/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/toolkit/components/printing/tests/head.js", this ); const PSSVC = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/printsettings-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPrintSettingsService ); let mockCA = makeMockContentAnalysis(); add_setup(async function test_setup() { mockCA = mockContentAnalysisService(mockCA); }); const TEST_PAGE_URL = PrintHelper.getTestPageUrlHTTPS( "changing_page_for_print.html" ); function addUniqueSuffix(prefix) { return `${prefix}-${Services.uuid .generateUUID() .toString() .slice(1, -1)}.pdf`; } async function printToDestination(aBrowser, aDestination) { let tmpDir = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); let fileName = addUniqueSuffix(`printDestinationTest-${aDestination}`); let filePath = PathUtils.join(tmpDir.path, fileName); info(`Printing to ${filePath}`); let settings = PSSVC.createNewPrintSettings(); settings.outputFormat = Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputFormatPDF; settings.outputDestination = aDestination; settings.headerStrCenter = ""; settings.headerStrLeft = ""; settings.headerStrRight = ""; settings.footerStrCenter = ""; settings.footerStrLeft = ""; settings.footerStrRight = ""; settings.unwriteableMarginTop = 1; /* Just to ensure settings are respected on both */ let outStream = null; if (aDestination == Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationFile) { settings.toFileName = PathUtils.join(tmpDir.path, fileName); } else { is(aDestination, Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationStream); outStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIFileOutputStream ); let tmpFile = tmpDir.clone(); tmpFile.append(fileName); outStream.init(tmpFile, -1, 0o666, 0); settings.outputStream = outStream; } await aBrowser.browsingContext.print(settings); return filePath; } function assertContentAnalysisRequest(request) { is(request.url.spec, TEST_PAGE_URL, "request has correct URL"); is( request.analysisType, Ci.nsIContentAnalysisRequest.ePrint, "request has print analysisType" ); is( request.operationTypeForDisplay, Ci.nsIContentAnalysisRequest.eOperationPrint, "request has print operationTypeForDisplay" ); is(request.textContent, "", "request textContent should be empty"); is(request.filePath, "", "request filePath should be empty"); isnot(request.printDataHandle, 0, "request printDataHandle should not be 0"); isnot(request.printDataSize, 0, "request printDataSize should not be 0"); ok(!!request.requestToken.length, "request requestToken should not be empty"); } add_task( async function testPrintToStreamWithContentAnalysisActiveAndAllowing() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { mockCA.setupForTest(true); let filePath = await printToDestination( helper.sourceBrowser, Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationFile ); is( mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis" ); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); // This effectively tests that the PDF content sent to Content Analysis // and the content that is actually printed matches. This is necessary // because a previous iteration of the Content Analysis code didn't use // a static Document clone for this and so the content would differ. (since // the .html file in question adds content to the page when print events // happen) await waitForFileToAlmostMatchSize( filePath, mockCA.calls[0].printDataSize ); await IOUtils.remove(filePath); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); } ); add_task( async function testPrintToStreamWithContentAnalysisActiveAndBlocking() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { mockCA.setupForTest(false); try { await printToDestination( helper.sourceBrowser, Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationFile ); ok(false, "Content analysis should make this fail to print"); } catch (e) { ok( /NS_ERROR_CONTENT_BLOCKED/.test(e.toString()), "Got content blocked error" ); } is( mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis" ); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); } ); add_task(async function testPrintToStreamWithContentAnalysisReturningError() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { expectUncaughtException(); mockCA.setupForTestWithError(Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); try { await printToDestination( helper.sourceBrowser, Ci.nsIPrintSettings.kOutputDestinationFile ); ok(false, "Content analysis should make this fail to print"); } catch (e) { ok( /NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE/.test(e.toString()), "Error in mock CA was propagated out" ); } is(mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis"); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); }); add_task(async function testPrintThroughDialogWithContentAnalysisActive() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { mockCA.setupForTest(true); let fileName = addUniqueSuffix(`printDialogTest`); let file = helper.mockFilePicker(fileName); info(`Printing to ${file.path}`); await helper.startPrint(); await helper.assertPrintToFile(file, () => { EventUtils.sendKey("return", helper.win); }); is(mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis"); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); await waitForFileToAlmostMatchSize( file.path, mockCA.calls[0].printDataSize ); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); }); add_task( async function testPrintThroughDialogWithContentAnalysisActiveAndBlocking() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { mockCA.setupForTest(false); await helper.startPrint(); let fileName = addUniqueSuffix(`printDialogTest`); let file = helper.mockFilePicker(fileName); info(`Printing to ${file.path}`); try { await helper.assertPrintToFile(file, () => { EventUtils.sendKey("return", helper.win); }); } catch (e) { ok( /Wait for target file to get created/.test(e.toString()), "Target file should not get created" ); } ok(!file.exists(), "File should not exist"); is( mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis" ); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); } ); add_task( async function testPrintThroughDialogWithContentAnalysisReturningError() { await PrintHelper.withTestPage( async helper => { expectUncaughtException(); mockCA.setupForTestWithError(Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); await helper.startPrint(); let fileName = addUniqueSuffix(`printDialogTest`); let file = helper.mockFilePicker(fileName); info(`Printing to ${file.path}`); try { await helper.assertPrintToFile(file, () => { EventUtils.sendKey("return", helper.win); }); } catch (e) { ok( /Wait for target file to get created/.test(e.toString()), "Target file should not get created" ); } ok(!file.exists(), "File should not exist"); is( mockCA.calls.length, 1, "Correct number of calls to Content Analysis" ); assertContentAnalysisRequest(mockCA.calls[0]); }, TEST_PAGE_URL, true ); } );