logId) { publicKeyBase64 = log.key; break; } } if (!publicKeyBase64) { throw new Error(`Public key not found for CT with logId: ${logId}`); } const pki = stringToArrayBuffer(fromBase64(publicKeyBase64)); const publicKeyInfo = PublicKeyInfo.fromBER(pki); stream.appendChar(0x00); stream.appendChar(0x00); const timeBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); const timeView = new Uint8Array(timeBuffer); const baseArray = utilToBase(this.timestamp.valueOf(), 8); timeView.set(new Uint8Array(baseArray), 8 - baseArray.byteLength); stream.appendView(timeView); stream.appendUint16(dataType); if (dataType === 0) stream.appendUint24(data.byteLength); stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(data)); stream.appendUint16(this.extensions.byteLength); if (this.extensions.byteLength !== 0) stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(this.extensions)); return crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(stream.buffer.slice(0, stream.length), new OctetString({ valueHex: this.signature.toBER(false) }), publicKeyInfo, { algorithmId: EMPTY_STRING }, "SHA-256"); }); } } SignedCertificateTimestamp.CLASS_NAME = "SignedCertificateTimestamp"; function verifySCTsForCertificate(certificate, issuerCertificate, logs, index = (-1), crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let parsedValue = null; const stream = new SeqStream(); for (let i = 0; certificate.extensions && i < certificate.extensions.length; i++) { switch (certificate.extensions[i].extnID) { case id_SignedCertificateTimestampList: { parsedValue = certificate.extensions[i].parsedValue; if (!parsedValue || parsedValue.timestamps.length === 0) throw new Error("Nothing to verify in the certificate"); certificate.extensions.splice(i, 1); } break; } } if (parsedValue === null) throw new Error("No SignedCertificateTimestampList extension in the specified certificate"); const tbs = certificate.encodeTBS().toBER(); const issuerId = yield crypto.digest({ name: "SHA-256" }, new Uint8Array(issuerCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.toSchema().toBER(false))); stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(issuerId)); stream.appendUint24(tbs.byteLength); stream.appendView(new Uint8Array(tbs)); const preCert = stream.stream.slice(0, stream.length); if (index === (-1)) { const verifyArray = []; for (const timestamp of parsedValue.timestamps) { const verifyResult = yield timestamp.verify(logs, preCert.buffer, 1, crypto); verifyArray.push(verifyResult); } return verifyArray; } if (index >= parsedValue.timestamps.length) index = (parsedValue.timestamps.length - 1); return [yield parsedValue.timestamps[index].verify(logs, preCert.buffer, 1, crypto)]; }); } const TIMESTAMPS = "timestamps"; class SignedCertificateTimestampList extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.timestamps = getParametersValue(parameters, TIMESTAMPS, SignedCertificateTimestampList.defaultValues(TIMESTAMPS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TIMESTAMPS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TIMESTAMPS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { var _a; const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); (_a = names.optional) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (names.optional = false); return (new OctetString({ name: (names.blockName || "SignedCertificateTimestampList"), optional: names.optional })); } fromSchema(schema) { if ((schema instanceof OctetString) === false) { throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for SignedCertificateTimestampList"); } const seqStream = new SeqStream({ stream: new ByteStream({ buffer: schema.valueBlock.valueHex }) }); const dataLength = seqStream.getUint16(); if (dataLength !== seqStream.length) { throw new Error("Object's schema was not verified against input data for SignedCertificateTimestampList"); } while (seqStream.length) { this.timestamps.push(new SignedCertificateTimestamp({ stream: seqStream })); } } toSchema() { const stream = new SeqStream(); let overallLength = 0; const timestampsData = []; for (const timestamp of this.timestamps) { const timestampStream = timestamp.toStream(); timestampsData.push(timestampStream); overallLength += timestampStream.stream.buffer.byteLength; } stream.appendUint16(overallLength); for (const timestamp of timestampsData) { stream.appendView(timestamp.stream.view); } return new OctetString({ valueHex: stream.stream.buffer.slice(0) }); } toJSON() { return { timestamps: Array.from(this.timestamps, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } SignedCertificateTimestampList.CLASS_NAME = "SignedCertificateTimestampList"; const ATTRIBUTES$4 = "attributes"; const CLEAR_PROPS$11 = [ ATTRIBUTES$4 ]; class SubjectDirectoryAttributes extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES$4, SubjectDirectoryAttributes.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES$4)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ATTRIBUTES$4: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.attributes || EMPTY_STRING), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$11); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SubjectDirectoryAttributes.schema({ names: { attributes: ATTRIBUTES$4 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result.attributes, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { attributes: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } SubjectDirectoryAttributes.CLASS_NAME = "SubjectDirectoryAttributes"; class ExtensionValueFactory { static getItems() { if (!this.types) { this.types = {}; ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_SubjectAltName, "SubjectAltName", AltName); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_IssuerAltName, "IssuerAltName", AltName); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_AuthorityKeyIdentifier, "AuthorityKeyIdentifier", AuthorityKeyIdentifier); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_BasicConstraints, "BasicConstraints", BasicConstraints); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_MicrosoftCaVersion, "MicrosoftCaVersion", CAVersion); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_CertificatePolicies, "CertificatePolicies", CertificatePolicies); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_MicrosoftAppPolicies, "CertificatePoliciesMicrosoft", CertificatePolicies); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_MicrosoftCertTemplateV2, "MicrosoftCertTemplateV2", CertificateTemplate); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_CRLDistributionPoints, "CRLDistributionPoints", CRLDistributionPoints); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_FreshestCRL, "FreshestCRL", CRLDistributionPoints); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_ExtKeyUsage, "ExtKeyUsage", ExtKeyUsage); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_CertificateIssuer, "CertificateIssuer", GeneralNames); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_AuthorityInfoAccess, "AuthorityInfoAccess", InfoAccess); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_SubjectInfoAccess, "SubjectInfoAccess", InfoAccess); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_IssuingDistributionPoint, "IssuingDistributionPoint", IssuingDistributionPoint); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_NameConstraints, "NameConstraints", NameConstraints); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_PolicyConstraints, "PolicyConstraints", PolicyConstraints); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_PolicyMappings, "PolicyMappings", PolicyMappings); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_PrivateKeyUsagePeriod, "PrivateKeyUsagePeriod", PrivateKeyUsagePeriod); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_QCStatements, "QCStatements", QCStatements); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_SignedCertificateTimestampList, "SignedCertificateTimestampList", SignedCertificateTimestampList); ExtensionValueFactory.register(id_SubjectDirectoryAttributes, "SubjectDirectoryAttributes", SubjectDirectoryAttributes); } return this.types; } static fromBER(id, raw) { const asn1 = fromBER(raw); if (asn1.offset === -1) { return null; } const item = this.find(id); if (item) { try { return new item.type({ schema: asn1.result }); } catch (ex) { const res = new item.type(); res.parsingError = `Incorrectly formatted value of extension ${item.name} (${id})`; return res; } } return asn1.result; } static find(id) { const types = this.getItems(); return types[id] || null; } static register(id, name, type) { this.getItems()[id] = { name, type }; } } const EXTN_ID = "extnID"; const CRITICAL = "critical"; const EXTN_VALUE = "extnValue"; const PARSED_VALUE$5 = "parsedValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$10 = [ EXTN_ID, CRITICAL, EXTN_VALUE ]; class Extension extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.extnID = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTN_ID, Extension.defaultValues(EXTN_ID)); this.critical = getParametersValue(parameters, CRITICAL, Extension.defaultValues(CRITICAL)); if (EXTN_VALUE in parameters) { this.extnValue = new OctetString({ valueHex: parameters.extnValue }); } else { this.extnValue = Extension.defaultValues(EXTN_VALUE); } if (PARSED_VALUE$5 in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE$5, Extension.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE$5)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get parsedValue() { if (this._parsedValue === undefined) { const parsedValue = ExtensionValueFactory.fromBER(this.extnID, this.extnValue.valueBlock.valueHexView); this._parsedValue = parsedValue; } return this._parsedValue || undefined; } set parsedValue(value) { this._parsedValue = value; } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case EXTN_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case CRITICAL: return false; case EXTN_VALUE: return new OctetString(); case PARSED_VALUE$5: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.extnID || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Boolean({ name: (names.critical || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }), new OctetString({ name: (names.extnValue || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$10); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Extension.schema({ names: { extnID: EXTN_ID, critical: CRITICAL, extnValue: EXTN_VALUE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.extnID = asn1.result.extnID.valueBlock.toString(); if (CRITICAL in asn1.result) { this.critical = asn1.result.critical.valueBlock.value; } this.extnValue = asn1.result.extnValue; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.extnID })); if (this.critical !== Extension.defaultValues(CRITICAL)) { outputArray.push(new Boolean({ value: this.critical })); } outputArray.push(this.extnValue); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const object = { extnID: this.extnID, extnValue: this.extnValue.toJSON(), }; if (this.critical !== Extension.defaultValues(CRITICAL)) { object.critical = this.critical; } if (this.parsedValue && this.parsedValue.toJSON) { object.parsedValue = this.parsedValue.toJSON(); } return object; } } Extension.CLASS_NAME = "Extension"; const EXTENSIONS$5 = "extensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$$ = [ EXTENSIONS$5, ]; class Extensions extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$5, Extensions.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$5)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case EXTENSIONS$5: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}, optional = false) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ optional, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.extensions || EMPTY_STRING), value: Extension.schema(names.extension || {}) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$$); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Extensions.schema({ names: { extensions: EXTENSIONS$5 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result.extensions, element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { extensions: this.extensions.map(o => o.toJSON()) }; } } Extensions.CLASS_NAME = "Extensions"; const ISSUER$5 = "issuer"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$6 = "serialNumber"; const ISSUER_UID = "issuerUID"; const CLEAR_PROPS$_ = [ ISSUER$5, SERIAL_NUMBER$6, ISSUER_UID, ]; class IssuerSerial extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER$5, IssuerSerial.defaultValues(ISSUER$5)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$6, IssuerSerial.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$6)); if (ISSUER_UID in parameters) { this.issuerUID = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_UID, IssuerSerial.defaultValues(ISSUER_UID)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ISSUER$5: return new GeneralNames(); case SERIAL_NUMBER$6: return new Integer(); case ISSUER_UID: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ GeneralNames.schema(names.issuer || {}), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || EMPTY_STRING) }), new BitString({ optional: true, name: (names.issuerUID || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$_); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, IssuerSerial.schema({ names: { issuer: { names: { blockName: ISSUER$5 } }, serialNumber: SERIAL_NUMBER$6, issuerUID: ISSUER_UID } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.issuer = new GeneralNames({ schema: asn1.result.issuer }); this.serialNumber = asn1.result.serialNumber; if (ISSUER_UID in asn1.result) this.issuerUID = asn1.result.issuerUID; } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence({ value: [ this.issuer.toSchema(), this.serialNumber ] }); if (this.issuerUID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.issuerUID); } return result; } toJSON() { const result = { issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(), serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON() }; if (this.issuerUID) { result.issuerUID = this.issuerUID.toJSON(); } return result; } } IssuerSerial.CLASS_NAME = "IssuerSerial"; const VERSION$h = "version"; const BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2 = "baseCertificateID"; const SUBJECT_NAME = "subjectName"; const ISSUER$4 = "issuer"; const SIGNATURE$6 = "signature"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$5 = "serialNumber"; const ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1 = "attrCertValidityPeriod"; const ATTRIBUTES$3 = "attributes"; const ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2 = "issuerUniqueID"; const EXTENSIONS$4 = "extensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$Z = [ VERSION$h, BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2, SUBJECT_NAME, ISSUER$4, SIGNATURE$6, SERIAL_NUMBER$5, ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1, ATTRIBUTES$3, ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2, EXTENSIONS$4, ]; class AttributeCertificateInfoV1 extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$h, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(VERSION$h)); if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2 in parameters) { this.baseCertificateID = getParametersValue(parameters, BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2)); } if (SUBJECT_NAME in parameters) { this.subjectName = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_NAME, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(SUBJECT_NAME)); } this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER$4, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(ISSUER$4)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$6, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$6)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$5, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$5)); this.attrCertValidityPeriod = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1)); this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES$3, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES$3)); if (ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2 in parameters) this.issuerUniqueID = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2)); if (EXTENSIONS$4 in parameters) { this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$4, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$4)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$h: return 0; case BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2: return new IssuerSerial(); case SUBJECT_NAME: return new GeneralNames(); case ISSUER$4: return new GeneralNames(); case SIGNATURE$6: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SERIAL_NUMBER$5: return new Integer(); case ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1: return new AttCertValidityPeriod(); case ATTRIBUTES$3: return []; case ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2: return new BitString(); case EXTENSIONS$4: return new Extensions(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.baseCertificateID || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: IssuerSerial.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ name: (names.subjectName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: GeneralNames.schema().valueBlock.value }), ] }), GeneralNames.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.issuer || EMPTY_STRING) } }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signature || {}), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || EMPTY_STRING) }), AttCertValidityPeriod.schema(names.attrCertValidityPeriod || {}), new Sequence({ name: (names.attributes || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }), new BitString({ optional: true, name: (names.issuerUniqueID || EMPTY_STRING) }), Extensions.schema(names.extensions || {}, true) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$Z); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttributeCertificateInfoV1.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$h, baseCertificateID: BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2, subjectName: SUBJECT_NAME, issuer: ISSUER$4, signature: { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE$6 } }, serialNumber: SERIAL_NUMBER$5, attrCertValidityPeriod: { names: { blockName: ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD$1 } }, attributes: ATTRIBUTES$3, issuerUniqueID: ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2, extensions: { names: { blockName: EXTENSIONS$4 } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$2 in asn1.result) { this.baseCertificateID = new IssuerSerial({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.baseCertificateID.valueBlock.value }) }); } if (SUBJECT_NAME in asn1.result) { this.subjectName = new GeneralNames({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.subjectName.valueBlock.value }) }); } this.issuer = asn1.result.issuer; this.signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signature }); this.serialNumber = asn1.result.serialNumber; this.attrCertValidityPeriod = new AttCertValidityPeriod({ schema: asn1.result.attrCertValidityPeriod }); this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result.attributes.valueBlock.value, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); if (ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$2 in asn1.result) { this.issuerUniqueID = asn1.result.issuerUniqueID; } if (EXTENSIONS$4 in asn1.result) { this.extensions = new Extensions({ schema: asn1.result.extensions }); } } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence({ value: [new Integer({ value: this.version })] }); if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.baseCertificateID.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } if (this.subjectName) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: this.subjectName.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } result.valueBlock.value.push(this.issuer.toSchema()); result.valueBlock.value.push(this.signature.toSchema()); result.valueBlock.value.push(this.serialNumber); result.valueBlock.value.push(this.attrCertValidityPeriod.toSchema()); result.valueBlock.value.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toSchema()) })); if (this.issuerUniqueID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.issuerUniqueID); } if (this.extensions) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.extensions.toSchema()); } return result; } toJSON() { const result = { version: this.version }; if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.baseCertificateID = this.baseCertificateID.toJSON(); } if (this.subjectName) { result.subjectName = this.subjectName.toJSON(); } result.issuer = this.issuer.toJSON(); result.signature = this.signature.toJSON(); result.serialNumber = this.serialNumber.toJSON(); result.attrCertValidityPeriod = this.attrCertValidityPeriod.toJSON(); result.attributes = Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toJSON()); if (this.issuerUniqueID) { result.issuerUniqueID = this.issuerUniqueID.toJSON(); } if (this.extensions) { result.extensions = this.extensions.toJSON(); } return result; } } AttributeCertificateInfoV1.CLASS_NAME = "AttributeCertificateInfoV1"; const ACINFO$1 = "acinfo"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_VALUE$4 = "signatureValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$Y = [ ACINFO$1, SIGNATURE_VALUE$4, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7 ]; class AttributeCertificateV1 extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.acinfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ACINFO$1, AttributeCertificateV1.defaultValues(ACINFO$1)); this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7, AttributeCertificateV1.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7)); this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_VALUE$4, AttributeCertificateV1.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_VALUE$4)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ACINFO$1: return new AttributeCertificateInfoV1(); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE_VALUE$4: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AttributeCertificateInfoV1.schema(names.acinfo || {}), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$Y); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttributeCertificateV1.schema({ names: { acinfo: { names: { blockName: ACINFO$1 } }, signatureAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$7 } }, signatureValue: SIGNATURE_VALUE$4 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.acinfo = new AttributeCertificateInfoV1({ schema: asn1.result.acinfo }); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.acinfo.toSchema(), this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.signatureValue ] })); } toJSON() { return { acinfo: this.acinfo.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON(), }; } } AttributeCertificateV1.CLASS_NAME = "AttributeCertificateV1"; const DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE = "digestedObjectType"; const OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID = "otherObjectTypeID"; const DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2 = "digestAlgorithm"; const OBJECT_DIGEST = "objectDigest"; const CLEAR_PROPS$X = [ DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE, OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID, DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2, OBJECT_DIGEST, ]; class ObjectDigestInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.digestedObjectType = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE, ObjectDigestInfo.defaultValues(DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE)); if (OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID in parameters) { this.otherObjectTypeID = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID, ObjectDigestInfo.defaultValues(OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID)); } this.digestAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2, ObjectDigestInfo.defaultValues(DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2)); this.objectDigest = getParametersValue(parameters, OBJECT_DIGEST, ObjectDigestInfo.defaultValues(OBJECT_DIGEST)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE: return new Enumerated(); case OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID: return new ObjectIdentifier(); case DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case OBJECT_DIGEST: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Enumerated({ name: (names.digestedObjectType || EMPTY_STRING) }), new ObjectIdentifier({ optional: true, name: (names.otherObjectTypeID || EMPTY_STRING) }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.digestAlgorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.objectDigest || EMPTY_STRING) }), ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$X); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ObjectDigestInfo.schema({ names: { digestedObjectType: DIGESTED_OBJECT_TYPE, otherObjectTypeID: OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID, digestAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: DIGEST_ALGORITHM$2 } }, objectDigest: OBJECT_DIGEST } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.digestedObjectType = asn1.result.digestedObjectType; if (OTHER_OBJECT_TYPE_ID in asn1.result) { this.otherObjectTypeID = asn1.result.otherObjectTypeID; } this.digestAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.digestAlgorithm }); this.objectDigest = asn1.result.objectDigest; } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence({ value: [this.digestedObjectType] }); if (this.otherObjectTypeID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.otherObjectTypeID); } result.valueBlock.value.push(this.digestAlgorithm.toSchema()); result.valueBlock.value.push(this.objectDigest); return result; } toJSON() { const result = { digestedObjectType: this.digestedObjectType.toJSON(), digestAlgorithm: this.digestAlgorithm.toJSON(), objectDigest: this.objectDigest.toJSON(), }; if (this.otherObjectTypeID) { result.otherObjectTypeID = this.otherObjectTypeID.toJSON(); } return result; } } ObjectDigestInfo.CLASS_NAME = "ObjectDigestInfo"; const ISSUER_NAME = "issuerName"; const BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1 = "baseCertificateID"; const OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1 = "objectDigestInfo"; const CLEAR_PROPS$W = [ ISSUER_NAME, BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1, OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1 ]; class V2Form extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (ISSUER_NAME in parameters) { this.issuerName = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_NAME, V2Form.defaultValues(ISSUER_NAME)); } if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1 in parameters) { this.baseCertificateID = getParametersValue(parameters, BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1, V2Form.defaultValues(BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1)); } if (OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1 in parameters) { this.objectDigestInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1, V2Form.defaultValues(OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ISSUER_NAME: return new GeneralNames(); case BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1: return new IssuerSerial(); case OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1: return new ObjectDigestInfo(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ GeneralNames.schema({ names: { blockName: names.issuerName } }, true), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.baseCertificateID || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: IssuerSerial.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.objectDigestInfo || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: ObjectDigestInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$W); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, V2Form.schema({ names: { issuerName: ISSUER_NAME, baseCertificateID: BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1, objectDigestInfo: OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (ISSUER_NAME in asn1.result) this.issuerName = new GeneralNames({ schema: asn1.result.issuerName }); if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID$1 in asn1.result) { this.baseCertificateID = new IssuerSerial({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.baseCertificateID.valueBlock.value }) }); } if (OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO$1 in asn1.result) { this.objectDigestInfo = new ObjectDigestInfo({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.objectDigestInfo.valueBlock.value }) }); } } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence(); if (this.issuerName) result.valueBlock.value.push(this.issuerName.toSchema()); if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.baseCertificateID.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } if (this.objectDigestInfo) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: this.objectDigestInfo.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } return result; } toJSON() { const result = {}; if (this.issuerName) { result.issuerName = this.issuerName.toJSON(); } if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.baseCertificateID = this.baseCertificateID.toJSON(); } if (this.objectDigestInfo) { result.objectDigestInfo = this.objectDigestInfo.toJSON(); } return result; } } V2Form.CLASS_NAME = "V2Form"; const BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID = "baseCertificateID"; const ENTITY_NAME = "entityName"; const OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO = "objectDigestInfo"; const CLEAR_PROPS$V = [ BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID, ENTITY_NAME, OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO ]; class Holder extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID in parameters) { this.baseCertificateID = getParametersValue(parameters, BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID, Holder.defaultValues(BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID)); } if (ENTITY_NAME in parameters) { this.entityName = getParametersValue(parameters, ENTITY_NAME, Holder.defaultValues(ENTITY_NAME)); } if (OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO in parameters) { this.objectDigestInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO, Holder.defaultValues(OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID: return new IssuerSerial(); case ENTITY_NAME: return new GeneralNames(); case OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO: return new ObjectDigestInfo(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.baseCertificateID || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: IssuerSerial.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.entityName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: GeneralNames.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.objectDigestInfo || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: ObjectDigestInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$V); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Holder.schema({ names: { baseCertificateID: BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID, entityName: ENTITY_NAME, objectDigestInfo: OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (BASE_CERTIFICATE_ID in asn1.result) { this.baseCertificateID = new IssuerSerial({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.baseCertificateID.valueBlock.value }) }); } if (ENTITY_NAME in asn1.result) { this.entityName = new GeneralNames({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.entityName.valueBlock.value }) }); } if (OBJECT_DIGEST_INFO in asn1.result) { this.objectDigestInfo = new ObjectDigestInfo({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.objectDigestInfo.valueBlock.value }) }); } } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence(); if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.baseCertificateID.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } if (this.entityName) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: this.entityName.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } if (this.objectDigestInfo) { result.valueBlock.value.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: this.objectDigestInfo.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } return result; } toJSON() { const result = {}; if (this.baseCertificateID) { result.baseCertificateID = this.baseCertificateID.toJSON(); } if (this.entityName) { result.entityName = this.entityName.toJSON(); } if (this.objectDigestInfo) { result.objectDigestInfo = this.objectDigestInfo.toJSON(); } return result; } } Holder.CLASS_NAME = "Holder"; const VERSION$g = "version"; const HOLDER = "holder"; const ISSUER$3 = "issuer"; const SIGNATURE$5 = "signature"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$4 = "serialNumber"; const ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD = "attrCertValidityPeriod"; const ATTRIBUTES$2 = "attributes"; const ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1 = "issuerUniqueID"; const EXTENSIONS$3 = "extensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$U = [ VERSION$g, HOLDER, ISSUER$3, SIGNATURE$5, SERIAL_NUMBER$4, ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD, ATTRIBUTES$2, ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1, EXTENSIONS$3 ]; class AttributeCertificateInfoV2 extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$g, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(VERSION$g)); this.holder = getParametersValue(parameters, HOLDER, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(HOLDER)); this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER$3, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(ISSUER$3)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$5, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$5)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$4, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$4)); this.attrCertValidityPeriod = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD)); this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES$2, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES$2)); if (ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1 in parameters) { this.issuerUniqueID = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1)); } if (EXTENSIONS$3 in parameters) { this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$3, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$3)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$g: return 1; case HOLDER: return new Holder(); case ISSUER$3: return {}; case SIGNATURE$5: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SERIAL_NUMBER$4: return new Integer(); case ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD: return new AttCertValidityPeriod(); case ATTRIBUTES$2: return []; case ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1: return new BitString(); case EXTENSIONS$3: return new Extensions(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), Holder.schema(names.holder || {}), new Choice({ value: [ GeneralNames.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.issuer || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new Constructed({ name: (names.issuer || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: V2Form.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signature || {}), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || EMPTY_STRING) }), AttCertValidityPeriod.schema(names.attrCertValidityPeriod || {}), new Sequence({ name: (names.attributes || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }), new BitString({ optional: true, name: (names.issuerUniqueID || EMPTY_STRING) }), Extensions.schema(names.extensions || {}, true) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$U); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttributeCertificateInfoV2.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$g, holder: { names: { blockName: HOLDER } }, issuer: ISSUER$3, signature: { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE$5 } }, serialNumber: SERIAL_NUMBER$4, attrCertValidityPeriod: { names: { blockName: ATTR_CERT_VALIDITY_PERIOD } }, attributes: ATTRIBUTES$2, issuerUniqueID: ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1, extensions: { names: { blockName: EXTENSIONS$3 } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.holder = new Holder({ schema: asn1.result.holder }); switch (asn1.result.issuer.idBlock.tagClass) { case 3: this.issuer = new V2Form({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.issuer.valueBlock.value }) }); break; case 1: default: throw new Error("Incorrect value for 'issuer' in AttributeCertificateInfoV2"); } this.signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signature }); this.serialNumber = asn1.result.serialNumber; this.attrCertValidityPeriod = new AttCertValidityPeriod({ schema: asn1.result.attrCertValidityPeriod }); this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result.attributes.valueBlock.value, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); if (ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID$1 in asn1.result) { this.issuerUniqueID = asn1.result.issuerUniqueID; } if (EXTENSIONS$3 in asn1.result) { this.extensions = new Extensions({ schema: asn1.result.extensions }); } } toSchema() { const result = new Sequence({ value: [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.holder.toSchema(), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.issuer.toSchema().valueBlock.value }), this.signature.toSchema(), this.serialNumber, this.attrCertValidityPeriod.toSchema(), new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toSchema()) }) ] }); if (this.issuerUniqueID) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.issuerUniqueID); } if (this.extensions) { result.valueBlock.value.push(this.extensions.toSchema()); } return result; } toJSON() { const result = { version: this.version, holder: this.holder.toJSON(), issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(), signature: this.signature.toJSON(), serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(), attrCertValidityPeriod: this.attrCertValidityPeriod.toJSON(), attributes: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toJSON()) }; if (this.issuerUniqueID) { result.issuerUniqueID = this.issuerUniqueID.toJSON(); } if (this.extensions) { result.extensions = this.extensions.toJSON(); } return result; } } AttributeCertificateInfoV2.CLASS_NAME = "AttributeCertificateInfoV2"; const ACINFO = "acinfo"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_VALUE$3 = "signatureValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$T = [ ACINFO, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6, SIGNATURE_VALUE$3, ]; class AttributeCertificateV2 extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.acinfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ACINFO, AttributeCertificateV2.defaultValues(ACINFO)); this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6, AttributeCertificateV2.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6)); this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_VALUE$3, AttributeCertificateV2.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_VALUE$3)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ACINFO: return new AttributeCertificateInfoV2(); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE_VALUE$3: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AttributeCertificateInfoV2.schema(names.acinfo || {}), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$T); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AttributeCertificateV2.schema({ names: { acinfo: { names: { blockName: ACINFO } }, signatureAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$6 } }, signatureValue: SIGNATURE_VALUE$3 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.acinfo = new AttributeCertificateInfoV2({ schema: asn1.result.acinfo }); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.acinfo.toSchema(), this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.signatureValue ] })); } toJSON() { return { acinfo: this.acinfo.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON(), }; } } AttributeCertificateV2.CLASS_NAME = "AttributeCertificateV2"; const CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType"; const CONTENT = "content"; const CLEAR_PROPS$S = [CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT]; class ContentInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.contentType = getParametersValue(parameters, CONTENT_TYPE, ContentInfo.defaultValues(CONTENT_TYPE)); this.content = getParametersValue(parameters, CONTENT, ContentInfo.defaultValues(CONTENT)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CONTENT_TYPE: return EMPTY_STRING; case CONTENT: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CONTENT_TYPE: return (typeof memberValue === "string" && memberValue === this.defaultValues(CONTENT_TYPE)); case CONTENT: return (memberValue instanceof Any); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); if (("optional" in names) === false) { names.optional = false; } return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || "ContentInfo"), optional: names.optional, value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.contentType || CONTENT_TYPE) }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any({ name: (names.content || CONTENT) })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$S); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ContentInfo.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.contentType = asn1.result.contentType.valueBlock.toString(); this.content = asn1.result.content; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.contentType }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.content] }) ] })); } toJSON() { const object = { contentType: this.contentType }; if (!(this.content instanceof Any)) { object.content = this.content.toJSON(); } return object; } } ContentInfo.CLASS_NAME = "ContentInfo"; ContentInfo.DATA = id_ContentType_Data; ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA = id_ContentType_SignedData; ContentInfo.ENVELOPED_DATA = id_ContentType_EnvelopedData; ContentInfo.ENCRYPTED_DATA = id_ContentType_EncryptedData; const TYPE$1 = "type"; const VALUE$4 = "value"; const UTC_TIME_NAME = "utcTimeName"; const GENERAL_TIME_NAME = "generalTimeName"; const CLEAR_PROPS$R = [UTC_TIME_NAME, GENERAL_TIME_NAME]; var TimeType; (function (TimeType) { TimeType[TimeType["UTCTime"] = 0] = "UTCTime"; TimeType[TimeType["GeneralizedTime"] = 1] = "GeneralizedTime"; TimeType[TimeType["empty"] = 2] = "empty"; })(TimeType || (TimeType = {})); class Time extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE$1, Time.defaultValues(TYPE$1)); this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$4, Time.defaultValues(VALUE$4)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE$1: return 0; case VALUE$4: return new Date(0, 0, 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}, optional = false) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ optional, value: [ new UTCTime({ name: (names.utcTimeName || EMPTY_STRING) }), new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.generalTimeName || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$R); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Time.schema({ names: { utcTimeName: UTC_TIME_NAME, generalTimeName: GENERAL_TIME_NAME } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (UTC_TIME_NAME in asn1.result) { this.type = 0; this.value = asn1.result.utcTimeName.toDate(); } if (GENERAL_TIME_NAME in asn1.result) { this.type = 1; this.value = asn1.result.generalTimeName.toDate(); } } toSchema() { if (this.type === 0) { return new UTCTime({ valueDate: this.value }); } else if (this.type === 1) { return new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.value }); } return {}; } toJSON() { return { type: this.type, value: this.value }; } } Time.CLASS_NAME = "Time"; const TBS$4 = "tbs"; const VERSION$f = "version"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$3 = "serialNumber"; const SIGNATURE$4 = "signature"; const ISSUER$2 = "issuer"; const NOT_BEFORE = "notBefore"; const NOT_AFTER = "notAfter"; const SUBJECT$1 = "subject"; const SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO = "subjectPublicKeyInfo"; const ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID = "issuerUniqueID"; const SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID = "subjectUniqueID"; const EXTENSIONS$2 = "extensions"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_VALUE$2 = "signatureValue"; const TBS_CERTIFICATE = "tbsCertificate"; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_VERSION = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${VERSION$f}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${SERIAL_NUMBER$3}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_SIGNATURE = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${SIGNATURE$4}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${ISSUER$2}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${NOT_BEFORE}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${NOT_AFTER}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${SUBJECT$1}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID}`; const TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS = `${TBS_CERTIFICATE}.${EXTENSIONS$2}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$Q = [ TBS_CERTIFICATE, TBS_CERTIFICATE_VERSION, TBS_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER, TBS_CERTIFICATE_SIGNATURE, TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER, TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE, TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER, TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT, TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY, TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID, TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID, TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5, SIGNATURE_VALUE$2 ]; function tbsCertificate(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TBS_CERTIFICATE), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.tbsCertificateVersion || TBS_CERTIFICATE_VERSION) }) ] }), new Integer({ name: (names.tbsCertificateSerialNumber || TBS_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER) }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signature || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_SIGNATURE } }), RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.issuer || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER } }), new Sequence({ name: (names.tbsCertificateValidity || "tbsCertificate.validity"), value: [ Time.schema(names.notBefore || { names: { utcTimeName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE, generalTimeName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE } }), Time.schema(names.notAfter || { names: { utcTimeName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER, generalTimeName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER } }) ] }), RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.subject || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT } }), PublicKeyInfo.schema(names.subjectPublicKeyInfo || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.tbsCertificateIssuerUniqueID || TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.tbsCertificateSubjectUniqueID || TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 } }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: [Extensions.schema(names.extensions || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS } })] }) ] })); } class Certificate extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(getParametersValue(parameters, TBS$4, Certificate.defaultValues(TBS$4))); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$f, Certificate.defaultValues(VERSION$f)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$3, Certificate.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$3)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$4, Certificate.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$4)); this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER$2, Certificate.defaultValues(ISSUER$2)); this.notBefore = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_BEFORE, Certificate.defaultValues(NOT_BEFORE)); this.notAfter = getParametersValue(parameters, NOT_AFTER, Certificate.defaultValues(NOT_AFTER)); this.subject = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT$1, Certificate.defaultValues(SUBJECT$1)); this.subjectPublicKeyInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, Certificate.defaultValues(SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO)); if (ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID in parameters) { this.issuerUniqueID = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID, Certificate.defaultValues(ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID)); } if (SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID in parameters) { this.subjectUniqueID = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID, Certificate.defaultValues(SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID)); } if (EXTENSIONS$2 in parameters) { this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$2, Certificate.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$2)); } this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5, Certificate.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5)); this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_VALUE$2, Certificate.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_VALUE$2)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get tbs() { return BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.tbsView); } set tbs(value) { this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(value); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS$4: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case VERSION$f: return 0; case SERIAL_NUMBER$3: return new Integer(); case SIGNATURE$4: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ISSUER$2: return new RelativeDistinguishedNames(); case NOT_BEFORE: return new Time(); case NOT_AFTER: return new Time(); case SUBJECT$1: return new RelativeDistinguishedNames(); case SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO: return new PublicKeyInfo(); case ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case EXTENSIONS$2: return []; case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE_VALUE$2: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ tbsCertificate(names.tbsCertificate), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$5 } }), new BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || SIGNATURE_VALUE$2) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$Q); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Certificate.schema({ names: { tbsCertificate: { names: { extensions: { names: { extensions: TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS } } } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsView = asn1.result.tbsCertificate.valueBeforeDecodeView; if (TBS_CERTIFICATE_VERSION in asn1.result) this.version = asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; this.serialNumber = asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL_NUMBER]; this.signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_SIGNATURE] }); this.issuer = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER] }); this.notBefore = new Time({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_BEFORE] }); this.notAfter = new Time({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_NOT_AFTER] }); this.subject = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT] }); this.subjectPublicKeyInfo = new PublicKeyInfo({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY] }); if (TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID in asn1.result) this.issuerUniqueID = asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID].valueBlock.valueHex; if (TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID in asn1.result) this.subjectUniqueID = asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID].valueBlock.valueHex; if (TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result[TBS_CERTIFICATE_EXTENSIONS], element => new Extension({ schema: element })); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue; } encodeTBS() { const outputArray = []; if ((VERSION$f in this) && (this.version !== Certificate.defaultValues(VERSION$f))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Integer({ value: this.version }) ] })); } outputArray.push(this.serialNumber); outputArray.push(this.signature.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.issuer.toSchema()); outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: [ this.notBefore.toSchema(), this.notAfter.toSchema() ] })); outputArray.push(this.subject.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.subjectPublicKeyInfo.toSchema()); if (this.issuerUniqueID) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, valueHex: this.issuerUniqueID })); } if (this.subjectUniqueID) { outputArray.push(new Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, valueHex: this.subjectUniqueID })); } if (this.extensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: [new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toSchema()) })] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { let tbsSchema; if (encodeFlag === false) { if (!this.tbsView.byteLength) { return Certificate.schema().value[0]; } const asn1 = fromBER(this.tbsView); AsnError.assert(asn1, "TBS Certificate"); tbsSchema = asn1.result; } else { tbsSchema = this.encodeTBS(); } return (new Sequence({ value: [ tbsSchema, this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.signatureValue ] })); } toJSON() { const res = { tbs: Convert.ToHex(this.tbsView), version: this.version, serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(), signature: this.signature.toJSON(), issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(), notBefore: this.notBefore.toJSON(), notAfter: this.notAfter.toJSON(), subject: this.subject.toJSON(), subjectPublicKeyInfo: this.subjectPublicKeyInfo.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON(), }; if ((VERSION$f in this) && (this.version !== Certificate.defaultValues(VERSION$f))) { res.version = this.version; } if (this.issuerUniqueID) { res.issuerUniqueID = Convert.ToHex(this.issuerUniqueID); } if (this.subjectUniqueID) { res.subjectUniqueID = Convert.ToHex(this.subjectUniqueID); } if (this.extensions) { res.extensions = Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } getPublicKey(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return crypto.getPublicKey(this.subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm, parameters); }); } getKeyHash(hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return crypto.digest({ name: hashAlgorithm }, this.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); }); } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!privateKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide a private key for signing"); } const signatureParameters = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const parameters = signatureParameters.parameters; this.signature = signatureParameters.signatureAlgorithm; this.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParameters.signatureAlgorithm; this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(this.encodeTBS().toBER()); const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(this.tbsView, privateKey, parameters); this.signatureValue = new BitString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } verify(issuerCertificate, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let subjectPublicKeyInfo; if (issuerCertificate) { subjectPublicKeyInfo = issuerCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo; } else if (this.issuer.isEqual(this.subject)) { subjectPublicKeyInfo = this.subjectPublicKeyInfo; } if (!(subjectPublicKeyInfo instanceof PublicKeyInfo)) { throw new Error("Please provide issuer certificate as a parameter"); } return crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(this.tbsView, this.signatureValue, subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm); }); } } Certificate.CLASS_NAME = "Certificate"; function checkCA(cert, signerCert = null) { if (signerCert && cert.issuer.isEqual(signerCert.issuer) && cert.serialNumber.isEqual(signerCert.serialNumber)) { return null; } let isCA = false; if (cert.extensions) { for (const extension of cert.extensions) { if (extension.extnID === id_BasicConstraints && extension.parsedValue instanceof BasicConstraints) { if (extension.parsedValue.cA) { isCA = true; break; } } } } if (isCA) { return cert; } return null; } const CERT_ID$1 = "certId"; const CERT_VALUE = "certValue"; const PARSED_VALUE$4 = "parsedValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$P = [ CERT_ID$1, CERT_VALUE ]; class CertBag extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.certId = getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_ID$1, CertBag.defaultValues(CERT_ID$1)); this.certValue = getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_VALUE, CertBag.defaultValues(CERT_VALUE)); if (PARSED_VALUE$4 in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE$4, CertBag.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE$4)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERT_ID$1: return EMPTY_STRING; case CERT_VALUE: return (new Any()); case PARSED_VALUE$4: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CERT_ID$1: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case CERT_VALUE: return (memberValue instanceof Any); case PARSED_VALUE$4: return ((memberValue instanceof Object) && (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.id || "id") }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any({ name: (names.value || "value") })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$P); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertBag.schema({ names: { id: CERT_ID$1, value: CERT_VALUE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.certId = asn1.result.certId.valueBlock.toString(); this.certValue = asn1.result.certValue; const certValueHex = this.certValue.valueBlock.valueHexView; switch (this.certId) { case id_CertBag_X509Certificate: { try { this.parsedValue = Certificate.fromBER(certValueHex); } catch (ex) { AttributeCertificateV2.fromBER(certValueHex); } } break; case id_CertBag_AttributeCertificate: { this.parsedValue = AttributeCertificateV2.fromBER(certValueHex); } break; case id_CertBag_SDSICertificate: default: throw new Error(`Incorrect CERT_ID value in CertBag: ${this.certId}`); } } toSchema() { if (PARSED_VALUE$4 in this) { if ("acinfo" in this.parsedValue) { this.certId = id_CertBag_AttributeCertificate; } else { this.certId = id_CertBag_X509Certificate; } this.certValue = new OctetString({ valueHex: this.parsedValue.toSchema().toBER(false) }); } return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.certId }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [(("toSchema" in this.certValue) ? this.certValue.toSchema() : this.certValue)] }) ] })); } toJSON() { return { certId: this.certId, certValue: this.certValue.toJSON() }; } } CertBag.CLASS_NAME = "CertBag"; const USER_CERTIFICATE = "userCertificate"; const REVOCATION_DATE = "revocationDate"; const CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS = "crlEntryExtensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$O = [ USER_CERTIFICATE, REVOCATION_DATE, CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS ]; class RevokedCertificate extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.userCertificate = getParametersValue(parameters, USER_CERTIFICATE, RevokedCertificate.defaultValues(USER_CERTIFICATE)); this.revocationDate = getParametersValue(parameters, REVOCATION_DATE, RevokedCertificate.defaultValues(REVOCATION_DATE)); if (CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.crlEntryExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS, RevokedCertificate.defaultValues(CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case USER_CERTIFICATE: return new Integer(); case REVOCATION_DATE: return new Time(); case CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS: return new Extensions(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.userCertificate || USER_CERTIFICATE) }), Time.schema({ names: { utcTimeName: (names.revocationDate || REVOCATION_DATE), generalTimeName: (names.revocationDate || REVOCATION_DATE) } }), Extensions.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.crlEntryExtensions || CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS) } }, true) ] }); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$O); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RevokedCertificate.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.userCertificate = asn1.result.userCertificate; this.revocationDate = new Time({ schema: asn1.result.revocationDate }); if (CRL_ENTRY_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) { this.crlEntryExtensions = new Extensions({ schema: asn1.result.crlEntryExtensions }); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ this.userCertificate, this.revocationDate.toSchema() ]; if (this.crlEntryExtensions) { outputArray.push(this.crlEntryExtensions.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { userCertificate: this.userCertificate.toJSON(), revocationDate: this.revocationDate.toJSON(), }; if (this.crlEntryExtensions) { res.crlEntryExtensions = this.crlEntryExtensions.toJSON(); } return res; } } RevokedCertificate.CLASS_NAME = "RevokedCertificate"; const TBS$3 = "tbs"; const VERSION$e = "version"; const SIGNATURE$3 = "signature"; const ISSUER$1 = "issuer"; const THIS_UPDATE$1 = "thisUpdate"; const NEXT_UPDATE$1 = "nextUpdate"; const REVOKED_CERTIFICATES = "revokedCertificates"; const CRL_EXTENSIONS = "crlExtensions"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_VALUE$1 = "signatureValue"; const TBS_CERT_LIST = "tbsCertList"; const TBS_CERT_LIST_VERSION = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.version`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_SIGNATURE = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.signature`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_ISSUER = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.issuer`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_THIS_UPDATE = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.thisUpdate`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.nextUpdate`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_REVOKED_CERTIFICATES = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.revokedCertificates`; const TBS_CERT_LIST_EXTENSIONS = `${TBS_CERT_LIST}.extensions`; const CLEAR_PROPS$N = [ TBS_CERT_LIST, TBS_CERT_LIST_VERSION, TBS_CERT_LIST_SIGNATURE, TBS_CERT_LIST_ISSUER, TBS_CERT_LIST_THIS_UPDATE, TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE, TBS_CERT_LIST_REVOKED_CERTIFICATES, TBS_CERT_LIST_EXTENSIONS, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4, SIGNATURE_VALUE$1 ]; function tbsCertList(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TBS_CERT_LIST), value: [ new Integer({ optional: true, name: (names.tbsCertListVersion || TBS_CERT_LIST_VERSION), value: 2 }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signature || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERT_LIST_SIGNATURE } }), RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.issuer || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERT_LIST_ISSUER } }), Time.schema(names.tbsCertListThisUpdate || { names: { utcTimeName: TBS_CERT_LIST_THIS_UPDATE, generalTimeName: TBS_CERT_LIST_THIS_UPDATE } }), Time.schema(names.tbsCertListNextUpdate || { names: { utcTimeName: TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE, generalTimeName: TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE } }, true), new Sequence({ optional: true, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.tbsCertListRevokedCertificates || TBS_CERT_LIST_REVOKED_CERTIFICATES), value: new Sequence({ value: [ new Integer(), Time.schema(), Extensions.schema({}, true) ] }) }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [Extensions.schema(names.crlExtensions || { names: { blockName: TBS_CERT_LIST_EXTENSIONS } })] }) ] })); } const WELL_KNOWN_EXTENSIONS = [ id_AuthorityKeyIdentifier, id_IssuerAltName, id_CRLNumber, id_BaseCRLNumber, id_IssuingDistributionPoint, id_FreshestCRL, id_AuthorityInfoAccess, id_CRLReason, id_InvalidityDate, id_CertificateIssuer, ]; class CertificateRevocationList extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(getParametersValue(parameters, TBS$3, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(TBS$3))); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$e, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(VERSION$e)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$3, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$3)); this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER$1, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(ISSUER$1)); this.thisUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, THIS_UPDATE$1, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(THIS_UPDATE$1)); if (NEXT_UPDATE$1 in parameters) { this.nextUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, NEXT_UPDATE$1, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(NEXT_UPDATE$1)); } if (REVOKED_CERTIFICATES in parameters) { this.revokedCertificates = getParametersValue(parameters, REVOKED_CERTIFICATES, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(REVOKED_CERTIFICATES)); } if (CRL_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.crlExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, CRL_EXTENSIONS, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(CRL_EXTENSIONS)); } this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4)); this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_VALUE$1, CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_VALUE$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get tbs() { return BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.tbsView); } set tbs(value) { this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(value); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS$3: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case VERSION$e: return 0; case SIGNATURE$3: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ISSUER$1: return new RelativeDistinguishedNames(); case THIS_UPDATE$1: return new Time(); case NEXT_UPDATE$1: return new Time(); case REVOKED_CERTIFICATES: return []; case CRL_EXTENSIONS: return new Extensions(); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE_VALUE$1: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || "CertificateList"), value: [ tbsCertList(parameters), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$4 } }), new BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || SIGNATURE_VALUE$1) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$N); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertificateRevocationList.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsView = asn1.result.tbsCertList.valueBeforeDecodeView; if (TBS_CERT_LIST_VERSION in asn1.result) { this.version = asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; } this.signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_SIGNATURE] }); this.issuer = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_ISSUER] }); this.thisUpdate = new Time({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_THIS_UPDATE] }); if (TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE in asn1.result) { this.nextUpdate = new Time({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_NEXT_UPDATE] }); } if (TBS_CERT_LIST_REVOKED_CERTIFICATES in asn1.result) { this.revokedCertificates = Array.from(asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_REVOKED_CERTIFICATES], element => new RevokedCertificate({ schema: element })); } if (TBS_CERT_LIST_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) { this.crlExtensions = new Extensions({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_CERT_LIST_EXTENSIONS] }); } this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue; } encodeTBS() { const outputArray = []; if (this.version !== CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(VERSION$e)) { outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); } outputArray.push(this.signature.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.issuer.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.thisUpdate.toSchema()); if (this.nextUpdate) { outputArray.push(this.nextUpdate.toSchema()); } if (this.revokedCertificates) { outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.revokedCertificates, o => o.toSchema()) })); } if (this.crlExtensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ this.crlExtensions.toSchema() ] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { let tbsSchema; if (!encodeFlag) { if (!this.tbsView.byteLength) { return CertificateRevocationList.schema(); } const asn1 = fromBER(this.tbsView); AsnError.assert(asn1, "TBS Certificate Revocation List"); tbsSchema = asn1.result; } else { tbsSchema = this.encodeTBS(); } return (new Sequence({ value: [ tbsSchema, this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.signatureValue ] })); } toJSON() { const res = { tbs: Convert.ToHex(this.tbsView), version: this.version, signature: this.signature.toJSON(), issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(), thisUpdate: this.thisUpdate.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON() }; if (this.version !== CertificateRevocationList.defaultValues(VERSION$e)) res.version = this.version; if (this.nextUpdate) { res.nextUpdate = this.nextUpdate.toJSON(); } if (this.revokedCertificates) { res.revokedCertificates = Array.from(this.revokedCertificates, o => o.toJSON()); } if (this.crlExtensions) { res.crlExtensions = this.crlExtensions.toJSON(); } return res; } isCertificateRevoked(certificate) { if (!this.issuer.isEqual(certificate.issuer)) { return false; } if (!this.revokedCertificates) { return false; } for (const revokedCertificate of this.revokedCertificates) { if (revokedCertificate.userCertificate.isEqual(certificate.serialNumber)) { return true; } } return false; } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!privateKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide a private key for signing"); } const signatureParameters = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const { parameters } = signatureParameters; this.signature = signatureParameters.signatureAlgorithm; this.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParameters.signatureAlgorithm; this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(this.encodeTBS().toBER()); const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(this.tbsView, privateKey, parameters); this.signatureValue = new BitString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } verify(parameters = {}, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let subjectPublicKeyInfo; if (parameters.issuerCertificate) { subjectPublicKeyInfo = parameters.issuerCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo; if (!this.issuer.isEqual(parameters.issuerCertificate.subject)) { return false; } } if (parameters.publicKeyInfo) { subjectPublicKeyInfo = parameters.publicKeyInfo; } if (!subjectPublicKeyInfo) { throw new Error("Issuer's certificate must be provided as an input parameter"); } if (this.crlExtensions) { for (const extension of this.crlExtensions.extensions) { if (extension.critical) { if (!WELL_KNOWN_EXTENSIONS.includes(extension.extnID)) return false; } } } return crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(this.tbsView, this.signatureValue, subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm); }); } } CertificateRevocationList.CLASS_NAME = "CertificateRevocationList"; const CRL_ID = "crlId"; const CRL_VALUE = "crlValue"; const PARSED_VALUE$3 = "parsedValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$M = [ CRL_ID, CRL_VALUE, ]; class CRLBag extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.crlId = getParametersValue(parameters, CRL_ID, CRLBag.defaultValues(CRL_ID)); this.crlValue = getParametersValue(parameters, CRL_VALUE, CRLBag.defaultValues(CRL_VALUE)); if (PARSED_VALUE$3 in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE$3, CRLBag.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE$3)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CRL_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case CRL_VALUE: return (new Any()); case PARSED_VALUE$3: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CRL_ID: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case CRL_VALUE: return (memberValue instanceof Any); case PARSED_VALUE$3: return ((memberValue instanceof Object) && (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.id || "id") }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any({ name: (names.value || "value") })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$M); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CRLBag.schema({ names: { id: CRL_ID, value: CRL_VALUE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.crlId = asn1.result.crlId.valueBlock.toString(); this.crlValue = asn1.result.crlValue; switch (this.crlId) { case id_CRLBag_X509CRL: { this.parsedValue = CertificateRevocationList.fromBER(this.certValue.valueBlock.valueHex); } break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect CRL_ID value in CRLBag: ${this.crlId}`); } } toSchema() { if (this.parsedValue) { this.crlId = id_CRLBag_X509CRL; this.crlValue = new OctetString({ valueHex: this.parsedValue.toSchema().toBER(false) }); } return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.crlId }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.crlValue.toSchema()] }) ] })); } toJSON() { return { crlId: this.crlId, crlValue: this.crlValue.toJSON() }; } } CRLBag.CLASS_NAME = "CRLBag"; const VERSION$d = "version"; const ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1 = "encryptedContentInfo"; const UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1 = "unprotectedAttrs"; const CLEAR_PROPS$L = [ VERSION$d, ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1, UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1, ]; class EncryptedData extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$d, EncryptedData.defaultValues(VERSION$d)); this.encryptedContentInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1, EncryptedData.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1)); if (UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1 in parameters) { this.unprotectedAttrs = getParametersValue(parameters, UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1, EncryptedData.defaultValues(UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$d: return 0; case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1: return new EncryptedContentInfo(); case UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$d: return (memberValue === 0); case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1: return ((EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("contentType", memberValue.contentType)) && (EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("contentEncryptionAlgorithm", memberValue.contentEncryptionAlgorithm)) && (EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("encryptedContent", memberValue.encryptedContent))); case UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), EncryptedContentInfo.schema(names.encryptedContentInfo || {}), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.unprotectedAttrs || EMPTY_STRING), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$L); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, EncryptedData.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$d, encryptedContentInfo: { names: { blockName: ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO$1 } }, unprotectedAttrs: UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.encryptedContentInfo = new EncryptedContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result.encryptedContentInfo }); if (UNPROTECTED_ATTRS$1 in asn1.result) this.unprotectedAttrs = Array.from(asn1.result.unprotectedAttrs, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(this.encryptedContentInfo.toSchema()); if (this.unprotectedAttrs) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.unprotectedAttrs, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, encryptedContentInfo: this.encryptedContentInfo.toJSON() }; if (this.unprotectedAttrs) res.unprotectedAttrs = Array.from(this.unprotectedAttrs, o => o.toJSON()); return res; } encrypt(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ArgumentError.assert(parameters, "parameters", "object"); const encryptParams = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parameters), { contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" }); this.encryptedContentInfo = yield getCrypto(true).encryptEncryptedContentInfo(encryptParams); }); } decrypt(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ArgumentError.assert(parameters, "parameters", "object"); const decryptParams = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parameters), { encryptedContentInfo: this.encryptedContentInfo }); return crypto.decryptEncryptedContentInfo(decryptParams); }); } } EncryptedData.CLASS_NAME = "EncryptedData"; const ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "encryptionAlgorithm"; const ENCRYPTED_DATA = "encryptedData"; const PARSED_VALUE$2 = "parsedValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$K = [ ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, ENCRYPTED_DATA, ]; class PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.encryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.defaultValues(ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM)); this.encryptedData = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_DATA, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_DATA)); if (PARSED_VALUE$2 in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE$2, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE$2)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return (new AlgorithmIdentifier()); case ENCRYPTED_DATA: return (new OctetString()); case PARSED_VALUE$2: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return ((AlgorithmIdentifier.compareWithDefault("algorithmId", memberValue.algorithmId)) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case ENCRYPTED_DATA: return (memberValue.isEqual(PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.defaultValues(memberName))); case PARSED_VALUE$2: return ((memberValue instanceof Object) && (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.encryptionAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM } }), new Choice({ value: [ new OctetString({ name: (names.encryptedData || ENCRYPTED_DATA) }), new OctetString({ idBlock: { isConstructed: true }, name: (names.encryptedData || ENCRYPTED_DATA) }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$K); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.schema({ names: { encryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM } }, encryptedData: ENCRYPTED_DATA } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.encryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.encryptionAlgorithm }); this.encryptedData = asn1.result.encryptedData; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.encryptionAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.encryptedData ] })); } toJSON() { return { encryptionAlgorithm: this.encryptionAlgorithm.toJSON(), encryptedData: this.encryptedData.toJSON(), }; } parseInternalValues(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const cmsEncrypted = new EncryptedData({ encryptedContentInfo: new EncryptedContentInfo({ contentEncryptionAlgorithm: this.encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedContent: this.encryptedData }) }); const decryptedData = yield cmsEncrypted.decrypt(parameters, crypto); this.parsedValue = PrivateKeyInfo.fromBER(decryptedData); }); } makeInternalValues(parameters) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!this.parsedValue) { throw new Error("Please initialize \"parsedValue\" first"); } const cmsEncrypted = new EncryptedData(); const encryptParams = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, parameters), { contentToEncrypt: this.parsedValue.toSchema().toBER(false) }); yield cmsEncrypted.encrypt(encryptParams); if (!cmsEncrypted.encryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent) { throw new Error("The filed `encryptedContent` in EncryptedContentInfo is empty"); } this.encryptionAlgorithm = cmsEncrypted.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm; this.encryptedData = cmsEncrypted.encryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent; }); } } PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag.CLASS_NAME = "PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag"; const SECRET_TYPE_ID = "secretTypeId"; const SECRET_VALUE = "secretValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$J = [ SECRET_TYPE_ID, SECRET_VALUE, ]; class SecretBag extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.secretTypeId = getParametersValue(parameters, SECRET_TYPE_ID, SecretBag.defaultValues(SECRET_TYPE_ID)); this.secretValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SECRET_VALUE, SecretBag.defaultValues(SECRET_VALUE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SECRET_TYPE_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case SECRET_VALUE: return (new Any()); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SECRET_TYPE_ID: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case SECRET_VALUE: return (memberValue instanceof Any); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.id || "id") }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any({ name: (names.value || "value") })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$J); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SecretBag.schema({ names: { id: SECRET_TYPE_ID, value: SECRET_VALUE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.secretTypeId = asn1.result.secretTypeId.valueBlock.toString(); this.secretValue = asn1.result.secretValue; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.secretTypeId }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.secretValue.toSchema()] }) ] })); } toJSON() { return { secretTypeId: this.secretTypeId, secretValue: this.secretValue.toJSON() }; } } SecretBag.CLASS_NAME = "SecretBag"; class SafeBagValueFactory { static getItems() { if (!this.items) { this.items = {}; SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", PrivateKeyInfo); SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag); SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", CertBag); SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", CRLBag); SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", SecretBag); SafeBagValueFactory.register("1.2.840.113549.", SafeContents); } return this.items; } static register(id, type) { this.getItems()[id] = type; } static find(id) { return this.getItems()[id] || null; } } const BAG_ID = "bagId"; const BAG_VALUE = "bagValue"; const BAG_ATTRIBUTES = "bagAttributes"; const CLEAR_PROPS$I = [ BAG_ID, BAG_VALUE, BAG_ATTRIBUTES ]; class SafeBag extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.bagId = getParametersValue(parameters, BAG_ID, SafeBag.defaultValues(BAG_ID)); this.bagValue = getParametersValue(parameters, BAG_VALUE, SafeBag.defaultValues(BAG_VALUE)); if (BAG_ATTRIBUTES in parameters) { this.bagAttributes = getParametersValue(parameters, BAG_ATTRIBUTES, SafeBag.defaultValues(BAG_ATTRIBUTES)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case BAG_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case BAG_VALUE: return (new Any()); case BAG_ATTRIBUTES: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case BAG_ID: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case BAG_VALUE: return (memberValue instanceof Any); case BAG_ATTRIBUTES: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.bagId || BAG_ID) }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Any({ name: (names.bagValue || BAG_VALUE) })] }), new Set({ optional: true, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.bagAttributes || BAG_ATTRIBUTES), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$I); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SafeBag.schema({ names: { bagId: BAG_ID, bagValue: BAG_VALUE, bagAttributes: BAG_ATTRIBUTES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.bagId = asn1.result.bagId.valueBlock.toString(); const bagType = SafeBagValueFactory.find(this.bagId); if (!bagType) { throw new Error(`Invalid BAG_ID for SafeBag: ${this.bagId}`); } this.bagValue = new bagType({ schema: asn1.result.bagValue }); if (BAG_ATTRIBUTES in asn1.result) { this.bagAttributes = Array.from(asn1.result.bagAttributes, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.bagId }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.bagValue.toSchema()] }) ]; if (this.bagAttributes) { outputArray.push(new Set({ value: Array.from(this.bagAttributes, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const output = { bagId: this.bagId, bagValue: this.bagValue.toJSON() }; if (this.bagAttributes) { output.bagAttributes = Array.from(this.bagAttributes, o => o.toJSON()); } return output; } } SafeBag.CLASS_NAME = "SafeBag"; const SAFE_BUGS = "safeBags"; class SafeContents extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.safeBags = getParametersValue(parameters, SAFE_BUGS, SafeContents.defaultValues(SAFE_BUGS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SAFE_BUGS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SAFE_BUGS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.safeBags || EMPTY_STRING), value: SafeBag.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ SAFE_BUGS ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SafeContents.schema({ names: { safeBags: SAFE_BUGS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.safeBags = Array.from(asn1.result.safeBags, element => new SafeBag({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.safeBags, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { safeBags: Array.from(this.safeBags, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } SafeContents.CLASS_NAME = "SafeContents"; const OTHER_CERT_FORMAT = "otherCertFormat"; const OTHER_CERT = "otherCert"; const CLEAR_PROPS$H = [ OTHER_CERT_FORMAT, OTHER_CERT ]; class OtherCertificateFormat extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.otherCertFormat = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_CERT_FORMAT, OtherCertificateFormat.defaultValues(OTHER_CERT_FORMAT)); this.otherCert = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_CERT, OtherCertificateFormat.defaultValues(OTHER_CERT)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case OTHER_CERT_FORMAT: return EMPTY_STRING; case OTHER_CERT: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.otherCertFormat || OTHER_CERT_FORMAT) }), new Any({ name: (names.otherCert || OTHER_CERT) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$H); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OtherCertificateFormat.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.otherCertFormat = asn1.result.otherCertFormat.valueBlock.toString(); this.otherCert = asn1.result.otherCert; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.otherCertFormat }), this.otherCert ] })); } toJSON() { const res = { otherCertFormat: this.otherCertFormat }; if (!(this.otherCert instanceof Any)) { res.otherCert = this.otherCert.toJSON(); } return res; } } const CERTIFICATES$1 = "certificates"; const CLEAR_PROPS$G = [ CERTIFICATES$1, ]; class CertificateSet extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.certificates = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTIFICATES$1, CertificateSet.defaultValues(CERTIFICATES$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERTIFICATES$1: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Set({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.certificates || CERTIFICATES$1), value: new Choice({ value: [ Certificate.schema(), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Any() ] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Sequence ] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: AttributeCertificateV2.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: OtherCertificateFormat.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] }) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$G); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertificateSet.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.certificates = Array.from(asn1.result.certificates || [], (element) => { const initialTagNumber = element.idBlock.tagNumber; if (element.idBlock.tagClass === 1) return new Certificate({ schema: element }); const elementSequence = new Sequence({ value: element.valueBlock.value }); switch (initialTagNumber) { case 1: if (elementSequence.valueBlock.value[0].valueBlock.value[0].valueBlock.valueDec === 1) { return new AttributeCertificateV2({ schema: elementSequence }); } else { return new AttributeCertificateV1({ schema: elementSequence }); } case 2: return new AttributeCertificateV2({ schema: elementSequence }); case 3: return new OtherCertificateFormat({ schema: elementSequence }); } return element; }); } toSchema() { return (new Set({ value: Array.from(this.certificates, element => { switch (true) { case (element instanceof Certificate): return element.toSchema(); case (element instanceof AttributeCertificateV1): return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: element.toSchema().valueBlock.value }); case (element instanceof AttributeCertificateV2): return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: element.toSchema().valueBlock.value }); case (element instanceof OtherCertificateFormat): return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: element.toSchema().valueBlock.value }); } return element.toSchema(); }) })); } toJSON() { return { certificates: Array.from(this.certificates, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } CertificateSet.CLASS_NAME = "CertificateSet"; const OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT = "otherRevInfoFormat"; const OTHER_REV_INFO = "otherRevInfo"; const CLEAR_PROPS$F = [ OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT, OTHER_REV_INFO ]; class OtherRevocationInfoFormat extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.otherRevInfoFormat = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT, OtherRevocationInfoFormat.defaultValues(OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT)); this.otherRevInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_REV_INFO, OtherRevocationInfoFormat.defaultValues(OTHER_REV_INFO)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT: return EMPTY_STRING; case OTHER_REV_INFO: return new Any(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.otherRevInfoFormat || OTHER_REV_INFO_FORMAT) }), new Any({ name: (names.otherRevInfo || OTHER_REV_INFO) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$F); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OtherRevocationInfoFormat.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.otherRevInfoFormat = asn1.result.otherRevInfoFormat.valueBlock.toString(); this.otherRevInfo = asn1.result.otherRevInfo; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.otherRevInfoFormat }), this.otherRevInfo ] })); } toJSON() { const res = { otherRevInfoFormat: this.otherRevInfoFormat }; if (!(this.otherRevInfo instanceof Any)) { res.otherRevInfo = this.otherRevInfo.toJSON(); } return res; } } OtherRevocationInfoFormat.CLASS_NAME = "OtherRevocationInfoFormat"; const CRLS$3 = "crls"; const OTHER_REVOCATION_INFOS = "otherRevocationInfos"; const CLEAR_PROPS$E = [ CRLS$3 ]; class RevocationInfoChoices extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.crls = getParametersValue(parameters, CRLS$3, RevocationInfoChoices.defaultValues(CRLS$3)); this.otherRevocationInfos = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER_REVOCATION_INFOS, RevocationInfoChoices.defaultValues(OTHER_REVOCATION_INFOS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CRLS$3: return []; case OTHER_REVOCATION_INFOS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Set({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.crls || EMPTY_STRING), value: new Choice({ value: [ CertificateRevocationList.schema(), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new ObjectIdentifier(), new Any() ] }) ] }) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$E); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RevocationInfoChoices.schema({ names: { crls: CRLS$3 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (asn1.result.crls) { for (const element of asn1.result.crls) { if (element.idBlock.tagClass === 1) this.crls.push(new CertificateRevocationList({ schema: element })); else this.otherRevocationInfos.push(new OtherRevocationInfoFormat({ schema: element })); } } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(...Array.from(this.crls, o => o.toSchema())); outputArray.push(...Array.from(this.otherRevocationInfos, element => { const schema = element.toSchema(); schema.idBlock.tagClass = 3; schema.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; return schema; })); return (new Set({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { return { crls: Array.from(this.crls, o => o.toJSON()), otherRevocationInfos: Array.from(this.otherRevocationInfos, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } RevocationInfoChoices.CLASS_NAME = "RevocationInfoChoices"; const CERTS$3 = "certs"; const CRLS$2 = "crls"; const CLEAR_PROPS$D = [ CERTS$3, CRLS$2, ]; class OriginatorInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.crls = getParametersValue(parameters, CRLS$2, OriginatorInfo.defaultValues(CRLS$2)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERTS$3: return new CertificateSet(); case CRLS$2: return new RevocationInfoChoices(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CERTS$3: return (memberValue.certificates.length === 0); case CRLS$2: return ((memberValue.crls.length === 0) && (memberValue.otherRevocationInfos.length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.certs || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: CertificateSet.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ name: (names.crls || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: RevocationInfoChoices.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$D); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OriginatorInfo.schema({ names: { certs: CERTS$3, crls: CRLS$2 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (CERTS$3 in asn1.result) { this.certs = new CertificateSet({ schema: new Set({ value: asn1.result.certs.valueBlock.value }) }); } if (CRLS$2 in asn1.result) { this.crls = new RevocationInfoChoices({ schema: new Set({ value: asn1.result.crls.valueBlock.value }) }); } } toSchema() { const sequenceValue = []; if (this.certs) { sequenceValue.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.certs.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } if (this.crls) { sequenceValue.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: this.crls.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } return (new Sequence({ value: sequenceValue })); } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (this.certs) { res.certs = this.certs.toJSON(); } if (this.crls) { res.crls = this.crls.toJSON(); } return res; } } OriginatorInfo.CLASS_NAME = "OriginatorInfo"; const ISSUER = "issuer"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$2 = "serialNumber"; const CLEAR_PROPS$C = [ ISSUER, SERIAL_NUMBER$2, ]; class IssuerAndSerialNumber extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.issuer = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER, IssuerAndSerialNumber.defaultValues(ISSUER)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$2, IssuerAndSerialNumber.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$2)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ISSUER: return new RelativeDistinguishedNames(); case SERIAL_NUMBER$2: return new Integer(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.issuer || {}), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$C); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, IssuerAndSerialNumber.schema({ names: { issuer: { names: { blockName: ISSUER } }, serialNumber: SERIAL_NUMBER$2 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.issuer = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result.issuer }); this.serialNumber = asn1.result.serialNumber; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.issuer.toSchema(), this.serialNumber ] })); } toJSON() { return { issuer: this.issuer.toJSON(), serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(), }; } } IssuerAndSerialNumber.CLASS_NAME = "IssuerAndSerialNumber"; const VARIANT$3 = "variant"; const VALUE$3 = "value"; const CLEAR_PROPS$B = [ "blockName" ]; class RecipientIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.variant = getParametersValue(parameters, VARIANT$3, RecipientIdentifier.defaultValues(VARIANT$3)); if (VALUE$3 in parameters) { this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$3, RecipientIdentifier.defaultValues(VALUE$3)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$3: return (-1); case VALUE$3: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$3: return (memberValue === (-1)); case VALUE$3: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ value: [ IssuerAndSerialNumber.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$B); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RecipientIdentifier.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagClass === 1) { this.variant = 1; this.value = new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ schema: asn1.result.blockName }); } else { this.variant = 2; this.value = new OctetString({ valueHex: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.valueHex }); } } toSchema() { switch (this.variant) { case 1: if (!(this.value instanceof IssuerAndSerialNumber)) { throw new Error("Incorrect type of RecipientIdentifier.value. It should be IssuerAndSerialNumber."); } return this.value.toSchema(); case 2: if (!(this.value instanceof OctetString)) { throw new Error("Incorrect type of RecipientIdentifier.value. It should be ASN.1 OctetString."); } return new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, valueHex: this.value.valueBlock.valueHexView }); default: return new Any(); } } toJSON() { const res = { variant: this.variant }; if ((this.variant === 1 || this.variant === 2) && this.value) { res.value = this.value.toJSON(); } return res; } } RecipientIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "RecipientIdentifier"; const VERSION$c = "version"; const RID$1 = "rid"; const KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3 = "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"; const ENCRYPTED_KEY$3 = "encryptedKey"; const RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE$1 = "recipientCertificate"; const CLEAR_PROPS$A = [ VERSION$c, RID$1, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3, ENCRYPTED_KEY$3, ]; class KeyTransRecipientInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$c, KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$c)); this.rid = getParametersValue(parameters, RID$1, KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(RID$1)); this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3, KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3)); this.encryptedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_KEY$3, KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY$3)); this.recipientCertificate = getParametersValue(parameters, RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE$1, KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$c: return (-1); case RID$1: return {}; case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTED_KEY$3: return new OctetString(); case RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE$1: return new Certificate(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$c: return (memberValue === KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$c)); case RID$1: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3: case ENCRYPTED_KEY$3: return memberValue.isEqual(KeyTransRecipientInfo.defaultValues(memberName)); case RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE$1: return false; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), RecipientIdentifier.schema(names.rid || {}), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyEncryptionAlgorithm || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.encryptedKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$A); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, KeyTransRecipientInfo.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$c, rid: { names: { blockName: RID$1 } }, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$3 } }, encryptedKey: ENCRYPTED_KEY$3 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; if (asn1.result.rid.idBlock.tagClass === 3) { this.rid = new OctetString({ valueHex: asn1.result.rid.valueBlock.valueHex }); } else { this.rid = new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ schema: asn1.result.rid }); } this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyEncryptionAlgorithm }); this.encryptedKey = asn1.result.encryptedKey; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (this.rid instanceof IssuerAndSerialNumber) { this.version = 0; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(this.rid.toSchema()); } else { this.version = 2; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, valueHex: this.rid.valueBlock.valueHexView })); } outputArray.push(this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.encryptedKey); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { return { version: this.version, rid: this.rid.toJSON(), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toJSON(), encryptedKey: this.encryptedKey.toJSON(), }; } } KeyTransRecipientInfo.CLASS_NAME = "KeyTransRecipientInfo"; const ALGORITHM = "algorithm"; const PUBLIC_KEY = "publicKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$z = [ ALGORITHM, PUBLIC_KEY ]; class OriginatorPublicKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.algorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, ALGORITHM, OriginatorPublicKey.defaultValues(ALGORITHM)); this.publicKey = getParametersValue(parameters, PUBLIC_KEY, OriginatorPublicKey.defaultValues(PUBLIC_KEY)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case PUBLIC_KEY: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM: case PUBLIC_KEY: return (memberValue.isEqual(OriginatorPublicKey.defaultValues(memberName))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.algorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.publicKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$z); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OriginatorPublicKey.schema({ names: { algorithm: { names: { blockName: ALGORITHM } }, publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.algorithm }); this.publicKey = asn1.result.publicKey; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.algorithm.toSchema(), this.publicKey ] })); } toJSON() { return { algorithm: this.algorithm.toJSON(), publicKey: this.publicKey.toJSON(), }; } } OriginatorPublicKey.CLASS_NAME = "OriginatorPublicKey"; const VARIANT$2 = "variant"; const VALUE$2 = "value"; const CLEAR_PROPS$y = [ "blockName", ]; class OriginatorIdentifierOrKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.variant = getParametersValue(parameters, VARIANT$2, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey.defaultValues(VARIANT$2)); if (VALUE$2 in parameters) { this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$2, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey.defaultValues(VALUE$2)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$2: return (-1); case VALUE$2: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$2: return (memberValue === (-1)); case VALUE$2: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ value: [ IssuerAndSerialNumber.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: OriginatorPublicKey.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$y); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagClass === 1) { this.variant = 1; this.value = new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ schema: asn1.result.blockName }); } else { if (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagNumber === 0) { asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagClass = 1; asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagNumber = 4; this.variant = 2; this.value = asn1.result.blockName; } else { this.variant = 3; this.value = new OriginatorPublicKey({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.value }) }); } } } toSchema() { switch (this.variant) { case 1: return this.value.toSchema(); case 2: this.value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; this.value.idBlock.tagNumber = 0; return this.value; case 3: { const _schema = this.value.toSchema(); _schema.idBlock.tagClass = 3; _schema.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; return _schema; } default: return new Any(); } } toJSON() { const res = { variant: this.variant }; if ((this.variant === 1) || (this.variant === 2) || (this.variant === 3)) { res.value = this.value.toJSON(); } return res; } } OriginatorIdentifierOrKey.CLASS_NAME = "OriginatorIdentifierOrKey"; const KEY_ATTR_ID = "keyAttrId"; const KEY_ATTR = "keyAttr"; const CLEAR_PROPS$x = [ KEY_ATTR_ID, KEY_ATTR, ]; class OtherKeyAttribute extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.keyAttrId = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ATTR_ID, OtherKeyAttribute.defaultValues(KEY_ATTR_ID)); if (KEY_ATTR in parameters) { this.keyAttr = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ATTR, OtherKeyAttribute.defaultValues(KEY_ATTR)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_ATTR_ID: return EMPTY_STRING; case KEY_ATTR: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_ATTR_ID: return (typeof memberValue === "string" && memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case KEY_ATTR: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ optional: (names.optional || true), name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.keyAttrId || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ optional: true, name: (names.keyAttr || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$x); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OtherKeyAttribute.schema({ names: { keyAttrId: KEY_ATTR_ID, keyAttr: KEY_ATTR } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.keyAttrId = asn1.result.keyAttrId.valueBlock.toString(); if (KEY_ATTR in asn1.result) { this.keyAttr = asn1.result.keyAttr; } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.keyAttrId })); if (KEY_ATTR in this) { outputArray.push(this.keyAttr); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray, })); } toJSON() { const res = { keyAttrId: this.keyAttrId }; if (KEY_ATTR in this) { res.keyAttr = this.keyAttr.toJSON(); } return res; } } OtherKeyAttribute.CLASS_NAME = "OtherKeyAttribute"; const SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER = "subjectKeyIdentifier"; const DATE$1 = "date"; const OTHER$1 = "other"; const CLEAR_PROPS$w = [ SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, DATE$1, OTHER$1, ]; class RecipientKeyIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.subjectKeyIdentifier = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, RecipientKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER)); if (DATE$1 in parameters) { this.date = getParametersValue(parameters, DATE$1, RecipientKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(DATE$1)); } if (OTHER$1 in parameters) { this.other = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER$1, RecipientKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(OTHER$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER: return new OctetString(); case DATE$1: return new GeneralizedTime(); case OTHER$1: return new OtherKeyAttribute(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER: return (memberValue.isEqual(RecipientKeyIdentifier.defaultValues(SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER))); case DATE$1: return ((memberValue.year === 0) && (memberValue.month === 0) && (memberValue.day === 0) && (memberValue.hour === 0) && (memberValue.minute === 0) && (memberValue.second === 0) && (memberValue.millisecond === 0)); case OTHER$1: return ((memberValue.keyAttrId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("keyAttr" in memberValue) === false)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new OctetString({ name: (names.subjectKeyIdentifier || EMPTY_STRING) }), new GeneralizedTime({ optional: true, name: (names.date || EMPTY_STRING) }), OtherKeyAttribute.schema(names.other || {}) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$w); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RecipientKeyIdentifier.schema({ names: { subjectKeyIdentifier: SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER, date: DATE$1, other: { names: { blockName: OTHER$1 } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.subjectKeyIdentifier = asn1.result.subjectKeyIdentifier; if (DATE$1 in asn1.result) this.date = asn1.result.date; if (OTHER$1 in asn1.result) this.other = new OtherKeyAttribute({ schema: asn1.result.other }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.subjectKeyIdentifier); if (this.date) { outputArray.push(this.date); } if (this.other) { outputArray.push(this.other.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { subjectKeyIdentifier: this.subjectKeyIdentifier.toJSON() }; if (this.date) { res.date = this.date.toJSON(); } if (this.other) { res.other = this.other.toJSON(); } return res; } } RecipientKeyIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "RecipientKeyIdentifier"; const VARIANT$1 = "variant"; const VALUE$1 = "value"; const CLEAR_PROPS$v = [ "blockName", ]; class KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.variant = getParametersValue(parameters, VARIANT$1, KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier.defaultValues(VARIANT$1)); this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE$1, KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier.defaultValues(VALUE$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$1: return (-1); case VALUE$1: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT$1: return (memberValue === (-1)); case VALUE$1: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ value: [ IssuerAndSerialNumber.schema(names.issuerAndSerialNumber || { names: { blockName: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: RecipientKeyIdentifier.schema(names.rKeyId || { names: { blockName: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) } }).valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$v); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagClass === 1) { this.variant = 1; this.value = new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ schema: asn1.result.blockName }); } else { this.variant = 2; this.value = new RecipientKeyIdentifier({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.value }) }); } } toSchema() { switch (this.variant) { case 1: return this.value.toSchema(); case 2: return new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.value.toSchema().valueBlock.value }); default: return new Any(); } } toJSON() { const res = { variant: this.variant, }; if ((this.variant === 1) || (this.variant === 2)) { res.value = this.value.toJSON(); } return res; } } KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier"; const RID = "rid"; const ENCRYPTED_KEY$2 = "encryptedKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$u = [ RID, ENCRYPTED_KEY$2, ]; class RecipientEncryptedKey extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.rid = getParametersValue(parameters, RID, RecipientEncryptedKey.defaultValues(RID)); this.encryptedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_KEY$2, RecipientEncryptedKey.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY$2)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case RID: return new KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTED_KEY$2: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case RID: return ((memberValue.variant === (-1)) && (("value" in memberValue) === false)); case ENCRYPTED_KEY$2: return (memberValue.isEqual(RecipientEncryptedKey.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY$2))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier.schema(names.rid || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.encryptedKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$u); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RecipientEncryptedKey.schema({ names: { rid: { names: { blockName: RID } }, encryptedKey: ENCRYPTED_KEY$2 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.rid = new KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.rid }); this.encryptedKey = asn1.result.encryptedKey; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.rid.toSchema(), this.encryptedKey ] })); } toJSON() { return { rid: this.rid.toJSON(), encryptedKey: this.encryptedKey.toJSON(), }; } } RecipientEncryptedKey.CLASS_NAME = "RecipientEncryptedKey"; const ENCRYPTED_KEYS = "encryptedKeys"; const RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEYS = "RecipientEncryptedKeys"; const CLEAR_PROPS$t = [ RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEYS, ]; class RecipientEncryptedKeys extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.encryptedKeys = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_KEYS, RecipientEncryptedKeys.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEYS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ENCRYPTED_KEYS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ENCRYPTED_KEYS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.RecipientEncryptedKeys || EMPTY_STRING), value: RecipientEncryptedKey.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$t); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RecipientEncryptedKeys.schema({ names: { RecipientEncryptedKeys: RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEYS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.encryptedKeys = Array.from(asn1.result.RecipientEncryptedKeys, element => new RecipientEncryptedKey({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.encryptedKeys, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { encryptedKeys: Array.from(this.encryptedKeys, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } RecipientEncryptedKeys.CLASS_NAME = "RecipientEncryptedKeys"; const VERSION$b = "version"; const ORIGINATOR = "originator"; const UKM = "ukm"; const KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2 = "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"; const RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY = "recipientEncryptedKeys"; const RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE = "recipientCertificate"; const RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY = "recipientPublicKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS$s = [ VERSION$b, ORIGINATOR, UKM, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2, RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY, ]; class KeyAgreeRecipientInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$b, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$b)); this.originator = getParametersValue(parameters, ORIGINATOR, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ORIGINATOR)); if (UKM in parameters) { this.ukm = getParametersValue(parameters, UKM, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(UKM)); } this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2)); this.recipientEncryptedKeys = getParametersValue(parameters, RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY)); this.recipientCertificate = getParametersValue(parameters, RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE)); this.recipientPublicKey = getParametersValue(parameters, RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$b: return 0; case ORIGINATOR: return new OriginatorIdentifierOrKey(); case UKM: return new OctetString(); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY: return new RecipientEncryptedKeys(); case RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE: return new Certificate(); case RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY: return null; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$b: return (memberValue === 0); case ORIGINATOR: return ((memberValue.variant === (-1)) && (("value" in memberValue) === false)); case UKM: return (memberValue.isEqual(KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.defaultValues(UKM))); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY: return (memberValue.encryptedKeys.length === 0); case RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE: return false; case RECIPIENT_PUBLIC_KEY: return false; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING, value: [ new Integer({ name: names.version || EMPTY_STRING }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ OriginatorIdentifierOrKey.schema(names.originator || {}) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [new OctetString({ name: names.ukm || EMPTY_STRING })] }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyEncryptionAlgorithm || {}), RecipientEncryptedKeys.schema(names.recipientEncryptedKeys || {}) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$s); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$b, originator: { names: { blockName: ORIGINATOR } }, ukm: UKM, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$2 } }, recipientEncryptedKeys: { names: { blockName: RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.originator = new OriginatorIdentifierOrKey({ schema: asn1.result.originator }); if (UKM in asn1.result) this.ukm = asn1.result.ukm; this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyEncryptionAlgorithm }); this.recipientEncryptedKeys = new RecipientEncryptedKeys({ schema: asn1.result.recipientEncryptedKeys }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.originator.toSchema()] })); if (this.ukm) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.ukm] })); } outputArray.push(this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.recipientEncryptedKeys.toSchema()); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, originator: this.originator.toJSON(), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toJSON(), recipientEncryptedKeys: this.recipientEncryptedKeys.toJSON(), }; if (this.ukm) { res.ukm = this.ukm.toJSON(); } return res; } } KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.CLASS_NAME = "KeyAgreeRecipientInfo"; const KEY_IDENTIFIER = "keyIdentifier"; const DATE = "date"; const OTHER = "other"; const CLEAR_PROPS$r = [ KEY_IDENTIFIER, DATE, OTHER, ]; class KEKIdentifier extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.keyIdentifier = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_IDENTIFIER, KEKIdentifier.defaultValues(KEY_IDENTIFIER)); if (DATE in parameters) { this.date = getParametersValue(parameters, DATE, KEKIdentifier.defaultValues(DATE)); } if (OTHER in parameters) { this.other = getParametersValue(parameters, OTHER, KEKIdentifier.defaultValues(OTHER)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_IDENTIFIER: return new OctetString(); case DATE: return new GeneralizedTime(); case OTHER: return new OtherKeyAttribute(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_IDENTIFIER: return (memberValue.isEqual(KEKIdentifier.defaultValues(KEY_IDENTIFIER))); case DATE: return ((memberValue.year === 0) && (memberValue.month === 0) && (memberValue.day === 0) && (memberValue.hour === 0) && (memberValue.minute === 0) && (memberValue.second === 0) && (memberValue.millisecond === 0)); case OTHER: return ((memberValue.compareWithDefault("keyAttrId", memberValue.keyAttrId)) && (("keyAttr" in memberValue) === false)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new OctetString({ name: (names.keyIdentifier || EMPTY_STRING) }), new GeneralizedTime({ optional: true, name: (names.date || EMPTY_STRING) }), OtherKeyAttribute.schema(names.other || {}) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$r); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, KEKIdentifier.schema({ names: { keyIdentifier: KEY_IDENTIFIER, date: DATE, other: { names: { blockName: OTHER } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.keyIdentifier = asn1.result.keyIdentifier; if (DATE in asn1.result) this.date = asn1.result.date; if (OTHER in asn1.result) this.other = new OtherKeyAttribute({ schema: asn1.result.other }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.keyIdentifier); if (this.date) { outputArray.push(this.date); } if (this.other) { outputArray.push(this.other.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { keyIdentifier: this.keyIdentifier.toJSON() }; if (this.date) { res.date = this.date; } if (this.other) { res.other = this.other.toJSON(); } return res; } } KEKIdentifier.CLASS_NAME = "KEKIdentifier"; const VERSION$a = "version"; const KEK_ID = "kekid"; const KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1 = "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"; const ENCRYPTED_KEY$1 = "encryptedKey"; const PER_DEFINED_KEK = "preDefinedKEK"; const CLEAR_PROPS$q = [ VERSION$a, KEK_ID, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1, ENCRYPTED_KEY$1, ]; class KEKRecipientInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$a, KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$a)); this.kekid = getParametersValue(parameters, KEK_ID, KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(KEK_ID)); this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1, KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1)); this.encryptedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_KEY$1, KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY$1)); this.preDefinedKEK = getParametersValue(parameters, PER_DEFINED_KEK, KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(PER_DEFINED_KEK)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$a: return 0; case KEK_ID: return new KEKIdentifier(); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTED_KEY$1: return new OctetString(); case PER_DEFINED_KEK: return EMPTY_BUFFER; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case "KEKRecipientInfo": return (memberValue === KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$a)); case KEK_ID: return ((memberValue.compareWithDefault("keyIdentifier", memberValue.keyIdentifier)) && (("date" in memberValue) === false) && (("other" in memberValue) === false)); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case ENCRYPTED_KEY$1: return (memberValue.isEqual(KEKRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY$1))); case PER_DEFINED_KEK: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), KEKIdentifier.schema(names.kekid || {}), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyEncryptionAlgorithm || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.encryptedKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$q); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, KEKRecipientInfo.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$a, kekid: { names: { blockName: KEK_ID } }, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM$1 } }, encryptedKey: ENCRYPTED_KEY$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.kekid = new KEKIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.kekid }); this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyEncryptionAlgorithm }); this.encryptedKey = asn1.result.encryptedKey; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.kekid.toSchema(), this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.encryptedKey ] })); } toJSON() { return { version: this.version, kekid: this.kekid.toJSON(), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toJSON(), encryptedKey: this.encryptedKey.toJSON(), }; } } KEKRecipientInfo.CLASS_NAME = "KEKRecipientInfo"; const VERSION$9 = "version"; const KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM = "keyDerivationAlgorithm"; const KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"; const ENCRYPTED_KEY = "encryptedKey"; const PASSWORD = "password"; const CLEAR_PROPS$p = [ VERSION$9, KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, ENCRYPTED_KEY ]; class PasswordRecipientinfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$9, PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(VERSION$9)); if (KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM in parameters) { this.keyDerivationAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM, PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM)); } this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM)); this.encryptedKey = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_KEY, PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY)); this.password = getParametersValue(parameters, PASSWORD, PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(PASSWORD)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$9: return (-1); case KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENCRYPTED_KEY: return new OctetString(); case PASSWORD: return EMPTY_BUFFER; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$9: return (memberValue === (-1)); case KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM: case KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case ENCRYPTED_KEY: return (memberValue.isEqual(PasswordRecipientinfo.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_KEY))); case PASSWORD: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ name: (names.keyDerivationAlgorithm || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: AlgorithmIdentifier.schema().valueBlock.value }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyEncryptionAlgorithm || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.encryptedKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$p); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PasswordRecipientinfo.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$9, keyDerivationAlgorithm: KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: KEY_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM } }, encryptedKey: ENCRYPTED_KEY } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; if (KEY_DERIVATION_ALGORITHM in asn1.result) { this.keyDerivationAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.keyDerivationAlgorithm.valueBlock.value }) }); } this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyEncryptionAlgorithm }); this.encryptedKey = asn1.result.encryptedKey; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); if (this.keyDerivationAlgorithm) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.keyDerivationAlgorithm.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } outputArray.push(this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.encryptedKey); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, keyEncryptionAlgorithm: this.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.toJSON(), encryptedKey: this.encryptedKey.toJSON(), }; if (this.keyDerivationAlgorithm) { res.keyDerivationAlgorithm = this.keyDerivationAlgorithm.toJSON(); } return res; } } PasswordRecipientinfo.CLASS_NAME = "PasswordRecipientInfo"; const ORI_TYPE = "oriType"; const ORI_VALUE = "oriValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$o = [ ORI_TYPE, ORI_VALUE ]; class OtherRecipientInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.oriType = getParametersValue(parameters, ORI_TYPE, OtherRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ORI_TYPE)); this.oriValue = getParametersValue(parameters, ORI_VALUE, OtherRecipientInfo.defaultValues(ORI_VALUE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case ORI_TYPE: return EMPTY_STRING; case ORI_VALUE: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case ORI_TYPE: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case ORI_VALUE: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.oriType || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Any({ name: (names.oriValue || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$o); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OtherRecipientInfo.schema({ names: { oriType: ORI_TYPE, oriValue: ORI_VALUE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.oriType = asn1.result.oriType.valueBlock.toString(); this.oriValue = asn1.result.oriValue; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.oriType }), this.oriValue ] })); } toJSON() { const res = { oriType: this.oriType }; if (!OtherRecipientInfo.compareWithDefault(ORI_VALUE, this.oriValue)) { res.oriValue = this.oriValue.toJSON(); } return res; } } OtherRecipientInfo.CLASS_NAME = "OtherRecipientInfo"; const VARIANT = "variant"; const VALUE = "value"; const CLEAR_PROPS$n = [ "blockName" ]; class RecipientInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.variant = getParametersValue(parameters, VARIANT, RecipientInfo.defaultValues(VARIANT)); if (VALUE in parameters) { this.value = getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE, RecipientInfo.defaultValues(VALUE)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT: return (-1); case VALUE: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VARIANT: return (memberValue === RecipientInfo.defaultValues(memberName)); case VALUE: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Choice({ value: [ KeyTransRecipientInfo.schema({ names: { blockName: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: KeyAgreeRecipientInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: KEKRecipientInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 3 }, value: PasswordRecipientinfo.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 4 }, value: OtherRecipientInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$n); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RecipientInfo.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName" } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagClass === 1) { this.variant = 1; this.value = new KeyTransRecipientInfo({ schema: asn1.result.blockName }); } else { const blockSequence = new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.value }); switch (asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagNumber) { case 1: this.variant = 2; this.value = new KeyAgreeRecipientInfo({ schema: blockSequence }); break; case 2: this.variant = 3; this.value = new KEKRecipientInfo({ schema: blockSequence }); break; case 3: this.variant = 4; this.value = new PasswordRecipientinfo({ schema: blockSequence }); break; case 4: this.variant = 5; this.value = new OtherRecipientInfo({ schema: blockSequence }); break; default: throw new Error("Incorrect structure of RecipientInfo block"); } } } toSchema() { ParameterError.assertEmpty(this.value, "value", "RecipientInfo"); const _schema = this.value.toSchema(); switch (this.variant) { case 1: return _schema; case 2: case 3: case 4: _schema.idBlock.tagClass = 3; _schema.idBlock.tagNumber = (this.variant - 1); return _schema; default: return new Any(); } } toJSON() { const res = { variant: this.variant }; if (this.value && (this.variant >= 1) && (this.variant <= 4)) { res.value = this.value.toJSON(); } return res; } } RecipientInfo.CLASS_NAME = "RecipientInfo"; const HASH_ALGORITHM$2 = "hashAlgorithm"; const MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM = "maskGenAlgorithm"; const P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM = "pSourceAlgorithm"; const CLEAR_PROPS$m = [ HASH_ALGORITHM$2, MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM, P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM ]; class RSAESOAEPParams extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.hashAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM$2, RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$2)); this.maskGenAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM, RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM)); this.pSourceAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM, RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM$2: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "", algorithmParams: new Null() }); case MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", algorithmParams: (new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "", algorithmParams: new Null() })).toSchema() }); case P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.9", algorithmParams: new OctetString({ valueHex: (new Uint8Array([0xda, 0x39, 0xa3, 0xee, 0x5e, 0x6b, 0x4b, 0x0d, 0x32, 0x55, 0xbf, 0xef, 0x95, 0x60, 0x18, 0x90, 0xaf, 0xd8, 0x07, 0x09])).buffer }) }); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, optional: true, value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.hashAlgorithm || {})] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, optional: true, value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.maskGenAlgorithm || {})] }), new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, optional: true, value: [AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.pSourceAlgorithm || {})] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$m); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, RSAESOAEPParams.schema({ names: { hashAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: HASH_ALGORITHM$2 } }, maskGenAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM } }, pSourceAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); if (HASH_ALGORITHM$2 in asn1.result) this.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.hashAlgorithm }); if (MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM in asn1.result) this.maskGenAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.maskGenAlgorithm }); if (P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM in asn1.result) this.pSourceAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.pSourceAlgorithm }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; if (!this.hashAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$2))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.hashAlgorithm.toSchema()] })); } if (!this.maskGenAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.maskGenAlgorithm.toSchema()] })); } if (!this.pSourceAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM))) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [this.pSourceAlgorithm.toSchema()] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (!this.hashAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$2))) { res.hashAlgorithm = this.hashAlgorithm.toJSON(); } if (!this.maskGenAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(MASK_GEN_ALGORITHM))) { res.maskGenAlgorithm = this.maskGenAlgorithm.toJSON(); } if (!this.pSourceAlgorithm.isEqual(RSAESOAEPParams.defaultValues(P_SOURCE_ALGORITHM))) { res.pSourceAlgorithm = this.pSourceAlgorithm.toJSON(); } return res; } } RSAESOAEPParams.CLASS_NAME = "RSAESOAEPParams"; const KEY_INFO = "keyInfo"; const ENTITY_U_INFO = "entityUInfo"; const SUPP_PUB_INFO = "suppPubInfo"; const CLEAR_PROPS$l = [ KEY_INFO, ENTITY_U_INFO, SUPP_PUB_INFO ]; class ECCCMSSharedInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.keyInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, KEY_INFO, ECCCMSSharedInfo.defaultValues(KEY_INFO)); if (ENTITY_U_INFO in parameters) { this.entityUInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ENTITY_U_INFO, ECCCMSSharedInfo.defaultValues(ENTITY_U_INFO)); } this.suppPubInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, SUPP_PUB_INFO, ECCCMSSharedInfo.defaultValues(SUPP_PUB_INFO)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_INFO: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ENTITY_U_INFO: return new OctetString(); case SUPP_PUB_INFO: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case KEY_INFO: case ENTITY_U_INFO: case SUPP_PUB_INFO: return (memberValue.isEqual(ECCCMSSharedInfo.defaultValues(memberName))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.keyInfo || {}), new Constructed({ name: (names.entityUInfo || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, optional: true, value: [new OctetString()] }), new Constructed({ name: (names.suppPubInfo || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [new OctetString()] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$l); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ECCCMSSharedInfo.schema({ names: { keyInfo: { names: { blockName: KEY_INFO } }, entityUInfo: ENTITY_U_INFO, suppPubInfo: SUPP_PUB_INFO } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.keyInfo = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.keyInfo }); if (ENTITY_U_INFO in asn1.result) this.entityUInfo = asn1.result.entityUInfo.valueBlock.value[0]; this.suppPubInfo = asn1.result.suppPubInfo.valueBlock.value[0]; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.keyInfo.toSchema()); if (this.entityUInfo) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.entityUInfo] })); } outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [this.suppPubInfo] })); return new Sequence({ value: outputArray }); } toJSON() { const res = { keyInfo: this.keyInfo.toJSON(), suppPubInfo: this.suppPubInfo.toJSON(), }; if (this.entityUInfo) { res.entityUInfo = this.entityUInfo.toJSON(); } return res; } } ECCCMSSharedInfo.CLASS_NAME = "ECCCMSSharedInfo"; const VERSION$8 = "version"; const ORIGINATOR_INFO = "originatorInfo"; const RECIPIENT_INFOS = "recipientInfos"; const ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO = "encryptedContentInfo"; const UNPROTECTED_ATTRS = "unprotectedAttrs"; const CLEAR_PROPS$k = [ VERSION$8, ORIGINATOR_INFO, RECIPIENT_INFOS, ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO, UNPROTECTED_ATTRS ]; const defaultEncryptionParams = { kdfAlgorithm: "SHA-512", kekEncryptionLength: 256 }; const curveLengthByName = { "P-256": 256, "P-384": 384, "P-521": 528 }; class EnvelopedData extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$8, EnvelopedData.defaultValues(VERSION$8)); if (ORIGINATOR_INFO in parameters) { this.originatorInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ORIGINATOR_INFO, EnvelopedData.defaultValues(ORIGINATOR_INFO)); } this.recipientInfos = getParametersValue(parameters, RECIPIENT_INFOS, EnvelopedData.defaultValues(RECIPIENT_INFOS)); this.encryptedContentInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO, EnvelopedData.defaultValues(ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO)); if (UNPROTECTED_ATTRS in parameters) { this.unprotectedAttrs = getParametersValue(parameters, UNPROTECTED_ATTRS, EnvelopedData.defaultValues(UNPROTECTED_ATTRS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$8: return 0; case ORIGINATOR_INFO: return new OriginatorInfo(); case RECIPIENT_INFOS: return []; case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO: return new EncryptedContentInfo(); case UNPROTECTED_ATTRS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$8: return (memberValue === EnvelopedData.defaultValues(memberName)); case ORIGINATOR_INFO: return ((memberValue.certs.certificates.length === 0) && (memberValue.crls.crls.length === 0)); case RECIPIENT_INFOS: case UNPROTECTED_ATTRS: return (memberValue.length === 0); case ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO: return ((EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("contentType", memberValue.contentType)) && (EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("contentEncryptionAlgorithm", memberValue.contentEncryptionAlgorithm) && (EncryptedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("encryptedContent", memberValue.encryptedContent)))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ name: (names.originatorInfo || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: OriginatorInfo.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Set({ value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.recipientInfos || EMPTY_STRING), value: RecipientInfo.schema() }) ] }), EncryptedContentInfo.schema(names.encryptedContentInfo || {}), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.unprotectedAttrs || EMPTY_STRING), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$k); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, EnvelopedData.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$8, originatorInfo: ORIGINATOR_INFO, recipientInfos: RECIPIENT_INFOS, encryptedContentInfo: { names: { blockName: ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_INFO } }, unprotectedAttrs: UNPROTECTED_ATTRS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; if (ORIGINATOR_INFO in asn1.result) { this.originatorInfo = new OriginatorInfo({ schema: new Sequence({ value: asn1.result.originatorInfo.valueBlock.value }) }); } this.recipientInfos = Array.from(asn1.result.recipientInfos, o => new RecipientInfo({ schema: o })); this.encryptedContentInfo = new EncryptedContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result.encryptedContentInfo }); if (UNPROTECTED_ATTRS in asn1.result) this.unprotectedAttrs = Array.from(asn1.result.unprotectedAttrs, o => new Attribute({ schema: o })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); if (this.originatorInfo) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: this.originatorInfo.toSchema().valueBlock.value })); } outputArray.push(new Set({ value: Array.from(this.recipientInfos, o => o.toSchema()) })); outputArray.push(this.encryptedContentInfo.toSchema()); if (this.unprotectedAttrs) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.unprotectedAttrs, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, recipientInfos: Array.from(this.recipientInfos, o => o.toJSON()), encryptedContentInfo: this.encryptedContentInfo.toJSON(), }; if (this.originatorInfo) res.originatorInfo = this.originatorInfo.toJSON(); if (this.unprotectedAttrs) res.unprotectedAttrs = Array.from(this.unprotectedAttrs, o => o.toJSON()); return res; } addRecipientByCertificate(certificate, parameters, variant, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { const encryptionParameters = Object.assign({ useOAEP: true, oaepHashAlgorithm: "SHA-512" }, defaultEncryptionParams, parameters || {}); if (certificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId.indexOf("1.2.840.113549") !== (-1)) variant = 1; else { if (certificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId.indexOf("1.2.840.10045") !== (-1)) variant = 2; else throw new Error(`Unknown type of certificate's public key: ${certificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmId}`); } switch (variant) { case 1: { let algorithmId; let algorithmParams; if (encryptionParameters.useOAEP === true) { algorithmId = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "RSA-OAEP" }, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); const hashOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: encryptionParameters.oaepHashAlgorithm }, true, "RSAES-OAEP-params"); const hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }); const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ hashAlgorithm, maskGenAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.8", algorithmParams: hashAlgorithm.toSchema() }) }); algorithmParams = rsaOAEPParams.toSchema(); } else { algorithmId = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5" }); if (algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) throw new Error("Can not find OID for RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5"); algorithmParams = new Null(); } const keyInfo = new KeyTransRecipientInfo({ version: 0, rid: new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ issuer: certificate.issuer, serialNumber: certificate.serialNumber }), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId, algorithmParams }), recipientCertificate: certificate, }); this.recipientInfos.push(new RecipientInfo({ variant: 1, value: keyInfo })); } break; case 2: { const recipientIdentifier = new KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier({ variant: 1, value: new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ issuer: certificate.issuer, serialNumber: certificate.serialNumber }) }); this._addKeyAgreeRecipientInfo(recipientIdentifier, encryptionParameters, { recipientCertificate: certificate }, crypto); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown "variant" value: ${variant}`); } return true; } addRecipientByPreDefinedData(preDefinedData, parameters = {}, variant, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { ArgumentError.assert(preDefinedData, "preDefinedData", "ArrayBuffer"); if (!preDefinedData.byteLength) { throw new Error("Pre-defined data could have zero length"); } if (!parameters.keyIdentifier) { const keyIdentifierBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(16); const keyIdentifierView = new Uint8Array(keyIdentifierBuffer); crypto.getRandomValues(keyIdentifierView); parameters.keyIdentifier = keyIdentifierBuffer; } if (!parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm) parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm = "SHA-512"; if (parameters.iterationCount === undefined) { parameters.iterationCount = 2048; } if (!parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithm) { parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithm = { name: "AES-KW", length: 256 }; } if (!parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithmParams) parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithmParams = new Null(); switch (variant) { case 1: { const kekOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm(parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithm, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); const keyInfo = new KEKRecipientInfo({ version: 4, kekid: new KEKIdentifier({ keyIdentifier: new OctetString({ valueHex: parameters.keyIdentifier }) }), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: kekOID, algorithmParams: parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithmParams }), preDefinedKEK: preDefinedData }); this.recipientInfos.push(new RecipientInfo({ variant: 3, value: keyInfo })); } break; case 2: { const pbkdf2OID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "PBKDF2" }, true, "keyDerivationAlgorithm"); const saltBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(64); const saltView = new Uint8Array(saltBuffer); crypto.getRandomValues(saltView); const hmacOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "HMAC", hash: { name: parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm } }, true, "hmacHashAlgorithm"); const pbkdf2Params = new PBKDF2Params({ salt: new OctetString({ valueHex: saltBuffer }), iterationCount: parameters.iterationCount, prf: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hmacOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }) }); const kekOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm(parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithm, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); const keyInfo = new PasswordRecipientinfo({ version: 0, keyDerivationAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: pbkdf2OID, algorithmParams: pbkdf2Params.toSchema() }), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: kekOID, algorithmParams: parameters.keyEncryptionAlgorithmParams }), password: preDefinedData }); this.recipientInfos.push(new RecipientInfo({ variant: 4, value: keyInfo })); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown value for "variant": ${variant}`); } } addRecipientByKeyIdentifier(key, keyId, parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { const encryptionParameters = Object.assign({}, defaultEncryptionParams, parameters || {}); const recipientIdentifier = new KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier({ variant: 2, value: new RecipientKeyIdentifier({ subjectKeyIdentifier: new OctetString({ valueHex: keyId }), }) }); this._addKeyAgreeRecipientInfo(recipientIdentifier, encryptionParameters, { recipientPublicKey: key }, crypto); } _addKeyAgreeRecipientInfo(recipientIdentifier, encryptionParameters, extraRecipientInfoParams, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { const encryptedKey = new RecipientEncryptedKey({ rid: recipientIdentifier }); const aesKWoid = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "AES-KW", length: encryptionParameters.kekEncryptionLength }, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); const aesKW = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: aesKWoid, }); const ecdhOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: "ECDH", kdf: encryptionParameters.kdfAlgorithm }, true, "KeyAgreeRecipientInfo"); const ukmBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(64); const ukmView = new Uint8Array(ukmBuffer); crypto.getRandomValues(ukmView); const recipientInfoParams = { version: 3, ukm: new OctetString({ valueHex: ukmBuffer }), keyEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: ecdhOID, algorithmParams: aesKW.toSchema() }), recipientEncryptedKeys: new RecipientEncryptedKeys({ encryptedKeys: [encryptedKey] }) }; const keyInfo = new KeyAgreeRecipientInfo(Object.assign(recipientInfoParams, extraRecipientInfoParams)); this.recipientInfos.push(new RecipientInfo({ variant: 2, value: keyInfo })); } encrypt(contentEncryptionAlgorithm, contentToEncrypt, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const ivBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(16); const ivView = new Uint8Array(ivBuffer); crypto.getRandomValues(ivView); const contentView = new Uint8Array(contentToEncrypt); const contentEncryptionOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm(contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); const sessionKey = yield crypto.generateKey(contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["encrypt"]); const encryptedContent = yield crypto.encrypt({ name: contentEncryptionAlgorithm.name, iv: ivView }, sessionKey, contentView); const exportedSessionKey = yield crypto.exportKey("raw", sessionKey); this.version = 2; this.encryptedContentInfo = new EncryptedContentInfo({ contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1", contentEncryptionAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: contentEncryptionOID, algorithmParams: new OctetString({ valueHex: ivBuffer }) }), encryptedContent: new OctetString({ valueHex: encryptedContent }) }); const SubKeyAgreeRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; let recipientCurve; let recipientPublicKey; if (recipientInfo.recipientPublicKey) { recipientCurve = recipientInfo.recipientPublicKey.algorithm.namedCurve; recipientPublicKey = recipientInfo.recipientPublicKey; } else if (recipientInfo.recipientCertificate) { const curveObject = recipientInfo.recipientCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams; if (curveObject.constructor.blockName() !== ObjectIdentifier.blockName()) throw new Error(`Incorrect "recipientCertificate" for index ${index}`); const curveOID = curveObject.valueBlock.toString(); switch (curveOID) { case "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7": recipientCurve = "P-256"; break; case "": recipientCurve = "P-384"; break; case "": recipientCurve = "P-521"; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect curve OID for index ${index}`); } recipientPublicKey = yield recipientInfo.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({ algorithm: { algorithm: { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: recipientCurve }, usages: [] } }, crypto); } else { throw new Error("Unsupported RecipientInfo"); } const recipientCurveLength = curveLengthByName[recipientCurve]; const ecdhKeys = yield crypto.generateKey({ name: "ECDH", namedCurve: recipientCurve }, true, ["deriveBits"]); const exportedECDHPublicKey = yield crypto.exportKey("spki", ecdhKeys.publicKey); const derivedBits = yield crypto.deriveBits({ name: "ECDH", public: recipientPublicKey }, ecdhKeys.privateKey, recipientCurveLength); const aesKWAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); const kwAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(aesKWAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "aesKWAlgorithm"); let kwLength = kwAlgorithm.length; const kwLengthBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4); const kwLengthView = new Uint8Array(kwLengthBuffer); for (let j = 3; j >= 0; j--) { kwLengthView[j] = kwLength; kwLength >>= 8; } const eccInfo = new ECCCMSSharedInfo({ keyInfo: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: aesKWAlgorithm.algorithmId }), entityUInfo: recipientInfo.ukm, suppPubInfo: new OctetString({ valueHex: kwLengthBuffer }) }); const encodedInfo = eccInfo.toSchema().toBER(false); const ecdhAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "ecdhAlgorithm"); const derivedKeyRaw = yield kdf(ecdhAlgorithm.kdf, derivedBits, kwAlgorithm.length, encodedInfo, crypto); const awsKW = yield crypto.importKey("raw", derivedKeyRaw, { name: "AES-KW" }, true, ["wrapKey"]); const wrappedKey = yield crypto.wrapKey("raw", sessionKey, awsKW, { name: "AES-KW" }); const originator = new OriginatorIdentifierOrKey(); originator.variant = 3; originator.value = OriginatorPublicKey.fromBER(exportedECDHPublicKey); recipientInfo.originator = originator; recipientInfo.recipientEncryptedKeys.encryptedKeys[0].encryptedKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: wrappedKey }); return { ecdhPrivateKey: ecdhKeys.privateKey }; }); const SubKeyTransRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; const algorithmParameters = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (algorithmParameters.name === "RSA-OAEP") { const schema = recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams; const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ schema }); algorithmParameters.hash = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId); if (("name" in algorithmParameters.hash) === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); } try { const publicKey = yield recipientInfo.recipientCertificate.getPublicKey({ algorithm: { algorithm: algorithmParameters, usages: ["encrypt", "wrapKey"] } }, crypto); const encryptedKey = yield crypto.encrypt(publicKey.algorithm, publicKey, exportedSessionKey); recipientInfo.encryptedKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: encryptedKey }); } catch (_a) { } }); const SubKEKRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; const kekAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "kekAlgorithm"); const kekKey = yield crypto.importKey("raw", new Uint8Array(recipientInfo.preDefinedKEK), kekAlgorithm, true, ["wrapKey"]); const wrappedKey = yield crypto.wrapKey("raw", sessionKey, kekKey, kekAlgorithm); recipientInfo.encryptedKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: wrappedKey }); }); const SubPasswordRecipientinfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; let pbkdf2Params; if (!recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm) throw new Error("Please append encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); if (!recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm.algorithmParams) throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); try { pbkdf2Params = new PBKDF2Params({ schema: recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); } const passwordView = new Uint8Array(recipientInfo.password); const derivationKey = yield crypto.importKey("raw", passwordView, "PBKDF2", false, ["deriveKey"]); const kekAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "kekAlgorithm"); let hmacHashAlgorithm = "SHA-1"; if (pbkdf2Params.prf) { const prfAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(pbkdf2Params.prf.algorithmId, true, "prfAlgorithm"); hmacHashAlgorithm = prfAlgorithm.hash.name; } const saltView = new Uint8Array(pbkdf2Params.salt.valueBlock.valueHex); const iterations = pbkdf2Params.iterationCount; const derivedKey = yield crypto.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", hash: { name: hmacHashAlgorithm }, salt: saltView, iterations }, derivationKey, kekAlgorithm, true, ["wrapKey"]); const wrappedKey = yield crypto.wrapKey("raw", sessionKey, derivedKey, kekAlgorithm); recipientInfo.encryptedKey = new OctetString({ valueHex: wrappedKey }); }); const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.recipientInfos.length; i++) { switch (this.recipientInfos[i].variant) { case 1: res.push(yield SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(i)); break; case 2: res.push(yield SubKeyAgreeRecipientInfo(i)); break; case 3: res.push(yield SubKEKRecipientInfo(i)); break; case 4: res.push(yield SubPasswordRecipientinfo(i)); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown recipient type in array with index ${i}`); } } return res; }); } decrypt(recipientIndex, parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const decryptionParameters = parameters || {}; if ((recipientIndex + 1) > this.recipientInfos.length) { throw new Error(`Maximum value for "index" is: ${this.recipientInfos.length - 1}`); } const SubKeyAgreeRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; let curveOID; let recipientCurve; let recipientCurveLength; const originator = recipientInfo.originator; if (decryptionParameters.recipientCertificate) { const curveObject = decryptionParameters.recipientCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithmParams; if (curveObject.constructor.blockName() !== ObjectIdentifier.blockName()) { throw new Error(`Incorrect "recipientCertificate" for index ${index}`); } curveOID = curveObject.valueBlock.toString(); } else if (originator.value.algorithm.algorithmParams) { const curveObject = originator.value.algorithm.algorithmParams; if (curveObject.constructor.blockName() !== ObjectIdentifier.blockName()) { throw new Error(`Incorrect originator for index ${index}`); } curveOID = curveObject.valueBlock.toString(); } else { throw new Error("Parameter \"recipientCertificate\" is mandatory for \"KeyAgreeRecipientInfo\" if algorithm params are missing from originator"); } if (!decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey) throw new Error("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyAgreeRecipientInfo\""); switch (curveOID) { case "1.2.840.10045.3.1.7": recipientCurve = "P-256"; recipientCurveLength = 256; break; case "": recipientCurve = "P-384"; recipientCurveLength = 384; break; case "": recipientCurve = "P-521"; recipientCurveLength = 528; break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect curve OID for index ${index}`); } const ecdhPrivateKey = yield crypto.importKey("pkcs8", decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey, { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: recipientCurve }, true, ["deriveBits"]); if (("algorithmParams" in originator.value.algorithm) === false) originator.value.algorithm.algorithmParams = new ObjectIdentifier({ value: curveOID }); const buffer = originator.value.toSchema().toBER(false); const ecdhPublicKey = yield crypto.importKey("spki", buffer, { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: recipientCurve }, true, []); const sharedSecret = yield crypto.deriveBits({ name: "ECDH", public: ecdhPublicKey }, ecdhPrivateKey, recipientCurveLength); function applyKDF(includeAlgorithmParams) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { includeAlgorithmParams = includeAlgorithmParams || false; const aesKWAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); const kwAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(aesKWAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "kwAlgorithm"); let kwLength = kwAlgorithm.length; const kwLengthBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(4); const kwLengthView = new Uint8Array(kwLengthBuffer); for (let j = 3; j >= 0; j--) { kwLengthView[j] = kwLength; kwLength >>= 8; } const keyInfoAlgorithm = { algorithmId: aesKWAlgorithm.algorithmId }; if (includeAlgorithmParams) { keyInfoAlgorithm.algorithmParams = new Null(); } const eccInfo = new ECCCMSSharedInfo({ keyInfo: new AlgorithmIdentifier(keyInfoAlgorithm), entityUInfo: recipientInfo.ukm, suppPubInfo: new OctetString({ valueHex: kwLengthBuffer }) }); const encodedInfo = eccInfo.toSchema().toBER(false); const ecdhAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "ecdhAlgorithm"); if (!ecdhAlgorithm.name) { throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for key encryption algorithm: ${recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); } return kdf(ecdhAlgorithm.kdf, sharedSecret, kwAlgorithm.length, encodedInfo, crypto); }); } const kdfResult = yield applyKDF(); const importAesKwKey = (kdfResult) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return crypto.importKey("raw", kdfResult, { name: "AES-KW" }, true, ["unwrapKey"]); }); const aesKwKey = yield importAesKwKey(kdfResult); const unwrapSessionKey = (aesKwKey) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const algorithmId = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId; const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); return crypto.unwrapKey("raw", recipientInfo.recipientEncryptedKeys.encryptedKeys[0].encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHexView, aesKwKey, { name: "AES-KW" }, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]); }); try { return yield unwrapSessionKey(aesKwKey); } catch (_a) { const kdfResult = yield applyKDF(true); const aesKwKey = yield importAesKwKey(kdfResult); return unwrapSessionKey(aesKwKey); } }); const SubKeyTransRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; if (!decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey) { throw new Error("Parameter \"recipientPrivateKey\" is mandatory for \"KeyTransRecipientInfo\""); } const algorithmParameters = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (algorithmParameters.name === "RSA-OAEP") { const schema = recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams; const rsaOAEPParams = new RSAESOAEPParams({ schema }); algorithmParameters.hash = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId); if (("name" in algorithmParameters.hash) === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect OID for hash algorithm: ${rsaOAEPParams.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId}`); } const privateKey = yield crypto.importKey("pkcs8", decryptionParameters.recipientPrivateKey, algorithmParameters, true, ["decrypt"]); const sessionKey = yield crypto.decrypt(privateKey.algorithm, privateKey, recipientInfo.encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); const algorithmId = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId; const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (("name" in contentEncryptionAlgorithm) === false) throw new Error(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${algorithmId}`); return crypto.importKey("raw", sessionKey, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]); }); const SubKEKRecipientInfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; if (!decryptionParameters.preDefinedData) throw new Error("Parameter \"preDefinedData\" is mandatory for \"KEKRecipientInfo\""); const kekAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "kekAlgorithm"); const importedKey = yield crypto.importKey("raw", decryptionParameters.preDefinedData, kekAlgorithm, true, ["unwrapKey"]); const algorithmId = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId; const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (!contentEncryptionAlgorithm.name) { throw new Error(`Incorrect "contentEncryptionAlgorithm": ${algorithmId}`); } return crypto.unwrapKey("raw", recipientInfo.encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHexView, importedKey, kekAlgorithm, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]); }); const SubPasswordRecipientinfo = (index) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const recipientInfo = this.recipientInfos[index].value; let pbkdf2Params; if (!decryptionParameters.preDefinedData) { throw new Error("Parameter \"preDefinedData\" is mandatory for \"KEKRecipientInfo\""); } if (!recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm) { throw new Error("Please append encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); } if (!recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm.algorithmParams) { throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); } try { pbkdf2Params = new PBKDF2Params({ schema: recipientInfo.keyDerivationAlgorithm.algorithmParams }); } catch (ex) { throw new Error("Incorrectly encoded \"keyDerivationAlgorithm\""); } const pbkdf2Key = yield crypto.importKey("raw", decryptionParameters.preDefinedData, "PBKDF2", false, ["deriveKey"]); const kekAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(recipientInfo.keyEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "keyEncryptionAlgorithm"); const hmacHashAlgorithm = pbkdf2Params.prf ? crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(pbkdf2Params.prf.algorithmId, true, "prfAlgorithm").hash.name : "SHA-1"; const saltView = new Uint8Array(pbkdf2Params.salt.valueBlock.valueHex); const iterations = pbkdf2Params.iterationCount; const kekKey = yield crypto.deriveKey({ name: "PBKDF2", hash: { name: hmacHashAlgorithm }, salt: saltView, iterations }, pbkdf2Key, kekAlgorithm, true, ["unwrapKey"]); const algorithmId = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId; const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); return crypto.unwrapKey("raw", recipientInfo.encryptedKey.valueBlock.valueHexView, kekKey, kekAlgorithm, contentEncryptionAlgorithm, true, ["decrypt"]); }); let unwrappedKey; switch (this.recipientInfos[recipientIndex].variant) { case 1: unwrappedKey = yield SubKeyTransRecipientInfo(recipientIndex); break; case 2: unwrappedKey = yield SubKeyAgreeRecipientInfo(recipientIndex); break; case 3: unwrappedKey = yield SubKEKRecipientInfo(recipientIndex); break; case 4: unwrappedKey = yield SubPasswordRecipientinfo(recipientIndex); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown recipient type in array with index ${recipientIndex}`); } const algorithmId = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmId; const contentEncryptionAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(algorithmId, true, "contentEncryptionAlgorithm"); const ivBuffer = this.encryptedContentInfo.contentEncryptionAlgorithm.algorithmParams.valueBlock.valueHex; const ivView = new Uint8Array(ivBuffer); if (!this.encryptedContentInfo.encryptedContent) { throw new Error("Required property `encryptedContent` is empty"); } const dataBuffer = this.encryptedContentInfo.getEncryptedContent(); return crypto.decrypt({ name: contentEncryptionAlgorithm.name, iv: ivView }, unwrappedKey, dataBuffer); }); } } EnvelopedData.CLASS_NAME = "EnvelopedData"; const SAFE_CONTENTS = "safeContents"; const PARSED_VALUE$1 = "parsedValue"; const CONTENT_INFOS = "contentInfos"; class AuthenticatedSafe extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.safeContents = getParametersValue(parameters, SAFE_CONTENTS, AuthenticatedSafe.defaultValues(SAFE_CONTENTS)); if (PARSED_VALUE$1 in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE$1, AuthenticatedSafe.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SAFE_CONTENTS: return []; case PARSED_VALUE$1: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SAFE_CONTENTS: return (memberValue.length === 0); case PARSED_VALUE$1: return ((memberValue instanceof Object) && (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.contentInfos || EMPTY_STRING), value: ContentInfo.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ CONTENT_INFOS ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, AuthenticatedSafe.schema({ names: { contentInfos: CONTENT_INFOS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.safeContents = Array.from(asn1.result.contentInfos, element => new ContentInfo({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.safeContents, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { return { safeContents: Array.from(this.safeContents, o => o.toJSON()) }; } parseInternalValues(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assert(parameters, SAFE_CONTENTS); ArgumentError.assert(parameters.safeContents, SAFE_CONTENTS, "Array"); if (parameters.safeContents.length !== this.safeContents.length) { throw new ArgumentError("Length of \"parameters.safeContents\" must be equal to \"this.safeContents.length\""); } this.parsedValue = { safeContents: [], }; for (const [index, content] of this.safeContents.entries()) { const safeContent = parameters.safeContents[index]; const errorTarget = `parameters.safeContents[${index}]`; switch (content.contentType) { case id_ContentType_Data: { ArgumentError.assert(content.content, "this.safeContents[j].content", OctetString); const authSafeContent = content.content.getValue(); this.parsedValue.safeContents.push({ privacyMode: 0, value: SafeContents.fromBER(authSafeContent) }); } break; case id_ContentType_EnvelopedData: { const cmsEnveloped = new EnvelopedData({ schema: content.content }); ParameterError.assert(errorTarget, safeContent, "recipientCertificate", "recipientKey"); const envelopedData = safeContent; const recipientCertificate = envelopedData.recipientCertificate; const recipientKey = envelopedData.recipientKey; const decrypted = yield cmsEnveloped.decrypt(0, { recipientCertificate, recipientPrivateKey: recipientKey }, crypto); this.parsedValue.safeContents.push({ privacyMode: 2, value: SafeContents.fromBER(decrypted), }); } break; case id_ContentType_EncryptedData: { const cmsEncrypted = new EncryptedData({ schema: content.content }); ParameterError.assert(errorTarget, safeContent, "password"); const password = safeContent.password; const decrypted = yield cmsEncrypted.decrypt({ password }, crypto); this.parsedValue.safeContents.push({ privacyMode: 1, value: SafeContents.fromBER(decrypted), }); } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown "contentType" for AuthenticatedSafe: " ${content.contentType}`); } } }); } makeInternalValues(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!(this.parsedValue)) { throw new Error("Please run \"parseValues\" first or add \"parsedValue\" manually"); } ArgumentError.assert(this.parsedValue, "this.parsedValue", "object"); ArgumentError.assert(this.parsedValue.safeContents, "this.parsedValue.safeContents", "Array"); ArgumentError.assert(parameters, "parameters", "object"); ParameterError.assert(parameters, "safeContents"); ArgumentError.assert(parameters.safeContents, "parameters.safeContents", "Array"); if (parameters.safeContents.length !== this.parsedValue.safeContents.length) { throw new ArgumentError("Length of \"parameters.safeContents\" must be equal to \"this.parsedValue.safeContents\""); } this.safeContents = []; for (const [index, content] of this.parsedValue.safeContents.entries()) { ParameterError.assert("content", content, "privacyMode", "value"); ArgumentError.assert(content.value, "content.value", SafeContents); switch (content.privacyMode) { case 0: { const contentBuffer = content.value.toSchema().toBER(false); this.safeContents.push(new ContentInfo({ contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1", content: new OctetString({ valueHex: contentBuffer }) })); } break; case 1: { const cmsEncrypted = new EncryptedData(); const currentParameters = parameters.safeContents[index]; currentParameters.contentToEncrypt = content.value.toSchema().toBER(false); yield cmsEncrypted.encrypt(currentParameters); this.safeContents.push(new ContentInfo({ contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.6", content: cmsEncrypted.toSchema() })); } break; case 2: { const cmsEnveloped = new EnvelopedData(); const contentToEncrypt = content.value.toSchema().toBER(false); const safeContent = parameters.safeContents[index]; ParameterError.assert(`parameters.safeContents[${index}]`, safeContent, "encryptingCertificate", "encryptionAlgorithm"); switch (true) { case (safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.name.toLowerCase() === "aes-cbc"): case (safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.name.toLowerCase() === "aes-gcm"): break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect parameter "encryptionAlgorithm" in "parameters.safeContents[i]": ${safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm}`); } switch (true) { case (safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.length === 128): case (safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.length === 192): case (safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.length === 256): break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect parameter "encryptionAlgorithm.length" in "parameters.safeContents[i]": ${safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm.length}`); } const encryptionAlgorithm = safeContent.encryptionAlgorithm; cmsEnveloped.addRecipientByCertificate(safeContent.encryptingCertificate, {}, undefined, crypto); yield cmsEnveloped.encrypt(encryptionAlgorithm, contentToEncrypt, crypto); this.safeContents.push(new ContentInfo({ contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.3", content: cmsEnveloped.toSchema() })); } break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect value for "content.privacyMode": ${content.privacyMode}`); } } return this; }); } } AuthenticatedSafe.CLASS_NAME = "AuthenticatedSafe"; const HASH_ALGORITHM$1 = "hashAlgorithm"; const ISSUER_NAME_HASH = "issuerNameHash"; const ISSUER_KEY_HASH = "issuerKeyHash"; const SERIAL_NUMBER$1 = "serialNumber"; const CLEAR_PROPS$j = [ HASH_ALGORITHM$1, ISSUER_NAME_HASH, ISSUER_KEY_HASH, SERIAL_NUMBER$1, ]; class CertID extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.hashAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM$1, CertID.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM$1)); this.issuerNameHash = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_NAME_HASH, CertID.defaultValues(ISSUER_NAME_HASH)); this.issuerKeyHash = getParametersValue(parameters, ISSUER_KEY_HASH, CertID.defaultValues(ISSUER_KEY_HASH)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER$1, CertID.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$1)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static create(certificate, parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const certID = new CertID(); yield certID.createForCertificate(certificate, parameters, crypto); return certID; }); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case ISSUER_NAME_HASH: case ISSUER_KEY_HASH: return new OctetString(); case SERIAL_NUMBER$1: return new Integer(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM$1: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case ISSUER_NAME_HASH: case ISSUER_KEY_HASH: case SERIAL_NUMBER$1: return (memberValue.isEqual(CertID.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER$1))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.hashAlgorithmObject || { names: { blockName: (names.hashAlgorithm || EMPTY_STRING) } }), new OctetString({ name: (names.issuerNameHash || EMPTY_STRING) }), new OctetString({ name: (names.issuerKeyHash || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$j); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertID.schema({ names: { hashAlgorithm: HASH_ALGORITHM$1, issuerNameHash: ISSUER_NAME_HASH, issuerKeyHash: ISSUER_KEY_HASH, serialNumber: SERIAL_NUMBER$1 } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.hashAlgorithm }); this.issuerNameHash = asn1.result.issuerNameHash; this.issuerKeyHash = asn1.result.issuerKeyHash; this.serialNumber = asn1.result.serialNumber; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.hashAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.issuerNameHash, this.issuerKeyHash, this.serialNumber ] })); } toJSON() { return { hashAlgorithm: this.hashAlgorithm.toJSON(), issuerNameHash: this.issuerNameHash.toJSON(), issuerKeyHash: this.issuerKeyHash.toJSON(), serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(), }; } isEqual(certificateID) { if (this.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId !== certificateID.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId) { return false; } if (!BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(this.issuerNameHash.valueBlock.valueHexView, certificateID.issuerNameHash.valueBlock.valueHexView)) { return false; } if (!BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(this.issuerKeyHash.valueBlock.valueHexView, certificateID.issuerKeyHash.valueBlock.valueHexView)) { return false; } if (!this.serialNumber.isEqual(certificateID.serialNumber)) { return false; } return true; } createForCertificate(certificate, parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assert(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM$1, "issuerCertificate"); const hashOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: parameters.hashAlgorithm }, true, "hashAlgorithm"); this.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }); const issuerCertificate = parameters.issuerCertificate; this.serialNumber = certificate.serialNumber; const hashIssuerName = yield crypto.digest({ name: parameters.hashAlgorithm }, issuerCertificate.subject.toSchema().toBER(false)); this.issuerNameHash = new OctetString({ valueHex: hashIssuerName }); const issuerKeyBuffer = issuerCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView; const hashIssuerKey = yield crypto.digest({ name: parameters.hashAlgorithm }, issuerKeyBuffer); this.issuerKeyHash = new OctetString({ valueHex: hashIssuerKey }); }); } } CertID.CLASS_NAME = "CertID"; const CERT_ID = "certID"; const CERT_STATUS = "certStatus"; const THIS_UPDATE = "thisUpdate"; const NEXT_UPDATE = "nextUpdate"; const SINGLE_EXTENSIONS = "singleExtensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$i = [ CERT_ID, CERT_STATUS, THIS_UPDATE, NEXT_UPDATE, SINGLE_EXTENSIONS, ]; class SingleResponse extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.certID = getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_ID, SingleResponse.defaultValues(CERT_ID)); this.certStatus = getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_STATUS, SingleResponse.defaultValues(CERT_STATUS)); this.thisUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, THIS_UPDATE, SingleResponse.defaultValues(THIS_UPDATE)); if (NEXT_UPDATE in parameters) { this.nextUpdate = getParametersValue(parameters, NEXT_UPDATE, SingleResponse.defaultValues(NEXT_UPDATE)); } if (SINGLE_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.singleExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, SINGLE_EXTENSIONS, SingleResponse.defaultValues(SINGLE_EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case CERT_ID: return new CertID(); case CERT_STATUS: return {}; case THIS_UPDATE: case NEXT_UPDATE: return new Date(0, 0, 0); case SINGLE_EXTENSIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case CERT_ID: return ((CertID.compareWithDefault("hashAlgorithm", memberValue.hashAlgorithm)) && (CertID.compareWithDefault("issuerNameHash", memberValue.issuerNameHash)) && (CertID.compareWithDefault("issuerKeyHash", memberValue.issuerKeyHash)) && (CertID.compareWithDefault("serialNumber", memberValue.serialNumber))); case CERT_STATUS: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); case THIS_UPDATE: case NEXT_UPDATE: return (memberValue === SingleResponse.defaultValues(memberName)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ CertID.schema(names.certID || {}), new Choice({ value: [ new Primitive({ name: (names.certStatus || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, }), new Constructed({ name: (names.certStatus || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new GeneralizedTime(), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Enumerated()] }) ] }), new Primitive({ name: (names.certStatus || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, lenBlock: { length: 1 } }) ] }), new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.thisUpdate || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.nextUpdate || EMPTY_STRING) })] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [Extensions.schema(names.singleExtensions || {})] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$i); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SingleResponse.schema({ names: { certID: { names: { blockName: CERT_ID } }, certStatus: CERT_STATUS, thisUpdate: THIS_UPDATE, nextUpdate: NEXT_UPDATE, singleExtensions: { names: { blockName: SINGLE_EXTENSIONS } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.certID = new CertID({ schema: asn1.result.certID }); this.certStatus = asn1.result.certStatus; this.thisUpdate = asn1.result.thisUpdate.toDate(); if (NEXT_UPDATE in asn1.result) this.nextUpdate = asn1.result.nextUpdate.toDate(); if (SINGLE_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.singleExtensions = Array.from(asn1.result.singleExtensions.valueBlock.value, element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.certID.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.certStatus); outputArray.push(new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.thisUpdate })); if (this.nextUpdate) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.nextUpdate })] })); } if (this.singleExtensions) { outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.singleExtensions, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { certID: this.certID.toJSON(), certStatus: this.certStatus.toJSON(), thisUpdate: this.thisUpdate }; if (this.nextUpdate) { res.nextUpdate = this.nextUpdate; } if (this.singleExtensions) { res.singleExtensions = Array.from(this.singleExtensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } SingleResponse.CLASS_NAME = "SingleResponse"; const TBS$2 = "tbs"; const VERSION$7 = "version"; const RESPONDER_ID = "responderID"; const PRODUCED_AT = "producedAt"; const RESPONSES = "responses"; const RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS = "responseExtensions"; const RESPONSE_DATA = "ResponseData"; const RESPONSE_DATA_VERSION = `${RESPONSE_DATA}.${VERSION$7}`; const RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID = `${RESPONSE_DATA}.${RESPONDER_ID}`; const RESPONSE_DATA_PRODUCED_AT = `${RESPONSE_DATA}.${PRODUCED_AT}`; const RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSES = `${RESPONSE_DATA}.${RESPONSES}`; const RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS = `${RESPONSE_DATA}.${RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$h = [ RESPONSE_DATA, RESPONSE_DATA_VERSION, RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID, RESPONSE_DATA_PRODUCED_AT, RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSES, RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS ]; class ResponseData extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(getParametersValue(parameters, TBS$2, ResponseData.defaultValues(TBS$2))); if (VERSION$7 in parameters) { this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$7, ResponseData.defaultValues(VERSION$7)); } this.responderID = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONDER_ID, ResponseData.defaultValues(RESPONDER_ID)); this.producedAt = getParametersValue(parameters, PRODUCED_AT, ResponseData.defaultValues(PRODUCED_AT)); this.responses = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSES, ResponseData.defaultValues(RESPONSES)); if (RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.responseExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS, ResponseData.defaultValues(RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get tbs() { return BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.tbsView); } set tbs(value) { this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(value); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$7: return 0; case TBS$2: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case RESPONDER_ID: return {}; case PRODUCED_AT: return new Date(0, 0, 0); case RESPONSES: case RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TBS$2: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); case RESPONDER_ID: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); case PRODUCED_AT: return (memberValue === ResponseData.defaultValues(memberName)); case RESPONSES: case RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || RESPONSE_DATA), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.version || RESPONSE_DATA_VERSION) })] }), new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ name: (names.responderID || RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.ResponseDataByName || { names: { blockName: "ResponseData.byName" } })] }), new Constructed({ name: (names.responderID || RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [new OctetString({ name: (names.ResponseDataByKey || "ResponseData.byKey") })] }) ] }), new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.producedAt || RESPONSE_DATA_PRODUCED_AT) }), new Sequence({ value: [ new Repeated({ name: RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSES, value: SingleResponse.schema(names.response || {}) }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [Extensions.schema(names.extensions || { names: { blockName: RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS } })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$h); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ResponseData.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsView = asn1.result.ResponseData.valueBeforeDecodeView; if (RESPONSE_DATA_VERSION in asn1.result) this.version = asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; if (asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID].idBlock.tagNumber === 1) this.responderID = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID].valueBlock.value[0] }); else this.responderID = asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONDER_ID].valueBlock.value[0]; this.producedAt = asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_PRODUCED_AT].toDate(); this.responses = Array.from(asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSES], element => new SingleResponse({ schema: element })); if (RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.responseExtensions = Array.from(asn1.result[RESPONSE_DATA_RESPONSE_EXTENSIONS].valueBlock.value, element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { let tbsSchema; if (encodeFlag === false) { if (!this.tbsView.byteLength) { return ResponseData.schema(); } const asn1 = fromBER(this.tbsView); AsnError.assert(asn1, "TBS Response Data"); tbsSchema = asn1.result; } else { const outputArray = []; if (VERSION$7 in this) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Integer({ value: this.version })] })); } if (this.responderID instanceof RelativeDistinguishedNames) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.responderID.toSchema()] })); } else { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [this.responderID] })); } outputArray.push(new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.producedAt })); outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.responses, o => o.toSchema()) })); if (this.responseExtensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.responseExtensions, o => o.toSchema()) })] })); } tbsSchema = new Sequence({ value: outputArray }); } return tbsSchema; } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (VERSION$7 in this) { res.version = this.version; } if (this.responderID) { res.responderID = this.responderID; } if (this.producedAt) { res.producedAt = this.producedAt; } if (this.responses) { res.responses = Array.from(this.responses, o => o.toJSON()); } if (this.responseExtensions) { res.responseExtensions = Array.from(this.responseExtensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } ResponseData.CLASS_NAME = "ResponseData"; const TRUSTED_CERTS = "trustedCerts"; const CERTS$2 = "certs"; const CRLS$1 = "crls"; const OCSPS$1 = "ocsps"; const CHECK_DATE = "checkDate"; const FIND_ORIGIN = "findOrigin"; const FIND_ISSUER = "findIssuer"; var ChainValidationCode; (function (ChainValidationCode) { ChainValidationCode[ChainValidationCode["unknown"] = -1] = "unknown"; ChainValidationCode[ChainValidationCode["success"] = 0] = "success"; ChainValidationCode[ChainValidationCode["noRevocation"] = 11] = "noRevocation"; ChainValidationCode[ChainValidationCode["noPath"] = 60] = "noPath"; ChainValidationCode[ChainValidationCode["noValidPath"] = 97] = "noValidPath"; })(ChainValidationCode || (ChainValidationCode = {})); class ChainValidationError extends Error { constructor(code, message) { super(message); this.name = ChainValidationError.NAME; this.code = code; this.message = message; } } ChainValidationError.NAME = "ChainValidationError"; function isTrusted(cert, trustedList) { for (let i = 0; i < trustedList.length; i++) { if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(cert.tbsView, trustedList[i].tbsView)) { return true; } } return false; } class CertificateChainValidationEngine { constructor(parameters = {}) { this.trustedCerts = getParametersValue(parameters, TRUSTED_CERTS, this.defaultValues(TRUSTED_CERTS)); this.certs = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTS$2, this.defaultValues(CERTS$2)); this.crls = getParametersValue(parameters, CRLS$1, this.defaultValues(CRLS$1)); this.ocsps = getParametersValue(parameters, OCSPS$1, this.defaultValues(OCSPS$1)); this.checkDate = getParametersValue(parameters, CHECK_DATE, this.defaultValues(CHECK_DATE)); this.findOrigin = getParametersValue(parameters, FIND_ORIGIN, this.defaultValues(FIND_ORIGIN)); this.findIssuer = getParametersValue(parameters, FIND_ISSUER, this.defaultValues(FIND_ISSUER)); } static defaultFindOrigin(certificate, validationEngine) { if (certificate.tbsView.byteLength === 0) { certificate.tbsView = new Uint8Array(certificate.encodeTBS().toBER()); } for (const localCert of validationEngine.certs) { if (localCert.tbsView.byteLength === 0) { localCert.tbsView = new Uint8Array(localCert.encodeTBS().toBER()); } if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(certificate.tbsView, localCert.tbsView)) return "Intermediate Certificates"; } for (const trustedCert of validationEngine.trustedCerts) { if (trustedCert.tbsView.byteLength === 0) trustedCert.tbsView = new Uint8Array(trustedCert.encodeTBS().toBER()); if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(certificate.tbsView, trustedCert.tbsView)) return "Trusted Certificates"; } return "Unknown"; } defaultFindIssuer(certificate, validationEngine, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const result = []; let keyIdentifier = null; let authorityCertIssuer = null; let authorityCertSerialNumber = null; if (certificate.subject.isEqual(certificate.issuer)) { try { const verificationResult = yield certificate.verify(undefined, crypto); if (verificationResult) { return [certificate]; } } catch (ex) { } } if (certificate.extensions) { for (const extension of certificate.extensions) { if (extension.extnID === id_AuthorityKeyIdentifier && extension.parsedValue instanceof AuthorityKeyIdentifier) { if (extension.parsedValue.keyIdentifier) { keyIdentifier = extension.parsedValue.keyIdentifier; } else { if (extension.parsedValue.authorityCertIssuer) { authorityCertIssuer = extension.parsedValue.authorityCertIssuer; } if (extension.parsedValue.authorityCertSerialNumber) { authorityCertSerialNumber = extension.parsedValue.authorityCertSerialNumber; } } break; } } } function checkCertificate(possibleIssuer) { if (keyIdentifier !== null) { if (possibleIssuer.extensions) { let extensionFound = false; for (const extension of possibleIssuer.extensions) { if (extension.extnID === id_SubjectKeyIdentifier && extension.parsedValue) { extensionFound = true; if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueHex, keyIdentifier.valueBlock.valueHexView)) { result.push(possibleIssuer); } break; } } if (extensionFound) { return; } } } let authorityCertSerialNumberEqual = false; if (authorityCertSerialNumber !== null) authorityCertSerialNumberEqual = possibleIssuer.serialNumber.isEqual(authorityCertSerialNumber); if (authorityCertIssuer !== null) { if (possibleIssuer.subject.isEqual(authorityCertIssuer)) { if (authorityCertSerialNumberEqual) result.push(possibleIssuer); } } else { if (certificate.issuer.isEqual(possibleIssuer.subject)) result.push(possibleIssuer); } } for (const trustedCert of validationEngine.trustedCerts) { checkCertificate(trustedCert); } for (const intermediateCert of validationEngine.certs) { checkCertificate(intermediateCert); } for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { try { const verificationResult = yield certificate.verify(result[i], crypto); if (verificationResult === false) result.splice(i, 1); } catch (ex) { result.splice(i, 1); } } return result; }); } defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TRUSTED_CERTS: return []; case CERTS$2: return []; case CRLS$1: return []; case OCSPS$1: return []; case CHECK_DATE: return new Date(); case FIND_ORIGIN: return CertificateChainValidationEngine.defaultFindOrigin; case FIND_ISSUER: return this.defaultFindIssuer; default: throw new Error(`Invalid member name for CertificateChainValidationEngine class: ${memberName}`); } } sort(passedWhenNotRevValues = false, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const localCerts = []; const buildPath = (certificate, crypto) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const result = []; function checkUnique(array) { let unique = true; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < array.length; j++) { if (j === i) continue; if (array[i] === array[j]) { unique = false; break; } } if (!unique) break; } return unique; } if (isTrusted(certificate, this.trustedCerts)) { return [[certificate]]; } const findIssuerResult = yield this.findIssuer(certificate, this, crypto); if (findIssuerResult.length === 0) { throw new Error("No valid certificate paths found"); } for (let i = 0; i < findIssuerResult.length; i++) { if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(findIssuerResult[i].tbsView, certificate.tbsView)) { result.push([findIssuerResult[i]]); continue; } const buildPathResult = yield buildPath(findIssuerResult[i], crypto); for (let j = 0; j < buildPathResult.length; j++) { const copy = buildPathResult[j].slice(); copy.splice(0, 0, findIssuerResult[i]); if (checkUnique(copy)) result.push(copy); else result.push(buildPathResult[j]); } } return result; }); const findCRL = (certificate) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const issuerCertificates = []; const crls = []; const crlsAndCertificates = []; issuerCertificates.push(...localCerts.filter(element => certificate.issuer.isEqual(element.subject))); if (issuerCertificates.length === 0) { return { status: 1, statusMessage: "No certificate's issuers" }; } crls.push(...this.crls.filter(o => o.issuer.isEqual(certificate.issuer))); if (crls.length === 0) { return { status: 2, statusMessage: "No CRLs for specific certificate issuer" }; } for (let i = 0; i < crls.length; i++) { const crl = crls[i]; if (crl.nextUpdate && crl.nextUpdate.value < this.checkDate) { continue; } for (let j = 0; j < issuerCertificates.length; j++) { try { const result = yield crls[i].verify({ issuerCertificate: issuerCertificates[j] }, crypto); if (result) { crlsAndCertificates.push({ crl: crls[i], certificate: issuerCertificates[j] }); break; } } catch (ex) { } } } if (crlsAndCertificates.length) { return { status: 0, statusMessage: EMPTY_STRING, result: crlsAndCertificates }; } return { status: 3, statusMessage: "No valid CRLs found" }; }); const findOCSP = (certificate, issuerCertificate) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const hashAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(certificate.signatureAlgorithm.algorithmId); if (!hashAlgorithm.name) { return 1; } if (!hashAlgorithm.hash) { return 1; } for (let i = 0; i < this.ocsps.length; i++) { const ocsp = this.ocsps[i]; const result = yield ocsp.getCertificateStatus(certificate, issuerCertificate, crypto); if (result.isForCertificate) { if (result.status === 0) return 0; return 1; } } return 2; }); function checkForCA(certificate, needToCheckCRL = false) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let isCA = false; let mustBeCA = false; let keyUsagePresent = false; let cRLSign = false; if (certificate.extensions) { for (let j = 0; j < certificate.extensions.length; j++) { const extension = certificate.extensions[j]; if (extension.critical && !extension.parsedValue) { return { result: false, resultCode: 6, resultMessage: `Unable to parse critical certificate extension: ${extension.extnID}` }; } if (extension.extnID === id_KeyUsage) { keyUsagePresent = true; const view = new Uint8Array(extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueHex); if ((view[0] & 0x04) === 0x04) mustBeCA = true; if ((view[0] & 0x02) === 0x02) cRLSign = true; } if (extension.extnID === id_BasicConstraints) { if ("cA" in extension.parsedValue) { if (extension.parsedValue.cA === true) isCA = true; } } } if ((mustBeCA === true) && (isCA === false)) { return { result: false, resultCode: 3, resultMessage: "Unable to build certificate chain - using \"keyCertSign\" flag set without BasicConstraints" }; } if ((keyUsagePresent === true) && (isCA === true) && (mustBeCA === false)) { return { result: false, resultCode: 4, resultMessage: "Unable to build certificate chain - \"keyCertSign\" flag was not set" }; } if ((isCA === true) && (keyUsagePresent === true) && ((needToCheckCRL) && (cRLSign === false))) { return { result: false, resultCode: 5, resultMessage: "Unable to build certificate chain - intermediate certificate must have \"cRLSign\" key usage flag" }; } } if (isCA === false) { return { result: false, resultCode: 7, resultMessage: "Unable to build certificate chain - more than one possible end-user certificate" }; } return { result: true, resultCode: 0, resultMessage: EMPTY_STRING }; }); } const basicCheck = (path, checkDate) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { if ((path[i].notBefore.value > checkDate) || (path[i].notAfter.value < checkDate)) { return { result: false, resultCode: 8, resultMessage: "The certificate is either not yet valid or expired" }; } } if (path.length < 2) { return { result: false, resultCode: 9, resultMessage: "Too short certificate path" }; } for (let i = (path.length - 2); i >= 0; i--) { if (path[i].issuer.isEqual(path[i].subject) === false) { if (path[i].issuer.isEqual(path[i + 1].subject) === false) { return { result: false, resultCode: 10, resultMessage: "Incorrect name chaining" }; } } } if ((this.crls.length !== 0) || (this.ocsps.length !== 0)) { for (let i = 0; i < (path.length - 1); i++) { let ocspResult = 2; let crlResult = { status: 0, statusMessage: EMPTY_STRING }; if (this.ocsps.length !== 0) { ocspResult = yield findOCSP(path[i], path[i + 1]); switch (ocspResult) { case 0: continue; case 1: return { result: false, resultCode: 12, resultMessage: "One of certificates was revoked via OCSP response" }; } } if (this.crls.length !== 0) { crlResult = yield findCRL(path[i]); if (crlResult.status === 0 && crlResult.result) { for (let j = 0; j < crlResult.result.length; j++) { const isCertificateRevoked = crlResult.result[j].crl.isCertificateRevoked(path[i]); if (isCertificateRevoked) { return { result: false, resultCode: 12, resultMessage: "One of certificates had been revoked" }; } const isCertificateCA = yield checkForCA(crlResult.result[j].certificate, true); if (isCertificateCA.result === false) { return { result: false, resultCode: 13, resultMessage: "CRL issuer certificate is not a CA certificate or does not have crlSign flag" }; } } } else { if (passedWhenNotRevValues === false) { throw new ChainValidationError(ChainValidationCode.noRevocation, `No revocation values found for one of certificates: ${crlResult.statusMessage}`); } } } else { if (ocspResult === 2) { return { result: false, resultCode: 11, resultMessage: "No revocation values found for one of certificates" }; } } if ((ocspResult === 2) && (crlResult.status === 2) && passedWhenNotRevValues) { const issuerCertificate = path[i + 1]; let extensionFound = false; if (issuerCertificate.extensions) { for (const extension of issuerCertificate.extensions) { switch (extension.extnID) { case id_CRLDistributionPoints: case id_FreshestCRL: case id_AuthorityInfoAccess: extensionFound = true; break; } } } if (extensionFound) { throw new ChainValidationError(ChainValidationCode.noRevocation, `No revocation values found for one of certificates: ${crlResult.statusMessage}`); } } } } for (const [i, cert] of path.entries()) { if (!i) { continue; } const result = yield checkForCA(cert); if (!result.result) { return { result: false, resultCode: 14, resultMessage: "One of intermediate certificates is not a CA certificate" }; } } return { result: true }; }); localCerts.push(...this.trustedCerts); localCerts.push(...this.certs); for (let i = 0; i < localCerts.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < localCerts.length; j++) { if (i === j) continue; if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(localCerts[i].tbsView, localCerts[j].tbsView)) { localCerts.splice(j, 1); i = 0; break; } } } const leafCert = localCerts[localCerts.length - 1]; let result; const certificatePath = [leafCert]; result = yield buildPath(leafCert, crypto); if (result.length === 0) { throw new ChainValidationError(ChainValidationCode.noPath, "Unable to find certificate path"); } for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { let found = false; for (let j = 0; j < (result[i]).length; j++) { const certificate = (result[i])[j]; for (let k = 0; k < this.trustedCerts.length; k++) { if (BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(certificate.tbsView, this.trustedCerts[k].tbsView)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) break; } if (!found) { result.splice(i, 1); i = 0; } } if (result.length === 0) { throw new ChainValidationError(ChainValidationCode.noValidPath, "No valid certificate paths found"); } let shortestLength = result[0].length; let shortestIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i].length < shortestLength) { shortestLength = result[i].length; shortestIndex = i; } } for (let i = 0; i < result[shortestIndex].length; i++) certificatePath.push((result[shortestIndex])[i]); result = yield basicCheck(certificatePath, this.checkDate); if (result.result === false) throw result; return certificatePath; }); } verify(parameters = {}, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { function compareDNSName(name, constraint) { const namePrepared = stringPrep(name); const constraintPrepared = stringPrep(constraint); const nameSplitted = namePrepared.split("."); const constraintSplitted = constraintPrepared.split("."); const nameLen = nameSplitted.length; const constrLen = constraintSplitted.length; if ((nameLen === 0) || (constrLen === 0) || (nameLen < constrLen)) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < nameLen; i++) { if (nameSplitted[i].length === 0) { return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < constrLen; i++) { if (constraintSplitted[i].length === 0) { if (i === 0) { if (constrLen === 1) { return false; } continue; } return false; } } for (let i = 0; i < constrLen; i++) { if (constraintSplitted[constrLen - 1 - i].length === 0) { continue; } if (nameSplitted[nameLen - 1 - i].localeCompare(constraintSplitted[constrLen - 1 - i]) !== 0) { return false; } } return true; } function compareRFC822Name(name, constraint) { const namePrepared = stringPrep(name); const constraintPrepared = stringPrep(constraint); const nameSplitted = namePrepared.split("@"); const constraintSplitted = constraintPrepared.split("@"); if ((nameSplitted.length === 0) || (constraintSplitted.length === 0) || (nameSplitted.length < constraintSplitted.length)) return false; if (constraintSplitted.length === 1) { const result = compareDNSName(nameSplitted[1], constraintSplitted[0]); if (result) { const ns = nameSplitted[1].split("."); const cs = constraintSplitted[0].split("."); if (cs[0].length === 0) return true; return ns.length === cs.length; } return false; } return (namePrepared.localeCompare(constraintPrepared) === 0); } function compareUniformResourceIdentifier(name, constraint) { let namePrepared = stringPrep(name); const constraintPrepared = stringPrep(constraint); const ns = namePrepared.split("/"); const cs = constraintPrepared.split("/"); if (cs.length > 1) return false; if (ns.length > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) { if ((ns[i].length > 0) && (ns[i].charAt(ns[i].length - 1) !== ":")) { const nsPort = ns[i].split(":"); namePrepared = nsPort[0]; break; } } } const result = compareDNSName(namePrepared, constraintPrepared); if (result) { const nameSplitted = namePrepared.split("."); const constraintSplitted = constraintPrepared.split("."); if (constraintSplitted[0].length === 0) return true; return nameSplitted.length === constraintSplitted.length; } return false; } function compareIPAddress(name, constraint) { const nameView = name.valueBlock.valueHexView; const constraintView = constraint.valueBlock.valueHexView; if ((nameView.length === 4) && (constraintView.length === 8)) { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((nameView[i] ^ constraintView[i]) & constraintView[i + 4]) return false; } return true; } if ((nameView.length === 16) && (constraintView.length === 32)) { for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if ((nameView[i] ^ constraintView[i]) & constraintView[i + 16]) return false; } return true; } return false; } function compareDirectoryName(name, constraint) { if ((name.typesAndValues.length === 0) || (constraint.typesAndValues.length === 0)) return true; if (name.typesAndValues.length < constraint.typesAndValues.length) return false; let result = true; let nameStart = 0; for (let i = 0; i < constraint.typesAndValues.length; i++) { let localResult = false; for (let j = nameStart; j < name.typesAndValues.length; j++) { localResult = name.typesAndValues[j].isEqual(constraint.typesAndValues[i]); if (name.typesAndValues[j].type === constraint.typesAndValues[i].type) result = result && localResult; if (localResult === true) { if ((nameStart === 0) || (nameStart === j)) { nameStart = j + 1; break; } else return false; } } if (localResult === false) return false; } return (nameStart === 0) ? false : result; } try { if (this.certs.length === 0) throw new Error("Empty certificate array"); const passedWhenNotRevValues = parameters.passedWhenNotRevValues || false; const initialPolicySet = parameters.initialPolicySet || [id_AnyPolicy]; const initialExplicitPolicy = parameters.initialExplicitPolicy || false; const initialPolicyMappingInhibit = parameters.initialPolicyMappingInhibit || false; const initialInhibitPolicy = parameters.initialInhibitPolicy || false; const initialPermittedSubtreesSet = parameters.initialPermittedSubtreesSet || []; const initialExcludedSubtreesSet = parameters.initialExcludedSubtreesSet || []; const initialRequiredNameForms = parameters.initialRequiredNameForms || []; let explicitPolicyIndicator = initialExplicitPolicy; let policyMappingInhibitIndicator = initialPolicyMappingInhibit; let inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator = initialInhibitPolicy; const pendingConstraints = [ false, false, false, ]; let explicitPolicyPending = 0; let policyMappingInhibitPending = 0; let inhibitAnyPolicyPending = 0; let permittedSubtrees = initialPermittedSubtreesSet; let excludedSubtrees = initialExcludedSubtreesSet; const requiredNameForms = initialRequiredNameForms; let pathDepth = 1; this.certs = yield this.sort(passedWhenNotRevValues, crypto); const allPolicies = []; allPolicies.push(id_AnyPolicy); const policiesAndCerts = []; const anyPolicyArray = new Array(this.certs.length - 1); for (let ii = 0; ii < (this.certs.length - 1); ii++) anyPolicyArray[ii] = true; policiesAndCerts.push(anyPolicyArray); const policyMappings = new Array(this.certs.length - 1); const certPolicies = new Array(this.certs.length - 1); let explicitPolicyStart = (explicitPolicyIndicator) ? (this.certs.length - 1) : (-1); for (let i = (this.certs.length - 2); i >= 0; i--, pathDepth++) { const cert = this.certs[i]; if (cert.extensions) { for (let j = 0; j < cert.extensions.length; j++) { const extension = cert.extensions[j]; if (extension.extnID === id_CertificatePolicies) { certPolicies[i] = extension.parsedValue; for (let s = 0; s < allPolicies.length; s++) { if (allPolicies[s] === id_AnyPolicy) { delete (policiesAndCerts[s])[i]; break; } } for (let k = 0; k < extension.parsedValue.certificatePolicies.length; k++) { let policyIndex = (-1); const policyId = extension.parsedValue.certificatePolicies[k].policyIdentifier; for (let s = 0; s < allPolicies.length; s++) { if (policyId === allPolicies[s]) { policyIndex = s; break; } } if (policyIndex === (-1)) { allPolicies.push(policyId); const certArray = new Array(this.certs.length - 1); certArray[i] = true; policiesAndCerts.push(certArray); } else (policiesAndCerts[policyIndex])[i] = true; } } if (extension.extnID === id_PolicyMappings) { if (policyMappingInhibitIndicator) { return { result: false, resultCode: 98, resultMessage: "Policy mapping prohibited" }; } policyMappings[i] = extension.parsedValue; } if (extension.extnID === id_PolicyConstraints) { if (explicitPolicyIndicator === false) { if (extension.parsedValue.requireExplicitPolicy === 0) { explicitPolicyIndicator = true; explicitPolicyStart = i; } else { if (pendingConstraints[0] === false) { pendingConstraints[0] = true; explicitPolicyPending = extension.parsedValue.requireExplicitPolicy; } else explicitPolicyPending = (explicitPolicyPending > extension.parsedValue.requireExplicitPolicy) ? extension.parsedValue.requireExplicitPolicy : explicitPolicyPending; } if (extension.parsedValue.inhibitPolicyMapping === 0) policyMappingInhibitIndicator = true; else { if (pendingConstraints[1] === false) { pendingConstraints[1] = true; policyMappingInhibitPending = extension.parsedValue.inhibitPolicyMapping + 1; } else policyMappingInhibitPending = (policyMappingInhibitPending > (extension.parsedValue.inhibitPolicyMapping + 1)) ? (extension.parsedValue.inhibitPolicyMapping + 1) : policyMappingInhibitPending; } } } if (extension.extnID === id_InhibitAnyPolicy) { if (inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator === false) { if (extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueDec === 0) inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator = true; else { if (pendingConstraints[2] === false) { pendingConstraints[2] = true; inhibitAnyPolicyPending = extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueDec; } else inhibitAnyPolicyPending = (inhibitAnyPolicyPending > extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueDec) ? extension.parsedValue.valueBlock.valueDec : inhibitAnyPolicyPending; } } } } if (inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator === true) { let policyIndex = (-1); for (let searchAnyPolicy = 0; searchAnyPolicy < allPolicies.length; searchAnyPolicy++) { if (allPolicies[searchAnyPolicy] === id_AnyPolicy) { policyIndex = searchAnyPolicy; break; } } if (policyIndex !== (-1)) delete (policiesAndCerts[0])[i]; } if (explicitPolicyIndicator === false) { if (pendingConstraints[0] === true) { explicitPolicyPending--; if (explicitPolicyPending === 0) { explicitPolicyIndicator = true; explicitPolicyStart = i; pendingConstraints[0] = false; } } } if (policyMappingInhibitIndicator === false) { if (pendingConstraints[1] === true) { policyMappingInhibitPending--; if (policyMappingInhibitPending === 0) { policyMappingInhibitIndicator = true; pendingConstraints[1] = false; } } } if (inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator === false) { if (pendingConstraints[2] === true) { inhibitAnyPolicyPending--; if (inhibitAnyPolicyPending === 0) { inhibitAnyPolicyIndicator = true; pendingConstraints[2] = false; } } } } } for (let i = 0; i < (this.certs.length - 1); i++) { if ((i < (this.certs.length - 2)) && (typeof policyMappings[i + 1] !== "undefined")) { for (let k = 0; k < policyMappings[i + 1].mappings.length; k++) { if ((policyMappings[i + 1].mappings[k].issuerDomainPolicy === id_AnyPolicy) || (policyMappings[i + 1].mappings[k].subjectDomainPolicy === id_AnyPolicy)) { return { result: false, resultCode: 99, resultMessage: "The \"anyPolicy\" should not be a part of policy mapping scheme" }; } let issuerDomainPolicyIndex = (-1); let subjectDomainPolicyIndex = (-1); for (let n = 0; n < allPolicies.length; n++) { if (allPolicies[n] === policyMappings[i + 1].mappings[k].issuerDomainPolicy) issuerDomainPolicyIndex = n; if (allPolicies[n] === policyMappings[i + 1].mappings[k].subjectDomainPolicy) subjectDomainPolicyIndex = n; } if (typeof (policiesAndCerts[issuerDomainPolicyIndex])[i] !== "undefined") delete (policiesAndCerts[issuerDomainPolicyIndex])[i]; for (let j = 0; j < certPolicies[i].certificatePolicies.length; j++) { if (policyMappings[i + 1].mappings[k].subjectDomainPolicy === certPolicies[i].certificatePolicies[j].policyIdentifier) { if ((issuerDomainPolicyIndex !== (-1)) && (subjectDomainPolicyIndex !== (-1))) { for (let m = 0; m <= i; m++) { if (typeof (policiesAndCerts[subjectDomainPolicyIndex])[m] !== "undefined") { (policiesAndCerts[issuerDomainPolicyIndex])[m] = true; delete (policiesAndCerts[subjectDomainPolicyIndex])[m]; } } } } } } } } for (let i = 0; i < allPolicies.length; i++) { if (allPolicies[i] === id_AnyPolicy) { for (let j = 0; j < explicitPolicyStart; j++) delete (policiesAndCerts[i])[j]; } } const authConstrPolicies = []; for (let i = 0; i < policiesAndCerts.length; i++) { let found = true; for (let j = 0; j < (this.certs.length - 1); j++) { let anyPolicyFound = false; if ((j < explicitPolicyStart) && (allPolicies[i] === id_AnyPolicy) && (allPolicies.length > 1)) { found = false; break; } if (typeof (policiesAndCerts[i])[j] === "undefined") { if (j >= explicitPolicyStart) { for (let k = 0; k < allPolicies.length; k++) { if (allPolicies[k] === id_AnyPolicy) { if ((policiesAndCerts[k])[j] === true) anyPolicyFound = true; break; } } } if (!anyPolicyFound) { found = false; break; } } } if (found === true) authConstrPolicies.push(allPolicies[i]); } let userConstrPolicies = []; if ((initialPolicySet.length === 1) && (initialPolicySet[0] === id_AnyPolicy) && (explicitPolicyIndicator === false)) userConstrPolicies = initialPolicySet; else { if ((authConstrPolicies.length === 1) && (authConstrPolicies[0] === id_AnyPolicy)) userConstrPolicies = initialPolicySet; else { for (let i = 0; i < authConstrPolicies.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < initialPolicySet.length; j++) { if ((initialPolicySet[j] === authConstrPolicies[i]) || (initialPolicySet[j] === id_AnyPolicy)) { userConstrPolicies.push(authConstrPolicies[i]); break; } } } } } const policyResult = { result: (userConstrPolicies.length > 0), resultCode: 0, resultMessage: (userConstrPolicies.length > 0) ? EMPTY_STRING : "Zero \"userConstrPolicies\" array, no intersections with \"authConstrPolicies\"", authConstrPolicies, userConstrPolicies, explicitPolicyIndicator, policyMappings, certificatePath: this.certs }; if (userConstrPolicies.length === 0) return policyResult; if (policyResult.result === false) return policyResult; pathDepth = 1; for (let i = (this.certs.length - 2); i >= 0; i--, pathDepth++) { const cert = this.certs[i]; let subjectAltNames = []; let certPermittedSubtrees = []; let certExcludedSubtrees = []; if (cert.extensions) { for (let j = 0; j < cert.extensions.length; j++) { const extension = cert.extensions[j]; if (extension.extnID === id_NameConstraints) { if ("permittedSubtrees" in extension.parsedValue) certPermittedSubtrees = certPermittedSubtrees.concat(extension.parsedValue.permittedSubtrees); if ("excludedSubtrees" in extension.parsedValue) certExcludedSubtrees = certExcludedSubtrees.concat(extension.parsedValue.excludedSubtrees); } if (extension.extnID === id_SubjectAltName) subjectAltNames = subjectAltNames.concat(extension.parsedValue.altNames); } } let formFound = (requiredNameForms.length <= 0); for (let j = 0; j < requiredNameForms.length; j++) { switch (requiredNameForms[j].base.type) { case 4: { if (requiredNameForms[j].base.value.typesAndValues.length !== cert.subject.typesAndValues.length) continue; formFound = true; for (let k = 0; k < cert.subject.typesAndValues.length; k++) { if (cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].type !== requiredNameForms[j].base.value.typesAndValues[k].type) { formFound = false; break; } } if (formFound === true) break; } break; default: } } if (formFound === false) { policyResult.result = false; policyResult.resultCode = 21; policyResult.resultMessage = "No necessary name form found"; throw policyResult; } const constrGroups = [ [], [], [], [], [], ]; for (let j = 0; j < permittedSubtrees.length; j++) { switch (permittedSubtrees[j].base.type) { case 1: constrGroups[0].push(permittedSubtrees[j]); break; case 2: constrGroups[1].push(permittedSubtrees[j]); break; case 4: constrGroups[2].push(permittedSubtrees[j]); break; case 6: constrGroups[3].push(permittedSubtrees[j]); break; case 7: constrGroups[4].push(permittedSubtrees[j]); break; default: } } for (let p = 0; p < 5; p++) { let groupPermitted = false; let valueExists = false; const group = constrGroups[p]; for (let j = 0; j < group.length; j++) { switch (p) { case 0: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 1) { valueExists = true; groupPermitted = groupPermitted || compareRFC822Name(subjectAltNames[k].value, group[j].base.value); } } } else { for (let k = 0; k < cert.subject.typesAndValues.length; k++) { if ((cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].type === "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1") || (cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].type === "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3")) { valueExists = true; groupPermitted = groupPermitted || compareRFC822Name(cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].value.valueBlock.value, group[j].base.value); } } } break; case 1: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 2) { valueExists = true; groupPermitted = groupPermitted || compareDNSName(subjectAltNames[k].value, group[j].base.value); } } } break; case 2: valueExists = true; groupPermitted = compareDirectoryName(cert.subject, group[j].base.value); break; case 3: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 6) { valueExists = true; groupPermitted = groupPermitted || compareUniformResourceIdentifier(subjectAltNames[k].value, group[j].base.value); } } } break; case 4: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 7) { valueExists = true; groupPermitted = groupPermitted || compareIPAddress(subjectAltNames[k].value, group[j].base.value); } } } break; default: } if (groupPermitted) break; } if ((groupPermitted === false) && (group.length > 0) && valueExists) { policyResult.result = false; policyResult.resultCode = 41; policyResult.resultMessage = "Failed to meet \"permitted sub-trees\" name constraint"; throw policyResult; } } let excluded = false; for (let j = 0; j < excludedSubtrees.length; j++) { switch (excludedSubtrees[j].base.type) { case 1: if (subjectAltNames.length >= 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 1) excluded = excluded || compareRFC822Name(subjectAltNames[k].value, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); } } else { for (let k = 0; k < cert.subject.typesAndValues.length; k++) { if ((cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].type === "1.2.840.113549.1.9.1") || (cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].type === "0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3")) excluded = excluded || compareRFC822Name(cert.subject.typesAndValues[k].value.valueBlock.value, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); } } break; case 2: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 2) excluded = excluded || compareDNSName(subjectAltNames[k].value, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); } } break; case 4: excluded = excluded || compareDirectoryName(cert.subject, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); break; case 6: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 6) excluded = excluded || compareUniformResourceIdentifier(subjectAltNames[k].value, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); } } break; case 7: if (subjectAltNames.length > 0) { for (let k = 0; k < subjectAltNames.length; k++) { if (subjectAltNames[k].type === 7) excluded = excluded || compareIPAddress(subjectAltNames[k].value, excludedSubtrees[j].base.value); } } break; default: } if (excluded) break; } if (excluded === true) { policyResult.result = false; policyResult.resultCode = 42; policyResult.resultMessage = "Failed to meet \"excluded sub-trees\" name constraint"; throw policyResult; } permittedSubtrees = permittedSubtrees.concat(certPermittedSubtrees); excludedSubtrees = excludedSubtrees.concat(certExcludedSubtrees); } return policyResult; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { if (error instanceof ChainValidationError) { return { result: false, resultCode: error.code, resultMessage: error.message, error: error, }; } return { result: false, resultCode: ChainValidationCode.unknown, resultMessage: error.message, error: error, }; } if (error && typeof error === "object" && "resultMessage" in error) { return error; } return { result: false, resultCode: -1, resultMessage: `${error}`, }; } }); } } const TBS_RESPONSE_DATA = "tbsResponseData"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE$2 = "signature"; const CERTS$1 = "certs"; const BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE = "BasicOCSPResponse"; const BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_TBS_RESPONSE_DATA = `${BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE}.${TBS_RESPONSE_DATA}`; const BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = `${BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE}.${SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3}`; const BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE = `${BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE}.${SIGNATURE$2}`; const BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_CERTS = `${BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE}.${CERTS$1}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$g = [ BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_TBS_RESPONSE_DATA, BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE, BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_CERTS ]; class BasicOCSPResponse extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsResponseData = getParametersValue(parameters, TBS_RESPONSE_DATA, BasicOCSPResponse.defaultValues(TBS_RESPONSE_DATA)); this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3, BasicOCSPResponse.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$2, BasicOCSPResponse.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$2)); if (CERTS$1 in parameters) { this.certs = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTS$1, BasicOCSPResponse.defaultValues(CERTS$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS_RESPONSE_DATA: return new ResponseData(); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE$2: return new BitString(); case CERTS$1: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case "type": { let comparisonResult = ((ResponseData.compareWithDefault("tbs", memberValue.tbs)) && (ResponseData.compareWithDefault("responderID", memberValue.responderID)) && (ResponseData.compareWithDefault("producedAt", memberValue.producedAt)) && (ResponseData.compareWithDefault("responses", memberValue.responses))); if ("responseExtensions" in memberValue) comparisonResult = comparisonResult && (ResponseData.compareWithDefault("responseExtensions", memberValue.responseExtensions)); return comparisonResult; } case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$3: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case SIGNATURE$2: return (memberValue.isEqual(BasicOCSPResponse.defaultValues(memberName))); case CERTS$1: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE), value: [ ResponseData.schema(names.tbsResponseData || { names: { blockName: BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_TBS_RESPONSE_DATA } }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM } }), new BitString({ name: (names.signature || BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: [new Repeated({ name: BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_CERTS, value: Certificate.schema(names.certs || {}) })] }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$g); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, BasicOCSPResponse.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsResponseData = new ResponseData({ schema: asn1.result[BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_TBS_RESPONSE_DATA] }); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result[BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM] }); this.signature = asn1.result[BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_SIGNATURE]; if (BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_CERTS in asn1.result) { this.certs = Array.from(asn1.result[BASIC_OCSP_RESPONSE_CERTS], element => new Certificate({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.tbsResponseData.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.signature); if (this.certs) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.certs, o => o.toSchema()) }) ] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { tbsResponseData: this.tbsResponseData.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signature: this.signature.toJSON(), }; if (this.certs) { res.certs = Array.from(this.certs, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } getCertificateStatus(certificate, issuerCertificate, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const result = { isForCertificate: false, status: 2 }; const hashesObject = {}; const certIDs = []; for (const response of this.tbsResponseData.responses) { const hashAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(response.certID.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "CertID.hashAlgorithm"); if (!hashesObject[hashAlgorithm.name]) { hashesObject[hashAlgorithm.name] = 1; const certID = new CertID(); certIDs.push(certID); yield certID.createForCertificate(certificate, { hashAlgorithm: hashAlgorithm.name, issuerCertificate }, crypto); } } for (const response of this.tbsResponseData.responses) { for (const id of certIDs) { if (response.certID.isEqual(id)) { result.isForCertificate = true; try { switch (response.certStatus.idBlock.isConstructed) { case true: if (response.certStatus.idBlock.tagNumber === 1) result.status = 1; break; case false: switch (response.certStatus.idBlock.tagNumber) { case 0: result.status = 0; break; case 2: result.status = 2; break; default: } break; default: } } catch (ex) { } return result; } } } return result; }); } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!privateKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide a private key for signing"); } const signatureParams = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const algorithm = signatureParams.parameters.algorithm; if (!("name" in algorithm)) { throw new Error("Empty algorithm"); } this.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParams.signatureAlgorithm; this.tbsResponseData.tbsView = new Uint8Array(this.tbsResponseData.toSchema(true).toBER()); const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(this.tbsResponseData.tbsView, privateKey, { algorithm }); this.signature = new BitString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } verify(params = {}, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let signerCert = null; let certIndex = -1; const trustedCerts = params.trustedCerts || []; if (!this.certs) { throw new Error("No certificates attached to the BasicOCSPResponse"); } switch (true) { case (this.tbsResponseData.responderID instanceof RelativeDistinguishedNames): for (const [index, certificate] of this.certs.entries()) { if (certificate.subject.isEqual(this.tbsResponseData.responderID)) { certIndex = index; break; } } break; case (this.tbsResponseData.responderID instanceof OctetString): for (const [index, cert] of this.certs.entries()) { const hash = yield crypto.digest({ name: "sha-1" }, cert.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (isEqualBuffer(hash, this.tbsResponseData.responderID.valueBlock.valueHex)) { certIndex = index; break; } } break; default: throw new Error("Wrong value for responderID"); } if (certIndex === (-1)) throw new Error("Correct certificate was not found in OCSP response"); signerCert = this.certs[certIndex]; const additionalCerts = [signerCert]; for (const cert of this.certs) { const caCert = yield checkCA(cert, signerCert); if (caCert) { additionalCerts.push(caCert); } } const certChain = new CertificateChainValidationEngine({ certs: additionalCerts, trustedCerts, }); const verificationResult = yield certChain.verify({}, crypto); if (!verificationResult.result) { throw new Error("Validation of signer's certificate failed"); } return crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(this.tbsResponseData.tbsView, this.signature, this.certs[certIndex].subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm); }); } } BasicOCSPResponse.CLASS_NAME = "BasicOCSPResponse"; const TBS$1 = "tbs"; const VERSION$6 = "version"; const SUBJECT = "subject"; const SPKI = "subjectPublicKeyInfo"; const ATTRIBUTES$1 = "attributes"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE_VALUE = "signatureValue"; const CSR_INFO = "CertificationRequestInfo"; const CSR_INFO_VERSION = `${CSR_INFO}.version`; const CSR_INFO_SUBJECT = `${CSR_INFO}.subject`; const CSR_INFO_SPKI = `${CSR_INFO}.subjectPublicKeyInfo`; const CSR_INFO_ATTRS = `${CSR_INFO}.attributes`; const CLEAR_PROPS$f = [ CSR_INFO, CSR_INFO_VERSION, CSR_INFO_SUBJECT, CSR_INFO_SPKI, CSR_INFO_ATTRS, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2, SIGNATURE_VALUE ]; function CertificationRequestInfo(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.CertificationRequestInfo || CSR_INFO), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.CertificationRequestInfoVersion || CSR_INFO_VERSION) }), RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.subject || { names: { blockName: CSR_INFO_SUBJECT } }), PublicKeyInfo.schema({ names: { blockName: CSR_INFO_SPKI } }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ optional: true, name: (names.CertificationRequestInfoAttributes || CSR_INFO_ATTRS), value: Attribute.schema(names.attributes || {}) }) ] }) ] })); } class CertificationRequest extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(getParametersValue(parameters, TBS$1, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(TBS$1))); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$6, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(VERSION$6)); this.subject = getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(SUBJECT)); this.subjectPublicKeyInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, SPKI, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(SPKI)); if (ATTRIBUTES$1 in parameters) { this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES$1, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES$1)); } this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2)); this.signatureValue = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_VALUE, CertificationRequest.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_VALUE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get tbs() { return BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.tbsView); } set tbs(value) { this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(value); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS$1: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case VERSION$6: return 0; case SUBJECT: return new RelativeDistinguishedNames(); case SPKI: return new PublicKeyInfo(); case ATTRIBUTES$1: return []; case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE_VALUE: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ value: [ CertificationRequestInfo(names.certificationRequestInfo || {}), new Sequence({ name: (names.signatureAlgorithm || SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$2), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier(), new Any({ optional: true }) ] }), new BitString({ name: (names.signatureValue || SIGNATURE_VALUE) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$f); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, CertificationRequest.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsView = asn1.result.CertificationRequestInfo.valueBeforeDecodeView; this.version = asn1.result[CSR_INFO_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; this.subject = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result[CSR_INFO_SUBJECT] }); this.subjectPublicKeyInfo = new PublicKeyInfo({ schema: asn1.result[CSR_INFO_SPKI] }); if (CSR_INFO_ATTRS in asn1.result) { this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result[CSR_INFO_ATTRS], element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); } this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signatureValue = asn1.result.signatureValue; } encodeTBS() { const outputArray = [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.subject.toSchema(), this.subjectPublicKeyInfo.toSchema() ]; if (ATTRIBUTES$1 in this) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.attributes || [], o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { let tbsSchema; if (encodeFlag === false) { if (this.tbsView.byteLength === 0) { return CertificationRequest.schema(); } const asn1 = fromBER(this.tbsView); AsnError.assert(asn1, "PKCS#10 Certificate Request"); tbsSchema = asn1.result; } else { tbsSchema = this.encodeTBS(); } return (new Sequence({ value: [ tbsSchema, this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.signatureValue ] })); } toJSON() { const object = { tbs: Convert.ToHex(this.tbsView), version: this.version, subject: this.subject.toJSON(), subjectPublicKeyInfo: this.subjectPublicKeyInfo.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureValue: this.signatureValue.toJSON(), }; if (ATTRIBUTES$1 in this) { object.attributes = Array.from(this.attributes || [], o => o.toJSON()); } return object; } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!privateKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide a private key for signing"); } const signatureParams = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const parameters = signatureParams.parameters; this.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParams.signatureAlgorithm; this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(this.encodeTBS().toBER()); const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(this.tbsView, privateKey, parameters); this.signatureValue = new BitString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } verify(crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(this.tbsView, this.signatureValue, this.subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm); }); } getPublicKey(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return crypto.getPublicKey(this.subjectPublicKeyInfo, this.signatureAlgorithm, parameters); }); } } CertificationRequest.CLASS_NAME = "CertificationRequest"; const DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1 = "digestAlgorithm"; const DIGEST = "digest"; const CLEAR_PROPS$e = [ DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1, DIGEST ]; class DigestInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.digestAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1, DigestInfo.defaultValues(DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1)); this.digest = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGEST, DigestInfo.defaultValues(DIGEST)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case DIGEST: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1: return ((AlgorithmIdentifier.compareWithDefault("algorithmId", memberValue.algorithmId)) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case DIGEST: return (memberValue.isEqual(DigestInfo.defaultValues(memberName))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.digestAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1 } }), new OctetString({ name: (names.digest || DIGEST) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$e); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, DigestInfo.schema({ names: { digestAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: DIGEST_ALGORITHM$1 } }, digest: DIGEST } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.digestAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.digestAlgorithm }); this.digest = asn1.result.digest; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.digestAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.digest ] })); } toJSON() { return { digestAlgorithm: this.digestAlgorithm.toJSON(), digest: this.digest.toJSON(), }; } } DigestInfo.CLASS_NAME = "DigestInfo"; const E_CONTENT_TYPE = "eContentType"; const E_CONTENT = "eContent"; const CLEAR_PROPS$d = [ E_CONTENT_TYPE, E_CONTENT, ]; class EncapsulatedContentInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.eContentType = getParametersValue(parameters, E_CONTENT_TYPE, EncapsulatedContentInfo.defaultValues(E_CONTENT_TYPE)); if (E_CONTENT in parameters) { this.eContent = getParametersValue(parameters, E_CONTENT, EncapsulatedContentInfo.defaultValues(E_CONTENT)); if ((this.eContent.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (this.eContent.idBlock.tagNumber === 4)) { if (this.eContent.idBlock.isConstructed === false) { const constrString = new OctetString({ idBlock: { isConstructed: true }, isConstructed: true }); let offset = 0; const viewHex = this.eContent.valueBlock.valueHexView.slice().buffer; let length = viewHex.byteLength; while (length > 0) { const pieceView = new Uint8Array(viewHex, offset, ((offset + 65536) > viewHex.byteLength) ? (viewHex.byteLength - offset) : 65536); const _array = new ArrayBuffer(pieceView.length); const _view = new Uint8Array(_array); for (let i = 0; i < _view.length; i++) { _view[i] = pieceView[i]; } constrString.valueBlock.value.push(new OctetString({ valueHex: _array })); length -= pieceView.length; offset += pieceView.length; } this.eContent = constrString; } } } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case E_CONTENT_TYPE: return EMPTY_STRING; case E_CONTENT: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case E_CONTENT_TYPE: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case E_CONTENT: { if ((memberValue.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (memberValue.idBlock.tagNumber === 4)) return (memberValue.isEqual(EncapsulatedContentInfo.defaultValues(E_CONTENT))); return false; } default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.eContentType || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Any({ name: (names.eContent || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$d); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, EncapsulatedContentInfo.schema({ names: { eContentType: E_CONTENT_TYPE, eContent: E_CONTENT } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.eContentType = asn1.result.eContentType.valueBlock.toString(); if (E_CONTENT in asn1.result) this.eContent = asn1.result.eContent; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.eContentType })); if (this.eContent) { if (EncapsulatedContentInfo.compareWithDefault(E_CONTENT, this.eContent) === false) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.eContent] })); } } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { eContentType: this.eContentType }; if (this.eContent && EncapsulatedContentInfo.compareWithDefault(E_CONTENT, this.eContent) === false) { res.eContent = this.eContent.toJSON(); } return res; } } EncapsulatedContentInfo.CLASS_NAME = "EncapsulatedContentInfo"; class KeyBag extends PrivateKeyInfo { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); } } const MAC = "mac"; const MAC_SALT = "macSalt"; const ITERATIONS = "iterations"; const CLEAR_PROPS$c = [ MAC, MAC_SALT, ITERATIONS ]; class MacData extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.mac = getParametersValue(parameters, MAC, MacData.defaultValues(MAC)); this.macSalt = getParametersValue(parameters, MAC_SALT, MacData.defaultValues(MAC_SALT)); if (ITERATIONS in parameters) { this.iterations = getParametersValue(parameters, ITERATIONS, MacData.defaultValues(ITERATIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case MAC: return new DigestInfo(); case MAC_SALT: return new OctetString(); case ITERATIONS: return 1; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case MAC: return ((DigestInfo.compareWithDefault("digestAlgorithm", memberValue.digestAlgorithm)) && (DigestInfo.compareWithDefault("digest", memberValue.digest))); case MAC_SALT: return (memberValue.isEqual(MacData.defaultValues(memberName))); case ITERATIONS: return (memberValue === MacData.defaultValues(memberName)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), optional: (names.optional || true), value: [ DigestInfo.schema(names.mac || { names: { blockName: MAC } }), new OctetString({ name: (names.macSalt || MAC_SALT) }), new Integer({ optional: true, name: (names.iterations || ITERATIONS) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$c); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, MacData.schema({ names: { mac: { names: { blockName: MAC } }, macSalt: MAC_SALT, iterations: ITERATIONS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.mac = new DigestInfo({ schema: asn1.result.mac }); this.macSalt = asn1.result.macSalt; if (ITERATIONS in asn1.result) this.iterations = asn1.result.iterations.valueBlock.valueDec; } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ this.mac.toSchema(), this.macSalt ]; if (this.iterations !== undefined) { outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.iterations })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { mac: this.mac.toJSON(), macSalt: this.macSalt.toJSON(), }; if (this.iterations !== undefined) { res.iterations = this.iterations; } return res; } } MacData.CLASS_NAME = "MacData"; const HASH_ALGORITHM = "hashAlgorithm"; const HASHED_MESSAGE = "hashedMessage"; const CLEAR_PROPS$b = [ HASH_ALGORITHM, HASHED_MESSAGE, ]; class MessageImprint extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.hashAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, HASH_ALGORITHM, MessageImprint.defaultValues(HASH_ALGORITHM)); this.hashedMessage = getParametersValue(parameters, HASHED_MESSAGE, MessageImprint.defaultValues(HASHED_MESSAGE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static create(hashAlgorithm, message, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const hashAlgorithmOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: hashAlgorithm }, true, "hashAlgorithm"); const hashedMessage = yield crypto.digest(hashAlgorithm, message); const res = new MessageImprint({ hashAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashAlgorithmOID, algorithmParams: new Null(), }), hashedMessage: new OctetString({ valueHex: hashedMessage }) }); return res; }); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case HASHED_MESSAGE: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case HASH_ALGORITHM: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case HASHED_MESSAGE: return (memberValue.isEqual(MessageImprint.defaultValues(memberName)) === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.hashAlgorithm || {}), new OctetString({ name: (names.hashedMessage || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$b); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, MessageImprint.schema({ names: { hashAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: HASH_ALGORITHM } }, hashedMessage: HASHED_MESSAGE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.hashAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.hashAlgorithm }); this.hashedMessage = asn1.result.hashedMessage; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ this.hashAlgorithm.toSchema(), this.hashedMessage ] })); } toJSON() { return { hashAlgorithm: this.hashAlgorithm.toJSON(), hashedMessage: this.hashedMessage.toJSON(), }; } } MessageImprint.CLASS_NAME = "MessageImprint"; const REQ_CERT = "reqCert"; const SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS = "singleRequestExtensions"; const CLEAR_PROPS$a = [ REQ_CERT, SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS, ]; class Request extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.reqCert = getParametersValue(parameters, REQ_CERT, Request.defaultValues(REQ_CERT)); if (SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.singleRequestExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS, Request.defaultValues(SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case REQ_CERT: return new CertID(); case SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case REQ_CERT: return (memberValue.isEqual(Request.defaultValues(memberName))); case SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ CertID.schema(names.reqCert || {}), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [Extension.schema(names.extensions || { names: { blockName: (names.singleRequestExtensions || EMPTY_STRING) } })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$a); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Request.schema({ names: { reqCert: { names: { blockName: REQ_CERT } }, extensions: { names: { blockName: SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.reqCert = new CertID({ schema: asn1.result.reqCert }); if (SINGLE_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) { this.singleRequestExtensions = Array.from(asn1.result.singleRequestExtensions.valueBlock.value, element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.reqCert.toSchema()); if (this.singleRequestExtensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.singleRequestExtensions, o => o.toSchema()) }) ] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { reqCert: this.reqCert.toJSON() }; if (this.singleRequestExtensions) { res.singleRequestExtensions = Array.from(this.singleRequestExtensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } Request.CLASS_NAME = "Request"; const TBS = "tbs"; const VERSION$5 = "version"; const REQUESTOR_NAME = "requestorName"; const REQUEST_LIST = "requestList"; const REQUEST_EXTENSIONS = "requestExtensions"; const TBS_REQUEST$1 = "TBSRequest"; const TBS_REQUEST_VERSION = `${TBS_REQUEST$1}.${VERSION$5}`; const TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTOR_NAME = `${TBS_REQUEST$1}.${REQUESTOR_NAME}`; const TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTS = `${TBS_REQUEST$1}.requests`; const TBS_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS = `${TBS_REQUEST$1}.${REQUEST_EXTENSIONS}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$9 = [ TBS_REQUEST$1, TBS_REQUEST_VERSION, TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTOR_NAME, TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTS, TBS_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS ]; class TBSRequest extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(getParametersValue(parameters, TBS, TBSRequest.defaultValues(TBS))); if (VERSION$5 in parameters) { this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$5, TBSRequest.defaultValues(VERSION$5)); } if (REQUESTOR_NAME in parameters) { this.requestorName = getParametersValue(parameters, REQUESTOR_NAME, TBSRequest.defaultValues(REQUESTOR_NAME)); } this.requestList = getParametersValue(parameters, REQUEST_LIST, TBSRequest.defaultValues(REQUEST_LIST)); if (REQUEST_EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.requestExtensions = getParametersValue(parameters, REQUEST_EXTENSIONS, TBSRequest.defaultValues(REQUEST_EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } get tbs() { return BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.tbsView); } set tbs(value) { this.tbsView = new Uint8Array(value); } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS: return EMPTY_BUFFER; case VERSION$5: return 0; case REQUESTOR_NAME: return new GeneralName(); case REQUEST_LIST: case REQUEST_EXTENSIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TBS: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); case VERSION$5: return (memberValue === TBSRequest.defaultValues(memberName)); case REQUESTOR_NAME: return ((memberValue.type === GeneralName.defaultValues("type")) && (Object.keys(memberValue.value).length === 0)); case REQUEST_LIST: case REQUEST_EXTENSIONS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TBS_REQUEST$1), value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Integer({ name: (names.TBSRequestVersion || TBS_REQUEST_VERSION) })] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [GeneralName.schema(names.requestorName || { names: { blockName: TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTOR_NAME } })] }), new Sequence({ name: (names.requestList || "TBSRequest.requestList"), value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.requests || TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTS), value: Request.schema(names.requestNames || {}) }) ] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [Extensions.schema(names.extensions || { names: { blockName: (names.requestExtensions || TBS_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS) } })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$9); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, TBSRequest.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsView = asn1.result.TBSRequest.valueBeforeDecodeView; if (TBS_REQUEST_VERSION in asn1.result) this.version = asn1.result[TBS_REQUEST_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; if (TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTOR_NAME in asn1.result) this.requestorName = new GeneralName({ schema: asn1.result[TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTOR_NAME] }); this.requestList = Array.from(asn1.result[TBS_REQUEST_REQUESTS], element => new Request({ schema: element })); if (TBS_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.requestExtensions = Array.from(asn1.result[TBS_REQUEST_REQUEST_EXTENSIONS].valueBlock.value, element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { let tbsSchema; if (encodeFlag === false) { if (this.tbsView.byteLength === 0) return TBSRequest.schema(); const asn1 = fromBER(this.tbsView); AsnError.assert(asn1, "TBS Request"); if (!(asn1.result instanceof Sequence)) { throw new Error("ASN.1 result should be SEQUENCE"); } tbsSchema = asn1.result; } else { const outputArray = []; if (this.version !== undefined) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Integer({ value: this.version })] })); } if (this.requestorName) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [this.requestorName.toSchema()] })); } outputArray.push(new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.requestList, o => o.toSchema()) })); if (this.requestExtensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 2 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.requestExtensions, o => o.toSchema()) }) ] })); } tbsSchema = new Sequence({ value: outputArray }); } return tbsSchema; } toJSON() { const res = {}; if (this.version != undefined) res.version = this.version; if (this.requestorName) { res.requestorName = this.requestorName.toJSON(); } res.requestList = Array.from(this.requestList, o => o.toJSON()); if (this.requestExtensions) { res.requestExtensions = Array.from(this.requestExtensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } TBSRequest.CLASS_NAME = "TBSRequest"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1 = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE$1 = "signature"; const CERTS = "certs"; class Signature extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1, Signature.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE$1, Signature.defaultValues(SIGNATURE$1)); if (CERTS in parameters) { this.certs = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTS, Signature.defaultValues(CERTS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE$1: return new BitString(); case CERTS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1: return ((memberValue.algorithmId === EMPTY_STRING) && (("algorithmParams" in memberValue) === false)); case SIGNATURE$1: return (memberValue.isEqual(Signature.defaultValues(memberName))); case CERTS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || {}), new BitString({ name: (names.signature || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: [new Repeated({ name: (names.certs || EMPTY_STRING), value: Certificate.schema({}) })] }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1, SIGNATURE$1, CERTS ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, Signature.schema({ names: { signatureAlgorithm: { names: { blockName: SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM$1 } }, signature: SIGNATURE$1, certs: CERTS } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.signatureAlgorithm }); this.signature = asn1.result.signature; if (CERTS in asn1.result) this.certs = Array.from(asn1.result.certs, element => new Certificate({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.signature); if (this.certs) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ new Sequence({ value: Array.from(this.certs, o => o.toSchema()) }) ] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signature: this.signature.toJSON(), }; if (this.certs) { res.certs = Array.from(this.certs, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } Signature.CLASS_NAME = "Signature"; const TBS_REQUEST = "tbsRequest"; const OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE = "optionalSignature"; const CLEAR_PROPS$8 = [ TBS_REQUEST, OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE ]; class OCSPRequest extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.tbsRequest = getParametersValue(parameters, TBS_REQUEST, OCSPRequest.defaultValues(TBS_REQUEST)); if (OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE in parameters) { this.optionalSignature = getParametersValue(parameters, OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE, OCSPRequest.defaultValues(OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TBS_REQUEST: return new TBSRequest(); case OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE: return new Signature(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TBS_REQUEST: return ((TBSRequest.compareWithDefault("tbs", memberValue.tbs)) && (TBSRequest.compareWithDefault("version", memberValue.version)) && (TBSRequest.compareWithDefault("requestorName", memberValue.requestorName)) && (TBSRequest.compareWithDefault("requestList", memberValue.requestList)) && (TBSRequest.compareWithDefault("requestExtensions", memberValue.requestExtensions))); case OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE: return ((Signature.compareWithDefault("signatureAlgorithm", memberValue.signatureAlgorithm)) && (Signature.compareWithDefault("signature", memberValue.signature)) && (Signature.compareWithDefault("certs", memberValue.certs))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: names.blockName || "OCSPRequest", value: [ TBSRequest.schema(names.tbsRequest || { names: { blockName: TBS_REQUEST } }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ Signature.schema(names.optionalSignature || { names: { blockName: OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE } }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$8); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OCSPRequest.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.tbsRequest = new TBSRequest({ schema: asn1.result.tbsRequest }); if (OPTIONAL_SIGNATURE in asn1.result) this.optionalSignature = new Signature({ schema: asn1.result.optionalSignature }); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.tbsRequest.toSchema(encodeFlag)); if (this.optionalSignature) outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ this.optionalSignature.toSchema() ] })); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { tbsRequest: this.tbsRequest.toJSON() }; if (this.optionalSignature) { res.optionalSignature = this.optionalSignature.toJSON(); } return res; } createForCertificate(certificate, parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const certID = new CertID(); yield certID.createForCertificate(certificate, parameters, crypto); this.tbsRequest.requestList.push(new Request({ reqCert: certID, })); }); } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ParameterError.assertEmpty(privateKey, "privateKey", "OCSPRequest.sign method"); if (!this.optionalSignature) { throw new Error("Need to create \"optionalSignature\" field before signing"); } const signatureParams = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const parameters = signatureParams.parameters; this.optionalSignature.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParams.signatureAlgorithm; const tbs = this.tbsRequest.toSchema(true).toBER(false); const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(tbs, privateKey, parameters); this.optionalSignature.signature = new BitString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } verify() { } } OCSPRequest.CLASS_NAME = "OCSPRequest"; const RESPONSE_TYPE = "responseType"; const RESPONSE = "response"; const CLEAR_PROPS$7 = [ RESPONSE_TYPE, RESPONSE ]; class ResponseBytes extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.responseType = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSE_TYPE, ResponseBytes.defaultValues(RESPONSE_TYPE)); this.response = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSE, ResponseBytes.defaultValues(RESPONSE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case RESPONSE_TYPE: return EMPTY_STRING; case RESPONSE: return new OctetString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case RESPONSE_TYPE: return (memberValue === EMPTY_STRING); case RESPONSE: return (memberValue.isEqual(ResponseBytes.defaultValues(memberName))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.responseType || EMPTY_STRING) }), new OctetString({ name: (names.response || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$7); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, ResponseBytes.schema({ names: { responseType: RESPONSE_TYPE, response: RESPONSE } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.responseType = asn1.result.responseType.valueBlock.toString(); this.response = asn1.result.response; } toSchema() { return (new Sequence({ value: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.responseType }), this.response ] })); } toJSON() { return { responseType: this.responseType, response: this.response.toJSON(), }; } } ResponseBytes.CLASS_NAME = "ResponseBytes"; const RESPONSE_STATUS = "responseStatus"; const RESPONSE_BYTES = "responseBytes"; class OCSPResponse extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.responseStatus = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSE_STATUS, OCSPResponse.defaultValues(RESPONSE_STATUS)); if (RESPONSE_BYTES in parameters) { this.responseBytes = getParametersValue(parameters, RESPONSE_BYTES, OCSPResponse.defaultValues(RESPONSE_BYTES)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case RESPONSE_STATUS: return new Enumerated(); case RESPONSE_BYTES: return new ResponseBytes(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case RESPONSE_STATUS: return (memberValue.isEqual(OCSPResponse.defaultValues(memberName))); case RESPONSE_BYTES: return ((ResponseBytes.compareWithDefault("responseType", memberValue.responseType)) && (ResponseBytes.compareWithDefault("response", memberValue.response))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || "OCSPResponse"), value: [ new Enumerated({ name: (names.responseStatus || RESPONSE_STATUS) }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [ ResponseBytes.schema(names.responseBytes || { names: { blockName: RESPONSE_BYTES } }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, [ RESPONSE_STATUS, RESPONSE_BYTES ]); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, OCSPResponse.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.responseStatus = asn1.result.responseStatus; if (RESPONSE_BYTES in asn1.result) this.responseBytes = new ResponseBytes({ schema: asn1.result.responseBytes }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.responseStatus); if (this.responseBytes) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.responseBytes.toSchema()] })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { responseStatus: this.responseStatus.toJSON() }; if (this.responseBytes) { res.responseBytes = this.responseBytes.toJSON(); } return res; } getCertificateStatus(certificate, issuerCertificate, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let basicResponse; const result = { isForCertificate: false, status: 2 }; if (!this.responseBytes) return result; if (this.responseBytes.responseType !== id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic) return result; try { const asn1Basic = fromBER(this.responseBytes.response.valueBlock.valueHexView); AsnError.assert(asn1Basic, "Basic OCSP response"); basicResponse = new BasicOCSPResponse({ schema: asn1Basic.result }); } catch (ex) { return result; } return basicResponse.getCertificateStatus(certificate, issuerCertificate, crypto); }); } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { var _a; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.responseBytes && this.responseBytes.responseType === id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic) { const basicResponse = BasicOCSPResponse.fromBER(this.responseBytes.response.valueBlock.valueHexView); return basicResponse.sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm, crypto); } throw new Error(`Unknown ResponseBytes type: ${((_a = this.responseBytes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.responseType) || "Unknown"}`); }); } verify(issuerCertificate = null, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { var _a; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if ((RESPONSE_BYTES in this) === false) throw new Error("Empty ResponseBytes field"); if (this.responseBytes && this.responseBytes.responseType === id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic) { const basicResponse = BasicOCSPResponse.fromBER(this.responseBytes.response.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (issuerCertificate !== null) { if (!basicResponse.certs) { basicResponse.certs = []; } basicResponse.certs.push(issuerCertificate); } return basicResponse.verify({}, crypto); } throw new Error(`Unknown ResponseBytes type: ${((_a = this.responseBytes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.responseType) || "Unknown"}`); }); } } OCSPResponse.CLASS_NAME = "OCSPResponse"; const TYPE = "type"; const ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"; const ENCODED_VALUE = "encodedValue"; const CLEAR_PROPS$6 = [ ATTRIBUTES ]; class SignedAndUnsignedAttributes extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.type = getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE, SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.defaultValues(TYPE)); this.attributes = getParametersValue(parameters, ATTRIBUTES, SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.defaultValues(ATTRIBUTES)); this.encodedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCODED_VALUE, SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.defaultValues(ENCODED_VALUE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE: return (-1); case ATTRIBUTES: return []; case ENCODED_VALUE: return EMPTY_BUFFER; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case TYPE: return (memberValue === SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.defaultValues(TYPE)); case ATTRIBUTES: return (memberValue.length === 0); case ENCODED_VALUE: return (memberValue.byteLength === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Constructed({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: names.tagNumber || 0 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.attributes || EMPTY_STRING), value: Attribute.schema() }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$6); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.schema({ names: { tagNumber: this.type, attributes: ATTRIBUTES } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.type = asn1.result.idBlock.tagNumber; this.encodedValue = BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(asn1.result.valueBeforeDecodeView); const encodedView = new Uint8Array(this.encodedValue); encodedView[0] = 0x31; if ((ATTRIBUTES in asn1.result) === false) { if (this.type === 0) throw new Error("Wrong structure of SignedUnsignedAttributes"); else return; } this.attributes = Array.from(asn1.result.attributes, element => new Attribute({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { if (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault(TYPE, this.type) || SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault(ATTRIBUTES, this.attributes)) throw new Error("Incorrectly initialized \"SignedAndUnsignedAttributes\" class"); return (new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: this.type }, value: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toSchema()) })); } toJSON() { if (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault(TYPE, this.type) || SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault(ATTRIBUTES, this.attributes)) throw new Error("Incorrectly initialized \"SignedAndUnsignedAttributes\" class"); return { type: this.type, attributes: Array.from(this.attributes, o => o.toJSON()) }; } } SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.CLASS_NAME = "SignedAndUnsignedAttributes"; const VERSION$4 = "version"; const SID = "sid"; const DIGEST_ALGORITHM = "digestAlgorithm"; const SIGNED_ATTRS = "signedAttrs"; const SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = "signatureAlgorithm"; const SIGNATURE = "signature"; const UNSIGNED_ATTRS = "unsignedAttrs"; const SIGNER_INFO = "SignerInfo"; const SIGNER_INFO_VERSION = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${VERSION$4}`; const SIGNER_INFO_SID = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${SID}`; const SIGNER_INFO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${DIGEST_ALGORITHM}`; const SIGNER_INFO_SIGNED_ATTRS = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${SIGNED_ATTRS}`; const SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM}`; const SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${SIGNATURE}`; const SIGNER_INFO_UNSIGNED_ATTRS = `${SIGNER_INFO}.${UNSIGNED_ATTRS}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$5 = [ SIGNER_INFO_VERSION, SIGNER_INFO_SID, SIGNER_INFO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, SIGNER_INFO_SIGNED_ATTRS, SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE, SIGNER_INFO_UNSIGNED_ATTRS ]; class SignerInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$4, SignerInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$4)); this.sid = getParametersValue(parameters, SID, SignerInfo.defaultValues(SID)); this.digestAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGEST_ALGORITHM, SignerInfo.defaultValues(DIGEST_ALGORITHM)); if (SIGNED_ATTRS in parameters) { this.signedAttrs = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNED_ATTRS, SignerInfo.defaultValues(SIGNED_ATTRS)); } this.signatureAlgorithm = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, SignerInfo.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)); this.signature = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNATURE, SignerInfo.defaultValues(SIGNATURE)); if (UNSIGNED_ATTRS in parameters) { this.unsignedAttrs = getParametersValue(parameters, UNSIGNED_ATTRS, SignerInfo.defaultValues(UNSIGNED_ATTRS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$4: return 0; case SID: return new Any(); case DIGEST_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNED_ATTRS: return new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({ type: 0 }); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SIGNATURE: return new OctetString(); case UNSIGNED_ATTRS: return new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({ type: 1 }); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$4: return (SignerInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$4) === memberValue); case SID: return (memberValue instanceof Any); case DIGEST_ALGORITHM: if ((memberValue instanceof AlgorithmIdentifier) === false) return false; return memberValue.isEqual(SignerInfo.defaultValues(DIGEST_ALGORITHM)); case SIGNED_ATTRS: return ((SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("type", memberValue.type)) && (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("attributes", memberValue.attributes)) && (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("encodedValue", memberValue.encodedValue))); case SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM: if ((memberValue instanceof AlgorithmIdentifier) === false) return false; return memberValue.isEqual(SignerInfo.defaultValues(SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM)); case SIGNATURE: case UNSIGNED_ATTRS: return ((SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("type", memberValue.type)) && (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("attributes", memberValue.attributes)) && (SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.compareWithDefault("encodedValue", memberValue.encodedValue))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: SIGNER_INFO, value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || SIGNER_INFO_VERSION) }), new Choice({ value: [ IssuerAndSerialNumber.schema(names.sidSchema || { names: { blockName: SIGNER_INFO_SID } }), new Choice({ value: [ new Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.sid || SIGNER_INFO_SID), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new OctetString()] }), new Primitive({ optional: true, name: (names.sid || SIGNER_INFO_SID), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 } }), ] }), ] }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.digestAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: SIGNER_INFO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM } }), SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.schema(names.signedAttrs || { names: { blockName: SIGNER_INFO_SIGNED_ATTRS, tagNumber: 0 } }), AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.signatureAlgorithm || { names: { blockName: SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM } }), new OctetString({ name: (names.signature || SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE) }), SignedAndUnsignedAttributes.schema(names.unsignedAttrs || { names: { blockName: SIGNER_INFO_UNSIGNED_ATTRS, tagNumber: 1 } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$5); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SignerInfo.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; const currentSid = asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_SID]; if (currentSid.idBlock.tagClass === 1) this.sid = new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ schema: currentSid }); else this.sid = currentSid; this.digestAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_DIGEST_ALGORITHM] }); if (SIGNER_INFO_SIGNED_ATTRS in asn1.result) this.signedAttrs = new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({ type: 0, schema: asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_SIGNED_ATTRS] }); this.signatureAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM] }); this.signature = asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_SIGNATURE]; if (SIGNER_INFO_UNSIGNED_ATTRS in asn1.result) this.unsignedAttrs = new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({ type: 1, schema: asn1.result[SIGNER_INFO_UNSIGNED_ATTRS] }); } toSchema() { if (SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(SID, this.sid)) throw new Error("Incorrectly initialized \"SignerInfo\" class"); const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); if (this.sid instanceof IssuerAndSerialNumber) outputArray.push(this.sid.toSchema()); else outputArray.push(this.sid); outputArray.push(this.digestAlgorithm.toSchema()); if (this.signedAttrs) { if (SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(SIGNED_ATTRS, this.signedAttrs) === false) outputArray.push(this.signedAttrs.toSchema()); } outputArray.push(this.signatureAlgorithm.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.signature); if (this.unsignedAttrs) { if (SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(UNSIGNED_ATTRS, this.unsignedAttrs) === false) outputArray.push(this.unsignedAttrs.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { if (SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(SID, this.sid)) { throw new Error("Incorrectly initialized \"SignerInfo\" class"); } const res = { version: this.version, digestAlgorithm: this.digestAlgorithm.toJSON(), signatureAlgorithm: this.signatureAlgorithm.toJSON(), signature: this.signature.toJSON(), }; if (!(this.sid instanceof Any)) res.sid = this.sid.toJSON(); if (this.signedAttrs && SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(SIGNED_ATTRS, this.signedAttrs) === false) { res.signedAttrs = this.signedAttrs.toJSON(); } if (this.unsignedAttrs && SignerInfo.compareWithDefault(UNSIGNED_ATTRS, this.unsignedAttrs) === false) { res.unsignedAttrs = this.unsignedAttrs.toJSON(); } return res; } } SignerInfo.CLASS_NAME = "SignerInfo"; const VERSION$3 = "version"; const POLICY = "policy"; const MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1 = "messageImprint"; const SERIAL_NUMBER = "serialNumber"; const GEN_TIME = "genTime"; const ORDERING = "ordering"; const NONCE$1 = "nonce"; const ACCURACY = "accuracy"; const TSA = "tsa"; const EXTENSIONS$1 = "extensions"; const TST_INFO = "TSTInfo"; const TST_INFO_VERSION = `${TST_INFO}.${VERSION$3}`; const TST_INFO_POLICY = `${TST_INFO}.${POLICY}`; const TST_INFO_MESSAGE_IMPRINT = `${TST_INFO}.${MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1}`; const TST_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER = `${TST_INFO}.${SERIAL_NUMBER}`; const TST_INFO_GEN_TIME = `${TST_INFO}.${GEN_TIME}`; const TST_INFO_ACCURACY = `${TST_INFO}.${ACCURACY}`; const TST_INFO_ORDERING = `${TST_INFO}.${ORDERING}`; const TST_INFO_NONCE = `${TST_INFO}.${NONCE$1}`; const TST_INFO_TSA = `${TST_INFO}.${TSA}`; const TST_INFO_EXTENSIONS = `${TST_INFO}.${EXTENSIONS$1}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$4 = [ TST_INFO_VERSION, TST_INFO_POLICY, TST_INFO_MESSAGE_IMPRINT, TST_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER, TST_INFO_GEN_TIME, TST_INFO_ACCURACY, TST_INFO_ORDERING, TST_INFO_NONCE, TST_INFO_TSA, TST_INFO_EXTENSIONS ]; class TSTInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$3, TSTInfo.defaultValues(VERSION$3)); this.policy = getParametersValue(parameters, POLICY, TSTInfo.defaultValues(POLICY)); this.messageImprint = getParametersValue(parameters, MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1, TSTInfo.defaultValues(MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1)); this.serialNumber = getParametersValue(parameters, SERIAL_NUMBER, TSTInfo.defaultValues(SERIAL_NUMBER)); this.genTime = getParametersValue(parameters, GEN_TIME, TSTInfo.defaultValues(GEN_TIME)); if (ACCURACY in parameters) { this.accuracy = getParametersValue(parameters, ACCURACY, TSTInfo.defaultValues(ACCURACY)); } if (ORDERING in parameters) { this.ordering = getParametersValue(parameters, ORDERING, TSTInfo.defaultValues(ORDERING)); } if (NONCE$1 in parameters) { this.nonce = getParametersValue(parameters, NONCE$1, TSTInfo.defaultValues(NONCE$1)); } if (TSA in parameters) { this.tsa = getParametersValue(parameters, TSA, TSTInfo.defaultValues(TSA)); } if (EXTENSIONS$1 in parameters) { this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS$1, TSTInfo.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS$1)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$3: return 0; case POLICY: return EMPTY_STRING; case MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1: return new MessageImprint(); case SERIAL_NUMBER: return new Integer(); case GEN_TIME: return new Date(0, 0, 0); case ACCURACY: return new Accuracy(); case ORDERING: return false; case NONCE$1: return new Integer(); case TSA: return new GeneralName(); case EXTENSIONS$1: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$3: case POLICY: case GEN_TIME: case ORDERING: return (memberValue === TSTInfo.defaultValues(ORDERING)); case MESSAGE_IMPRINT$1: return ((MessageImprint.compareWithDefault(HASH_ALGORITHM, memberValue.hashAlgorithm)) && (MessageImprint.compareWithDefault(HASHED_MESSAGE, memberValue.hashedMessage))); case SERIAL_NUMBER: case NONCE$1: return (memberValue.isEqual(TSTInfo.defaultValues(NONCE$1))); case ACCURACY: return ((Accuracy.compareWithDefault(SECONDS, memberValue.seconds)) && (Accuracy.compareWithDefault(MILLIS, memberValue.millis)) && (Accuracy.compareWithDefault(MICROS, memberValue.micros))); case TSA: return ((GeneralName.compareWithDefault(TYPE$4, memberValue.type)) && (GeneralName.compareWithDefault(VALUE$5, memberValue.value))); case EXTENSIONS$1: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TST_INFO), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || TST_INFO_VERSION) }), new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.policy || TST_INFO_POLICY) }), MessageImprint.schema(names.messageImprint || { names: { blockName: TST_INFO_MESSAGE_IMPRINT } }), new Integer({ name: (names.serialNumber || TST_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER) }), new GeneralizedTime({ name: (names.genTime || TST_INFO_GEN_TIME) }), Accuracy.schema(names.accuracy || { names: { blockName: TST_INFO_ACCURACY } }), new Boolean({ name: (names.ordering || TST_INFO_ORDERING), optional: true }), new Integer({ name: (names.nonce || TST_INFO_NONCE), optional: true }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [GeneralName.schema(names.tsa || { names: { blockName: TST_INFO_TSA } })] }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.extensions || TST_INFO_EXTENSIONS), value: Extension.schema(names.extension || {}) }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$4); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, TSTInfo.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result[TST_INFO_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; this.policy = asn1.result[TST_INFO_POLICY].valueBlock.toString(); this.messageImprint = new MessageImprint({ schema: asn1.result[TST_INFO_MESSAGE_IMPRINT] }); this.serialNumber = asn1.result[TST_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER]; this.genTime = asn1.result[TST_INFO_GEN_TIME].toDate(); if (TST_INFO_ACCURACY in asn1.result) this.accuracy = new Accuracy({ schema: asn1.result[TST_INFO_ACCURACY] }); if (TST_INFO_ORDERING in asn1.result) this.ordering = asn1.result[TST_INFO_ORDERING].valueBlock.value; if (TST_INFO_NONCE in asn1.result) this.nonce = asn1.result[TST_INFO_NONCE]; if (TST_INFO_TSA in asn1.result) this.tsa = new GeneralName({ schema: asn1.result[TST_INFO_TSA] }); if (TST_INFO_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result[TST_INFO_EXTENSIONS], element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.policy })); outputArray.push(this.messageImprint.toSchema()); outputArray.push(this.serialNumber); outputArray.push(new GeneralizedTime({ valueDate: this.genTime })); if (this.accuracy) outputArray.push(this.accuracy.toSchema()); if (this.ordering !== undefined) outputArray.push(new Boolean({ value: this.ordering })); if (this.nonce) outputArray.push(this.nonce); if (this.tsa) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [this.tsa.toSchema()] })); } if (this.extensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, policy: this.policy, messageImprint: this.messageImprint.toJSON(), serialNumber: this.serialNumber.toJSON(), genTime: this.genTime }; if (this.accuracy) res.accuracy = this.accuracy.toJSON(); if (this.ordering !== undefined) res.ordering = this.ordering; if (this.nonce) res.nonce = this.nonce.toJSON(); if (this.tsa) res.tsa = this.tsa.toJSON(); if (this.extensions) res.extensions = Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toJSON()); return res; } verify(params, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!params.data) { throw new Error("\"data\" is a mandatory attribute for TST_INFO verification"); } const data = params.data; if (params.notBefore) { if (this.genTime < params.notBefore) throw new Error("Generation time for TSTInfo object is less than notBefore value"); } if (params.notAfter) { if (this.genTime > params.notAfter) throw new Error("Generation time for TSTInfo object is more than notAfter value"); } const shaAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(this.messageImprint.hashAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "MessageImprint.hashAlgorithm"); const hash = yield crypto.digest(shaAlgorithm.name, new Uint8Array(data)); return BufferSourceConverter.isEqual(hash, this.messageImprint.hashedMessage.valueBlock.valueHexView); }); } } TSTInfo.CLASS_NAME = "TSTInfo"; const VERSION$2 = "version"; const DIGEST_ALGORITHMS = "digestAlgorithms"; const ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO = "encapContentInfo"; const CERTIFICATES = "certificates"; const CRLS = "crls"; const SIGNER_INFOS = "signerInfos"; const OCSPS = "ocsps"; const SIGNED_DATA = "SignedData"; const SIGNED_DATA_VERSION = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${VERSION$2}`; const SIGNED_DATA_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${DIGEST_ALGORITHMS}`; const SIGNED_DATA_ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO}`; const SIGNED_DATA_CERTIFICATES = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${CERTIFICATES}`; const SIGNED_DATA_CRLS = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${CRLS}`; const SIGNED_DATA_SIGNER_INFOS = `${SIGNED_DATA}.${SIGNER_INFOS}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$3 = [ SIGNED_DATA_VERSION, SIGNED_DATA_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS, SIGNED_DATA_ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO, SIGNED_DATA_CERTIFICATES, SIGNED_DATA_CRLS, SIGNED_DATA_SIGNER_INFOS ]; class SignedDataVerifyError extends Error { constructor({ message, code = 0, date = new Date(), signatureVerified = null, signerCertificate = null, signerCertificateVerified = null, timestampSerial = null, certificatePath = [], }) { super(message); this.name = "SignedDataVerifyError"; this.date = date; this.code = code; this.timestampSerial = timestampSerial; this.signatureVerified = signatureVerified; this.signerCertificate = signerCertificate; this.signerCertificateVerified = signerCertificateVerified; this.certificatePath = certificatePath; } } class SignedData extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$2, SignedData.defaultValues(VERSION$2)); this.digestAlgorithms = getParametersValue(parameters, DIGEST_ALGORITHMS, SignedData.defaultValues(DIGEST_ALGORITHMS)); this.encapContentInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO, SignedData.defaultValues(ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO)); if (CERTIFICATES in parameters) { this.certificates = getParametersValue(parameters, CERTIFICATES, SignedData.defaultValues(CERTIFICATES)); } if (CRLS in parameters) { this.crls = getParametersValue(parameters, CRLS, SignedData.defaultValues(CRLS)); } if (OCSPS in parameters) { this.ocsps = getParametersValue(parameters, OCSPS, SignedData.defaultValues(OCSPS)); } this.signerInfos = getParametersValue(parameters, SIGNER_INFOS, SignedData.defaultValues(SIGNER_INFOS)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$2: return 0; case DIGEST_ALGORITHMS: return []; case ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO: return new EncapsulatedContentInfo(); case CERTIFICATES: return []; case CRLS: return []; case OCSPS: return []; case SIGNER_INFOS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$2: return (memberValue === SignedData.defaultValues(VERSION$2)); case ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO: return EncapsulatedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("eContentType", memberValue.eContentType) && EncapsulatedContentInfo.compareWithDefault("eContent", memberValue.eContent); case DIGEST_ALGORITHMS: case CERTIFICATES: case CRLS: case OCSPS: case SIGNER_INFOS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); if (names.optional === undefined) { names.optional = false; } return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || SIGNED_DATA), optional: names.optional, value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || SIGNED_DATA_VERSION) }), new Set({ value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.digestAlgorithms || SIGNED_DATA_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS), value: AlgorithmIdentifier.schema() }) ] }), EncapsulatedContentInfo.schema(names.encapContentInfo || { names: { blockName: SIGNED_DATA_ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO } }), new Constructed({ name: (names.certificates || SIGNED_DATA_CERTIFICATES), optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: CertificateSet.schema().valueBlock.value }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: RevocationInfoChoices.schema(names.crls || { names: { crls: SIGNED_DATA_CRLS } }).valueBlock.value }), new Set({ value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.signerInfos || SIGNED_DATA_SIGNER_INFOS), value: SignerInfo.schema() }) ] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$3); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, SignedData.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; if (SIGNED_DATA_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS in asn1.result) this.digestAlgorithms = Array.from(asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_DIGEST_ALGORITHMS], algorithm => new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: algorithm })); this.encapContentInfo = new EncapsulatedContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_ENCAP_CONTENT_INFO] }); if (SIGNED_DATA_CERTIFICATES in asn1.result) { const certificateSet = new CertificateSet({ schema: new Set({ value: asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_CERTIFICATES].valueBlock.value }) }); this.certificates = certificateSet.certificates.slice(0); } if (SIGNED_DATA_CRLS in asn1.result) { this.crls = Array.from(asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_CRLS], (crl) => { if (crl.idBlock.tagClass === 1) return new CertificateRevocationList({ schema: crl }); crl.idBlock.tagClass = 1; crl.idBlock.tagNumber = 16; return new OtherRevocationInfoFormat({ schema: crl }); }); } if (SIGNED_DATA_SIGNER_INFOS in asn1.result) this.signerInfos = Array.from(asn1.result[SIGNED_DATA_SIGNER_INFOS], signerInfoSchema => new SignerInfo({ schema: signerInfoSchema })); } toSchema(encodeFlag = false) { const outputArray = []; if ((this.certificates && this.certificates.length && this.certificates.some(o => o instanceof OtherCertificateFormat)) || (this.crls && this.crls.length && this.crls.some(o => o instanceof OtherRevocationInfoFormat))) { this.version = 5; } else if (this.certificates && this.certificates.length && this.certificates.some(o => o instanceof AttributeCertificateV2)) { this.version = 4; } else if ((this.certificates && this.certificates.length && this.certificates.some(o => o instanceof AttributeCertificateV1)) || this.signerInfos.some(o => o.version === 3) || this.encapContentInfo.eContentType !== SignedData.ID_DATA) { this.version = 3; } else { this.version = 1; } outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(new Set({ value: Array.from(this.digestAlgorithms, algorithm => algorithm.toSchema()) })); outputArray.push(this.encapContentInfo.toSchema()); if (this.certificates) { const certificateSet = new CertificateSet({ certificates: this.certificates }); const certificateSetSchema = certificateSet.toSchema(); outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: certificateSetSchema.valueBlock.value })); } if (this.crls) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 1 }, value: Array.from(this.crls, crl => { if (crl instanceof OtherRevocationInfoFormat) { const crlSchema = crl.toSchema(); crlSchema.idBlock.tagClass = 3; crlSchema.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; return crlSchema; } return crl.toSchema(encodeFlag); }) })); } outputArray.push(new Set({ value: Array.from(this.signerInfos, signerInfo => signerInfo.toSchema()) })); return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, digestAlgorithms: Array.from(this.digestAlgorithms, algorithm => algorithm.toJSON()), encapContentInfo: this.encapContentInfo.toJSON(), signerInfos: Array.from(this.signerInfos, signerInfo => signerInfo.toJSON()), }; if (this.certificates) { res.certificates = Array.from(this.certificates, certificate => certificate.toJSON()); } if (this.crls) { res.crls = Array.from(this.crls, crl => crl.toJSON()); } return res; } verify({ signer = (-1), data = (EMPTY_BUFFER), trustedCerts = [], checkDate = (new Date()), checkChain = false, passedWhenNotRevValues = false, extendedMode = false, findOrigin = null, findIssuer = null } = {}, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let signerCert = null; let timestampSerial = null; try { let messageDigestValue = EMPTY_BUFFER; let shaAlgorithm = EMPTY_STRING; let certificatePath = []; const signerInfo = this.signerInfos[signer]; if (!signerInfo) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 1, message: "Unable to get signer by supplied index", }); } if (!this.certificates) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 2, message: "No certificates attached to this signed data", }); } if (signerInfo.sid instanceof IssuerAndSerialNumber) { for (const certificate of this.certificates) { if (!(certificate instanceof Certificate)) continue; if ((certificate.issuer.isEqual(signerInfo.sid.issuer)) && (certificate.serialNumber.isEqual(signerInfo.sid.serialNumber))) { signerCert = certificate; break; } } } else { const sid = signerInfo.sid; const keyId = sid.idBlock.isConstructed ? sid.valueBlock.value[0].valueBlock.valueHex : sid.valueBlock.valueHex; for (const certificate of this.certificates) { if (!(certificate instanceof Certificate)) { continue; } const digest = yield crypto.digest({ name: "sha-1" }, certificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (isEqualBuffer(digest, keyId)) { signerCert = certificate; break; } } } if (!signerCert) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 3, message: "Unable to find signer certificate", }); } if (this.encapContentInfo.eContentType === id_eContentType_TSTInfo) { if (!this.encapContentInfo.eContent) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 15, message: "Error during verification: TSTInfo eContent is empty", signatureVerified: null, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } let tstInfo; try { tstInfo = TSTInfo.fromBER(this.encapContentInfo.eContent.valueBlock.valueHexView); } catch (ex) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 15, message: "Error during verification: TSTInfo wrong ASN.1 schema ", signatureVerified: null, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } checkDate = tstInfo.genTime; timestampSerial = tstInfo.serialNumber.valueBlock.valueHexView.slice(); if (data.byteLength === 0) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 4, message: "Missed detached data input array", }); } if (!(yield tstInfo.verify({ data }, crypto))) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 15, message: "Error during verification: TSTInfo verification is failed", signatureVerified: false, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } } if (checkChain) { const certs = this.certificates.filter(certificate => (certificate instanceof Certificate && !!checkCA(certificate, signerCert))); const chainParams = { checkDate, certs, trustedCerts, }; if (findIssuer) { chainParams.findIssuer = findIssuer; } if (findOrigin) { chainParams.findOrigin = findOrigin; } const chainEngine = new CertificateChainValidationEngine(chainParams); chainEngine.certs.push(signerCert); if (this.crls) { for (const crl of this.crls) { if ("thisUpdate" in crl) chainEngine.crls.push(crl); else { if (crl.otherRevInfoFormat === id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic) chainEngine.ocsps.push(new BasicOCSPResponse({ schema: crl.otherRevInfo })); } } } if (this.ocsps) { chainEngine.ocsps.push(...(this.ocsps)); } const verificationResult = yield chainEngine.verify({ passedWhenNotRevValues }, crypto) .catch(e => { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 5, message: `Validation of signer's certificate failed with error: ${((e instanceof Object) ? e.resultMessage : e)}`, signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: false }); }); if (verificationResult.certificatePath) { certificatePath = verificationResult.certificatePath; } if (!verificationResult.result) throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 5, message: `Validation of signer's certificate failed: ${verificationResult.resultMessage}`, signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: false }); } const signerInfoHashAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(signerInfo.digestAlgorithm.algorithmId); if (!("name" in signerInfoHashAlgorithm)) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 7, message: `Unsupported signature algorithm: ${signerInfo.digestAlgorithm.algorithmId}`, signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } shaAlgorithm = signerInfoHashAlgorithm.name; const eContent = this.encapContentInfo.eContent; if (eContent) { if ((eContent.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (eContent.idBlock.tagNumber === 4)) { data = eContent.getValue(); } else data = eContent.valueBlock.valueBeforeDecodeView; } else { if (data.byteLength === 0) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 8, message: "Missed detached data input array", signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } } if (signerInfo.signedAttrs) { let foundContentType = false; let foundMessageDigest = false; for (const attribute of signerInfo.signedAttrs.attributes) { if (attribute.type === "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3") foundContentType = true; if (attribute.type === "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4") { foundMessageDigest = true; messageDigestValue = attribute.values[0].valueBlock.valueHex; } if (foundContentType && foundMessageDigest) break; } if (foundContentType === false) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 9, message: "Attribute \"content-type\" is a mandatory attribute for \"signed attributes\"", signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } if (foundMessageDigest === false) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 10, message: "Attribute \"message-digest\" is a mandatory attribute for \"signed attributes\"", signatureVerified: null, signerCertificate: signerCert, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } } if (signerInfo.signedAttrs) { const messageDigest = yield crypto.digest(shaAlgorithm, new Uint8Array(data)); if (!isEqualBuffer(messageDigest, messageDigestValue)) { throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 15, message: "Error during verification: Message digest doesn't match", signatureVerified: null, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } data = signerInfo.signedAttrs.encodedValue; } const verifyResult = yield crypto.verifyWithPublicKey(data, signerInfo.signature, signerCert.subjectPublicKeyInfo, signerCert.signatureAlgorithm, shaAlgorithm); if (extendedMode) { return { date: checkDate, code: 14, message: EMPTY_STRING, signatureVerified: verifyResult, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true, certificatePath }; } else { return verifyResult; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SignedDataVerifyError) { throw e; } throw new SignedDataVerifyError({ date: checkDate, code: 15, message: `Error during verification: ${e instanceof Error ? e.message : e}`, signatureVerified: null, signerCertificate: signerCert, timestampSerial, signerCertificateVerified: true }); } }); } sign(privateKey, signerIndex, hashAlgorithm = "SHA-1", data = (EMPTY_BUFFER), crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!privateKey) throw new Error("Need to provide a private key for signing"); const hashAlgorithmOID = crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: hashAlgorithm }, true, "hashAlgorithm"); if ((this.digestAlgorithms.filter(algorithm => algorithm.algorithmId === hashAlgorithmOID)).length === 0) { this.digestAlgorithms.push(new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashAlgorithmOID, algorithmParams: new Null() })); } const signerInfo = this.signerInfos[signerIndex]; if (!signerInfo) { throw new RangeError("SignerInfo index is out of range"); } signerInfo.digestAlgorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: hashAlgorithmOID, algorithmParams: new Null() }); const signatureParams = yield crypto.getSignatureParameters(privateKey, hashAlgorithm); const parameters = signatureParams.parameters; signerInfo.signatureAlgorithm = signatureParams.signatureAlgorithm; if (signerInfo.signedAttrs) { if (signerInfo.signedAttrs.encodedValue.byteLength !== 0) data = signerInfo.signedAttrs.encodedValue; else { data = signerInfo.signedAttrs.toSchema().toBER(); const view = BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(data); view[0] = 0x31; } } else { const eContent = this.encapContentInfo.eContent; if (eContent) { if ((eContent.idBlock.tagClass === 1) && (eContent.idBlock.tagNumber === 4)) { data = eContent.getValue(); } else data = eContent.valueBlock.valueBeforeDecodeView; } else { if (data.byteLength === 0) throw new Error("Missed detached data input array"); } } const signature = yield crypto.signWithPrivateKey(data, privateKey, parameters); signerInfo.signature = new OctetString({ valueHex: signature }); }); } } SignedData.CLASS_NAME = "SignedData"; SignedData.ID_DATA = id_ContentType_Data; const VERSION$1 = "version"; const AUTH_SAFE = "authSafe"; const MAC_DATA = "macData"; const PARSED_VALUE = "parsedValue"; const CLERA_PROPS = [ VERSION$1, AUTH_SAFE, MAC_DATA ]; class PFX extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION$1, PFX.defaultValues(VERSION$1)); this.authSafe = getParametersValue(parameters, AUTH_SAFE, PFX.defaultValues(AUTH_SAFE)); if (MAC_DATA in parameters) { this.macData = getParametersValue(parameters, MAC_DATA, PFX.defaultValues(MAC_DATA)); } if (PARSED_VALUE in parameters) { this.parsedValue = getParametersValue(parameters, PARSED_VALUE, PFX.defaultValues(PARSED_VALUE)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$1: return 3; case AUTH_SAFE: return (new ContentInfo()); case MAC_DATA: return (new MacData()); case PARSED_VALUE: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION$1: return (memberValue === PFX.defaultValues(memberName)); case AUTH_SAFE: return ((ContentInfo.compareWithDefault("contentType", memberValue.contentType)) && (ContentInfo.compareWithDefault("content", memberValue.content))); case MAC_DATA: return ((MacData.compareWithDefault("mac", memberValue.mac)) && (MacData.compareWithDefault("macSalt", memberValue.macSalt)) && (MacData.compareWithDefault("iterations", memberValue.iterations))); case PARSED_VALUE: return ((memberValue instanceof Object) && (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || VERSION$1) }), ContentInfo.schema(names.authSafe || { names: { blockName: AUTH_SAFE } }), MacData.schema(names.macData || { names: { blockName: MAC_DATA, optional: true } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLERA_PROPS); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PFX.schema({ names: { version: VERSION$1, authSafe: { names: { blockName: AUTH_SAFE } }, macData: { names: { blockName: MAC_DATA } } } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result.version.valueBlock.valueDec; this.authSafe = new ContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result.authSafe }); if (MAC_DATA in asn1.result) this.macData = new MacData({ schema: asn1.result.macData }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = [ new Integer({ value: this.version }), this.authSafe.toSchema() ]; if (this.macData) { outputArray.push(this.macData.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const output = { version: this.version, authSafe: this.authSafe.toJSON() }; if (this.macData) { output.macData = this.macData.toJSON(); } return output; } makeInternalValues(parameters = {}, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ArgumentError.assert(parameters, "parameters", "object"); if (!this.parsedValue) { throw new Error("Please call \"parseValues\" function first in order to make \"parsedValue\" data"); } ParameterError.assertEmpty(this.parsedValue.integrityMode, "integrityMode", "parsedValue"); ParameterError.assertEmpty(this.parsedValue.authenticatedSafe, "authenticatedSafe", "parsedValue"); switch (this.parsedValue.integrityMode) { case 0: { if (!("iterations" in parameters)) throw new ParameterError("iterations"); ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.pbkdf2HashAlgorithm, "pbkdf2HashAlgorithm"); ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm, "hmacHashAlgorithm"); ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.password, "password"); const saltBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(64); const saltView = new Uint8Array(saltBuffer); crypto.getRandomValues(saltView); const data = this.parsedValue.authenticatedSafe.toSchema().toBER(false); this.authSafe = new ContentInfo({ contentType: ContentInfo.DATA, content: new OctetString({ valueHex: data }) }); const result = yield crypto.stampDataWithPassword({ password: parameters.password, hashAlgorithm: parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm, salt: saltBuffer, iterationCount: parameters.iterations, contentToStamp: data }); this.macData = new MacData({ mac: new DigestInfo({ digestAlgorithm: new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: crypto.getOIDByAlgorithm({ name: parameters.hmacHashAlgorithm }, true, "hmacHashAlgorithm"), }), digest: new OctetString({ valueHex: result }) }), macSalt: new OctetString({ valueHex: saltBuffer }), iterations: parameters.iterations }); } break; case 1: { if (!("signingCertificate" in parameters)) { throw new ParameterError("signingCertificate"); } ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.privateKey, "privateKey"); ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.hashAlgorithm, "hashAlgorithm"); const toBeSigned = this.parsedValue.authenticatedSafe.toSchema().toBER(false); const cmsSigned = new SignedData({ version: 1, encapContentInfo: new EncapsulatedContentInfo({ eContentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1", eContent: new OctetString({ valueHex: toBeSigned }) }), certificates: [parameters.signingCertificate] }); const result = yield crypto.digest({ name: parameters.hashAlgorithm }, new Uint8Array(toBeSigned)); const signedAttr = []; signedAttr.push(new Attribute({ type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.3", values: [ new ObjectIdentifier({ value: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.1" }) ] })); signedAttr.push(new Attribute({ type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.5", values: [ new UTCTime({ valueDate: new Date() }) ] })); signedAttr.push(new Attribute({ type: "1.2.840.113549.1.9.4", values: [ new OctetString({ valueHex: result }) ] })); cmsSigned.signerInfos.push(new SignerInfo({ version: 1, sid: new IssuerAndSerialNumber({ issuer: parameters.signingCertificate.issuer, serialNumber: parameters.signingCertificate.serialNumber }), signedAttrs: new SignedAndUnsignedAttributes({ type: 0, attributes: signedAttr }) })); yield cmsSigned.sign(parameters.privateKey, 0, parameters.hashAlgorithm, undefined, crypto); this.authSafe = new ContentInfo({ contentType: "1.2.840.113549.1.7.2", content: cmsSigned.toSchema(true) }); } break; default: throw new Error(`Parameter "integrityMode" has unknown value: ${this.parsedValue.integrityMode}`); } }); } parseInternalValues(parameters, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ArgumentError.assert(parameters, "parameters", "object"); if (parameters.checkIntegrity === undefined) { parameters.checkIntegrity = true; } this.parsedValue = {}; switch (this.authSafe.contentType) { case ContentInfo.DATA: { ParameterError.assertEmpty(parameters.password, "password"); this.parsedValue.integrityMode = 0; ArgumentError.assert(this.authSafe.content, "authSafe.content", OctetString); const authSafeContent = this.authSafe.content.getValue(); this.parsedValue.authenticatedSafe = AuthenticatedSafe.fromBER(authSafeContent); if (parameters.checkIntegrity) { if (!this.macData) { throw new Error("Absent \"macData\" value, can not check PKCS#12 data integrity"); } const hashAlgorithm = crypto.getAlgorithmByOID(this.macData.mac.digestAlgorithm.algorithmId, true, "digestAlgorithm"); const result = yield crypto.verifyDataStampedWithPassword({ password: parameters.password, hashAlgorithm: hashAlgorithm.name, salt: BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.macData.macSalt.valueBlock.valueHexView), iterationCount: this.macData.iterations || 1, contentToVerify: authSafeContent, signatureToVerify: BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(this.macData.mac.digest.valueBlock.valueHexView), }); if (!result) { throw new Error("Integrity for the PKCS#12 data is broken!"); } } } break; case ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA: { this.parsedValue.integrityMode = 1; const cmsSigned = new SignedData({ schema: this.authSafe.content }); const eContent = cmsSigned.encapContentInfo.eContent; ParameterError.assert(eContent, "eContent", "cmsSigned.encapContentInfo"); ArgumentError.assert(eContent, "eContent", OctetString); const data = eContent.getValue(); this.parsedValue.authenticatedSafe = AuthenticatedSafe.fromBER(data); const ok = yield cmsSigned.verify({ signer: 0, checkChain: false }, crypto); if (!ok) { throw new Error("Integrity for the PKCS#12 data is broken!"); } } break; default: throw new Error(`Incorrect value for "this.authSafe.contentType": ${this.authSafe.contentType}`); } }); } } PFX.CLASS_NAME = "PFX"; const STATUS$1 = "status"; const STATUS_STRINGS = "statusStrings"; const FAIL_INFO = "failInfo"; const CLEAR_PROPS$2 = [ STATUS$1, STATUS_STRINGS, FAIL_INFO ]; var PKIStatus; (function (PKIStatus) { PKIStatus[PKIStatus["granted"] = 0] = "granted"; PKIStatus[PKIStatus["grantedWithMods"] = 1] = "grantedWithMods"; PKIStatus[PKIStatus["rejection"] = 2] = "rejection"; PKIStatus[PKIStatus["waiting"] = 3] = "waiting"; PKIStatus[PKIStatus["revocationWarning"] = 4] = "revocationWarning"; PKIStatus[PKIStatus["revocationNotification"] = 5] = "revocationNotification"; })(PKIStatus || (PKIStatus = {})); class PKIStatusInfo extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.status = getParametersValue(parameters, STATUS$1, PKIStatusInfo.defaultValues(STATUS$1)); if (STATUS_STRINGS in parameters) { this.statusStrings = getParametersValue(parameters, STATUS_STRINGS, PKIStatusInfo.defaultValues(STATUS_STRINGS)); } if (FAIL_INFO in parameters) { this.failInfo = getParametersValue(parameters, FAIL_INFO, PKIStatusInfo.defaultValues(FAIL_INFO)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case STATUS$1: return 2; case STATUS_STRINGS: return []; case FAIL_INFO: return new BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case STATUS$1: return (memberValue === PKIStatusInfo.defaultValues(memberName)); case STATUS_STRINGS: return (memberValue.length === 0); case FAIL_INFO: return (memberValue.isEqual(PKIStatusInfo.defaultValues(memberName))); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.status || EMPTY_STRING) }), new Sequence({ optional: true, value: [ new Repeated({ name: (names.statusStrings || EMPTY_STRING), value: new Utf8String() }) ] }), new BitString({ name: (names.failInfo || EMPTY_STRING), optional: true }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$2); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, PKIStatusInfo.schema({ names: { status: STATUS$1, statusStrings: STATUS_STRINGS, failInfo: FAIL_INFO } })); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); const _status = asn1.result.status; if ((_status.valueBlock.isHexOnly === true) || (_status.valueBlock.valueDec < 0) || (_status.valueBlock.valueDec > 5)) throw new Error("PKIStatusInfo \"status\" has invalid value"); this.status = _status.valueBlock.valueDec; if (STATUS_STRINGS in asn1.result) this.statusStrings = asn1.result.statusStrings; if (FAIL_INFO in asn1.result) this.failInfo = asn1.result.failInfo; } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.status })); if (this.statusStrings) { outputArray.push(new Sequence({ optional: true, value: this.statusStrings })); } if (this.failInfo) { outputArray.push(this.failInfo); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { status: this.status }; if (this.statusStrings) { res.statusStrings = Array.from(this.statusStrings, o => o.toJSON()); } if (this.failInfo) { res.failInfo = this.failInfo.toJSON(); } return res; } } PKIStatusInfo.CLASS_NAME = "PKIStatusInfo"; const VERSION = "version"; const MESSAGE_IMPRINT = "messageImprint"; const REQ_POLICY = "reqPolicy"; const NONCE = "nonce"; const CERT_REQ = "certReq"; const EXTENSIONS = "extensions"; const TIME_STAMP_REQ = "TimeStampReq"; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${VERSION}`; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_MESSAGE_IMPRINT = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${MESSAGE_IMPRINT}`; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${REQ_POLICY}`; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${NONCE}`; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${CERT_REQ}`; const TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS = `${TIME_STAMP_REQ}.${EXTENSIONS}`; const CLEAR_PROPS$1 = [ TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION, TIME_STAMP_REQ_MESSAGE_IMPRINT, TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY, TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE, TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ, TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS, ]; class TimeStampReq extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.version = getParametersValue(parameters, VERSION, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(VERSION)); this.messageImprint = getParametersValue(parameters, MESSAGE_IMPRINT, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(MESSAGE_IMPRINT)); if (REQ_POLICY in parameters) { this.reqPolicy = getParametersValue(parameters, REQ_POLICY, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(REQ_POLICY)); } if (NONCE in parameters) { this.nonce = getParametersValue(parameters, NONCE, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(NONCE)); } if (CERT_REQ in parameters) { this.certReq = getParametersValue(parameters, CERT_REQ, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(CERT_REQ)); } if (EXTENSIONS in parameters) { this.extensions = getParametersValue(parameters, EXTENSIONS, TimeStampReq.defaultValues(EXTENSIONS)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION: return 0; case MESSAGE_IMPRINT: return new MessageImprint(); case REQ_POLICY: return EMPTY_STRING; case NONCE: return new Integer(); case CERT_REQ: return false; case EXTENSIONS: return []; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case VERSION: case REQ_POLICY: case CERT_REQ: return (memberValue === TimeStampReq.defaultValues(memberName)); case MESSAGE_IMPRINT: return ((MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashAlgorithm", memberValue.hashAlgorithm)) && (MessageImprint.compareWithDefault("hashedMessage", memberValue.hashedMessage))); case NONCE: return (memberValue.isEqual(TimeStampReq.defaultValues(memberName))); case EXTENSIONS: return (memberValue.length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TIME_STAMP_REQ), value: [ new Integer({ name: (names.version || TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION) }), MessageImprint.schema(names.messageImprint || { names: { blockName: TIME_STAMP_REQ_MESSAGE_IMPRINT } }), new ObjectIdentifier({ name: (names.reqPolicy || TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY), optional: true }), new Integer({ name: (names.nonce || TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE), optional: true }), new Boolean({ name: (names.certReq || TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ), optional: true }), new Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: [new Repeated({ name: (names.extensions || TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS), value: Extension.schema() })] }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS$1); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, TimeStampReq.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.version = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_VERSION].valueBlock.valueDec; this.messageImprint = new MessageImprint({ schema: asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_MESSAGE_IMPRINT] }); if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY in asn1.result) this.reqPolicy = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_POLICY].valueBlock.toString(); if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE in asn1.result) this.nonce = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_NONCE]; if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ in asn1.result) this.certReq = asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_CERT_REQ].valueBlock.value; if (TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS in asn1.result) this.extensions = Array.from(asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_REQ_EXTENSIONS], element => new Extension({ schema: element })); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(new Integer({ value: this.version })); outputArray.push(this.messageImprint.toSchema()); if (this.reqPolicy) outputArray.push(new ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.reqPolicy })); if (this.nonce) outputArray.push(this.nonce); if ((CERT_REQ in this) && (TimeStampReq.compareWithDefault(CERT_REQ, this.certReq) === false)) outputArray.push(new Boolean({ value: this.certReq })); if (this.extensions) { outputArray.push(new Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, tagNumber: 0 }, value: Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toSchema()) })); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { version: this.version, messageImprint: this.messageImprint.toJSON() }; if (this.reqPolicy !== undefined) res.reqPolicy = this.reqPolicy; if (this.nonce !== undefined) res.nonce = this.nonce.toJSON(); if ((this.certReq !== undefined) && (TimeStampReq.compareWithDefault(CERT_REQ, this.certReq) === false)) res.certReq = this.certReq; if (this.extensions) { res.extensions = Array.from(this.extensions, o => o.toJSON()); } return res; } } TimeStampReq.CLASS_NAME = "TimeStampReq"; const STATUS = "status"; const TIME_STAMP_TOKEN = "timeStampToken"; const TIME_STAMP_RESP = "TimeStampResp"; const TIME_STAMP_RESP_STATUS = `${TIME_STAMP_RESP}.${STATUS}`; const TIME_STAMP_RESP_TOKEN = `${TIME_STAMP_RESP}.${TIME_STAMP_TOKEN}`; const CLEAR_PROPS = [ TIME_STAMP_RESP_STATUS, TIME_STAMP_RESP_TOKEN ]; class TimeStampResp extends PkiObject { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(); this.status = getParametersValue(parameters, STATUS, TimeStampResp.defaultValues(STATUS)); if (TIME_STAMP_TOKEN in parameters) { this.timeStampToken = getParametersValue(parameters, TIME_STAMP_TOKEN, TimeStampResp.defaultValues(TIME_STAMP_TOKEN)); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } static defaultValues(memberName) { switch (memberName) { case STATUS: return new PKIStatusInfo(); case TIME_STAMP_TOKEN: return new ContentInfo(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static compareWithDefault(memberName, memberValue) { switch (memberName) { case STATUS: return ((PKIStatusInfo.compareWithDefault(STATUS, memberValue.status)) && (("statusStrings" in memberValue) === false) && (("failInfo" in memberValue) === false)); case TIME_STAMP_TOKEN: return ((memberValue.contentType === EMPTY_STRING) && (memberValue.content instanceof Any)); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } static schema(parameters = {}) { const names = getParametersValue(parameters, "names", {}); return (new Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || TIME_STAMP_RESP), value: [ PKIStatusInfo.schema(names.status || { names: { blockName: TIME_STAMP_RESP_STATUS } }), ContentInfo.schema(names.timeStampToken || { names: { blockName: TIME_STAMP_RESP_TOKEN, optional: true } }) ] })); } fromSchema(schema) { clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS); const asn1 = compareSchema(schema, schema, TimeStampResp.schema()); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); this.status = new PKIStatusInfo({ schema: asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_RESP_STATUS] }); if (TIME_STAMP_RESP_TOKEN in asn1.result) this.timeStampToken = new ContentInfo({ schema: asn1.result[TIME_STAMP_RESP_TOKEN] }); } toSchema() { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(this.status.toSchema()); if (this.timeStampToken) { outputArray.push(this.timeStampToken.toSchema()); } return (new Sequence({ value: outputArray })); } toJSON() { const res = { status: this.status.toJSON() }; if (this.timeStampToken) { res.timeStampToken = this.timeStampToken.toJSON(); } return res; } sign(privateKey, hashAlgorithm, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.assertContentType(); const signed = new SignedData({ schema: this.timeStampToken.content }); return signed.sign(privateKey, 0, hashAlgorithm, undefined, crypto); }); } verify(verificationParameters = { signer: 0, trustedCerts: [], data: EMPTY_BUFFER }, crypto = getCrypto(true)) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.assertContentType(); const signed = new SignedData({ schema: this.timeStampToken.content }); return signed.verify(verificationParameters, crypto); }); } assertContentType() { if (!this.timeStampToken) { throw new Error("timeStampToken is absent in TSP response"); } if (this.timeStampToken.contentType !== id_ContentType_SignedData) { throw new Error(`Wrong format of timeStampToken: ${this.timeStampToken.contentType}`); } } } TimeStampResp.CLASS_NAME = "TimeStampResp"; function initCryptoEngine() { if (typeof self !== "undefined") { if ("crypto" in self) { let engineName = "webcrypto"; if ("webkitSubtle" in self.crypto) { engineName = "safari"; } setEngine(engineName, new CryptoEngine({ name: engineName, crypto: crypto })); } } else if (typeof crypto !== "undefined" && "webcrypto" in crypto) { const name = "NodeJS ^15"; const nodeCrypto = crypto.webcrypto; setEngine(name, new CryptoEngine({ name, crypto: nodeCrypto })); } } initCryptoEngine(); export { AbstractCryptoEngine, AccessDescription, Accuracy, AlgorithmIdentifier, AltName, ArgumentError, AsnError, AttCertValidityPeriod, Attribute, AttributeCertificateInfoV1, AttributeCertificateInfoV2, AttributeCertificateV1, AttributeCertificateV2, AttributeTypeAndValue, AuthenticatedSafe, AuthorityKeyIdentifier, BasicConstraints, BasicOCSPResponse, CAVersion, CRLBag, CRLDistributionPoints, CertBag, CertID, Certificate, CertificateChainValidationEngine, CertificatePolicies, CertificateRevocationList, CertificateSet, CertificateTemplate, CertificationRequest, ChainValidationCode, ChainValidationError, ContentInfo, CryptoEngine, DigestInfo, DistributionPoint, ECCCMSSharedInfo, ECNamedCurves, ECPrivateKey, ECPublicKey, EncapsulatedContentInfo, EncryptedContentInfo, EncryptedData, EnvelopedData, ExtKeyUsage, Extension, ExtensionValueFactory, Extensions, GeneralName, GeneralNames, GeneralSubtree, HASHED_MESSAGE, HASH_ALGORITHM, Holder, InfoAccess, IssuerAndSerialNumber, IssuerSerial, IssuingDistributionPoint, KEKIdentifier, KEKRecipientInfo, KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier, KeyAgreeRecipientInfo, KeyBag, KeyTransRecipientInfo, MICROS, MILLIS, MacData, MessageImprint, NameConstraints, OCSPRequest, OCSPResponse, ObjectDigestInfo, OriginatorIdentifierOrKey, OriginatorInfo, OriginatorPublicKey, OtherCertificateFormat, OtherKeyAttribute, OtherPrimeInfo, OtherRecipientInfo, OtherRevocationInfoFormat, PBES2Params, PBKDF2Params, PFX, PKCS8ShroudedKeyBag, PKIStatus, PKIStatusInfo, POLICY_IDENTIFIER, POLICY_QUALIFIERS, ParameterError, PasswordRecipientinfo, PkiObject, PolicyConstraints, PolicyInformation, PolicyMapping, PolicyMappings, PolicyQualifierInfo, PrivateKeyInfo, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod, PublicKeyInfo, QCStatement, QCStatements, RDN, RSAESOAEPParams, RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey, RSASSAPSSParams, RecipientEncryptedKey, RecipientEncryptedKeys, RecipientIdentifier, RecipientInfo, RecipientKeyIdentifier, RelativeDistinguishedNames, Request, ResponseBytes, ResponseData, RevocationInfoChoices, RevokedCertificate, SECONDS, SafeBag, SafeBagValueFactory, SafeContents, SecretBag, Signature, SignedAndUnsignedAttributes, SignedCertificateTimestamp, SignedCertificateTimestampList, SignedData, SignedDataVerifyError, SignerInfo, SingleResponse, SubjectDirectoryAttributes, TBSRequest, TSTInfo, TYPE$4 as TYPE, TYPE_AND_VALUES, Time, TimeStampReq, TimeStampResp, TimeType, V2Form, VALUE$5 as VALUE, VALUE_BEFORE_DECODE, checkCA, createCMSECDSASignature, createECDSASignatureFromCMS, engine, getAlgorithmByOID, getAlgorithmParameters, getCrypto, getEngine, getHashAlgorithm, getOIDByAlgorithm, getRandomValues, id_AnyPolicy, id_AuthorityInfoAccess, id_AuthorityKeyIdentifier, id_BaseCRLNumber, id_BasicConstraints, id_CRLBag_X509CRL, id_CRLDistributionPoints, id_CRLNumber, id_CRLReason, id_CertBag_AttributeCertificate, id_CertBag_SDSICertificate, id_CertBag_X509Certificate, id_CertificateIssuer, id_CertificatePolicies, id_ContentType_Data, id_ContentType_EncryptedData, id_ContentType_EnvelopedData, id_ContentType_SignedData, id_ExtKeyUsage, id_FreshestCRL, id_InhibitAnyPolicy, id_InvalidityDate, id_IssuerAltName, id_IssuingDistributionPoint, id_KeyUsage, id_MicrosoftAppPolicies, id_MicrosoftCaVersion, id_MicrosoftCertTemplateV1, id_MicrosoftCertTemplateV2, id_MicrosoftPrevCaCertHash, id_NameConstraints, id_PKIX_OCSP_Basic, id_PolicyConstraints, id_PolicyMappings, id_PrivateKeyUsagePeriod, id_QCStatements, id_SignedCertificateTimestampList, id_SubjectAltName, id_SubjectDirectoryAttributes, id_SubjectInfoAccess, id_SubjectKeyIdentifier, id_ad, id_ad_caIssuers, id_ad_ocsp, id_eContentType_TSTInfo, id_pkix, id_sha1, id_sha256, id_sha384, id_sha512, kdf, setEngine, stringPrep, verifySCTsForCertificate };